Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv12600
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: small fixes to my previous commit
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.478 -r1.1.2.479 *** desire.tk 22 Sep 2006 01:24:14 -0000 --- desire.tk 22 Sep 2006 14:08:12 -0000 *************** *** 1642,1645 **** --- 1642,1646 ---- def Canvas draw {} { if {$@subpatch && $@canvas != ""} {super} ;# is for the [pd] box if applicable + if {[info exists @gop]} {if {$@gop} {super}} if {!$@mapped} {return} if {$@editmode} {set bg [$self look bgedit]} else {set bg [$self look bgrun]} *************** *** 1779,1783 **** def TextBox update_size {} { global font ! if {$@gop} {set @xs $@pixwidth; set @ys $@pixheight; return} set l {};set nl 1 foreach char [split $@text ""] {lappend l [scan $char %c]} --- 1780,1784 ---- def TextBox update_size {} { global font ! if {[info exists @gop]} {if {$@gop} {set @xs $@pixwidth; set @ys $@pixheight; return}} set l {};set nl 1 foreach char [split $@text ""] {lappend l [scan $char %c]} *************** *** 3393,3398 **** --- 3394,3404 ---- proc update_object {self e ninlets noutlets} { foreach mess [split $e ";"] {update_object_2 $self $mess} + if {[lindex $e 1] == "array"} { + $self ninlets= 0 + $self noutlets= 0 + } else { $self ninlets= $ninlets ;# bogus in case of array $self noutlets= $noutlets + } $self changed } *************** *** 4517,4532 **** set yto [lindex $mess 1] set width [expr $c_width / $@length] ! #puts "w: $width | h: $height | length: $length | xfrom: $xfrom | xto: $xto | yfrom: $yfrom | yto: $yto" puts "data: $@data" set i 0 foreach val $@data { ! set y [expr $c_height - (($val/$yto) * $c_height)] set x1 [expr $width * $i] set x2 [expr $x1 + $width] set line [list $x1 $y $x2 $y] set tag ${self}${i} ! $self item $tag line $line -fill [$@canvas look compfg] -width 2 incr i } # $self item TEXT text [list $x1 $y1] \ # -font [$self look fontstring] -text "an array named '$@name' should appear in this patch" \ --- 4523,4540 ---- set yto [lindex $mess 1] set width [expr $c_width / $@length] ! puts "w: $c_width | h: $c_height | length: $@length | xfrom: $xfrom | xto: $xto | yfrom: $yfrom | yto: $yto" puts "data: $@data" set i 0 + # $self item RECT polygon [list 0 0 $c_width 0 $c_width $c_height 0 $c_height] -outline red -fill white foreach val $@data { ! set y [expr $c_height - ((($val+abs($yfrom))/($yto-($yfrom)) * $c_height))] set x1 [expr $width * $i] set x2 [expr $x1 + $width] set line [list $x1 $y $x2 $y] set tag ${self}${i} ! $self item elem${i} line $line -fill [$@canvas look compfg] -width 2 -tags "$self" incr i } + # $self item TEXT text [list $x1 $y1] \ # -font [$self look fontstring] -text "an array named '$@name' should appear in this patch" \ *************** *** 4534,4537 **** --- 4542,4547 ---- }
+ def Array click {x y f target} {set @action "move"; puts "action:: $@action";puts "click on array........."} + def Array motion {x y f target} {} def Array length= {val} {set @length $val} def Array name= {val} {set @name $val}