Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv16875
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: more more stuff
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.57 -r1.1.2.58 *** desire.tk 14 Sep 2005 13:28:12 -0000 --- desire.tk 14 Sep 2005 17:38:03 -0000 *************** *** 864,877 **** #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # check or uncheck the "edit" menu item ! def canvas editmode {value} { global look ! .x$self.m.edit entryconfigure "Edit mode" -indicatoron $value ! set mode [if {$value} {list edit} {list run}] catch {.x$self.bbar.edit configure -image icon_mode_$mode} ! .x$self.c configure -background $look(canvasbg$mode) ! set @mode $mode }
! proc pdtk_canvas_getscroll {args} {}
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# --- 864,876 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # check or uncheck the "edit" menu item ! def* canvas editmode {mode} { global look ! .x$self.m.edit entryconfigure "Edit mode" -indicatoron $mode ! set @editmode $mode catch {.x$self.bbar.edit configure -image icon_mode_$mode} ! .x$self.c configure -background [if $@editmode {list $look(canvasbgedit)} {list $look(canvasbgrun)}] }
! def* canvas getscroll {args} {}
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# *************** *** 926,931 **** set @current_x 30 set @current_y 30 ! set @editable $editable ! set @mode [if {$editable} {list "edit"} else {list "run"}] }
--- 925,931 ---- set @current_x 30 set @current_y 30 ! set @editmode $editable ! set @select_by "" ! set @bbox {0 0 100 100} }
*************** *** 957,961 **** } } ! $self bind <ButtonRelease> mouseup %x %y %b $self bind <Control-Key> ctrlkey %K 0 $self bind <Control-Shift-Key> ctrlkey %K 1 --- 957,961 ---- } } ! $self bind <ButtonRelease> unclick %x %y %b $self bind <Control-Key> ctrlkey %K 0 $self bind <Control-Shift-Key> ctrlkey %K 1 *************** *** 979,992 **** # $self bind <Unmap> unmap switch $OS { unix { ! $self bind <Button-4> scroll $c y -1 ! $self bind <Button-5> scroll $c y +1 ! $self bind <Shift-Button-4> scroll $c x -1 ! $self bind <Shift-Button-5> scroll $c x +1 } default { ! $self bind <MouseWheel> scroll $c y [expr -abs(%D)/%D] ! $self bind <Shift-MouseWheel> scroll $c x [expr -abs(%D)/%D] }} }
def canvas new_menubar {editable} { set name .x$self --- 979,996 ---- # $self bind <Unmap> unmap switch $OS { unix { ! $self bind <Button-4> scroll y -1 ! $self bind <Button-5> scroll y +1 ! $self bind <Shift-Button-4> scroll x -1 ! $self bind <Shift-Button-5> scroll x +1 } default { ! $self bind <MouseWheel> scroll y [expr -abs(%D)/%D] ! $self bind <Shift-MouseWheel> scroll x [expr -abs(%D)/%D] }} }
+ def canvas scroll {axis diff} { + .x$self.c [list $axis]view scroll $diff units + } + def canvas new_menubar {editable} { set name .x$self *************** *** 1157,1164 **** item $self $canvas BASE3 line $xyc -fill $look(objectframe3) io_draw $self $canvas - #set @clickeditevent objectbox_clickedit - #set @clickevent objectbox_click if {[$canvas selected? $self]} {set frcol $look(objectframe4)} {set frcol $look(objectframe3)} ! set c .x$self.c $c itemconfigure ${self}BASE -outline $frcol if {$@isnew} { --- 1161,1166 ---- item $self $canvas BASE3 line $xyc -fill $look(objectframe3) io_draw $self $canvas if {[$canvas selected? $self]} {set frcol $look(objectframe4)} {set frcol $look(objectframe3)} ! set c .x$canvas.c $c itemconfigure ${self}BASE -outline $frcol if {$@isnew} { *************** *** 1224,1228 ****
# change the text ! proc pdtk_text_set {canvas myname text} {text_set $canvas $myname $text} proc text_set {canvas myname text} { .x$canvas.c itemconfigure $myname -text $text --- 1226,1230 ----
# change the text ! proc* pdtk_text_set {canvas myname text} {} proc text_set {canvas myname text} { .x$canvas.c itemconfigure $myname -text $text *************** *** 1242,1246 **** -font [format -*-courier-medium--normal--%d-* $font_size] set _(focus) $self ! bind $t <KeyRelease> "text_key $self .x$canvas.c %W %x %y %K %A 0" set @isnew 1 set t .x$canvas.c.${self}text --- 1244,1248 ---- -font [format -*-courier-medium--normal--%d-* $font_size] set _(focus) $self ! bind $t <KeyRelease> "text_key $self $canvas %W %x %y %K %A 0" set @isnew 1 set t .x$canvas.c.${self}text *************** *** 1313,1318 **** $self draw $canvas for {set x 0} {$x<$@inlets} {incr x} { ! if {[info exists _($self:0:$x)]} { ! foreach wire_id $_($self:0:$x) { wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) wire_draw2 $wire_id $canvas --- 1315,1320 ---- $self draw $canvas for {set x 0} {$x<$@inlets} {incr x} { ! if {[info exists _($self:i:$x)]} { ! foreach wire_id $_($self:i:$x) { wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) wire_draw2 $wire_id $canvas *************** *** 1323,1328 **** } for {set x 0} {$x<$@outlets} {incr x} { ! if {[info exists _($self:1:$x)]} { ! foreach wire_id $_($self:1:$x) { wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) wire_draw2 $wire_id $canvas --- 1325,1330 ---- } for {set x 0} {$x<$@outlets} {incr x} { ! if {[info exists _($self:o:$x)]} { ! foreach wire_id $_($self:o:$x) { wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) wire_draw2 $wire_id $canvas *************** *** 1362,1367 **** set cx [$c canvasx $x]; set @current_x $cx set cy [$c canvasy $y]; set @current_y $cy - - set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } if {$tooltip(visible)} { if {[expr pow($tooltip(mx)-$cx,2) + pow($tooltip(my)-$cy,2) > 100]} { --- 1364,1367 ---- *************** *** 1404,1419 **** #----handles the wire update---- for {set x 0} {$x<$_($obj:inlets)} {incr x} { ! if {[info exists _($obj:0:$x)]} { ! foreach wire $_($obj:0:$x) { wire_update $wire $_($wire) ! wire_draw2 $wire $canvas } } } for {set x 0} {$x<$_($obj:outlets)} {incr x} { ! if {[info exists _($obj:1:$x)]} { ! foreach wire $_($obj:1:$x) { wire_update $wire $_($wire) ! wire_draw2 $wire $canvas } } --- 1404,1419 ---- #----handles the wire update---- for {set x 0} {$x<$_($obj:inlets)} {incr x} { ! if {[info exists _($obj:i:$x)]} { ! foreach wire $_($obj:i:$x) { wire_update $wire $_($wire) ! wire_draw2 $wire $self } } } for {set x 0} {$x<$_($obj:outlets)} {incr x} { ! if {[info exists _($obj:o:$x)]} { ! foreach wire $_($obj:o:$x) { wire_update $wire $_($wire) ! wire_draw2 $wire $self } } *************** *** 1424,1450 **** rect { set coords [$c coords selrect] ! set x1 [lindex $coords 0] ! set y1 [lindex $coords 1] ! set x2 $cx ! set y2 $cy $c coords selrect $x1 $y1 $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2 $x1 $y1 } } - set run [expr !$edit] if {[string length $@focus]} { ! set id $@focus ! if {$run} { ! event $id motionevent $canvas $cx $cy $mods} { ! event $id motioneditevent $canvas $cx $cy $mods} return } ! foreach {type id} [identify_target $self $cx $cy -1 -1 "move "] {} switch $type { object { ! if {$run} { ! event $id motionevent $canvas $cx $cy $mods} { ! event $id motioneditevent $canvas $cx $cy $mods} ! if {$edit && [llength [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE]]} { ! foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE] {} if {abs($y1+3-$cy)<=3} { set ports 0 --- 1424,1444 ---- rect { set coords [$c coords selrect] ! set x1 [lindex $coords 0]; set x2 $cx ! set y1 [lindex $coords 1]; set y2 $cy $c coords selrect $x1 $y1 $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2 $x1 $y1 } } if {[string length $@focus]} { ! if {$@editmode} {set event motionedit} {set event motion} ! $@focus $event $self $cx $cy $mods return } ! foreach {type id} [$self identify_target $cx $cy -1 -1 "move "] {} switch $type { object { ! if {$@editmode} {set event motionedit} {set event motion} ! $id $event $self $cx $cy $mods ! if {$@editmode && [llength [$c bbox ${id}BASE]]} { ! foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$c bbox ${id}BASE] {} if {abs($y1+3-$cy)<=3} { set ports 0 *************** *** 1453,1460 **** set port [expr int(($cx-$x1)*$ports/($x2-$x1))] if {[llength $wire_from]} { ! $canvas create rectangle \ ! [l+ [$canvas coords ${id}i${port}] {-4 -4 +4 +4}] \ -outline $look(outletfg) -width 1 -tags ${id}i${port}b ! set dehighlight "$canvas delete ${id}i${port}b; set wire_to {}" set wire_to [list $id $port] return --- 1447,1454 ---- set port [expr int(($cx-$x1)*$ports/($x2-$x1))] if {[llength $wire_from]} { ! $c create rectangle \ ! [l+ [$c coords ${id}i${port}] {-4 -4 +4 +4}] \ -outline $look(outletfg) -width 1 -tags ${id}i${port}b ! set dehighlight "$c delete ${id}i${port}b; set wire_to {}" set wire_to [list $id $port] return *************** *** 1463,1467 **** } } { ! foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE] {} if {abs($y2-3-$cy)<=3} { set ports 0 --- 1457,1461 ---- } } { ! foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$c bbox ${id}BASE] {} if {abs($y2-3-$cy)<=3} { set ports 0 *************** *** 1469,1476 **** if {$ports} { set port [expr int(($cx-$x1)*$ports/($x2-$x1))] ! $canvas create rectangle \ ! [l+ [$canvas coords ${id}o${port}] {-4 -4 +4 +4}] \ -outline $look(outletfg) -width 1 -tags ${id}o${port}b ! set dehighlight "$canvas delete ${id}o${port}b" } } --- 1463,1470 ---- if {$ports} { set port [expr int(($cx-$x1)*$ports/($x2-$x1))] ! $c create rectangle \ ! [l+ [$c coords ${id}o${port}] {-4 -4 +4 +4}] \ -outline $look(outletfg) -width 1 -tags ${id}o${port}b ! set dehighlight "$c delete ${id}o${port}b" } } *************** *** 1483,1488 ****
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! proc identify_target {canvas cx cy b f label} { ! set c .x$canvas.c set stack [lreverse [$c find overlapping \ [expr $cx-2] [expr $cy-2] [expr $cx+2] [expr $cy+2]]] --- 1477,1482 ----
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! def canvas identify_target {cx cy b f label} { ! set c .x$self.c set stack [lreverse [$c find overlapping \ [expr $cx-2] [expr $cy-2] [expr $cx+2] [expr $cy+2]]] *************** *** 1533,1537 **** set tags [$c gettags [lindex [$c find overlapping \ [expr $cx-2] [expr $cy-2] [expr $cx+2] [expr $cy+2]] end]] ! foreach {type id} [identify_target $self $cx $cy -1 -1 "click"] {} switch $type { object { --- 1527,1531 ---- set tags [$c gettags [lindex [$c find overlapping \ [expr $cx-2] [expr $cy-2] [expr $cx+2] [expr $cy+2]] end]] ! foreach {type id} [$self identify_target $cx $cy -1 -1 "click"] {} switch $type { object { *************** *** 1545,1549 **** $bar.what configure -text "focus: $@focus" } ! $bar.mode configure -text $@mode $bar.action configure -text $@action $bar.sel configure -text [llength $@selection] --- 1539,1543 ---- $bar.what configure -text "focus: $@focus" } ! $bar.mode configure -text [if {$@editmode} {list "Edit"} {list "Run "}] $bar.action configure -text $@action $bar.sel configure -text [llength $@selection] *************** *** 1559,1570 **** set cx [$c canvasx $x] set cy [$c canvasy $y] - set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } set select_area(x1) $x set select_area(y1) $y set mouse(b1down) 1 ! foreach {type id} [identify_target $self $cx $cy $b $f "click"] {} switch $type { object { ! set run [expr !$edit || ($f&2)] if {[string length $@focus]} {set gid $@focus} if {$f&8} { --- 1553,1563 ---- set cx [$c canvasx $x] set cy [$c canvasy $y] set select_area(x1) $x set select_area(y1) $y set mouse(b1down) 1 ! foreach {type id} [$self identify_target $cx $cy $b $f "click"] {} switch $type { object { ! set run [expr $@editmode || ($f&2)] if {[string length $@focus]} {set gid $@focus} if {$f&8} { *************** *** 1572,1582 **** } else { if {$run} { - #puts "click click click" if {$_($id:class) == "bang"} {bang_bang $id $c} ! event $id clickevent $c $cx $cy $b $f} { ! event $id clickeditevent $c $cx $cy $b $f } } ! if {!($f&8) && $edit && [llength [$c bbox ${id}BASE]]} { foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$c bbox ${id}BASE] {} if {abs($y2-3-$cy)<=3} { --- 1565,1575 ---- } else { if {$run} { if {$_($id:class) == "bang"} {bang_bang $id $c} ! $id click $self $cx $cy $b $f ! } { ! $id clickedit $self $cx $cy $b $f } } ! if {!($f&8) && $@editmode && [llength [$c bbox ${id}BASE]]} { foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$c bbox ${id}BASE] {} if {abs($y2-3-$cy)<=3} { *************** *** 1597,1601 **** if {[llength $@selection] == 1} { if {[expr $already]} { ! set $@select_by "click" } } --- 1590,1594 ---- if {[llength $@selection] == 1} { if {[expr $already]} { ! set @select_by "click" } } *************** *** 1605,1612 **** #switch $_($id:class) { #bang { - #puts "clicked on bang :: editable = $edit" - #bang_bang $id $c - #} #objectbox { --- 1598,1602 ---- *************** *** 1653,1657 **** } default { ! if {$edit} { # my object edit mode code begins --chun if {[info exists @obj_in_edit]} { --- 1643,1647 ---- } default { ! if {$@editmode} { # my object edit mode code begins --chun if {[info exists @obj_in_edit]} { *************** *** 1683,1695 **** }
! #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! set canvas_mouseup(name) 0 ! set canvas_mouseup(xmin) 0 ! set canvas_mouseup(xmax) 0 ! set canvas_mouseup(ymin) 0 ! set canvas_mouseup(ymax) 0 ! ! def canvas mouseup {x y b} { ! global canvas_mouseup wire_from wire_to _ font look offset_wire set c .x$self.c set cx [$c canvasx $x] --- 1673,1678 ---- }
! def canvas unclick {x y b} { ! global wire_from wire_to font look offset_wire set c .x$self.c set cx [$c canvasx $x] *************** *** 1713,1730 **** set to [lindex $wire_to 0] set inlet_number [lindex $wire_to 1] - set inlet_flag 0 - set outlet_flag 1
! if {[info exists _($from:$outlet_flag:$outlet_number)]} { ! lappend _($from:$outlet_flag:$outlet_number) $wire_id } else { ! set _($from:$outlet_flag:$outlet_number) $wire_id ! #puts "*** $from:$outlet_flag:$outlet_number ***" } ! if {[info exists _($to:$inlet_flag:$inlet_number)]} { ! lappend _($to:$inlet_flag:$inlet_number) $wire_id } else { ! set _($to:$inlet_flag:$inlet_number) $wire_id ! #puts "*** $to:$inlet_flag:$inlet_number ***" } #puts "d = $d" --- 1696,1709 ---- set to [lindex $wire_to 0] set inlet_number [lindex $wire_to 1]
! if {[info exists _($from:o:$outlet_number)]} { ! lappend _($from:o:$outlet_number) $wire_id } else { ! set _($from:o:$outlet_number) $wire_id } ! if {[info exists _($to:i:$inlet_number)]} { ! lappend _($to:i:$inlet_number) $wire_id } else { ! set _($to:i:$inlet_number) $wire_id } #puts "d = $d" *************** *** 1810,1818 **** #if {[info exists]} #puts "check -> $obj" ! if {[info exists _($obj:0:$x)]} { ! #puts "wires at inlet $x to select --> $_($obj:0:$x)" #wire_update $_() #wire_update:: l80f8ea8 81168ae 1 81168af 0 0 ! foreach wire_id $_($obj:0:$x) { #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) #wire_draw2 $wire_id $self --- 1789,1797 ---- #if {[info exists]} #puts "check -> $obj" ! if {[info exists _($obj:i:$x)]} { ! #puts "wires at inlet $x to select --> $_($obj:i:$x)" #wire_update $_() #wire_update:: l80f8ea8 81168ae 1 81168af 0 0 ! foreach wire_id $_($obj:i:$x) { #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) #wire_draw2 $wire_id $self *************** *** 1823,1829 **** } for {set x 0} {$x<$_($obj:outlets)} {incr x} { ! if {[info exists _($obj:1:$x)]} { ! #puts "wires at outlet $x to update --> $_($obj:1:$x)" ! foreach wire_id $_($obj:1:$x) { #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) #wire_draw2 $wire_id $self --- 1802,1808 ---- } for {set x 0} {$x<$_($obj:outlets)} {incr x} { ! if {[info exists _($obj:o:$x)]} { ! #puts "wires at outlet $x to update --> $_($obj:o:$x)" ! foreach wire_id $_($obj:o:$x) { #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) #wire_draw2 $wire_id $self *************** *** 1837,1853 **** #puts "@selection_wire --> $@selection_wire" foreach obj $@selection) { ! $canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe4) } foreach wire $@selection_wire { ! $canvas itemconfigure $wire -fill $look(wirefg2) } set @select_by "selrect" } { #foreach obj $@selection { ! #$canvas itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) #} #set @selection {} } ! $canvas delete selrect }
--- 1816,1832 ---- #puts "@selection_wire --> $@selection_wire" foreach obj $@selection) { ! $c itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe4) } foreach wire $@selection_wire { ! $c itemconfigure $wire -fill $look(wirefg2) } set @select_by "selrect" } { #foreach obj $@selection { ! #$c itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3) #} #set @selection {} } ! $c delete selrect }
*************** *** 1857,1907 **** switch $_($@selection:class) { objectbox { ! if {$@obj_in_edit == 0} { set @obj_in_edit 1 ! objectbox_edit [lindex $@selection 0] $canvas } } } } - #objectbox_edit $@edit_object $canvas } - set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } - set run [expr !$edit] if {[string length $@focus]} { set id $@focus ! if {$run} { ! #puts "====== drag drag drag ======" ! # i think this is for handling the mouse drag for things like ! # numbox and slider ! # can't test, the slider and numbox drag seems to be broken for me ! ! event $id unclickevent $canvas $cx $cy ! } { ! event $id unclickeditevent $canvas $cx $cy ! } } ! ! set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } ! foreach {type id} [identify_target $canvas $cx $cy -1 -1 "blah "] {} ! switch $type { object { ! if {$run} { ! # executed when pd is in run mode and clicked on a numbox ! event $id unclickevent $canvas $cx $cy ! } { ! event $id unclickeditevent $canvas $cx $cy ! } } } ! ! pd "$self mouseup $cx $cy $b ;" ! set size [$name bbox all] ! if {$size != ""} { ! # not entirely sure what this is, but it executes when there are objects ! # on canvas and there is a mouseup --chun ! ! set xmin 0; set xmax 100 set ymin 0; set ymax 100 set x1 [lindex $size 0]; set x2 [lindex $size 2] --- 1836,1864 ---- switch $_($@selection:class) { objectbox { ! if {!$@obj_in_edit} { set @obj_in_edit 1 ! [lindex $@selection 0] edit $self } } } } } if {[string length $@focus]} { set id $@focus ! if {$@editmode} {set event unclickedit} {set event unclick} ! $id $event $self $cx $cy } ! foreach {type id} [$self identify_target $cx $cy -1 -1 "blah "] {} switch $type { object { ! if {$@editmode} {set event unclickedit} {set event unclick} ! $id $event $self $cx $cy } } ! set size [$c bbox all] if {$size != ""} { ! # not entirely sure what this is, but it executes when there are objects ! # on canvas and there is an unclick --chun ! set xmin 0; set xmax 100 set ymin 0; set ymax 100 set x1 [lindex $size 0]; set x2 [lindex $size 2] *************** *** 1909,1926 **** if {$x1 < 0} {set xmin $x1}; if {$x2 > 100} {set xmax $x2} if {$y1 < 0} {set ymin $y1}; if {$y2 > 100} {set ymax $y2} ! if {$canvas_mouseup(name) != $name || \ ! $canvas_mouseup(xmin) != $xmin || \ ! $canvas_mouseup(xmax) != $xmax || \ ! $canvas_mouseup(ymin) != $ymin || \ ! $canvas_mouseup(ymax) != $ymax } { ! $name configure -scrollregion [list $xmin $ymin $xmax $ymax] ! set canvas_mouseup(name) $name ! set canvas_mouseup(xmin) $xmin ! set canvas_mouseup(xmax) $xmax ! set canvas_mouseup(ymin) $ymin ! set canvas_mouseup(ymax) $ymax } } ! canvas_checkgeometry [canvastosym $name] set @action none } --- 1866,1876 ---- if {$x1 < 0} {set xmin $x1}; if {$x2 > 100} {set xmax $x2} if {$y1 < 0} {set ymin $y1}; if {$y2 > 100} {set ymax $y2} ! set bbox [list $xmin $ymin $xmax $ymax] ! if {$@bbox != $bbox } { ! $c configure -scrollregion $bbox ! set @bbox $bbox } } ! $self checkgeometry set @action none } *************** *** 1931,1937 ****
def canvas checkgeometry {} { ! set topname [canvastosym $self] ! #puts "canvas_checkgeometry::: $topname" ! set boo [winfo geometry $topname.c] set boo2 [wm geometry $topname] --- 1881,1885 ----
def canvas checkgeometry {} { ! set topname .x$self set boo [winfo geometry $topname.c] set boo2 [wm geometry $topname] *************** *** 1949,1953 **** global OS set c .x$self.c ! $c hide_tooltip switch $OS { osx { --- 1897,1901 ---- global OS set c .x$self.c ! $self hide_tooltip switch $OS { osx { *************** *** 1960,1964 **** if {$key == "KP_Delete"} {set key 127; set keynum 127} if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key} - set edit 0; switch $@mode { edit { set edit 1 } } puts "focus = $@focus" if {$key == 8} { --- 1908,1911 ---- *************** *** 1971,1981 **** } if {[string length $@focus] > 0} { ! set id $@focus ! set run [expr !$edit] ! if {$run && [info exists _($id:keyevent)]} { ! eval [linsert [list $_($self:focus) $self $key $shift] 0 $_($id:keyevent)] ! } elseif {!$run && [info exists _($id:keyeditevent)]} { ! eval [linsert [list $_($self:focus) $self $key $shift] 0 $_($id:keyeditevent)] ! } } statusbar_update $self $x $y --- 1918,1923 ---- } if {[string length $@focus] > 0} { ! if {$@editmode} {set event keyedit} {set event key} ! $@focus $event $self $key $shift } statusbar_update $self $x $y *************** *** 1987,2000 **** set canvas .x$self.c if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key} ! #pd [canvastosym $canvas] key 0 $key 0 ; ! set edit 0; switch $_($self:mode) { edit { set edit 1 } } ! if {[string length $_($self:focus)] > 0} { ! set id $_($self:focus) ! set run [expr !$edit] ! if {$run && [info exists _($id:keyreleaseevent)]} { ! eval [linsert [list $_($self:focus) $canvas $key $shift] 0 $_($id:keyreleaseevent)] ! } elseif {!$run && [info exists _($id:keyreleaseeditevent)]} { ! eval [linsert [list $_($self:focus) $canvas $key $shift] 0 $_($id:keyreleaseeditevent)] ! } } statusbar_update $self $x $y --- 1929,1935 ---- set canvas .x$self.c if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key} ! if {[string length $@focus] > 0} { ! if {$@editmode} {set action keyreleaseedit} {set action keyrelease} ! $@focus $event $canvas $key $shift } statusbar_update $self $x $y *************** *** 2047,2058 **** }
! def wire update {d} { ! foreach [list @obj1 @port1 @obj2 @port2] \ ! [lrange $d 0 3] {} ! } ! ! def wire status {d} { ! foreach [list @obj1 @port1 @obj2 @port2] [lrange $d 0 3] {} ! }
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# --- 1982,1987 ---- }
! def wire update {d} {foreach [list @obj1 @port1 @obj2 @port2] [lrange $d 0 3] {}} ! def wire status {d} {foreach [list @obj1 @port1 @obj2 @port2] [lrange $d 0 3] {}}
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# *************** *** 2161,2164 **** --- 2090,2099 ---- class_new view {thing} def view erase {canvas} {item_delete $self $canvas} + def view click {args} {} + def view clickedit {args} {} + def view unclick {args} {} + def view unclickedit {args} {} + def view motion {args} {} + def view motionedit {args} {}
proc item {self canvas suffix type coords args} { *************** *** 2174,2180 **** }
! proc item_delete {self canvas} { ! $canvas delete $self ! }
def shadow draw {canvas coords} { --- 2109,2113 ---- }
! proc item_delete {self canvas} {.x$canvas.c delete $self}
def shadow draw {canvas coords} { *************** *** 2258,2266 **** io_draw $self $canvas label_draw $self $canvas - set @clickevent numbox_click - set @keyevent numbox_key - set @unfocusevent numbox_unfocus - set @motionevent numbox_motion - set @unclickevent numbox_unclick if {[$canvas selected? $self]} {set frcol $look(objectframe4)} {set frcol $look(objectframe3)} $canvas itemconfigure ${self}BASE -outline $frcol --- 2191,2194 ---- *************** *** 2404,2408 **** label_draw $self $canvas radio_set $self $canvas $@on - set @clickevent radio_click }
--- 2332,2335 ---- *************** *** 2452,2460 **** -outline #000000 -fill [darker $color] label_draw $self $canvas - set @clickevent slider_click - set @motionevent slider_motion - set @unclickevent slider_unclick - set @unfocusevent slider_unfocus - set pos [$canvas coords ${self}BASE] set span [expr $@max-$@min] --- 2379,2382 ---- *************** *** 2585,2589 **** -fill [bluify $colour] -tags ${self}BUT label_draw $self $canvas - set @clickevent bang_click }
--- 2507,2510 ---- *************** *** 2625,2629 **** item $self $canvas X1 line $x3 $y3 [expr $x4+1] [expr $y4+1] -width $w -fill $fill item $self $canvas X2 line $x3 $y4 [expr $x4+1] [expr $y3-1] -width $w -fill $fill - set @clickevent toggle_click }
--- 2546,2549 ----