Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/postlude/dssi In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv25790
Added Files: TODO Log Message: Fixed bug 28 in TODO by restructuring dssi_tilde_new
--- NEW FILE: TODO --- 1. Fix memory allocation issues. 2. Restore Trivial Synth compatibility, i.e. is GUI fails, don't crash. - DONE! 3. Reomve alsa.h dependency - Included header file! 4. Get Hexter/Fluidsynth working - DONE! 5. Get LTS working (full functionality i.e Pitch Bend, Control etc.) - DONE! 6. Do OSC/GUI - DONE! 7. Multiple instances -DONE! 8. If OSC is received from another source - update the GUI. 9. Patch saving/loading. -DONE (for Hexter)! 10. Make GUI close when app closes, or new plugin loaded. -DONE! 11. Make ll-scope work. 12. Fix note hangs. - DONE - this was due to precedence problems in the PD patch! 13. Fix inability to run two instances of the dssi~ external. - DONE! 14. Fix exiting handler -DONE! 15. Fix GUI close when PD quit - don't leave defunct process 16. Fix free() call if plugin isn't loaded successfully -DONE! 17. Implement GUI show/hide. -DONE! 18. Fix segfault if dssi~ recieves on MIDI channel it doesn't have an instance for -DONE! 19. Fix program crash when patch load if audio running. -DONE! 20. Make info logged to pd console more meaningful 21. Add more error checking. 22. Fix: global polyphony handling - DONE! 23. Fix: config malloc bugs 24. Fix: exit call instance deactivate function - DONE! 25. Check DSSI spec conformity! 26. FIX: Why does is incorrect patch name chown when program is changed from GUI? - DONE! - query_programs must be sent for each configure call 27. FIX: Generic valgrind error - also in jack-dssi-host. 28. FIX: crash on close if incorrect plugin path given on command line -DONE!