Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv24185
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_38 u_main.tk Log Message: make callback scheduler selectable by user & miller's changes to 0.38-test13
Index: u_main.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/u_main.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.4.4.5 -r1.4.4.6 *** u_main.tk 12 Nov 2004 08:21:20 -0000 --- u_main.tk 14 Dec 2004 10:06:23 -0000 *************** *** 341,348 **** global help_directory global pd_nt
if {$pd_nt == 2} { exec rm -rf /tmp/pd-documentation ! exec cp -pr $help_directory /tmp/pd-documentation set filename [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension .pd \ -filetypes { {{documentation} {.pd .txt .htm}} } \ --- 341,349 ---- global help_directory global pd_nt + global pd_guidir
if {$pd_nt == 2} { exec rm -rf /tmp/pd-documentation ! exec cp -pr $pd_guidir/doc /tmp/pd-documentation set filename [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension .pd \ -filetypes { {{documentation} {.pd .txt .htm}} } \ *************** *** 869,905 **** $name.m.put add command -label Bang \ -command [concat menu_bng $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Alt+b"]
$name.m.put add command -label Toggle \ -command [concat menu_toggle $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Alt+t"]
$name.m.put add command -label Number2 \ -command [concat menu_numbox $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Alt+n"]
$name.m.put add command -label Vslider \ -command [concat menu_vslider $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Alt+v"]
$name.m.put add command -label Hslider \ -command [concat menu_hslider $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Alt+h"]
$name.m.put add command -label Vradio \ -command [concat menu_vradio $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Alt+d"]
$name.m.put add command -label Hradio \ -command [concat menu_hradio $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Alt+i"]
$name.m.put add command -label VU \ -command [concat menu_vumeter $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Alt+u"]
$name.m.put add command -label Canvas \ -command [concat menu_mycnv $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Alt+c"]
############iemlib################## --- 870,906 ---- $name.m.put add command -label Bang \ -command [concat menu_bng $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Shift+Ctrl+b"]
$name.m.put add command -label Toggle \ -command [concat menu_toggle $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Shift+Ctrl+t"]
$name.m.put add command -label Number2 \ -command [concat menu_numbox $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Shift+Ctrl+n"]
$name.m.put add command -label Vslider \ -command [concat menu_vslider $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Shift+Ctrl+v"]
$name.m.put add command -label Hslider \ -command [concat menu_hslider $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Shift+Ctrl+h"]
$name.m.put add command -label Vradio \ -command [concat menu_vradio $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Shift+Ctrl+d"]
$name.m.put add command -label Hradio \ -command [concat menu_hradio $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Shift+Ctrl+i"]
$name.m.put add command -label VU \ -command [concat menu_vumeter $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Shift+Ctrl+u"]
$name.m.put add command -label Canvas \ -command [concat menu_mycnv $name 0] \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Shift+Ctrl+c"]
############iemlib################## *************** *** 1009,1017 **** bind $name.c <Control-Key> {pdtk_canvas_ctrlkey %W %K 0} bind $name.c <Control-Shift-Key> {pdtk_canvas_ctrlkey %W %K 1} - if {$pd_nt == 2} { - bind $name.c <Option-Key> {pdtk_canvas_altkey %W %K %A} - } else { - bind $name.c <Alt-Key> {pdtk_canvas_altkey %W %K %A} - } # bind $name.c <Mod1-Key> {puts stderr [concat mod1 %W %K %A]} if {$pd_nt == 2} { --- 1010,1013 ---- *************** *** 1173,1180 **** }
! proc pdtk_canvas_altkey {name key iso} { ! # puts stderr [concat alt-key $iso] ! ############iemlib################## set topname [string trimright $name .c] if {$key == "b" || $key == "B"} {menu_bng $topname 1} if {$key == "t" || $key == "T"} {menu_toggle $topname 1} --- 1169,1188 ---- }
! proc pdtk_canvas_ctrlkey {name key shift} { ! # first get rid of ".c" suffix; we'll refer to the toplevel instead set topname [string trimright $name .c] + # puts stderr [concat ctrl-key $key $topname] + + if {$key == "1"} {menu_object $topname 1} + if {$key == "2"} {menu_message $topname 1} + if {$key == "3"} {menu_floatatom $topname 1} + if {$key == "4"} {menu_symbolatom $topname 1} + if {$key == "5"} {menu_comment $topname 1} + if {$key == "slash"} {menu_audio 1} + if {$key == "period"} {menu_audio 0} + if {$shift == 1} { + if {$key == "q" || $key == "Q"} {menu_really_quit} + if {$key == "s" || $key == "S"} {menu_saveas $topname} + if {$key == "z" || $key == "Z"} {menu_redo $topname} if {$key == "b" || $key == "B"} {menu_bng $topname 1} if {$key == "t" || $key == "T"} {menu_toggle $topname 1} *************** *** 1186,1209 **** if {$key == "u" || $key == "U"} {menu_vumeter $topname 1} if {$key == "c" || $key == "C"} {menu_mycnv $topname 1} ! ############iemlib################## ! } ! ! proc pdtk_canvas_ctrlkey {name key shift} { ! # first get rid of ".c" suffix; we'll refer to the toplevel instead ! set topname [string trimright $name .c] ! # puts stderr [concat ctrl-key $key $topname] ! if {$key == "n" || $key == "N"} {menu_new} if {$key == "o" || $key == "O"} {menu_open} if {$key == "m" || $key == "M"} {menu_send} - if {$key == "q" || $key == "Q"} { - if {$shift == 1} {menu_really_quit} else {menu_quit} - } - if {$key == "s" || $key == "S"} { - if {$shift == 1} {menu_saveas $topname} else {menu_save $topname} - } - if {$key == "z" || $key == "Z"} { - if {$shift == 1} {menu_redo $topname} else {menu_undo $topname} - } if {$key == "w" || $key == "W"} {menu_close $topname} if {$key == "p" || $key == "P"} {menu_print $topname} --- 1194,1205 ---- if {$key == "u" || $key == "U"} {menu_vumeter $topname 1} if {$key == "c" || $key == "C"} {menu_mycnv $topname 1} ! } else { ! if {$key == "e" || $key == "E"} {menu_editmode $topname} ! if {$key == "q" || $key == "Q"} {menu_quit} ! if {$key == "s" || $key == "S"} {menu_save $topname} ! if {$key == "z" || $key == "Z"} {menu_undo $topname} if {$key == "n" || $key == "N"} {menu_new} if {$key == "o" || $key == "O"} {menu_open} if {$key == "m" || $key == "M"} {menu_send} if {$key == "w" || $key == "W"} {menu_close $topname} if {$key == "p" || $key == "P"} {menu_print $topname} *************** *** 1216,1227 **** if {$key == "f" || $key == "F"} {menu_findobject $topname} if {$key == "g" || $key == "G"} {menu_findagain $topname} ! if {$key == "1"} {menu_object $topname 1} ! if {$key == "2"} {menu_message $topname 1} ! if {$key == "3"} {menu_floatatom $topname 1} ! if {$key == "4"} {menu_symbolatom $topname 1} ! if {$key == "5"} {menu_comment $topname 1} ! if {$key == "slash"} {menu_audio 1} ! if {$key == "period"} {menu_audio 0} ! if {$key == "e" || $key == "E"} {menu_editmode $topname} }
--- 1212,1216 ---- if {$key == "f" || $key == "F"} {menu_findobject $topname} if {$key == "g" || $key == "G"} {menu_findagain $topname} ! } }
*************** *** 2990,2994 **** global audio_outchan1 audio_outchan2 audio_outchan3 audio_outchan4 global audio_outenable1 audio_outenable2 audio_outenable3 audio_outenable4 ! global audio_sr audio_dacblocksize audio_advance
pd [concat pd audio-dialog \ --- 2979,2983 ---- global audio_outchan1 audio_outchan2 audio_outchan3 audio_outchan4 global audio_outenable1 audio_outenable2 audio_outenable3 audio_outenable4 ! global audio_sr audio_dacblocksize audio_advance audio_scheduler
pd [concat pd audio-dialog \ *************** *** 3012,3015 **** --- 3001,3005 ---- $audio_dacblocksize \ $audio_advance \ + $audio_scheduler \ ;] } *************** *** 3062,3068 **** global audio_outchan1 audio_outchan2 audio_outchan3 audio_outchan4 global audio_outenable1 audio_outenable2 audio_outenable3 audio_outenable4 ! global audio_sr audio_dacblocksize audio_advance global audio_indevlist audio_outdevlist
set audio_indev1 $indev1 set audio_indev2 $indev2 --- 3052,3060 ---- global audio_outchan1 audio_outchan2 audio_outchan3 audio_outchan4 global audio_outenable1 audio_outenable2 audio_outenable3 audio_outenable4 ! global audio_sr audio_dacblocksize audio_advance audio_scheduler global audio_indevlist audio_outdevlist
+ global pd_apilist + set audio_indev1 $indev1 set audio_indev2 $indev2 *************** *** 3125,3129 **** label $id.srf.l3 -text "dacblocksize:" entry $id.srf.x3 -textvariable audio_dacblocksize -width 4 ! pack $id.srf.l1 $id.srf.x1 $id.srf.l2 $id.srf.x2 $id.srf.l3 $id.srf.x3 -side left
# input device 1 --- 3117,3131 ---- label $id.srf.l3 -text "dacblocksize:" entry $id.srf.x3 -textvariable audio_dacblocksize -width 4 ! ! # puts stderr [concat pd_apilist $pd_apilist] ! ! if { {lsearch $pd_apilist 7} != -1 } { ! label $id.srf.l4 -text "cb scheduler:" ! checkbutton $id.srf.x4 -variable audio_scheduler ! pack $id.srf.l1 $id.srf.x1 $id.srf.l2 $id.srf.x2 $id.srf.l3 $id.srf.x3 $id.srf.l4 $id.srf.x4 -side left ! } else { ! pack $id.srf.l1 $id.srf.x1 $id.srf.l2 $id.srf.x2 $id.srf.l3 $id.srf.x3 -side left ! } !
# input device 1