Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv13626
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: more work on undo/redo; also rewrote the zoom spinbox code
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.317 -r1.1.2.318 *** desire.tk 11 Aug 2006 14:38:55 -0000 --- desire.tk 11 Aug 2006 17:18:14 -0000 *************** *** 936,942 **** set look(minobjwidth) 21
! set scale(canned) [list 50 100 150 200 250 300] ! set scale(list) $scale(canned) ! set scale(incr) 0.25 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# proc read_ddrc {} { --- 936,941 ---- set look(minobjwidth) 21
! set scale(canned) [list 25 33 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400] ! #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# proc read_ddrc {} { *************** *** 1766,1769 **** --- 1765,1769 ----
# think of the children!!! + # should be only called from the server def Canvas children= {children} { set new [lwithout $children $@children] *************** *** 1772,1782 **** $x unsubscribe $self #$@history can't ;# need a way to instantiate objects with a specific index. ! $@history add [list $self insert [lsearch $@children $x] [$x deconstruct]] $x erase } foreach x $new { if {[info exists _($x:_class)]} { $x subscribe $self; $x changed; $x canvas= $self - $@history add [list $self del [lsearch $children $x]] } else { lappend @unborn $x --- 1772,1784 ---- $x unsubscribe $self #$@history can't ;# need a way to instantiate objects with a specific index. ! # THIS IS NOT WHERE HISTORY ADD IS SUPPOSED TO BE! ! # it's supposed to be on the user end! ! #$@history add [list $self ins [lsearch $@children $x] [$x deconstruct]] $x erase } foreach x $new { + ###$@history add [list $self del [lsearch $children $x]] if {[info exists _($x:_class)]} { $x subscribe $self; $x changed; $x canvas= $self } else { lappend @unborn $x *************** *** 1787,1802 **** }
! def Canvas add {i constructor} { ! set x [meuh] ! $obj subscribe $self; $x changed ! $obj canvas= $self ! $@history add [list $self del $i] ! } ! ! def Canvas del {i} { ! set i [lsearch $@children $obj] ! if {$i} {set @children [lreplace $@children $i $i]} ! $obj unsubscribe $self ! }
def Canvas wires= {wires2} { --- 1789,1795 ---- }
! # for undo; calls the server ! def Canvas ins {i constructor} {eval [concat [list pd .$self object_insert $i] $constructor]} ! def Canvas del {i} {pd .$self object_delete ![lindex $@children $i]}
def Canvas wires= {wires2} { *************** *** 1853,1890 **** }
- def Canvas wires_new {whoout outno whoin inno} { - # @wires_pair is a workaround for looking up the wire id with {0 1 1 0} format - # i moved calling wire_new here instead of where it was (canvas wires=) - # is because i don't need to figure out which of the wire2 is new - # todo: need to put some things here to prevent from creating the same connection twice - - #puts "self === $self" - #lappend @wires_pair [list $whoout $outno $whoin $inno] - #lappend @wires_pair [eval [list wire_new $self $whoout $outno $whoin $inno]] - } - def* Canvas wires {} {return $@wires}
def* Canvas delete_selection {} { - global _ set c .$self.c foreach obj $@selection { ! #pd .$self object_delete !$obj puts "wire to erase: $_($obj:wires)" foreach wire $_($obj:wires) { ! set find [lsearch $@wires_pair $wire] if { $find != -1} { ! pd .$self disconnect [lindex $@wires_pair [expr $find - 1]] ! ## remove the selected wire from the @wires_pair... ! set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair $find $find] ! set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair [expr $find - 1] [expr $find - 1]] } - $wire delete ! } ! ! #$obj erase ! pd .$self object_delete !$obj ! } # before obj is deleted, it will be selected, therefore --- 1846,1868 ---- }
def* Canvas wires {} {return $@wires}
def* Canvas delete_selection {} { set c .$self.c foreach obj $@selection { ! #pd .$self object_delete !$obj puts "wire to erase: $_($obj:wires)" foreach wire $_($obj:wires) { ! set find [lsearch $@wires_pair $wire] if { $find != -1} { ! pd .$self disconnect [lindex $@wires_pair [expr $find - 1]] ! ## remove the selected wire from the @wires_pair... ! set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair $find $find] ! set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair [expr $find - 1] [expr $find - 1]] } $wire delete ! } ! #$obj erase ! pd .$self object_delete !$obj } # before obj is deleted, it will be selected, therefore *************** *** 1895,1905 **** }
- #this is redundent - def* Canvas delete_wire {obj1 outport obj2 inport} { - global _ - } - - - proc distance {point1 point2} { set off [l- $point1 $point2] --- 1873,1876 ---- *************** *** 2305,2313 **** set ins 0; set ins [$id ninlets] if {$y<$y1+6 && $ins} { ! set in [expr int(($x-$x1)*$ins/($x2-$x1))] ! set @wire_to [list $id $in] ! mset {from outlet} $@shift_wires ! mset {to inlet} $@wire_to ! pd .$self connect [lsearch $@children $from] $outlet \ [lsearch $@children $to] $inlet } --- 2276,2284 ---- set ins 0; set ins [$id ninlets] if {$y<$y1+6 && $ins} { ! set in [expr int(($x-$x1)*$ins/($x2-$x1))] ! set @wire_to [list $id $in] ! mset {from outlet} $@shift_wires ! mset {to inlet} $@wire_to ! pd .$self connect [lsearch $@children $from] $outlet \ [lsearch $@children $to] $inlet } *************** *** 2318,2322 **** } } else { - # clcik on object # if no previous selection, edit the clicked object --- 2289,2292 ---- *************** *** 2327,2333 **** if {[lsearch $@selection $id] < 0} {lappend @selection $id} $id selected?= 1; set @action edit ! } ! ! } } --- 2297,2301 ---- if {[lsearch $@selection $id] < 0} {lappend @selection $id} $id selected?= 1; set @action edit ! } } } *************** *** 2702,2756 **** def* Canvas incr_zoom {} {$self zoom "in"} def* Canvas decr_zoom {} {$self zoom "out"} - def* Canvas zoom {mode} { - global font scale - switch $mode { - in { - set @scale [expr $@scale + $scale(incr)] - } - out { - if {$@scale > $scale(incr)} {set @scale [expr $@scale - $scale(incr)]} - } - } - $self redraw - set val [format %.0f [expr $@scale * 100]] - set val ${val}% - set scale(list) $val - .$self.bbar.scale set $val
! } ! def* Canvas spin_zoom {spinbox val direction} { global scale ! set val [string trimright $val %] ! switch $direction { ! up { ! for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $scale(canned)]} {incr i} { ! set value [lindex $scale(canned) $i] ! if {[expr $value - $val] > 0} {break} ! } ! set next [lindex $scale(canned) $i] ! if {[expr $i+1] <= [llength $scale(canned)]} { ! $spinbox set ${next}% ! set next_f [format %.6f $next] ! set @scale [expr $next_f/100] ! } ! } ! down { ! for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $scale(canned)]} {incr i} { ! set value [lindex $scale(canned) $i] ! if {[expr $value - $val] >= 0} {break} ! } ! set next [lindex $scale(canned) [expr $i-1]] ! if {[expr $i-1] >= 0} {$spinbox set ${next}% ! set next_f [format %.6f $next] ! set @scale [expr $next_f/100] ! } ! } } $self redraw - - } - def* Canvas spin_zoom_key {spinbox string string} { - return 1 } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# set lastcanvasconfigured "" --- 2670,2690 ---- def* Canvas incr_zoom {} {$self zoom "in"} def* Canvas decr_zoom {} {$self zoom "out"}
! def* Canvas zoom {mode} { global scale ! set spinbox .$self.bbar.scale ! set val [string trimright [$spinbox get] %] ! set i [lsearch $scale(canned) $val] ! set end [expr [llength $scale(canned)] - 1] ! switch -regexp $mode { ! in|up {if {$i<$end} {incr i +1}} ! out|down {if {$i>0} {incr i -1}} } + set per [lindex $scale(canned) $i] + $spinbox set $per% + set @scale [expr $per/100.0] $self redraw } + #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# set lastcanvasconfigured "" *************** *** 2948,2961 **** class_new Wire {View}
! def Wire init {canvas from outno to inno} { super ! set @connects [list $from $outno $to $inno] ! #puts "------ children:$_($canvas:children)" ! #hack set children $_($canvas:children) set @obj1 [lindex $children $from] set @obj2 [lindex $children $to] ! set @port1 $outno ! set @port2 $inno set @canvas $canvas #set _($@obj1:wires) $self --- 2882,2893 ---- class_new Wire {View}
! def Wire init {canvas from outlet to inlet} { super ! set @connects [list $from $outlet $to $inlet] set children $_($canvas:children) set @obj1 [lindex $children $from] set @obj2 [lindex $children $to] ! set @port1 $outlet ! set @port2 $inlet set @canvas $canvas #set _($@obj1:wires) $self *************** *** 4533,4538 **** } pack [entry $bb.name -font {courier 10} -width 10 -border 0] -side right ! #pack [spinbox $bb.scale -width 6 -command "$canvas spin_zoom %W %s %d" -validate key -vcmd "$canvas spin_zoom_key %W %s %S"] -side right ! pack [spinbox $bb.scale -width 6 -command "$canvas spin_zoom %W %s %d" -state readonly] -side right $bb.scale set "100%" $bb.name insert 0 .$@canvas --- 4465,4469 ---- } pack [entry $bb.name -font {courier 10} -width 10 -border 0] -side right ! pack [spinbox $bb.scale -width 6 -command "$canvas zoom %d" -state readonly] -side right $bb.scale set "100%" $bb.name insert 0 .$@canvas