Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv21247
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: new zoom code, and introducing action classes (first of which, FutureWire)
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.328 -r1.1.2.329 *** desire.tk 13 Aug 2006 22:11:19 -0000 --- desire.tk 14 Aug 2006 01:03:48 -0000 *************** *** 65,69 **** proc mset {vars list} {uplevel 1 "foreach {$vars} {$list} {}"}
! # add or substract one value to a list proc l+ { al bl} {set r {}; foreach a $al b $bl {lappend r [expr $a + $b]}; return $r} proc l- { al bl} {set r {}; foreach a $al b $bl {lappend r [expr $a - $b]}; return $r} --- 65,69 ---- proc mset {vars list} {uplevel 1 "foreach {$vars} {$list} {}"}
! # add or substract two lists proc l+ { al bl} {set r {}; foreach a $al b $bl {lappend r [expr $a + $b]}; return $r} proc l- { al bl} {set r {}; foreach a $al b $bl {lappend r [expr $a - $b]}; return $r} *************** *** 71,75 **** # like l+ or l- but for any infix supported by expr proc lzip {op al bl} {set r {}; foreach a $al b $bl {lappend r [expr $a $op $b]}; return $r} ! proc lmap {op al } {set r {}; foreach a $al b $bl {lappend r [expr $a $op ]}; return $r}
# halve a list --- 71,77 ---- # like l+ or l- but for any infix supported by expr proc lzip {op al bl} {set r {}; foreach a $al b $bl {lappend r [expr $a $op $b]}; return $r} ! ! # do an operation between all elements of a list and a second argument ! proc lmap {op al b } {set r {}; foreach a $al {lappend r [expr $a $op $b]}; return $r}
# halve a list *************** *** 826,830 **** def Menuable populate_menu {menu list} { global key ! set menu $@menubar.$menu foreach name $list { if {$name == ""} {$menu add separator; continue} --- 828,832 ---- def Menuable populate_menu {menu list} { global key ! if {[string index $menu 0] != "."} {set menu $@menubar.$menu} foreach name $list { if {$name == ""} {$menu add separator; continue} *************** *** 1013,1028 **** set c .$@canvas.c set ss $self$suffix ! ! if {$suffix != "WIRE"} { ! for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $coords]} {incr i} { ! set val [expr [lindex $coords $i]*$_($@canvas:scale)] ! set coords [lreplace $coords $i $i $val] ! } ! } ! set find [lsearch $args "-width"] if {$find >= 0} { ! set new_width [format %.0f [expr [lindex $args [expr $find+1]] * $_($@canvas:scale)]] set args [lreplace $args [expr $find + 1] [expr $find + 1] $new_width] } --- 1015,1024 ---- set c .$@canvas.c set ss $self$suffix ! set scale [$@canvas scale] ! set coords [lmap * $coords $scale] set find [lsearch $args "-width"] if {$find >= 0} { ! set new_width [format %.0f [expr [lindex $args [expr $find+1]] * $scale]] set args [lreplace $args [expr $find + 1] [expr $find + 1] $new_width] } *************** *** 1031,1035 **** set find [lsearch $args "-font"] if {$find >= 0} { ! set new_size [format %.0f [expr $font(size)*$_($@canvas:scale)]] set s [format $font(str2) $new_size] set args [lreplace $args [expr $find + 1] [expr $find + 1] $s] --- 1027,1031 ---- set find [lsearch $args "-font"] if {$find >= 0} { ! set new_size [format %.0f [expr $font(size)*$scale]] set s [format $font(str2) $new_size] set args [lreplace $args [expr $find + 1] [expr $find + 1] $s] *************** *** 1052,1063 **** def* View draw {} {}
! def* View delete {} {$self erase; $self _delete; io_erase $self} def* View erase {} {$self item_delete} - def* View click {args} {} - #def* View clickedit {args} {} - def* View unclick {args} {} - def* View unclickedit {args} {} - def View motion {args} {} - def View motionedit {args} {} def View selected? {} {return $@selected?} def View selected?= {x} {set @selected? $x; $self changed} --- 1048,1054 ---- def* View draw {} {}
! def View delete {} {$self _delete} ! def* View _delete {} {$self erase; io_erase $self} def* View erase {} {$self item_delete} def View selected? {} {return $@selected?} def View selected?= {x} {set @selected? $x; $self changed} *************** *** 1243,1246 **** --- 1234,1238 ---- $self new_menubar $self new_binds + set @scale 1.0 ;# must be a float, not int set @action none set @selection {} *************** *** 1280,1284 **** set @keynav_next 0 set @shift_wires {} - set @scale 1 }
--- 1272,1275 ---- *************** *** 1385,1390 **** $self bind <KeyRelease> keyup %x %y %K %A 0 $self bind <Shift-KeyRelease> keyup %x %y %K %A 1 ! $self bind <Motion> motion %x %y 0 %s ! $self bind <Alt-Motion> motion %x %y 4 %s $self bind <Map> map $self bind <Unmap> unmap --- 1376,1381 ---- $self bind <KeyRelease> keyup %x %y %K %A 0 $self bind <Shift-KeyRelease> keyup %x %y %K %A 1 ! $self bind <Motion> motion %x %y 0 ! $self bind <Alt-Motion> motion %x %y 4 $self bind <Map> map $self bind <Unmap> unmap *************** *** 1532,1537 **** set c .$@canvas.c for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} { ! set onset [expr $x1 + ($xs-([look iowidth]*$_($@canvas:scale))) * $i / $nplus] ! set points [list [expr $onset] [expr $y-1] [expr $onset+([look iowidth]*$_($@canvas:scale))] [expr $y+(1*$_($@canvas:scale))]] #will update this code when proc item deals with mult.tags #if {[llength [$c gettags $self$which$i]] != 0} { --- 1523,1528 ---- set c .$@canvas.c for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} { ! set onset [expr $x1 + ($xs-([look iowidth])) * $i / $nplus] ! set points [list [expr $onset] [expr $y-1] [expr $onset+[look iowidth]] $y] #will update this code when proc item deals with mult.tags #if {[llength [$c gettags $self$which$i]] != 0} { *************** *** 1648,1653 **** global font set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*([string length $@text]+$@edit)] ! set topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * ([look iowidth]*$_($@canvas:scale))] ! set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * ([look iowidth]*$_($@canvas:scale))] set @xs [max [look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] --- 1639,1644 ---- global font set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*([string length $@text]+$@edit)] ! set topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * [look iowidth]] ! set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [look iowidth]] set @xs [max [look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] *************** *** 1710,1714 **** set propose $c.${self}propose set @text [$t get 1.0 1.end] - $self erase after 1 "destroy $t" #after 1 "destroy $propose" --- 1701,1704 ---- *************** *** 1717,1720 **** --- 1707,1711 ---- pd .$@canvas text_setto !$self $l focus $c + $self erase ;# (why?) }
*************** *** 1757,1780 **** global canvas clipboard set wires {} - # look up for wire id foreach x $wires2 { ! mset {outobj outport inobj inport} $x ! set obj1 [lindex $@children $outobj] ! set obj2 [lindex $@children $inobj] ! set find [lsearch $@wires_pair $x] ! if { $find == -1} { ! # new wire!!! ! if {[info exists _($obj1:valid)] & [info exists _($obj2:valid)]} { ! lappend @wires_pair [list $outobj $outport $inobj $inport] ! set new_wire [eval [list Wire_new $self $outobj $outport $inobj $inport]] ! lappend @wires_pair $new_wire ! lappend wires $new_wire ! } else { puts "$obj1 or $obj2 not born yet" ! set @unborn_wire [lappend @unborn_wire $x]} ! } else { ! # wire already exist ! lappend wires [lindex $@wires_pair [expr $find + 1]] ! } } set born [lwithout $wires $@wires] --- 1748,1769 ---- global canvas clipboard set wires {} foreach x $wires2 { ! mset {outobj outport inobj inport} $x ! set obj1 [lindex $@children $outobj] ! set obj2 [lindex $@children $inobj] ! set find [lsearch $@wires_pair $x] ! if {$find == -1} {# new wire!!! ! if {[info exists _($obj1:valid)] & [info exists _($obj2:valid)]} { ! lappend @wires_pair [list $outobj $outport $inobj $inport] ! set new_wire [eval [list Wire_new $self $outobj $outport $inobj $inport]] ! lappend @wires_pair $new_wire ! lappend wires $new_wire ! } else { puts "$obj1 or $obj2 not born yet" ! set @unborn_wire [lappend @unborn_wire $x] ! } ! } else {# wire already exists ! lappend wires [lindex $@wires_pair [expr $find + 1]] ! } } set born [lwithout $wires $@wires] *************** *** 1785,1803 **** $x changed $x canvas= $self - if {$@duplicating} { - lappend @selection_wire $x - #puts "appending $x from duplication..........." - $x selected?= 1 - if {[llength $@selection_wire] == $canvas(dup_wire_num)} {set @duplicating 0} - } - if {[info exists clipboard(copying)]} { - if {$clipboard(copying)} { - lappend @selection_wire $x; $x selected?= 1 - if {$i == $born_num} { - set clipboard(copying) 0 - set clipboard(orig_cpcanvas) $self - } - } - } incr i } --- 1774,1777 ---- *************** *** 1849,1856 **** def View move {dx dy} { mset {x y} [$self xy] ! set dx2 [expr $dx / $_($@canvas:scale)] ! set dy2 [expr $dy / $_($@canvas:scale)] ! set @x1 [expr $@x1+$dx2] ! set @y1 [expr $@y1+$dy2] #mset {u v} [$self xy] #.$@canvas.c move $self [expr $u-$x] [expr $v-$y] --- 1823,1828 ---- def View move {dx dy} { mset {x y} [$self xy] ! set @x1 [expr $@x1+$dx] ! set @y1 [expr $@y1+$dy] #mset {u v} [$self xy] #.$@canvas.c move $self [expr $u-$x] [expr $v-$y] *************** *** 1867,1876 ****
#!@#$ this method is too long ! def Canvas motion {x y mods state} { global font canvas tooltip set canvas(current) $self set c .$self.c ! set x [$c canvasx $x] ! set y [$c canvasy $y] if {$tooltip(visible)} { if {[expr [distance $tooltip(curpos) [list $x $y]] > 10]} { --- 1839,1848 ----
#!@#$ this method is too long ! def Canvas motion {x y mods} { global font canvas tooltip set canvas(current) $self set c .$self.c ! set x [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@scale] ! set y [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@scale] if {$tooltip(visible)} { if {[expr [distance $tooltip(curpos) [list $x $y]] > 10]} { *************** *** 1883,1897 **** set oldpos $@curpos set @curpos [list $x $y] - if {[llength [$c gettags lnew]]} { - mset {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [lrange [$c coords lnew] end-3 end] - mset {x1 y1} [lrange [$c coords lnew] 0 1] - set l [$c coords lnew] - #if {[llength $l]<4 || [distance [list $ox1 $oy1] [list $x $y]] < 30} { - # set l [lrange $l 0 [expr [llength $l]-3]] - #} - #lappend l $x $y - set l [list $x1 $y1 $x $y] - $c coords lnew $l - } # detects if the focus is not on the canvas itself in run mode, ie. numbox if {!$@editmode & [$self focus] != $self & [$self focus] != ""} {[$self focus] motion $x $y $mods} --- 1855,1858 ---- *************** *** 1914,1917 **** --- 1875,1881 ---- } } + none {} + #default {error "unknown action '$@action'"} + default {$@action motion $x $y $mods} } mset {type id} [$self identify_target $x $y -1 -1 "move "] *************** *** 1922,1930 **** if {$@editmode && [llength [$id bbox]]} { mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$id bbox] - set x1 [expr $x1 * $@scale] - set y1 [expr $y1 * $@scale] - set x2 [expr $x2 * $@scale] - set y2 [expr $y2 * $@scale] - set var [expr 2*$@scale] if {$y<[expr $y1+2]} { set port [$id hilite_io i $x $y] --- 1886,1889 ---- *************** *** 1942,1947 **** } } ! wire { ! } } } --- 1901,1905 ---- } } ! wire {} } } *************** *** 1949,1957 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def Canvas identify_target {x y b f label} { - global _ set c .$self.c set stack [lreverse [$c find overlapping [expr $x-2] [expr $y-2] [expr $x+2] [expr $y+2]]] foreach tag $stack { ! set tags [$c gettags $tag] if {[regexp {^x([a-f0-9]{6,8})} $tags id]} { if {[info exists _($id:pdclass)]} {set class $_($id:pdclass)} {set class unknown} --- 1907,1916 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def Canvas identify_target {x y b f label} { set c .$self.c + set x [expr $x*$@scale] + set y [expr $y*$@scale] set stack [lreverse [$c find overlapping [expr $x-2] [expr $y-2] [expr $x+2] [expr $y+2]]] foreach tag $stack { ! set tags [$c gettags $tag] if {[regexp {^x([a-f0-9]{6,8})} $tags id]} { if {[info exists _($id:pdclass)]} {set class $_($id:pdclass)} {set class unknown} *************** *** 1999,2002 **** --- 1958,1962 ---- def Canvas wire_from {} {return $@wire_from} def Canvas wire_to {} {return $@wire_to} + def Canvas scale {} {return $@scale}
def StatusBar draw {x y} { *************** *** 2004,2009 **** set c .$@canvas.c set f [$self widget] ! set x [$c canvasx $x] ! set y [$c canvasy $y] set tags [$c gettags [lindex [$c find overlapping \ [expr $x-2] [expr $y-2] [expr $x+2] [expr $y+2]] end]] --- 1964,1970 ---- set c .$@canvas.c set f [$self widget] ! set scale [$@canvas scale] ! set x [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$scale] ! set y [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$scale] set tags [$c gettags [lindex [$c find overlapping \ [expr $x-2] [expr $y-2] [expr $x+2] [expr $y+2]] end]] *************** *** 2018,2022 **** } if {[string length [$@canvas focus]]} {set t "focus: [$@canvas focus]"} ! $f.1.pos configure -text "($x,$y)" $f.1.what configure -text $t $f.1.mode configure -text [if {[$@canvas editmode]} {list "Edit"} {list "Run "}] --- 1979,1983 ---- } if {[string length [$@canvas focus]]} {set t "focus: [$@canvas focus]"} ! $f.1.pos configure -text [format "(%d,%d)" [expr int($x)] [expr int($y)]] $f.1.what configure -text $t $f.1.mode configure -text [if {[$@canvas editmode]} {list "Edit"} {list "Run "}] *************** *** 2139,2143 **** --- 2100,2124 ---- }
+ class_new FutureWire {View} + def* FutureWire init {canvas x1 y1} { + super + set @x1 $x1 + set @y1 $y1 + set @canvas $canvas + $self motion $x1 $y1 0 + } + def* FutureWire motion {x2 y2 mods} {set @x2 $x2; set @y2 $y2; $self draw} + def* FutureWire unclick {x2 y2 b f} { + $self motion $x2 $y2 $f + post "UNCLICK should happen now" + $self _delete + } + def FutureWire draw {} { + $self item WIRE line [list $@x1 $@y1 $@x2 $@y2] -dash {4 4 4 4} -fill [look wiredash] + } + def* FutureWire _delete {} {super} + #!@#$ this method is too long + # this method receives (x,y) in descaled coords def* Canvas clickedit {x y b f} { set c .[$self canvas].c *************** *** 2160,2167 **** # handles the dash wire drawing mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$id bbox] - set x1 [expr $x1 * $@scale] - set y1 [expr $y1 * $@scale] - set x2 [expr $x2 * $@scale] - set y2 [expr $y2 * $@scale] set outs 0; set outs [$id noutlets] set ins 0; set ins [$id ninlets] --- 2141,2144 ---- *************** *** 2169,2179 **** set out [expr int(($x-$x1)*$outs/($x2-$x1))] mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$c bbox ${id}o${out}] ! $c create line [expr ($x1+$x2)/2] [expr ($y1+$y2)/2] $x $y -dash {4 4 4 4} -tags lnew -fill [look wiredash] set @wire_from [list $id $out] #click on a outlet with shift ! if {$f == 1} { ! if {![llength $@shift_wires]} {set @shift_wires $@wire_from; puts "store::::: $@shift_wires"} ! } ! set @action wire return } else { --- 2146,2153 ---- set out [expr int(($x-$x1)*$outs/($x2-$x1))] mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$c bbox ${id}o${out}] ! set @action [FutureWire new $self [expr ($x1+$x2)/2] [expr ($y1+$y2)/2]] set @wire_from [list $id $out] #click on a outlet with shift ! if {$f == 1 && ![llength $@shift_wires]} {set @shift_wires $@wire_from} return } else { *************** *** 2225,2229 **** set wire [lindex $@wires_pair [expr [lsearch $@wires_pair $id]-1]] $id delete ! pd .$self disconnect $wire set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair [lsearch $@wires_pair $id] [lsearch $@wires_pair $id]] set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair [lsearch $@wires_pair $wire] [lsearch $@wires_pair $wire]] --- 2199,2203 ---- set wire [lindex $@wires_pair [expr [lsearch $@wires_pair $id]-1]] $id delete ! $self disconnect $wire set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair [lsearch $@wires_pair $id] [lsearch $@wires_pair $id]] set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair [lsearch $@wires_pair $wire] [lsearch $@wires_pair $wire]] *************** *** 2244,2248 **** set wire [lindex $@wires_pair [expr [lsearch $@wires_pair $id]-1]] $id delete ! pd .$self disconnect $wire set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair [lsearch $@wires_pair $id] [lsearch $@wires_pair $id]] set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair [lsearch $@wires_pair $wire] [lsearch $@wires_pair $wire]] --- 2218,2222 ---- set wire [lindex $@wires_pair [expr [lsearch $@wires_pair $id]-1]] $id delete ! $self disconnect $wire set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair [lsearch $@wires_pair $id] [lsearch $@wires_pair $id]] set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair [lsearch $@wires_pair $wire] [lsearch $@wires_pair $wire]] *************** *** 2274,2279 **** set c .$self.c focus $c ! set x [$c canvasx $x] ! set y [$c canvasy $y] set @click_at [list $x $y] #if {$@editmode && !($f&2)} {$self clickedit $x $y $b $f; return} --- 2248,2253 ---- set c .$self.c focus $c ! set x [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@scale] ! set y [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@scale] set @click_at [list $x $y] #if {$@editmode && !($f&2)} {$self clickedit $x $y $b $f; return} *************** *** 2302,2306 **** set selected_elements [lreplace $selected_elements $selrect_index $selrect_index] if {[llength $selected_elements]} { - set element_tags {} set ids {} set wids {} --- 2276,2279 ---- *************** *** 2311,2315 **** if {[regexp {^([0-9a-f]{6,8})} [$c gettags $tag] id]} {lappend wids $id} } ! set selected_objs [lsort -unique $ids] set selected_wires [lsort -unique $wids] --- 2284,2288 ---- if {[regexp {^([0-9a-f]{6,8})} [$c gettags $tag] id]} {lappend wids $id} } ! set selected_objs [lsort -unique $ids] set selected_wires [lsort -unique $wids] *************** *** 2324,2330 **** } - puts "selected_objs:$selected_objs selection:$@selection selection_wire:$@selection_wire" # hilite objects - #foreach obj $@selection {$c itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline [look selectframe]} foreach obj $@selection {$obj selected?= 1} if {[llength $@selection] == 1} { --- 2297,2301 ---- *************** *** 2340,2375 **** } wire { ! #mset {type id} [$@canvas identify_target $x $y [expr $x-1] [expr $y-1] "unclick"] ! # if making wire without shift key (delete the dash line) ! if {!$f} {$c delete lnew} else { ! $c delete lnew ! mset {from outlet} $@wire_from ! set orig $from ! mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$c bbox ${orig}o${outlet}] ! $c create line [expr ($x1+$x2)/2] [expr ($y1+$y2)/2] $x $y -dash {4 4 4 4} -tags lnew -fill [look wiredash] ! } ! set x1 [expr $x/$_($@canvas:scale)] ! set y1 [expr $y/$_($@canvas:scale)] ! set x2 [expr $x1 - 1] ! set y2 [expr $y1 - 1] ! mset {type id} [$@canvas identify_target $x $y [expr $x-1] [expr $y-1] "unclick"] ! puts "type:: $type ||| id:: $id" if {$id != ""} { ! mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$id bbox] ! set x1 [expr $x1 * $@scale] ! set y1 [expr $y1 * $@scale] ! set x2 [expr $x2 * $@scale] ! set y2 [expr $y2 * $@scale] ! set ins 0; set ins [$id ninlets] ! if {$y<$y1+6 && $ins} { ! set in [expr int(($x-$x1)*$ins/($x2-$x1))] ! set @wire_to [list $id $in] ! post "wire_from=%s wire_to=%s" $@wire_from $@wire_to ! mset {from outlet} $@wire_from ! mset {to inlet} $@wire_to ! pd .$self connect [lsearch $@children $from] $outlet \ ! [lsearch $@children $to] $inlet } ! } } edit { --- 2311,2333 ---- } wire { ! #mset {type id} [$@canvas identify_target $x $y [expr $x-1] [expr $y-1] "unclick"] ! # if making wire without shift key (delete the dash line) ! set x1 $x ! set y1 $y ! mset {type id} [$@canvas identify_target $x $y -1 -1 "unclick"] if {$id != ""} { ! mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$id bbox] ! set ins 0; set ins [$id ninlets] ! if {$y<$y1+6 && $ins} { ! set in [expr int(($x-$x1)*$ins/($x2-$x1))] ! set @wire_to [list $id $in] ! mset {from outlet} $@wire_from ! mset {to inlet} $@wire_to ! $self connect [list \ ! [lsearch $@children $from] $outlet \ ! [lsearch $@children $to] $inlet] ! } } ! if {!$f} {$c delete lnew} } edit { *************** *** 2379,2384 **** set @obj_in_edit $id $id edit - $id draw - } move { --- 2337,2340 ---- *************** *** 2392,2397 **** $@history add [list $self undomove $objs] } } - }
--- 2348,2355 ---- $@history add [list $self undomove $objs] } + none {} + #default {error "unknown action '$@action'"} + default {$@action unclick $x $y $b $f} } }
*************** *** 2402,2407 **** def* Canvas unclick {x y b f} { set c .$self.c ! set x [$c canvasx $x] ! set y [$c canvasy $y] if {$@editmode} {$self unclickedit $x $y $b $f} {$self unclickrun $x $y %b} $self adjust_scrollbars --- 2360,2365 ---- def* Canvas unclick {x y b f} { set c .$self.c ! set x [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@scale] ! set y [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@scale] if {$@editmode} {$self unclickedit $x $y $b $f} {$self unclickrun $x $y %b} $self adjust_scrollbars *************** *** 2575,2579 **** set per [lindex $scale(canned) $i] $spinbox set $per% ! set @scale [expr $per/100.0] $self redraw } --- 2533,2537 ---- set per [lindex $scale(canned) $i] $spinbox set $per% ! set @scale [expr $per/100.0] ;# @scale must be float, not int $self redraw } *************** *** 2607,2614 **** def Canvas key {x y key iso shift} { set c .$self.c ! set x [$c canvasx $x] ! set y [$c canvasy $y] ! global OS ! set c .$self.c $self hide_tooltip if {[$self focus] != ""} { --- 2565,2570 ---- def Canvas key {x y key iso shift} { set c .$self.c ! set x [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@scale] ! set y [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@scale] $self hide_tooltip if {[$self focus] != ""} { *************** *** 2616,2624 **** } #if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key} - if {$key == "BackSpace" || $key == "Delete" || $key == "KP_Delete"} { - $self delete_selection - } if {$shift} {set motion 10} {set motion 1} ! switch $key { Up {$self selection_move 0 -$motion} Down {$self selection_move 0 +$motion} --- 2572,2578 ---- } #if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key} if {$shift} {set motion 10} {set motion 1} ! switch -regexp -- $key { ! BackSpace|Delete|KP_Delete {$self delete_selection} Up {$self selection_move 0 -$motion} Down {$self selection_move 0 +$motion} *************** *** 2676,2681 **** --- 2630,2637 ---- def Box update_size {} {}
+ # will be so that @wires are updated correctly without break encapsulation def* Box connect_out {} {} def* Box connect_in {} {} + def Box draw {} { #set text "[$@canvas index $self]: " *************** *** 2770,2775 ****
def Wire draw {} { ! set bbox1 [.$@canvas.c bbox [join [list "$@obj1" o "$@port1"] ""]] ! set bbox2 [.$@canvas.c bbox [join [list "$@obj2" i "$@port2"] ""]] if {[llength $bbox1] < 4} {puts stderr "wire_draw: crap ($@obj1 outlet)"; return} if {[llength $bbox2] < 4} {puts stderr "wire_draw: crap ($@obj2 inlet)"; return} --- 2726,2732 ----
def Wire draw {} { ! set scale [$@canvas scale] ! set bbox1 [lmap / [.$@canvas.c bbox [join [list "$@obj1" o "$@port1"] ""]] $scale] ! set bbox2 [lmap / [.$@canvas.c bbox [join [list "$@obj2" i "$@port2"] ""]] $scale] if {[llength $bbox1] < 4} {puts stderr "wire_draw: crap ($@obj1 outlet)"; return} if {[llength $bbox2] < 4} {puts stderr "wire_draw: crap ($@obj2 inlet)"; return}