Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv23683
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: fixed NoteBook size. adjusted add_font. hide Comment's box in run mode.
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.16 -r1.1.2.600.2.17 *** desire.tk 5 Dec 2006 04:29:33 -0000 --- desire.tk 5 Dec 2006 06:56:10 -0000 *************** *** 1426,1429 **** --- 1426,1431 ---- } $self changed + # comment's look depends on the value of @editmode + foreach child $@children {if {[[$child class] <= Comment]} {$child changed}} #!@#$ should update the checkbox in the editmenu } *************** *** 4471,4481 **** set xyb [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1]] set xyc [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1]] ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]} ! $self item BASE rectangle $xya -fill [$self look bg] -outline $frcol #$self item BASE1 line $xyb -fill [$self look frame1] #$self item BASE2 line $xyc -fill [$self look frame2] ! [$@canvas widget] lower ${self}BASE ${self}TEXT ! [$@canvas widget] raise ${self}BASE1 ${self}BASE ! [$@canvas widget] raise ${self}BASE2 ${self}BASE }
--- 4473,4489 ---- set xyb [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1]] set xyc [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1]] ! if {[$@canvas editmode]} { ! if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]} ! $self item BASE rectangle $xya -fill [$self look bg] -outline $frcol ! } else { ! $self item_delete BASE ! } #$self item BASE1 line $xyb -fill [$self look frame1] #$self item BASE2 line $xyc -fill [$self look frame2] ! if {[$@canvas editmode]} { ! [$@canvas widget] lower ${self}BASE ${self}TEXT ! #[$@canvas widget] raise ${self}BASE1 ${self}BASE ! #[$@canvas widget] raise ${self}BASE2 ${self}BASE ! } }
*************** *** 5582,5586 **** pack [frame $serf.1.1] -side bottom pack [button $serf.1.1.expander -image icon_plus -command "$self toggle_expand"] -side left ! pack [label $serf.1.1.label -width 10 -text "$name: " -font $look(View:font)] -side left pack [entry $serf.entry -width 40 -font $look(View:font)] -side left -fill x -expand yes pack $serf -fill x -expand no --- 5590,5594 ---- pack [frame $serf.1.1] -side bottom pack [button $serf.1.1.expander -image icon_plus -command "$self toggle_expand"] -side left ! pack [label $serf.1.1.label -width 11 -text "$name: " -font $look(View:font)] -side left pack [entry $serf.entry -width 40 -font $look(View:font)] -side left -fill x -expand yes pack $serf -fill x -expand no *************** *** 6420,6423 **** --- 6428,6432 ---- set @italic [expr [lsearch $font italic]>=0] logvar @family @size @bold @italic + $f configure frame $f.font pack [label $f.font.label -text [say font_family] -anchor w] -side top -fill x *************** *** 6446,6457 **** frame $f.font.style pack [label $f.font.style.label -text [say font_style]] -side left -fill y ! pack [checkbutton $f.font.style.bold -text [say font_bold] -variable @bold -command "$self font_update $f"] -side top ! pack [checkbutton $f.font.style.italic -text [say font_italic] -variable @italic -command "$self font_update $f"] -side top frame $f.font2 frame $f.font2.preview pack [label $f.font2.preview.label -text [say font_preview]] -side left -fill y ! pack [canvas $f.font2.preview.canvas -width 200 -height 50 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1] -side left -fill x ! $f.font2.preview.canvas create text 10 25 -tags ${self}TEXT -anchor w -text [say font_preview_2] -font $look(View:font) set parent [string range $f 1 [expr [string first "." $f 1]-1]] --- 6455,6467 ---- frame $f.font.style pack [label $f.font.style.label -text [say font_style]] -side left -fill y ! set cmd [list $self font_update $f] ! pack [checkbutton $f.font.style.bold -text [say font_bold] -variable @bold -command $cmd] -side top ! pack [checkbutton $f.font.style.italic -text [say font_italic] -variable @italic -command $cmd] -side top frame $f.font2 frame $f.font2.preview pack [label $f.font2.preview.label -text [say font_preview]] -side left -fill y ! pack [canvas $f.font2.preview.canvas -width 250 -height 50 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1] -side left -fill x ! $f.font2.preview.canvas create text 4 4 -tags ${self}TEXT -anchor nw -text [say font_preview_2] -font $look(View:font) set parent [string range $f 1 [expr [string first "." $f 1]-1]] *************** *** 6467,6471 **** pack $f.font2.preview -side bottom -fill x pack $f.font -side top -fill both -padx $padx -pady $pady ! pack $f.font2 -side bottom -fill x -padx $padx -pady $pady $self font_update $f } --- 6477,6481 ---- pack $f.font2.preview -side bottom -fill x pack $f.font -side top -fill both -padx $padx -pady $pady ! pack $f.font2 -side top -fill x -padx $padx -pady $pady $self font_update $f } *************** *** 6662,6670 **** }
! def Notebook init {} { set f .$self frame $f pack [frame $f.bar] -fill x ! pack [frame $f.main -borderwidth 1 -relief raised -width 590 -height 300] -fill both -expand yes }
--- 6672,6680 ---- }
! def Notebook init {{width 590} {height 350}} { set f .$self frame $f pack [frame $f.bar] -fill x ! pack [frame $f.main -borderwidth 1 -relief raised -width $width -height $height] -fill both -expand yes }
*************** *** 7157,7161 **** set subself $self.1.main.$section.subsections if {!$subsection} { ! Notebook new_as $subself pack .$subself } --- 7167,7171 ---- set subself $self.1.main.$section.subsections if {!$subsection} { ! Notebook new_as $subself 590 300 pack .$subself }