Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv26986
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: merged font(*) to look(Thing:font*)
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.408 -r1.1.2.409 *** desire.tk 25 Aug 2006 23:18:26 -0000 --- desire.tk 26 Aug 2006 13:47:40 -0000 *************** *** 508,526 **** } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# - set font(size) 12 - set font(name) courier - set font(style) normal - set font(italic) 0 - set font(str2) "-*-courier-medium--normal--%d-*" - set font(str) [format -*-courier-medium--normal--%d-* $font(size)] - set font(width) [font measure $font(str) W] - set font(height) [font metrics $font(str) -linespace] - set font(pady) 3 - set font(padx) 5 - #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# set look(extrapix) [switch $OS { osx {concat 2} default {concat 1}}]
set look(View:tooltip) 1 set look(View:iowidth) 7 --- 508,527 ---- } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# set look(extrapix) [switch $OS { osx {concat 2} default {concat 1}}]
+ #font is defined as Thing for now, as fontbomb and (later on the completion) needs + #to get to these ones. + set look(Thing:fontsize) 12 + set look(Thing:fontfamily) courier + set look(Thing:fontstyle) normal + set look(Thing:fontitalic) 0 + set look(Thing:fontstr2) "-*-courier-medium--normal--%d-*" + set look(Thing:fontstr) [format -*-courier-medium--normal--%d-* $look(Thing:fontsize)] + set look(Thing:fontwidth) [font measure $look(Thing:fontstr) W] + set look(Thing:fontheight) [font metrics $look(Thing:fontstr) -linespace] + set look(Thing:fontpady) 3 + set look(Thing:fontpadx) 5 set look(View:tooltip) 1 set look(View:iowidth) 7 *************** *** 1103,1106 **** --- 1104,1108 ---- def* View unclick {x y f target} {} def View motion {x y f target} {} + #class that are not view but need to look are: completionbox, dialog def Thing look {k} { global look *************** *** 1145,1150 **** set find [lsearch $args "-font"] if {$find >= 0} { ! set new_size [format %.0f [expr $font(size)*$scale]] ! set s [format $font(str2) $new_size] set args [lreplace $args [expr $find + 1] [expr $find + 1] $s] } --- 1147,1154 ---- set find [lsearch $args "-font"] if {$find >= 0} { ! #set new_size [format %.0f [expr $font(size)*$scale]] ! set new_size [format %.0f [expr [$self look fontsize]*$scale]] ! #set s [format $font(str2) $new_size] ! set s [format [$self look fontstr2] $new_size] set args [lreplace $args [expr $find + 1] [expr $find + 1] $s] } *************** *** 1686,1691 **** $t configure -width [string length [$t get 0.0 end]] } { $self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \ ! -font $font(str) -text $@text -fill [$self look fg] -anchor nw } $self update_size --- 1690,1697 ---- $t configure -width [string length [$t get 0.0 end]] } { + #$self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \ + # -font $font(str) -text $@text -fill [$self look fg] -anchor nw $self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \ ! -font [$self look fontstr] -text $@text -fill [$self look fg] -anchor nw } $self update_size *************** *** 1708,1719 **** $self update_size #bind Text <Tab> "$self tab; continue" ! set new_size [format %.0f [expr $font(size)*$_($@canvas:scale)]] ! set font_str [format $font(str2) $new_size] text $t -height 1 -width [expr [string length $@text]+1] -relief flat \ -bg [.$@canvas.c itemcget ${self}BASE -fill] -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0\ -font $font_str -fg [$self look fg] - #text $t -height 1 -width [expr [string length $@text]+1] -relief flat \ - # -bg [$self look bg] -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0\ - # -font $font_str -fg [$self look fg] bind $t <Key> "$self key %W %x %y %K %A 0" bind $t <Control-Return> "$self key %W %x %y 10 %A 0" --- 1714,1724 ---- $self update_size #bind Text <Tab> "$self tab; continue" ! #set new_size [format %.0f [expr $font(size)*$_($@canvas:scale)]] ! set new_size [format %.0f [expr [$self look fontsize]*$_($@canvas:scale)]] ! #set font_str [format $font(str2) $new_size] ! set font_str [format [$self look fontstr2] $new_size] text $t -height 1 -width [expr [string length $@text]+1] -relief flat \ -bg [.$@canvas.c itemcget ${self}BASE -fill] -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0\ -font $font_str -fg [$self look fg] bind $t <Key> "$self key %W %x %y %K %A 0" bind $t <Control-Return> "$self key %W %x %y 10 %A 0" *************** *** 1746,1753 **** global font set n [string length $@text] ! set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*($n+$@edit)] if {[llength [.$@canvas.c gettags ${self}TEXT]]} { mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [.$@canvas.c bbox ${self}TEXT] ! set textwidth [expr (($x2 - $x1)/[$@canvas scale])+$font(padx)] } #if {[llength [.$@canvas.c gettags ${self}text]]} { --- 1751,1760 ---- global font set n [string length $@text] ! set padx [$self look fontpadx];set pady [$self look fontpady] ! set width [$self look fontwidth];set height [$self look fontheight] ! set textwidth [expr $padx+$width*($n+$@edit)] if {[llength [.$@canvas.c gettags ${self}TEXT]]} { mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [.$@canvas.c bbox ${self}TEXT] ! set textwidth [expr (($x2 - $x1)/[$@canvas scale])+$padx] } #if {[llength [.$@canvas.c gettags ${self}text]]} { *************** *** 1755,1759 **** set n [expr [string length [.$@canvas.c.${self}text get 1.0 1.end]] -1] mset {x1 y1 w h} [.$@canvas.c.${self}text bbox 1.$n] ! set textwidth [expr ($font(padx) + $x1 + ($w * 2)+$font(padx)+2) / [$@canvas scale]] } #} --- 1762,1766 ---- set n [expr [string length [.$@canvas.c.${self}text get 1.0 1.end]] -1] mset {x1 y1 w h} [.$@canvas.c.${self}text bbox 1.$n] ! set textwidth [expr ($padx + $x1 + ($w * 2)+$padx+2) / [$@canvas scale]] } #} *************** *** 1762,1766 **** set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] set @xs [max [$self look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] ! set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 1769,1773 ---- set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] set @xs [max [$self look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] ! set @ys [expr $pady+$height] } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************** *** 3311,3316 **** set string [string range $@text 0 [expr $@w-1]] } $self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \ ! -text $string -fill [$self look fg] -font $font(str) -anchor nw }
--- 3318,3325 ---- set string [string range $@text 0 [expr $@w-1]] } + #$self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \ + # -text $string -fill [$self look fg] -font $font(str) -anchor nw $self item TEXT text [l+ {2 2} [list $x1 $y1]] \ ! -text $string -fill [$self look fg] -font [$self look fontstr] -anchor nw }
*************** *** 3668,3676 **** global font if {!$@w} {set @w 5} ! set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*$@w] set topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] set @xs [max [$self look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] ! set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] }
--- 3677,3687 ---- global font if {!$@w} {set @w 5} ! set padx [$self look fontpadx];set pady [$self look fontpady] ! set width [$self look fontwidth];set height [$self look fontheight] ! set textwidth [expr $padx+$width*$@w] set topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] set @xs [max [$self look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] ! set @ys [expr $pady+$height] }
*************** *** 3724,3732 **** def NumBox update_size {} { global font ! set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*[string length $@buf]] set topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] set @xs [max [$self look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] ! set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] }
--- 3735,3745 ---- def NumBox update_size {} { global font ! set padx [$self look fontpadx];set pady [$self look fontpady] ! set width [$self look fontwidth];set height [$self look fontheight] ! set textwidth [expr $padx+$width*[string length $@buf]] set topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] set bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * [$self look iowidth]] set @xs [max [$self look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]] ! set @ys [expr $pady+$height] }
*************** *** 3750,3757 **** $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [parse_color $@bcol] -outline [$self look frame3] $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -fill $color4 -outline [$self look frame3] ! #$self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text [$self ftoa] \ # -font $font(str) -fill [parse_color $@fcol] $self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text $@text \ ! -font $font(str) -fill [parse_color $@fcol] $c delete ${self}CURS if {[string length $@buf]>0} { --- 3763,3770 ---- $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [parse_color $@bcol] -outline [$self look frame3] $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -fill $color4 -outline [$self look frame3] ! #$self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text $@text \ # -font $font(str) -fill [parse_color $@fcol] $self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text $@text \ ! -font [$self look fontstr] -fill [parse_color $@fcol] $c delete ${self}CURS if {[string length $@buf]>0} { *************** *** 4248,4253 **** mset {x1 y1} {0 0} set @name (unknown) $self item TEXT text [list $x1 $y1] \ ! -font $font(str) -text "an array named '$@name' should appear in this patch" \ -fill [$self look fg] -anchor nw } --- 4261,4269 ---- mset {x1 y1} {0 0} set @name (unknown) + #$self item TEXT text [list $x1 $y1] \ + # -font $font(str) -text "an array named '$@name' should appear in this patch" \ + # -fill [$self look fg] -anchor nw $self item TEXT text [list $x1 $y1] \ ! -font [$self look fontstr] -text "an array named '$@name' should appear in this patch" \ -fill [$self look fg] -anchor nw } *************** *** 5523,5526 **** --- 5539,5543 ---- key Canvas {load_meter latency_meter} key Canvas about + section Client font section Client others crosshair Canvas hairstate *************** *** 5880,5884 ****
def* FontBombDialog changesize {y} { - global font set f .$self set @size [expr $@size - $y] --- 5897,5900 ---- *************** *** 5886,5890 **** $f.font.size.entry insert 0 $@size $self update - puts "$font(size)" }
--- 5902,5905 ---- *************** *** 5904,5917 ****
def* FontBombDialog apply {} { ! global font $self get_xlfd $@font $@style $@size ! set font(size) $@size ! set font(name) $@font ! set font(style) $@style ! set font(italic) $@italic ! set font(str) $@str ! set font(str2) $@str2 ! set font(width) [font measure $@str W] ! set font(height) [font metrics $@str -linespace] puts " font :: $@font" puts " size :: $@size" --- 5919,5932 ----
def* FontBombDialog apply {} { ! global look $self get_xlfd $@font $@style $@size ! set look(Thing:fontsize) $@size ! set look(Thing:fontfamily) $@font ! set look(Thing:fontstyle) $@style ! set look(Thing:fontitalic) $@italic ! set look(Thing:fontstr) $@str ! set look(Thing:fontstr2) $@str2 ! set look(Thing:fontwidth) [font measure $@str W] ! set look(Thing:fontheight) [font metrics $@str -linespace] puts " font :: $@font" puts " size :: $@size" *************** *** 5928,5936 **** set f .$self bind all <KeyPress-F1> help ! set @size $font(size) ! set @font $font(name) ! set @style $font(style) ! set @italic $font(italic) ! set @fstr $font(str) set bold 0 set italic 0 --- 5943,5951 ---- set f .$self bind all <KeyPress-F1> help ! set @size [$self look fontsize] ! set @font [$self look fontfamily] ! set @style [$self look fontstyle] ! set @italic [$self look fontitalic] ! set @fstr [$self look fontstr] set bold 0 set italic 0