Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/build/doc In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv9938
Added Files: makefile Removed Files: apply~.pd atan2~.pd automata.txt cdplayer.pd equalizer.pd examplescore.txt ext13.pd filtgain.pd help-ENV.pd help-abs~.pd help-aenv~.pd help-allow.pd help-alternate.pd help-ann_som.pd help-arbran.pd help-arraycopy.pd help-arraysize.pd help-ascseq.pd help-ascwave.pd help-atan2~.pd help-average.pd help-bandpass.pd help-bdiag~.pd help-beat.pd help-beta.pd help-bfft~.pd help-bfilt.pd help-bilex.pd help-borax.pd help-button.pd help-bwin~.pd help-cauchy.pd help-cheby~.pd help-chord.pd help-delta.pd help-deny.pd help-dist.pd help-dist~.pd help-divide.pd help-divmod.pd help-dwt~.pd help-dynwav~.pd help-eadsr~.pd help-ead~.pd help-ear~.pd help-edge.pd help-envgen.pd help-equalizer.pd help-expo.pd help-fdn~.pd help-ffpoly.pd help-fifo.pd help-fwarp.pd help-gauss.pd help-gem_average.pd help-gem_change.pd help-gem_counter.pd help-gestalt.pd help-getenv.pd help-henon.pd help-highpass.pd help-highshelf.pd help-history.pd help-hlshelf.pd help-ignore.pd help-ikeda.pd help-image.pd help-inv.pd help-invert.pd help-iso.pd help-junction~.pd help-knob.pd help-lattice~.pd help-lifo.pd help-limit.pd help-linear.pd help-listfifo.pd help-listfunnel.pd help-ln~.pd help-lorenz.pd help-lowpass.pd help-lowshelf.pd help-match.pd help-matrix~.pd help-maxlib.pd help-minus.pd help-mlife.pd help-moog~.pd help-multi.pd help-nchange.pd help-netclient.pd help-netdist.pd help-netrec.pd help-netserver.pd help-notch.pd help-nroute.pd help-oggamp~.pd help-oggcast~.pd help-oggread~.pd help-oggwrite~.pd help-oneshot.pd help-pan_gogins~.pd help-pansig~.pd help-pan~.pd help-permut~.pd help-pipewrite~.pd help-pitch.pd help-plugin~.pd help-plus.pd help-poisson.pd help-proc.pd help-pulse.pd help-qmult~.pd help-qnorm~.pd help-randomF.pd help-randomix.pd help-range.pd help-ratio.pd help-rec2pol~.pd help-remote.pd help-rewrap.pd help-rhythm.pd help-rhythm_ioi_histogram.pd help-rhythm_quantum.pd help-rhythm_slave_metro.pd help-rossler.pd help-rtin~.pd help-scale.pd help-score.pd help-serialize.pd help-sfread~.pd help-sfwrite~.pd help-shell.pd help-shuffle.pd help-slider.pd help-som.pd help-speedlim.pd help-split.pd help-sprinkler.pd help-state.pd help-statistic.pd help-step.pd help-strcat.pd help-streamin~.pd help-streamout~.pd help-stripdir.pd help-subst.pd help-susloop~.pd help-svf~.pd help-sync.pd help-system.pd help-tabreadmix~.pd help-temperature.pd help-ticker.pd help-tilt.pd help-timebang.pd help-triang.pd help-tripleLine.pd help-tripleRand.pd help-unroute.pd help-unwonk.pd help-urn.pd help-utime.pd help-vbap.pd help-velocity.pd help-weibull.pd help-wrap.pd help-xfm~.pd help-zhzxh~.pd help_rhythm.pd hlshelf.pd ifeel-help.pd kalashnikov.pd linuxevent-help.pd linuxevent-joystick.pd linuxhid.pd linuxjoystick-help.pd linuxmouse-help.pd mandelbrot.pd mandelbrot~.pd mixer~.pd openpatch.pd ossmixer.pd pan_gogins~.pd pipeio~.pd polygate~.pd promiscous~.pd range.pd receivelocal.pd scramble~.pd send13.pd sendlocal.pd streamio13~.pd test.som wavinfo.pd Log Message: removed static files and created makefile to copy all help files to externals/build/doc/
--- help-inv.pd DELETED ---
--- help-strcat.pd DELETED ---
--- help-randomF.pd DELETED ---
--- help-arraysize.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ffpoly.pd DELETED ---
--- help-fwarp.pd DELETED ---
--- help_rhythm.pd DELETED ---
--- help-rewrap.pd DELETED ---
--- help-oggwrite~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-dwt~.pd DELETED ---
--- range.pd DELETED ---
--- help-oggamp~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-cheby~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-rhythm.pd DELETED ---
--- linuxmouse-help.pd DELETED ---
--- ext13.pd DELETED ---
--- kalashnikov.pd DELETED ---
--- filtgain.pd DELETED ---
--- help-permut~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ticker.pd DELETED ---
--- help-tripleLine.pd DELETED ---
--- scramble~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-subst.pd DELETED ---
--- help-rec2pol~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ENV.pd DELETED ---
--- help-weibull.pd DELETED ---
--- help-triang.pd DELETED ---
--- help-cauchy.pd DELETED ---
--- help-susloop~.pd DELETED ---
--- polygate~.pd DELETED ---
--- sendlocal.pd DELETED ---
--- help-gauss.pd DELETED ---
--- help-dist.pd DELETED ---
--- help-sfread~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-oggcast~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-getenv.pd DELETED ---
--- help-button.pd DELETED ---
--- help-allow.pd DELETED ---
--- help-temperature.pd DELETED ---
--- help-borax.pd DELETED ---
--- help-netrec.pd DELETED ---
--- help-bfilt.pd DELETED ---
--- help-nchange.pd DELETED ---
--- openpatch.pd DELETED ---
--- help-matrix~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-lorenz.pd DELETED ---
--- help-oggread~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-nroute.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ln~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-mlife.pd DELETED ---
--- help-abs~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-scale.pd DELETED ---
--- automata.txt DELETED ---
--- help-shell.pd DELETED ---
--- help-proc.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ascseq.pd DELETED ---
--- apply~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-tabreadmix~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-eadsr~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-streamout~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-hlshelf.pd DELETED ---
--- help-moog~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-gem_counter.pd DELETED ---
--- help-som.pd DELETED ---
--- help-divide.pd DELETED ---
--- help-randomix.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ear~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-serialize.pd DELETED ---
--- help-lattice~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-gestalt.pd DELETED ---
--- help-gem_change.pd DELETED ---
--- help-divmod.pd DELETED ---
--- help-fdn~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-bdiag~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-edge.pd DELETED ---
--- help-rtin~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-maxlib.pd DELETED ---
--- help-expo.pd DELETED ---
--- ifeel-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-alternate.pd DELETED ---
--- help-listfifo.pd DELETED ---
--- help-minus.pd DELETED ---
--- help-rhythm_ioi_histogram.pd DELETED ---
--- help-arraycopy.pd DELETED ---
--- pipeio~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-lowshelf.pd DELETED ---
--- help-poisson.pd DELETED ---
--- help-gem_average.pd DELETED ---
--- cdplayer.pd DELETED ---
--- linuxevent-joystick.pd DELETED ---
--- help-beat.pd DELETED ---
--- help-sprinkler.pd DELETED ---
--- help-rhythm_slave_metro.pd DELETED ---
--- help-notch.pd DELETED ---
--- help-xfm~.pd DELETED ---
--- mandelbrot~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-envgen.pd DELETED ---
--- help-qmult~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-pipewrite~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-junction~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-lifo.pd DELETED ---
--- ossmixer.pd DELETED ---
--- help-rossler.pd DELETED ---
--- help-bandpass.pd DELETED ---
--- help-image.pd DELETED ---
--- help-lowpass.pd DELETED ---
--- help-deny.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ignore.pd DELETED ---
--- help-pan~.pd DELETED ---
--- equalizer.pd DELETED ---
--- help-sync.pd DELETED ---
--- help-urn.pd DELETED ---
--- help-score.pd DELETED ---
--- help-stripdir.pd DELETED ---
--- help-speedlim.pd DELETED ---
--- NEW FILE: makefile ---
# # makefile for copying all of the help docs into this folder for # inclusion into the externals packages #
all: # [sprinkler]'s help file is generated by ./configure cd ../../sprinkler && autoconf && ./configure cp ../../sprinkler/sprinkler-help.pd $(DOC_DIR) # all of the rest cp ../../OSCx/doc/*.pd \ ../../ann/examples/*.* \ ../../aenv~/*.pd \ ../../beatpipe/*.pd \ ../../build/*.pd \ ../../bbogart/chaos/tools/*.pd \ ../../bbogart/*/*.pd \ ../../creb/doc/*.pd \ ../../creb/doc/examples/*.pd \ ../../cxc/reference/*.pd \ ../../dfx/*/*.pd \ ../../ext13/doc/*.pd \ ../../ggee/*/*.pd \ ../../gem2pdp/*.pd \ ../../hcs/*.pd \ ../../markex/*.pd \ ../../maxlib/help/*.* \ ../../mjlib/doc/*.pd \ ../../motex/*.pd \ ../../pdogg/*/*.pd \ ../../plugin~/*.pd \ ../../rhythm_estimator/*.p? \ ../../susloop~/*.pd \ ../../svf~/*.pd \ ../../vbap/*.pd \ ../../vst/*.pd \ ../../zhzxh~/*.pd \ $(DOC_DIR) chmod a-wx *.*
# this is mildly dangerous, since it just deletes everything clean: rm -f *.*
--- test.som DELETED ---
--- help-unroute.pd DELETED ---
--- help-velocity.pd DELETED ---
--- mixer~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-atan2~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-aenv~.pd DELETED ---
--- examplescore.txt DELETED ---
--- help-netserver.pd DELETED ---
--- help-pulse.pd DELETED ---
--- help-listfunnel.pd DELETED ---
--- help-dynwav~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-highshelf.pd DELETED ---
--- promiscous~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-netclient.pd DELETED ---
--- help-multi.pd DELETED ---
--- help-tripleRand.pd DELETED ---
--- help-invert.pd DELETED ---
--- help-dist~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-chord.pd DELETED ---
--- help-rhythm_quantum.pd DELETED ---
--- linuxhid.pd DELETED ---
--- help-system.pd DELETED ---
--- help-pan_gogins~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-sfwrite~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-henon.pd DELETED ---
--- send13.pd DELETED ---
--- wavinfo.pd DELETED ---
--- help-state.pd DELETED ---
--- help-range.pd DELETED ---
--- help-match.pd DELETED ---
--- help-arbran.pd DELETED ---
--- help-timebang.pd DELETED ---
--- help-streamin~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-pansig~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-history.pd DELETED ---
--- help-highpass.pd DELETED ---
--- help-average.pd DELETED ---
--- help-equalizer.pd DELETED ---
--- help-limit.pd DELETED ---
--- pan_gogins~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-delta.pd DELETED ---
--- help-zhzxh~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-bfft~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-oneshot.pd DELETED ---
--- atan2~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-bilex.pd DELETED ---
--- help-unwonk.pd DELETED ---
--- linuxevent-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-beta.pd DELETED ---
--- help-netdist.pd DELETED ---
--- help-fifo.pd DELETED ---
--- help-qnorm~.pd DELETED ---
--- mandelbrot.pd DELETED ---
--- help-plugin~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-step.pd DELETED ---
--- receivelocal.pd DELETED ---
--- help-knob.pd DELETED ---
--- help-shuffle.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ascwave.pd DELETED ---
--- help-svf~.pd DELETED ---
--- hlshelf.pd DELETED ---
--- help-split.pd DELETED ---
--- linuxjoystick-help.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ann_som.pd DELETED ---
--- help-statistic.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ead~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-utime.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ikeda.pd DELETED ---
--- help-ratio.pd DELETED ---
--- help-linear.pd DELETED ---
--- help-plus.pd DELETED ---
--- help-vbap.pd DELETED ---
--- help-slider.pd DELETED ---
--- help-bwin~.pd DELETED ---
--- streamio13~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-wrap.pd DELETED ---
--- help-remote.pd DELETED ---
--- help-tilt.pd DELETED ---
--- help-iso.pd DELETED ---
--- help-pitch.pd DELETED ---