Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv2879
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: various fixes
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.366 -r1.1.2.600.2.367 *** desire.tk 14 Aug 2007 05:12:33 -0000 --- desire.tk 14 Aug 2007 07:28:12 -0000 *************** *** 1882,1886 **** set xw $win.xscroll; set yw $win.yscroll $c configure -yscrollcommand "$self scroll_set $yw" -xscrollcommand "$self scroll_set $xw" ! $self adjust_scrollbars }
--- 1882,1886 ---- set xw $win.xscroll; set yw $win.yscroll $c configure -yscrollcommand "$self scroll_set $yw" -xscrollcommand "$self scroll_set $xw" ! after 0 [list $self adjust_scrollbars] }
*************** *** 1902,1943 **** mset {xmin ymin xmax ymax} {0 0 100 100} mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} $size - #if {$x1 < 0} {set xmin $x1} if {$x2 > 100} {set xmax $x2} - #if {$y1 < 0} {set ymin $y1} if {$y2 > 100} {set ymax $y2} set bbox [list $xmin $ymin $xmax $ymax] ! if {$@bbox != $bbox} { ! $c configure -scrollregion $bbox ! #$c configure -scrollregion $size ! set @bbox $bbox ! } ! } ! } ! ! def Canvas get_foo {} { ! set c [$self widget] ! set foo {} ! foreach item [$c find withtag foo] { ! lappend foo [$c gettags $item] } - puts "foo::: $foo" }
def Canvas auto_scrollbars {} { - set win .$self set c [$self widget] ! mset {l r} [$c xview] ! mset {t b} [$c yview] ! mset {w h} [$c bbox foo] ! set w2 [winfo width $c] ! set h2 [winfo height $c] ! if {[winfo exists $win.yscroll]} { ! if {$l == $r && $t == $b} {$self remove_scrollbars; return} ! if {$l == 0 && $r == 1 && $t == 0 && $b == 1} {$self remove_scrollbars; return} ! } else { ! if {[$c bbox foo] != ""} { ! if {$w > $w2 || $h > $h2} {$self init_scrollbars} ! } } }
--- 1902,1926 ---- mset {xmin ymin xmax ymax} {0 0 100 100} mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} $size if {$x2 > 100} {set xmax $x2} if {$y2 > 100} {set ymax $y2} set bbox [list $xmin $ymin $xmax $ymax] ! $c configure -scrollregion $bbox ! set @bbox $bbox } }
def Canvas auto_scrollbars {} { set c [$self widget] ! puts ">>> [$c bbox foo]" ! if {[$c bbox foo] != ""} { ! mset {cx1 cy1 cx2 cy2} [$c bbox foo] ! } else { ! set cx2 [lindex $@canvas_size 0]; set cy2 [lindex $@canvas_size 1] } + set x2 [$c canvasx [winfo width $c]] + set y2 [$c canvasy [winfo height $c]] + if {$x2 == 1} {set x2 $cx2; set y2 $cy2} + puts "cx $cx2 cy $cy2 x2 $x2 y2 $y2" + if {$cx2 <= $x2 && $cy2 <= $y2} {$self remove_scrollbars} {$self init_scrollbars} }
*************** *** 2075,2078 **** --- 2058,2067 ---- }
+ def Canvas obj {x y} { + set c [$self widget] + set @curpos [list [$c canvasx $x] [$c canvasy $y]] + $self new_object obj + } + def Canvas new_object {sel args} { $self editmode= 1 *************** *** 2949,2962 **** }
- def Canvas altkey {x y key iso shift} { - switch $key { - Up { $self quadrant +1 -1; return } - Down { $self quadrant -1 +1; return } - Left { $self quadrant +1 +1; return } - Right { $self quadrant -1 -1; return } - } - super $x $y $key $iso $shift - } - proc lsearch_minimum {l} { set i 0 --- 2938,2941 ---- *************** *** 4446,4450 ****
def Canvas key_nav {du dv shift} { ! if {$@keynav_shift && !$shift} {puts "keynav_shift but not shift"} set @keynav_shift $shift if {[$@objectsel size] > 1} { --- 4425,4429 ----
def Canvas key_nav {du dv shift} { ! if {$@keynav_shift && !$shift} {} set @keynav_shift $shift if {[$@objectsel size] > 1} { *************** *** 4489,4493 **** def Canvas key_nav_ioselect {} { if {![$@objectsel size]} {return} ! set var [lindex $@selection end] if {$@keynav_iosel != $var} {set @keynav_iocount 0} if {$@keynav_port != 0 && $@keynav_iosel == $var} { --- 4468,4472 ---- def Canvas key_nav_ioselect {} { if {![$@objectsel size]} {return} ! set var [lindex [$@objectsel values] end] if {$@keynav_iosel != $var} {set @keynav_iocount 0} if {$@keynav_port != 0 && $@keynav_iosel == $var} { *************** *** 4498,4504 **** set ins [$obj ninlets] set outs [$obj noutlets] ! set ports {} ! set ports2 {} ! set ports3 {} for {set i 0} {$i < $ins} {incr i} {lappend ports ${obj}i${i}; lappend ports2 "i"; lappend ports3 $i} for {set i 0} {$i < $outs} {incr i} {lappend ports ${obj}o${i}; lappend ports2 "o"; lappend ports3 $i} --- 4477,4481 ---- set ins [$obj ninlets] set outs [$obj noutlets] ! set ports {}; set ports2 {}; set ports3 {} for {set i 0} {$i < $ins} {incr i} {lappend ports ${obj}i${i}; lappend ports2 "i"; lappend ports3 $i} for {set i 0} {$i < $outs} {incr i} {lappend ports ${obj}o${i}; lappend ports2 "o"; lappend ports3 $i} *************** *** 4514,4532 **** # @keynav_iosel_o stores the selected outlets foreach object [$@objectsel values] { ! if {$@keynav_iosel != $var} {set @keynav_iosel $var} else { ! switch $type { ! i { ! if {[lsearch $@keynav_iosel_i $object] == -1} { ! lappend @keynav_iosel_i $object ! set find [lsearch $@keynav_iosel_o $object] ! if {$find >= 0} {set @keynav_iosel_o [lreplace $@keynav_iosel_o $find $find]} ! } } ! o { ! if {[lsearch $@keynav_iosel_o $object] == -1} { ! lappend @keynav_iosel_o $object ! set find [lsearch $@keynav_iosel_i $object] ! if {$find >= 0} {set @keynav_iosel_i [lreplace $@keynav_iosel_i $find $find]} ! } } } --- 4491,4508 ---- # @keynav_iosel_o stores the selected outlets foreach object [$@objectsel values] { ! if {$@keynav_iosel != $var} {set @keynav_iosel $var} ! switch $type { ! i { ! if {[lsearch $@keynav_iosel_i $object] == -1} { ! lappend @keynav_iosel_i $object ! set find [lsearch $@keynav_iosel_o $object] ! if {$find >= 0} {set @keynav_iosel_o [lreplace $@keynav_iosel_o $find $find]} } ! } ! o { ! if {[lsearch $@keynav_iosel_o $object] == -1} { ! lappend @keynav_iosel_o $object ! set find [lsearch $@keynav_iosel_i $object] ! if {$find >= 0} {set @keynav_iosel_i [lreplace $@keynav_iosel_i $find $find]} } } *************** *** 4539,4542 **** --- 4515,4519 ---- } incr @keynav_iocount + }
*************** *** 4700,4703 **** --- 4677,4681 ---- def Canvas return_key {x y key iso f} { mset {type id detail} [$self identify_target $x $y $f] + puts "i:: $@keynav_iosel_i o:: $@keynav_iosel_o" if {![llength $@keynav_iosel_i] && ![llength $@keynav_iosel_o]} { if {[$@objectsel size] == 1} {