Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv10013
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: some small fixes here and there, mostly to do with gop
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.522 -r1.1.2.523 *** desire.tk 21 Oct 2006 00:52:09 -0000 --- desire.tk 23 Oct 2006 16:06:34 -0000 *************** *** 1047,1055 ****
def View item_delete {{suffix all}} { ! set c [$@canvas widget] ! if {![winfo exists $c]} {return} ! switch -- $suffix { ! all {$c delete $self } ! default {$c delete $self$suffix}} }
--- 1047,1058 ----
def View item_delete {{suffix all}} { ! set c [$@canvas widget] ! if {![winfo exists $c]} { ! set c [[$@canvas get_canvas] widget] ! if {![winfo exists $c]} {return} ! } ! switch -- $suffix { ! all {$c delete $self } ! default {$c delete $self$suffix}} }
*************** *** 1857,1861 **** -bg [$c itemcget ${self}BASE -fill] -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0\ -font $font_str -fg [$self look fg] -insertbackground [$self look fg] ! bind $t <Key> "$self resize; $self key %W %x %y %K %A 0" bind $t <Control-Return> "$self key %W %x %y 10 %A 0" bind $t <Return> "$self unedit" --- 1860,1864 ---- -bg [$c itemcget ${self}BASE -fill] -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0\ -font $font_str -fg [$self look fg] -insertbackground [$self look fg] ! bind $t <Key> "$self resize %K; $self key %W %x %y %K %A 0" bind $t <Control-Return> "$self key %W %x %y 10 %A 0" bind $t <Return> "$self unedit" *************** *** 1866,1878 **** $t configure -pady 0 -padx 1 $t insert 1.0 $@text ! $self resize focus $t }
! def TextBox resize {} { set c [$@canvas widget] set t $c.${self}text ! $self long_line ! $t configure -width [string length [$t get $@longline.0 "$@longline.end + 1 chars"]] }
--- 1869,1883 ---- $t configure -pady 0 -padx 1 $t insert 1.0 $@text ! $self resize none focus $t }
! def TextBox resize {key} { set c [$@canvas widget] set t $c.${self}text ! $self long_line ! set width [string length [$t get $@longline.0 "$@longline.end + 1 chars"]] ! if {$key == "BackSpace"} {set width [expr $width - 1]} ! $t configure -width $width }
*************** *** 1907,1913 **** }
! def TextBox text {} { ! return $@text ! }
def TextBox update_size {} { --- 1912,1916 ---- }
! def TextBox text {} {return $@text}
def TextBox update_size {} { *************** *** 1937,1946 **** } catch { - set n [expr [string length [$c.${self}text get $@longline.0 $@longline.end]] -1] mset {x1 y1 w h} [$c.${self}text bbox $@longline.$n] ! set textwidth [expr ($padx + $x1 + ($w * 2)+$padx+2) / [$@canvas zoom]] ! # this might work better...... ! #set textwidth [expr [string length [$c.${self}text get $@longline.0 $@longline.end]] * $w \ ! # + $padx*2] } set iowidth [$self look iowidth] --- 1940,1946 ---- } catch { mset {x1 y1 w h} [$c.${self}text bbox $@longline.$n] ! set textlen [string length [$c.${self}text get $@longline.0 $@longline.end]] ! set textwidth [expr $textlen * $w + $padx*2 + 2] } set iowidth [$self look iowidth] *************** *** 2418,2477 **** # nothing : nothing def Canvas identify_target {x y f} { ! set c [$self widget] ! set cx [expr $x*$@zoom] ! set cy [expr $y*$@zoom] ! #doesn't do anything yet ! #if {$@action != "none"} {set range 2} else {set range 2} ! #set stack [lreverse [$c find overlapping [expr $cx-2] [expr $cy-2] [expr $cx+2] [expr $cy+2]]] ! set stack [$c find overlapping [expr $cx-2] [expr $cy-2] [expr $cx+2] [expr $cy+2]] ! #puts "stack:::: $stack"
! #foreach tag $stack { puts "tags::: [$c gettags $tag]"} ! foreach tag $stack { ! set tags [$c gettags $tag] ! # puts " tags::::: $tags" ! if {[regexp {^[xo][0-9a-f]{6,8}} $tags id]} { ! # prior to Aug 15th, Wires had lower priority as all objects together ! # now it's same priority, so just stacking order (and it's prolly wrong) ! set class [$id class] ! if {[$self == $id]} {continue} ! if {[$class <= Wire]} {if {$@action != "imove"} {return [list "wire" $id]}} ! if {[$class <= Box]} { ! if {$@action == "imove"} { ! foreach tag $stack { ! set tags2 [$c gettags $tag] ! if {[regexp {^[xo][0-9a-f]{6,8}} $tags2 id]} { ! set class [$id class] ! if {[$class <= Wire]} {return [list "wire" $id]} ! } ! } ! } ! mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$id bbox] ! set outs [$id noutlets] ! set ins [$id ninlets] ! if {$y>=$y2-6 && $outs} { ! set val [expr int(($x-$x1)*$outs/($x2-$x1))] ! if {$val == $outs} {set val [expr $val-1]} ! return [list "outlet" $id $val] ! } ! if {$y< $y1+2 && $ins} { ! set val [expr int(($x-$x1)* $ins/($x2-$x1))] ! if {$val == $ins} {set val [expr $val-1]} ! return [list "inlet" $id $val] ! } ! #if {$class != "Canvas"} { return [list "object" $id]} ! if {$class == "Canvas" && [$id gop]} { ! if {[llength $stack] == 1} { return [list "object" $id]} ! } else { ! return [list "object" $id] ! } ! } ! #puts "skipped a $class" ! } ! } ! foreach tag $stack { ! set tags [$c gettags $tag] ! } ! return [list "nothing"] }
--- 2418,2475 ---- # nothing : nothing def Canvas identify_target {x y f} { ! set c [$self widget] ! set cx [expr $x*$@zoom] ! set cy [expr $y*$@zoom] ! #doesn't do anything yet ! #if {$@action != "none"} {set range 2} else {set range 2} ! set stack [$c find overlapping [expr $cx-2] [expr $cy-2] [expr $cx+2] [expr $cy+2]]
! foreach tag $stack { ! set tags [$c gettags $tag] ! if {[regexp {^[xo][0-9a-f]{6,8}} $tags id]} { ! # prior to Aug 15th, Wires had lower priority as all objects together ! # now it's same priority, so just stacking order (and it's prolly wrong) ! set class [$id class] ! if {[$self == $id]} {continue} ! if {[$class <= Wire]} {if {$@action != "imove"} {return [list "wire" $id]}} ! if {[$class <= Box]} { ! if {$@action == "imove"} { ! foreach tag $stack { ! set tags2 [$c gettags $tag] ! if {[regexp {^[xo][0-9a-f]{6,8}} $tags2 id]} { ! set class [$id class] ! if {[$class <= Wire]} {return [list "wire" $id]} ! } ! } ! } ! mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$id bbox] ! set outs [$id noutlets] ! set ins [$id ninlets] ! if {$y>=$y2-6 && $outs} { ! set val [expr int(($x-$x1)*$outs/($x2-$x1))] ! if {$val == $outs} {set val [expr $val-1]} ! return [list "outlet" $id $val] ! } ! if {$y< $y1+2 && $ins} { ! set val [expr int(($x-$x1)* $ins/($x2-$x1))] ! if {$val == $ins} {set val [expr $val-1]} ! return [list "inlet" $id $val] ! } ! # deals with GOP ! if {$@editmode} { ! return [list "object" $id] ! } else { ! if {$class == "Canvas" && [$id gop]} { ! if {[llength $stack] == 1} { return [list "object" $id]} ! } else {return [list "object" $id]} ! } ! } ! #puts "skipped a $class" ! } ! } ! foreach tag $stack { ! set tags [$c gettags $tag] ! } ! return [list "nothing"] }
*************** *** 2829,2833 **** set objects [lsort -unique $objects] set wires [lsort -unique $wires] ! $@canvas selection+= $objects $@canvas selection_wire+= $wires } --- 2827,2834 ---- set objects [lsort -unique $objects] set wires [lsort -unique $wires] ! set objects2 {} ! #so that objects in gop won't get selected... ! foreach obj $objects {if {[$obj canvas] == $@canvas} {lappend objects2 $obj}} ! $@canvas selection+= $objects2 $@canvas selection_wire+= $wires } *************** *** 2935,2939 ****
def Canvas right_click {id x y} { ! if {!$@editmode} {return} set c [$self widget] set @insert_x $x; set @insert_y $y --- 2936,2940 ----
def Canvas right_click {id x y} { ! #if {!$@editmode} {return} set c [$self widget] set @insert_x $x; set @insert_y $y *************** *** 3496,3503 **** #update/move the content of gop if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} { ! if {[$self gop] && ![winfo exists .$self.c]} { ! #foreach x $@children {$x changed} ! foreach x $@visible_children {$x changed} ! } } else { $self changed_wires --- 3497,3501 ---- #update/move the content of gop if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} { ! if {[$self gop] && ![winfo exists .$self.c]} {foreach x $@visible_children {$x changed}} } else { $self changed_wires *************** *** 3515,3518 **** --- 3513,3519 ---- pd .$@canvas object_moveto !$self $x1 $y1 [$@canvas history] add [list $self moveto $@x1 $@y1] + if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} { + if {[$self gop] && ![winfo exists .$self.c]} {foreach x $@visible_children {$x changed}} + } set @x1 $x1 set @y1 $y1 *************** *** 5576,5580 **** switch $self { browser {$self fill_box [$@textbox get]} ! completion {$self adjust_box; $@textself resize; $@textself changed} } } --- 5577,5581 ---- switch $self { browser {$self fill_box [$@textbox get]} ! completion {$self adjust_box; $@textself resize BackSpace; $@textself changed} } } *************** *** 5606,5610 **** if {[focus] == $@textbox & $key != "Tab"} { $self adjust_box ! $@textself resize #hum, no idea why i need after 1 for it to work... after 1 $@textself after_key $@textbox --- 5607,5611 ---- if {[focus] == $@textbox & $key != "Tab"} { $self adjust_box ! $@textself resize none #hum, no idea why i need after 1 for it to work... after 1 $@textself after_key $@textbox