Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv19705
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: fixed refresh of choices in Dialogs
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.221 -r1.1.2.600.2.222 *** desire.tk 11 Jul 2007 22:17:20 -0000 --- desire.tk 12 Jul 2007 01:10:02 -0000 *************** *** 1469,1479 **** def Client audio_on {} {netsend [list pd dsp 1]} def Client audio_off {} {netsend [list pd dsp 0]} ! def Client keyboard_view {} { KeyboardDialog new $::event_history} ! def Client clipboard_view {} {ClipboardDialog new $::clipboard} ! def Client command_history_view {} { ListDialog new $::command_history [say command_history_view]} ! def Client event_history_view {} { ! set dialog [ListDialog new $::event_history [say event_history_view]] ! [$dialog listbox] configure -font {Mono -10} ! return $dialog} def Client do_what_i_mean {} {wonder}
--- 1469,1476 ---- def Client audio_on {} {netsend [list pd dsp 1]} def Client audio_off {} {netsend [list pd dsp 0]} ! def Client keyboard_view {} { KeyboardDialog new $::event_history} ! def Client clipboard_view {} { ClipboardDialog new $::clipboard} ! def Client command_history_view {} { ListDialog new $::command_history [say command_history_view]} ! def Client event_history_view {} {EventHistoryDialog new $::event_history} def Client do_what_i_mean {} {wonder}
*************** *** 5288,5292 **** set textvar ${var}2 set @$textvar [say [lindex $@$tmp $val]] ! set @$var $val $self do_auto_apply } --- 5285,5289 ---- set textvar ${var}2 set @$textvar [say [lindex $@$tmp $val]] ! super $frame $var $part $val $self do_auto_apply } *************** *** 7145,7148 **** --- 7142,7146 ---- #if {$say} {set text [say $part]} else {set text $part} set @$var $val + $frame.butt configure -text [say $part] }
*************** *** 7602,7606 **** }
! #this retrives the values set in the editor def ClientPrefsDialog get_val {} { global ddrc_options look key accels --- 7600,7604 ---- }
! #this retrieves the values set in the editor def ClientPrefsDialog get_val {} { global ddrc_options look key accels *************** *** 7629,7636 **** } } ! toggle {set look($class:$name) $@$name} ! font {set look(View:font) $@str} integer {set look($class:$name) $@$name} ! choice {set look($class:$name) $@$name} } } --- 7627,7634 ---- } } ! toggle { set look($class:$name) $@$name} integer {set look($class:$name) $@$name} ! choice {set look($class:$name) $@$name} ! font {set look(View:font) $@str} } } *************** *** 7888,7903 **** set @history $history wm title .$self $title ! pack [listbox .$self.list -yscrollcommand ".$self.scroll set" -width 72 -height 20] -side left -fill both -expand yes ! pack [scrollbar .$self.scroll -command ".$self.list yview"] -side right -fill y $@history subscribe $self $self notice }
! def ListDialog listbox {} {return .$self.list}
def ListDialog notice {args} { ! .$self.list delete 0 end ! foreach e [$@history list] {.$self.list insert end $e} ! .$self.list see end }
--- 7886,7904 ---- set @history $history wm title .$self $title ! frame .$self.1 ! pack [listbox .$self.1.list -yscrollcommand ".$self.1.scroll set" -width 72 -height 20] -side left -fill both -expand yes ! pack [scrollbar .$self.1.scroll -command ".$self.1.list yview"] -side right -fill y ! pack .$self.1 $@history subscribe $self $self notice }
! def ListDialog listbox {} {return .$self.1.list}
def ListDialog notice {args} { ! set w [$self listbox] ! $w delete 0 end ! foreach e [$@history list] {$w insert end $e} ! $w see end }
*************** *** 7907,7910 **** --- 7908,7919 ---- }
+ class_new EventHistoryDialog {ListDialog} + + def EventHistoryDialog init {history} { + super $history [say event_history_view] + pack [checkbutton .$self.hide -text [say hide_key_release]] -fill x + [$self listbox] configure -font {Mono -10} + } + #----------------------------------------------------------------