Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv26009
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: modified the io hilite a bit
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.217 -r1.1.2.218 *** desire.tk 2 Jun 2006 21:10:05 -0000 --- desire.tk 3 Jun 2006 02:05:53 -0000 *************** *** 830,833 **** --- 830,834 ---- set look(statusbar) 1 set look(showcomp) 10 + set look(tooltip) 1
set look(extrapix) [switch $OS { *************** *** 1379,1383 **** class_new io {ganymeda}
! def io draw/2 {which n y} { global look set nplus [expr $n==1 ? 1 : $n-1] --- 1380,1384 ---- class_new io {ganymeda}
! def* io draw/2 {which n y} { global look set nplus [expr $n==1 ? 1 : $n-1] *************** *** 1809,1813 **** mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$id bbox] post %s "y=$y y1=$y1 y2=$y2" ! if {$y<$y1+6} { set port [$id hilite_io i $x $y] if {$port==""} return --- 1810,1814 ---- mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$id bbox] post %s "y=$y y1=$y1 y2=$y2" ! if {$y<$y1+2} { set port [$id hilite_io i $x $y] if {$port==""} return *************** *** 1816,1820 **** return } ! if {$y>=$y2-6} { set port [$id hilite_io o $x $y] if {$port==""} return --- 1817,1821 ---- return } ! if {$y>=$y2-2} { set port [$id hilite_io o $x $y] if {$port==""} return *************** *** 2288,2293 **** set c .$@canvas.c switch $type {i {set ports $@ninlets} o {set ports $@noutlets}} ! if {$ports==0} return ! set port [expr int(($x-$x1)*$ports/$xs)] if {$port >= $ports} {set port [expr $ports-1]} set p $self$type$port --- 2289,2305 ---- set c .$@canvas.c switch $type {i {set ports $@ninlets} o {set ports $@noutlets}} ! set port -1 ! ! for {set n 0} {$n<$ports} {incr n} { ! set tag $self$type$n ! set area [.$@canvas.c bbox $self$type$n] ! set center [expr ([lindex $area 2] + [lindex $area 0]) / 2 ] ! set dist [expr abs($x - $center)] ! if {$dist < [expr ($look(iowidth)/2)+5] && $dist > 0} {set port $n} ! } ! ! ! if {$ports==0 | $port==-1} return ! #set port [expr int(($x-$x1)*$ports/$xs)] if {$port >= $ports} {set port [expr $ports-1]} set p $self$type$port *************** *** 2295,2299 **** $c create rectangle [l+ [$c coords $p] {-4 -4 +4 +4}] -outline $outline -width 1 -tags ${p}b switch $type {i {set tip "inlet $port"} o {set tip "outlet $port"}} ! $@canvas show_tooltip $x $y $tip return $port } --- 2307,2311 ---- $c create rectangle [l+ [$c coords $p] {-4 -4 +4 +4}] -outline $outline -width 1 -tags ${p}b switch $type {i {set tip "inlet $port"} o {set tip "outlet $port"}} ! if {$look(tooltip)} {$@canvas show_tooltip $x $y $tip} return $port } *************** *** 3404,3408 **** set tooltip(on_hide) ""
! def* Canvas show_tooltip {x y text {on_hide ""}} { global tooltip if {$tooltip(visible) && [string compare $text $tooltip(text)]==0} {return} --- 3416,3420 ---- set tooltip(on_hide) ""
! def Canvas show_tooltip {x y text {on_hide ""}} { global tooltip if {$tooltip(visible) && [string compare $text $tooltip(text)]==0} {return}