Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv20791
Added Files: Tag: devel_0_38 s_midi_alsa.c s_audio_asio.cpp m_simd.c m_simd.h m_simd_def.h m_simd_sse_gcc.c m_simd_sse_gcc.h m_simd_sse_vc.c m_simd_sse_vc.h m_simd_ve_gcc.c m_simd_ve_gcc.h Log Message: adding new files
--- NEW FILE: s_audio_asio.cpp --- /* Copyright (c) 2004, Tim Blechmann and others * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt" in this distribution. */
/* native ASIO interface for windows and mac osx * adapted from hostsample.cpp (ASIO SDK) */
#ifdef MSW #include "windows.h" /* for application window handle */ #define IEEE754_64FLOAT 1 #endif
#include "m_pd.h" extern "C" { #include "s_stuff.h" } #include "asio.h" /* steinberg's header file */ #include "asiodrivers.h" /* ASIODrivers class */ #include "asiosys.h" #include "pthread.h" #include "stdio.h" /* for sprintf */
/* public function prototypes */ extern "C" void asio_open_audio(int naudioindev, int *audioindev, int nchindev, int *chindev, int naudiooutdev, int *audiooutdev, int nchoutdev, int *choutdev, int srate); extern "C" void asio_close_audio(void); extern "C" void asio_getdevs(char *indevlist, int *nindevs, char *outdevlist, int *noutdevs, int *canmulti, int maxndev, int devdescsize); extern "C" int asio_send_dacs(void);
/* asio callback prototypes */ void asio_bufferSwitch(long db_idx, ASIOBool directprocess); void asio_sampleRateDidChange(ASIOSampleRate srate); long asio_messages(long selector, long value, void* message, double* opt); ASIOTime *asio_bufferSwitchTimeInfo(ASIOTime *params, long db_idx, ASIOBool directprocess);
/* sample converting helper functions: * - global send / receive functions * - sample conversion functions (adapted from ASIOConvertSamples.cpp */ void asio_convert_and_send (t_sample* source, void* dest, ASIOSampleType format, long asio_bufsize); void asio_convert_and_receive (void* source, t_sample* dest, ASIOSampleType format, long asio_bufsize); void float32toInt16(float* inbuffer, void* outbuffer, long frames); void Int16tofloat32(void* inbuffer, float* outbuffer, long frames); void float32toInt24(float* inbuffer, void* outbuffer, long frames); void Int24tofloat32(void* inbuffer, float* outbuffer, long frames); void float32toInt32(float* inbuffer, void* outbuffer, long frames); void Int32tofloat32(void* inbuffer, float* outbuffer, long frames);
/* some local helper functions */ inline void prepare_asio_drivernames(void);
/* system dependent helper functions */ static unsigned long get_sys_reference_time(void);
/* global storage */ ASIODriverInfo * asio_driver = NULL; ASIOBufferInfo * asio_bufferinfo; ASIOChannelInfo* asio_channelinfo; AsioTimeInfo * asio_timerinfo; ASIOCallbacks asio_callbacks; extern AsioDrivers * asioDrivers; /* declared in asiodrivers.cpp */
char ** asio_drivernames = NULL;
ASIOSampleRate asio_srate; long asio_inchannels; long asio_outchannels;
long asio_minbufsize; long asio_maxbufsize; long asio_prefbufsize; long asio_granularity; unsigned char asio_useoutputready; long asio_inputlatency; long asio_outputlatency;
long asio_bufsize;
unsigned long sys_reftime;
/* ringbuffer stuff */ t_sample ** asio_ringbuffer; /* ringbuffers */ static int asio_ringbuffer_inoffset; /* ringbuffer(in) pointer offset for dac */ static int asio_ringbuffer_outoffset; /* ringbuffer(out) pointer offset */ static int asio_ringbuffer_length; /* latency - hardware latency in samples*/
/* i hope we can remove this to use callback based dsp scheduling */ static pthread_mutex_t asio_ringbuf_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_cond_t asio_ringbuf_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
/* definitions from s_audio.c ... it should be save to use them */ #define DEVDESCSIZE 80 #define MAXNDEV 20
/* open asio interface */ /* todo: some more error messages */ void asio_open_audio(int naudioindev, int *audioindev, int nchindev, int *chindev, int naudiooutdev, int *audiooutdev, int nchoutdev, int *choutdev, int srate) { ASIOError status; ASIOBufferInfo * buffers; int i; int channels;
#ifdef IEEE754_64FLOAT asio_srate=(ASIOSampleRate)srate; #else sprintf(asio_srate,"%d",srate); #endif
/* check, if we use the first asio device */ prepare_asio_drivernames(); /* load the driver */ if (!asioDrivers) asioDrivers = new AsioDrivers(); /* check, if the driver is still running */ if (asio_driver) asio_close_audio();
/* initialize ASIO */ asio_driver = (ASIODriverInfo*) getbytes (sizeof(ASIODriverInfo)); asio_driver->asioVersion = 2; /* i hope we are compatible with asio 2 */ #ifdef MSW asio_driver->sysRef = GetDesktopWindow(); #else asio_driver->sysRef = 0; #endif status = ASIOInit(asio_driver); #ifdef ASIODEBUG post("sysRef: %x", asio_driver->sysRef); post("asioversion: %d", asio_driver->asioVersion); post("driverversion: %d", asio_driver->driverVersion); post("name: %s", asio_driver->name); if(status) post("error: %s", asio_driver->errorMessage); #endif
switch (status) { case ASE_NotPresent: error("ASIO: ASE_NotPresent"); freebytes(asio_driver, sizeof (ASIODriverInfo)); asio_driver = NULL; return; case ASE_NoMemory: error("ASIO: ASE_NoMemory"); freebytes(asio_driver, sizeof (ASIODriverInfo)); asio_driver = NULL; return; case ASE_HWMalfunction: error("ASIO: ASE_HWMalfunction"); freebytes(asio_driver, sizeof (ASIODriverInfo)); asio_driver = NULL; return; } post("ASIO initialized successfully");
/* query driver */ ASIOGetChannels(&asio_inchannels, &asio_outchannels); post ("ASIOGetChannels\tinputs: %d, outputs: %d", asio_inchannels, asio_outchannels);
/* tb: todo: channel count hardcoded to asio hardware */ sys_inchannels = *chindev <= asio_inchannels ? *chindev : asio_inchannels; sys_outchannels = *choutdev <= asio_outchannels ? *choutdev : asio_outchannels; channels = sys_inchannels + sys_outchannels;
ASIOGetBufferSize(&asio_minbufsize, &asio_maxbufsize, &asio_prefbufsize, &asio_granularity); post ("ASIOGetBufferSize\tmin: %d, max: %d, preferred: %d, granularity: " "%d", asio_minbufsize, asio_maxbufsize, asio_prefbufsize, asio_granularity);
/* todo: buffer size hardcoded to asio hardware */ asio_bufsize = asio_prefbufsize;
/* set sample rate */ if (ASIOCanSampleRate( asio_srate ) != ASE_OK) { error ("Samplerate not supported, using default"); #ifdef IEEE754_64FLOAT asio_srate = (ASIOSampleRate)44100.0; #else sprintf(&asio_srate,"%d",44100); #endif srate=44100; } ASIOSetSampleRate( asio_srate ); post ("ASIOSetSampleRate\t %d", srate); if (ASIOOutputReady() == ASE_OK) asio_useoutputready = 1; else asio_useoutputready = 0;
/* set callbacks */ asio_callbacks.bufferSwitch = &asio_bufferSwitch; asio_callbacks.sampleRateDidChange = &asio_sampleRateDidChange; asio_callbacks.asioMessage = &asio_messages; asio_callbacks.bufferSwitchTimeInfo = &asio_bufferSwitchTimeInfo;
/* prepare, create and set up buffers */ asio_bufferinfo = (ASIOBufferInfo*) getbytes (channels * sizeof (ASIOBufferInfo)); asio_channelinfo = (ASIOChannelInfo*) getbytes(channels * sizeof (ASIOChannelInfo)); if (!(asio_bufferinfo && asio_channelinfo)) { error("ASIO: couldn't allocate buffer or channel info"); if (asio_bufferinfo) freebytes(asio_bufferinfo, channels * sizeof (ASIOBufferInfo)); if (asio_channelinfo) freebytes(asio_channelinfo, channels * sizeof (ASIOChannelInfo)); return; }
for (i = 0; i != sys_inchannels + sys_outchannels; ++i) { if (i < sys_outchannels) { asio_bufferinfo[i].isInput = ASIOFalse; asio_bufferinfo[i].channelNum = i; asio_bufferinfo[i].buffers[0] = asio_bufferinfo[i].buffers[1] = 0; } else { asio_bufferinfo[i].isInput = ASIOTrue; asio_bufferinfo[i].channelNum = i - sys_outchannels; } } if (ASIOCreateBuffers(asio_bufferinfo, sys_inchannels + sys_outchannels, asio_bufsize, &asio_callbacks) == ASE_OK) { post("ASIO: buffers allocated"); } else { error("ASIO: couldn't allocate buffers"); return; }
for (i = 0; i != sys_inchannels + sys_outchannels; ++i) { asio_channelinfo[i].channel = asio_bufferinfo[i].channelNum; asio_channelinfo[i].isInput = asio_bufferinfo[i].isInput; ASIOGetChannelInfo(&asio_channelinfo[i]); }
/* get latencies */ ASIOGetLatencies(&asio_inputlatency, &asio_outputlatency); #ifdef ASIODEBUG post("ASIO: input latency: %d, output latency: %d",asio_inputlatency, asio_outputlatency); #endif
/* calculate ringbuffer length */ asio_ringbuffer_length = asio_bufsize * DEFDACBLKSIZE; /* a strange way to find the least common multiple, * but works, since DEFDACBLKSIZE (expt 2 x) */ while ( !(asio_ringbuffer_length % DEFDACBLKSIZE) && !(asio_ringbuffer_length % asio_bufsize)) { asio_ringbuffer_length /= 2; } asio_ringbuffer_length *= 2;
#ifdef ASIODEBUG post("ASIO: ringbuffer size: %d",asio_ringbuffer_length); #endif /* allocate ringbuffer */ asio_ringbuffer = (t_sample**) getbytes (channels * sizeof (t_sample*)); for (i = 0; i != channels; ++i) { asio_ringbuffer[i] = (t_sample*)getbytes(asio_ringbuffer_length * sizeof (t_sample)); if (!asio_ringbuffer[i]) error("ASIO: couldn't allocate ASIO ringbuffer"); memset(asio_ringbuffer[i], 0, asio_ringbuffer_length * sizeof (t_sample)); }
/* initialize ringbuffer stuff */ asio_ringbuffer_inoffset = asio_ringbuffer_outoffset = 0;
if (ASIOStart() == ASE_OK) { post("ASIO: started"); } else post("ASIO: couldn't start"); return; }
/* stop asio, free buffers and close asio interface */ void asio_close_audio(void) { ASIOError status; int channels = asio_inchannels + asio_outchannels; int i;
if (asio_driver) { for (i = 0; i != channels; i++) freebytes(asio_ringbuffer[i], asio_ringbuffer_length * sizeof (t_sample)); freebytes(asio_ringbuffer, channels * sizeof (t_sample *)); freebytes(asio_bufferinfo, channels * sizeof (ASIOBufferInfo)); freebytes(asio_channelinfo, channels * sizeof (ASIOChannelInfo)); ASIODisposeBuffers(); asio_ringbuffer = NULL; asio_bufferinfo = NULL; asio_channelinfo = NULL; ASIOExit(); freebytes(asio_driver, sizeof (ASIODriverInfo)); asio_driver = NULL; } return; }
void asio_getdevs(char *indevlist, int *nindevs, char *outdevlist, int *noutdevs, int *canmulti, int maxndev, int devdescsize) { prepare_asio_drivernames();
*canmulti = 0; /* we will only support one asio device */ *nindevs = *noutdevs = (int)asioDrivers->getDriverNames(asio_drivernames, maxndev); for(int i = 0; i!= *nindevs; ++i) { sprintf(indevlist + i * devdescsize, "%s", asio_drivernames[i]); sprintf(outdevlist + i * devdescsize, "%s", asio_drivernames[i]); } }
/* called on every dac~ send * todo: * - use vectorized functions * - function pointer to avoid segfaults */ int asio_send_dacs(void) { t_sample * sp; /* sample pointer */ int i, j; int timenow; int timeref = sys_getrealtime(); #ifdef ASIODEBUG if (!asio_driver) { error("ASIO not running"); return SENDDACS_NO; } #endif
/* send sound to ringbuffer */ sp = sys_soundout; for (i = 0; i < sys_outchannels; i++) { memcpy(asio_ringbuffer[i] + asio_ringbuffer_inoffset, sp, DEFDACBLKSIZE*sizeof(t_sample)); memset(sp, 0, DEFDACBLKSIZE*sizeof(t_sample)); sp+=DEFDACBLKSIZE; } /* get sound from ringbuffer */ sp = sys_soundin; for (j = 0; j < sys_inchannels; j++) { memcpy(sp, asio_ringbuffer[i+j] + asio_ringbuffer_inoffset, DEFDACBLKSIZE*sizeof(t_sample)); sp+=DEFDACBLKSIZE; } asio_ringbuffer_inoffset += DEFDACBLKSIZE;
if (asio_ringbuffer_inoffset >= asio_ringbuffer_outoffset + asio_bufsize) { pthread_cond_wait(&asio_ringbuf_cond, &asio_ringbuf_mutex); if (asio_ringbuffer_inoffset == asio_ringbuffer_length) { asio_ringbuffer_outoffset = 0; asio_ringbuffer_inoffset = 0; } else asio_ringbuffer_outoffset += asio_bufsize; } if ((timenow = sys_getrealtime()) - timeref > 0.002) { return SENDDACS_SLEPT; } return SENDDACS_YES; }
/* buffer switch callback */ void asio_bufferSwitch(long db_idx, ASIOBool directprocess) { ASIOTime time; memset (&time, 0, sizeof (time)); /* todo: do we need to syncronize with other media ??? */ asio_bufferSwitchTimeInfo(&time, db_idx, directprocess); }
/* sample rate change callback */ void asio_sampleRateDidChange(ASIOSampleRate srate) { asio_srate = srate; #ifdef ASIODEBUG post("sample rate changed"); #endif }
/* asio messaging callback */ long asio_messages(long selector, long value, void* message, double* opt) { /* todo */ return 0L; }
ASIOTime *asio_bufferSwitchTimeInfo(ASIOTime *params, long db_idx, ASIOBool directprocess) { long i, j;
// todo: store the timeInfo for later use
/* todo: i'm not sure if we'll have to synchronize with other media ... * probably yes ... */ /* sys_reftime = get_sys_reference_time(); */
/* perform the processing * todo: improve input latency */ for (i = 0; i < asio_outchannels + asio_inchannels; i++) { if (asio_bufferinfo[i].isInput != ASIOTrue) { asio_convert_and_send(asio_ringbuffer[i]+asio_ringbuffer_outoffset, (void*) asio_bufferinfo[i].buffers[db_idx], asio_channelinfo[i].type, asio_bufsize); } else /* these are the input channels */ { asio_convert_and_receive((void*)asio_bufferinfo[i].buffers[db_idx], asio_ringbuffer[i]+asio_ringbuffer_outoffset, asio_channelinfo[i].type, asio_bufsize); } } pthread_cond_broadcast(&asio_ringbuf_cond);
if(asio_useoutputready) ASIOOutputReady();
return 0L; /* time info!!! */ }
/* get system reference time on both platforms */ static unsigned long get_sys_reference_time() { #if WINDOWS return timeGetTime(); #elif MAC static const double twoRaisedTo32 = 4294967296.; UnsignedWide ys; Microseconds(&ys); double r = ((double)ys.hi * twoRaisedTo32 + (double)ys.lo); return (unsigned long)(r / 1000.); #endif }
/* sample converting helper functions */ void asio_convert_and_send(t_sample* source, void* dest, ASIOSampleType format, long bufsize) {
#ifdef ASIODEBUG /* post("ASIO: Sample Type %d", format); */ #endif switch (format) { case ASIOSTInt16LSB: /* e.g. m audio quattro */ float32toInt16(source, dest, bufsize); break; case ASIOSTFloat32LSB: // IEEE 754 32 bit float, as found on Intel x86 architecture memcpy (dest, source, bufsize * sizeof (float)); /* check */ break; case ASIOSTInt24LSB: // used for 20 bits as well float32toInt24(source, dest, bufsize); break; case ASIOSTInt32LSB: float32toInt32(source, dest, bufsize); break;
case ASIOSTFloat64LSB: // IEEE 754 64 bit double float, as found on Intel x86 architecture
// these are used for 32 bit data buffer, with different alignment of the data inside // 32 bit PCI bus systems can more easily used with these case ASIOSTInt32LSB16: // 32 bit data with 18 bit alignment case ASIOSTInt32LSB18: // 32 bit data with 18 bit alignment case ASIOSTInt32LSB20: // 32 bit data with 20 bit alignment case ASIOSTInt32LSB24: // 32 bit data with 24 bit alignment
case ASIOSTInt16MSB:
case ASIOSTInt24MSB: // used for 20 bits as well
case ASIOSTInt32MSB:
case ASIOSTFloat32MSB: // IEEE 754 32 bit float, as found on Intel x86 architecture
case ASIOSTFloat64MSB: // IEEE 754 64 bit double float, as found on Intel x86 architecture // these are used for 32 bit data buffer, with different alignment of the data inside // 32 bit PCI bus systems can more easily used with these case ASIOSTInt32MSB16: // 32 bit data with 18 bit alignment case ASIOSTInt32MSB18: // 32 bit data with 18 bit alignment case ASIOSTInt32MSB20: // 32 bit data with 20 bit alignment case ASIOSTInt32MSB24: // 32 bit data with 24 bit alignment { static int written = 0; if(written < 3) { post("Output sample Type %d not supported, yet!!!",format); ++written; } } } }
void asio_convert_and_receive (void* source, t_sample* dest, ASIOSampleType format, long bufsize) { #ifdef ASIODEBUG /* post("ASIO: Sample Type %d", format); */ #endif
switch (format) { case ASIOSTInt16LSB: Int16tofloat32(source, dest, bufsize); break; case ASIOSTFloat32LSB: // IEEE 754 32 bit float, as found on Intel x86 architecture memcpy (dest, source, bufsize * sizeof (float)); /* check */ break; case ASIOSTInt24LSB: // used for 20 bits as well Int24tofloat32(source, dest, bufsize); break; case ASIOSTInt32LSB: Int32tofloat32(source, dest, bufsize); break;
case ASIOSTFloat64LSB: // IEEE 754 64 bit double float, as found on Intel x86 architecture
// these are used for 32 bit data buffer, with different alignment of the data inside // 32 bit PCI bus systems can more easily used with these case ASIOSTInt32LSB16: // 32 bit data with 18 bit alignment case ASIOSTInt32LSB18: // 32 bit data with 18 bit alignment case ASIOSTInt32LSB20: // 32 bit data with 20 bit alignment case ASIOSTInt32LSB24: // 32 bit data with 24 bit alignment
case ASIOSTInt16MSB: case ASIOSTInt24MSB: // used for 20 bits as well case ASIOSTInt32MSB: case ASIOSTFloat32MSB: // IEEE 754 32 bit float, as found on Intel x86 architecture case ASIOSTFloat64MSB: // IEEE 754 64 bit double float, as found on Intel x86 architecture
// these are used for 32 bit data buffer, with different alignment of the data inside // 32 bit PCI bus systems can more easily used with these case ASIOSTInt32MSB16: // 32 bit data with 18 bit alignment case ASIOSTInt32MSB18: // 32 bit data with 18 bit alignment case ASIOSTInt32MSB20: // 32 bit data with 20 bit alignment case ASIOSTInt32MSB24: // 32 bit data with 24 bit alignment { static int written = 0; if(written < 3) { post("Input sample Type %d not supported, yet!!!",format); ++written; } } }
/* sample conversion functions */
#define SCALE_INT16 32767.f /* (- (expt 2 15) 1) */ #define SCALE_INT24 8388607.f /* (- (expt 2 23) 1) */ #define SCALE_INT32 2147483647.f /* (- (expt 2 31) 1) */
void float32toInt16(float* inbuffer, void* outbuffer, long frames) { short* out = (short*)outbuffer; while (frames--) { *out++ = (short)(*inbuffer++ * SCALE_INT16); } }
void Int16tofloat32(void* inbuffer, float* outbuffer, long frames) { short* in = (short*)inbuffer; while (frames--) { *outbuffer++ = (float)(*in++ * (1.f / SCALE_INT16)); } }
void float32toInt24(float* inbuffer, void* outbuffer, long frames) { int* out = (int*)outbuffer; while (frames--) { *out++ = (int)(*inbuffer * SCALE_INT24); } }
void Int24tofloat32(void* inbuffer, float* outbuffer, long frames) { int* in = (int*)inbuffer; while (frames--) { *outbuffer++ = (float)(*in++ * (1.f / SCALE_INT24)); } }
void float32toInt32(float* inbuffer, void* outbuffer, long frames) { long* out = (long*)outbuffer; while (frames--) { *out++ = (long)(*inbuffer * SCALE_INT32); } }
void Int32tofloat32(void* inbuffer, float* outbuffer, long frames) { long* in = (long*)inbuffer; while (frames--) { *outbuffer++ = (float)(*in++ * (1.f / SCALE_INT32)); } }
/* some local helper functions */ inline void prepare_asio_drivernames(void) { if (asio_drivernames == NULL) { asio_drivernames = (char**)getbytes(MAXNDEV * sizeof(char*)); for (int i = 0; i!= MAXNDEV; ++i) { asio_drivernames[i] = (char*)getbytes (32 * sizeof(char)); } } return; }
#endif /* USEAPI_ASIO */
--- NEW FILE: m_simd.c --- /* Implementation of general vectorized functions added by T.Grill */
#include "m_pd.h" #include "m_simd.h"
void zerovec_8(t_float *dst,int n) { for(n >>= 3; n--; dst += 8) { dst[0] = dst[1] = dst[2] = dst[3] = dst[4] = dst[5] = dst[6] = dst[7] = 0; } }
void setvec_8(t_float *dst,t_float v,int n) { for(n >>= 3; n--; dst += 8) { dst[0] = dst[1] = dst[2] = dst[3] = dst[4] = dst[5] = dst[6] = dst[7] = v; } }
void copyvec_8(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { for(n >>= 3; n--; src += 8,dst += 8) { dst[0] = src[0],dst[1] = src[1],dst[2] = src[2],dst[3] = src[3]; dst[4] = src[4],dst[5] = src[5],dst[6] = src[6],dst[7] = src[7]; } }
void addvec_8(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { for(n >>= 3; n--; src += 8,dst += 8) { dst[0] += src[0],dst[1] += src[1],dst[2] += src[2],dst[3] += src[3]; dst[4] += src[4],dst[5] += src[5],dst[6] += src[6],dst[7] += src[7]; } }
void testcopyvec_8(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { while(n--) { *(dst++) = (PD_BIGORSMALL(*src) ? 0 : *src); src++; } }
void testaddvec_8(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { while(n--) { *(dst++) += (PD_BIGORSMALL(*src) ? 0 : *src); src++; } }
int simd_check1(t_int n, t_float* ptr1) { return SIMD_CHECK1(n,ptr1); }
int simd_check2(t_int n, t_float* ptr1, t_float* ptr2) { return SIMD_CHECK2(n,ptr1,ptr2); }
int simd_check3(t_int n, t_float* ptr1, t_float* ptr2, t_float* ptr3) { return SIMD_CHECK3(n,ptr1,ptr2,ptr3); }
#ifdef DONTUSESIMD int simd_runtime_check() { return 0; }
/* tb: wrapper for simd functions */ void zerovec_simd(t_float *dst,int n) { zerovec_8(dst,n); }
void setvec_simd(t_float *dst,t_float v,int n) { setvec_8(dst,v,n); }
void copyvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { copyvec_8(dst,src,n); }
void addvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { addvec_8(dst,src,n); }
void testcopyvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { testcopyvec_8(dst,src,n); }
void testaddvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { testaddvec_8(dst,src,n); }
#endif /* DONTUSESIMD */
--- NEW FILE: m_simd_sse_gcc.c --- /* Implementation of SIMD functionality for Intel SSE with GCC compiler added by T.Grill */
#include "m_pd.h" #include "m_simd.h"
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(_X86_) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__i586__) || defined(__i686__)) && !(defined DONTUSESIMD)
/* TB: adapted from thomas' vc routines */
/* dst is assumed to be aligned */ void zerovec_simd(t_float *dst,int n) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" /* sizeof(t_float) */ "xorps %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n" /* zero value */ "shr $4, %0 \n" /* should we do more loop unrolling? */ /* *dst = 0 */ "1: \n" "movaps %%xmm0, (%1) \n" "movaps %%xmm0, 4*T_FLOAT(%1) \n" "movaps %%xmm0, 8*T_FLOAT(%1) \n" "movaps %%xmm0, 12*T_FLOAT(%1) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT,%1 \n" "loop 1b \n" : :"c"(n),"r"(dst) :"%xmm0"); }
/* dst is assumed to be aligned */ void setvec_simd(t_float *dst,t_float v,int n) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" /* sizeof(t_float) */ "shufps $0,%2,%2 \n" /* load value */ "shr $4,%0 \n" /* should we do more loop unrolling? */ /* *dst = v */ "1: \n" "movaps %2, (%1) \n" "movaps %2, 4*T_FLOAT(%1) \n" "movaps %2, 8*T_FLOAT(%1) \n" "movaps %2, 12*T_FLOAT(%1) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT,%1 \n" "loop 1b \n" : :"c"(n),"r"(dst),"x"((t_float)v) ); }
/* dst and src are assumed to be aligned */ void copyvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" /* sizeof(t_float) */ "shr $4, %0 \n" /* loop: *dst = *src */ "1: \n" "movaps (%1), %%xmm0 \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%1), %%xmm1 \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%1), %%xmm2 \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%1), %%xmm3 \n" "movaps %%xmm0, (%2) \n" "movaps %%xmm1, 4*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 8*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps %%xmm3, 12*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT,%1 \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT,%2 \n" "loop 1b \n" : :"c"(n),"r"(src),"r"(dst) :"%xmm0","%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3"); }
/* dst and src are assumed to be aligned */ void addvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" /* sizeof(t_float) */ "shr $4, %0 \n" /* loop: *dst += *src */ "1: \n" "movaps (%2,%3),%%xmm0 \n" "movaps (%1,%3),%%xmm1 \n" "addps %%xmm0,%%xmm1 \n" "movaps %%xmm1,(%2,%3) \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%2,%3),%%xmm0 \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%1,%3),%%xmm1 \n" "addps %%xmm0,%%xmm1 \n" "movaps %%xmm1,4*T_FLOAT(%2,%3) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%2,%3),%%xmm0 \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%1,%3),%%xmm1 \n" "addps %%xmm0,%%xmm1 \n" "movaps %%xmm1,8*T_FLOAT(%2,%3) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%2,%3),%%xmm0 \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%1,%3),%%xmm1 \n" "addps %%xmm0,%%xmm1 \n" "movaps %%xmm1,12*T_FLOAT(%2,%3) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT,%3 \n" "loop 1b \n" : : "c"(n),"r"(src),"r"(dst),"r"(0) : "%xmm0","%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4","%xmm5","%xmm6","%xmm7"); }
/* dst is assumed to be aligned */ void testvec_simd(t_float *dst,t_float v,int n) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" /* sizeof(t_float) */ "shufps $0,%2,%2 \n" /* load value */ "shr $4,%0 \n" /* should we do more loop unrolling? */ /* *dst = v */ "1: \n" "movaps %2, (%1) \n" "movaps %2, 4*T_FLOAT(%1) \n" "movaps %2, 8*T_FLOAT(%1) \n" "movaps %2, 12*T_FLOAT(%1) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT,%1 \n" "loop 1b \n" : :"c"(n),"r"(dst),"x"((t_float)v) ); }
/* * if we switch on DAZ, we shouldn't have problems with denormals * any more ... tb */ void testcopyvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { #if 0 //def DAZ copyvec_simd(dst,src,n); #else testcopyvec_8(dst,src,n); /* SIMD not implemented */ #endif }
void testaddvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { #if 0 //DAZ addvec_simd(dst,src,n); #else testaddvec_8(dst,src,n); /* SIMD not implemented */ #endif }
t_int *zero_perf_simd(t_int *w) { zerovec_simd((t_float *)w[1],w[2]); return w+3; }
t_int *copy_perf_simd(t_int *w) { copyvec_simd((t_float *)w[2],(const t_float *)w[1],w[3]); return w+4; }
t_int *sig_tilde_perf_simd(t_int *w) { setvec_simd((t_float *)w[2],*(const t_float *)w[1],w[3]); return w+4; }
t_int *plus_perf_simd (t_int * w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shrl $4, %3 \n" /* divide by 16 */
/* loop: *out = *in1 + *in2 */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0,%4), %%xmm0 \n" "movaps (%1,%4), %%xmm1 \n" "addps %%xmm1, %%xmm0 \n" "movaps %%xmm0, (%2,%4) \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm2 \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm3 \n" "addps %%xmm3, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 4*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm4 \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm5 \n" "addps %%xmm5, %%xmm4 \n" "movaps %%xmm4, 8*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm6 \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm7 \n" "addps %%xmm7, %%xmm6 \n" "movaps %%xmm6, 12*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %4 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in1, in2, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"r"(w[2]),"r"(w[3]),"c"(w[4]),"r"(0) :"%xmm0","%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4","%xmm5","%xmm6","%xmm7" ); return w+5; }
t_int *scalarplus_perf_simd(t_int *w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shufps $0, %1, %1 \n" "shrl $4, %3 \n" /* divide by 16 */
/* loop: *out = *in + value */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0), %%xmm1 \n" "addps %1, %%xmm1 \n" "movaps %%xmm1, (%2) \n"
"movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm2 \n" "addps %1, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 4*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm3 \n" "addps %1, %%xmm3 \n" "movaps %%xmm3, 8*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm4 \n" "addps %1, %%xmm4 \n" "movaps %%xmm4, 12*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %0 \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %2 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in, value, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"x"((t_float)w[2]),"r"(w[3]),"c"(w[4]) :"%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4" ); return w+5; }
t_int *minus_perf_simd(t_int *w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shrl $4, %3 \n" /* divide by 16 */ /* loop: *out = *in1 - *in2 */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0,%4), %%xmm0 \n" "movaps (%1,%4), %%xmm1 \n" "subps %%xmm1, %%xmm0 \n" "movaps %%xmm0, (%2,%4) \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm2 \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm3 \n" "subps %%xmm3, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 4*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm4 \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm5 \n" "subps %%xmm5, %%xmm4 \n" "movaps %%xmm4, 8*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm6 \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm7 \n" "subps %%xmm7, %%xmm6 \n" "movaps %%xmm6, 12*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %4 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in1, in2, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"r"(w[2]),"r"(w[3]),"c"(w[4]),"r"(0) :"%xmm0","%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4","%xmm5","%xmm6","%xmm7" ); return w+5; }
t_int* scalarminus_perf_simd(t_int *w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shufps $0, %1, %1 \n" "shrl $4, %3 \n" /* divide by 16 */
/* loop: *out = *in - value */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0), %%xmm1 \n" "subps %1, %%xmm1 \n" "movaps %%xmm1, (%2) \n"
"movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm2 \n" "subps %1, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 4*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm3 \n" "subps %1, %%xmm3 \n" "movaps %%xmm3, 8*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm4 \n" "subps %1, %%xmm4 \n" "movaps %%xmm4, 12*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %0 \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %2 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in, value, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"x"((t_float)w[2]),"r"(w[3]),"c"(w[4]) :"%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4" ); return w+5; }
t_int *times_perf_simd(t_int *w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shrl $4, %3 \n" /* divide by 16 */ /* loop: *out = *in1 * *in2 */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0,%4), %%xmm0 \n" "movaps (%1,%4), %%xmm1 \n" "mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm0 \n" "movaps %%xmm0, (%2,%4) \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm2 \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm3 \n" "mulps %%xmm3, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 4*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm4 \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm5 \n" "mulps %%xmm5, %%xmm4 \n" "movaps %%xmm4, 8*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm6 \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm7 \n" "mulps %%xmm7, %%xmm6 \n" "movaps %%xmm6, 12*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %4 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in1, in2, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"r"(w[2]),"r"(w[3]),"c"(w[4]),"r"(0) :"%xmm0","%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4","%xmm5","%xmm6","%xmm7" ); return w+5; }
t_int* scalartimes_perf_simd(t_int *w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shufps $0, %1, %1 \n" "shrl $4, %3 \n" /* divide by 16 */
/* loop: *out = *in * value */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0), %%xmm1 \n" "mulps %1, %%xmm1 \n" "movaps %%xmm1, (%2) \n"
"movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm2 \n" "mulps %1, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 4*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm3 \n" "mulps %1, %%xmm3 \n" "movaps %%xmm3, 8*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm4 \n" "mulps %1, %%xmm4 \n" "movaps %%xmm4, 12*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %0 \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %2 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in, value, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"x"((t_float)w[2]),"r"(w[3]),"c"(w[4]) :"%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4" ); return w+5; }
t_int *sqr_perf_simd(t_int *w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shrl $4, %2 \n" /* divide by 16 */ /* loop: *out = *in * *in */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0,%3), %%xmm0 \n" "mulps %%xmm0, %%xmm0 \n" "movaps %%xmm0, (%1) \n"
"movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0,%3), %%xmm1 \n" "mulps %%xmm1, %%xmm1 \n" "movaps %%xmm1, 4*T_FLOAT(%1) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0,%3), %%xmm2 \n" "mulps %%xmm2, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 8*T_FLOAT(%1) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0,%3), %%xmm3 \n" "mulps %%xmm3, %%xmm3 \n" "movaps %%xmm3, 12*T_FLOAT(%1) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %3 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"r"(w[2]),"c"(w[3]),"r"(0) :"%xmm0","%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3" ); return w+4; }
t_int* over_perf_simd(t_int * w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shrl $4, %3 \n" /* divide by 16 */ /* loop: *out = *in1 / *in2 */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0,%4), %%xmm0 \n" "movaps (%1,%4), %%xmm1 \n" "divps %%xmm1, %%xmm0 \n" "movaps %%xmm0, (%2,%4) \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm2 \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm3 \n" "divps %%xmm3, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 4*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm4 \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm5 \n" "divps %%xmm5, %%xmm4 \n" "movaps %%xmm4, 8*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm6 \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm7 \n" "divps %%xmm7, %%xmm6 \n" "movaps %%xmm6, 12*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %4 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in1, in2, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"r"(w[2]),"r"(w[3]),"c"(w[4]),"r"(0) :"%xmm0","%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4","%xmm5","%xmm6","%xmm7" ); return w+5; }
t_int* scalarover_perf_simd(t_int *w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shufps $0, %1, %1 \n" "shrl $4, %3 \n" /* divide by 16 */
/* loop: *out = *in / value */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0), %%xmm1 \n" "divps %1, %%xmm1 \n" "movaps %%xmm1, (%2) \n"
"movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm2 \n" "divps %1, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 4*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm3 \n" "divps %1, %%xmm3 \n" "movaps %%xmm3, 8*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm4 \n" "divps %1, %%xmm4 \n" "movaps %%xmm4, 12*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %0 \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %2 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in, value, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"x"((t_float)w[2]),"r"(w[3]),"c"(w[4]) :"%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4" ); return w+5; }
t_int* min_perf_simd(t_int * w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shrl $4, %3 \n" /* divide by 16 */ /* loop: *out = min (*in1, *in2) */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0,%4), %%xmm0 \n" "movaps (%1,%4), %%xmm1 \n" "minps %%xmm1, %%xmm0 \n" "movaps %%xmm0, (%2,%4) \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm2 \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm3 \n" "minps %%xmm3, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 4*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm4 \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm5 \n" "minps %%xmm5, %%xmm4 \n" "movaps %%xmm4, 8*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm6 \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm7 \n" "minps %%xmm7, %%xmm6 \n" "movaps %%xmm6, 12*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %4 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in1, in2, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"r"(w[2]),"r"(w[3]),"c"(w[4]),"r"(0) :"%xmm0","%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4","%xmm5","%xmm6","%xmm7" ); return w+5; }
t_int* scalarmin_perf_simd(t_int *w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shufps $0, %1, %1 \n" "shrl $4, %3 \n" /* divide by 16 */
/* loop: *out = min(*in, value) */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0), %%xmm1 \n" "minps %1, %%xmm1 \n" "movaps %%xmm1, (%2) \n"
"movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm2 \n" "minps %1, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 4*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm3 \n" "minps %1, %%xmm3 \n" "movaps %%xmm3, 8*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm4 \n" "minps %1, %%xmm4 \n" "movaps %%xmm4, 12*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %0 \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %2 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in, value, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"x"((t_float)w[2]),"r"(w[3]),"c"(w[4]) :"%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4" ); return w+5; }
t_int* max_perf_simd(t_int * w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shrl $4, %3 \n" /* divide by 16 */ /* loop: *out = max (*in1, *in2) */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0,%4), %%xmm0 \n" "movaps (%1,%4), %%xmm1 \n" "maxps %%xmm1, %%xmm0 \n" "movaps %%xmm0, (%2,%4) \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm2 \n" "movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm3 \n" "maxps %%xmm3, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 4*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm4 \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm5 \n" "maxps %%xmm5, %%xmm4 \n" "movaps %%xmm4, 8*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0,%4), %%xmm6 \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%1,%4), %%xmm7 \n" "maxps %%xmm7, %%xmm6 \n" "movaps %%xmm6, 12*T_FLOAT(%2,%4) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %4 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in1, in2, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"r"(w[2]),"r"(w[3]),"c"(w[4]),"r"(0) :"%xmm0","%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4","%xmm5","%xmm6","%xmm7" ); return w+5; }
t_int* scalarmax_perf_simd(t_int *w) { asm( ".set T_FLOAT,4 \n" "shufps $0, %1, %1 \n" "shrl $4, %3 \n" /* divide by 16 */
/* loop: *out = max(*in, value) */ "1: \n" "movaps (%0), %%xmm1 \n" "maxps %1, %%xmm1 \n" "movaps %%xmm1, (%2) \n"
"movaps 4*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm2 \n" "maxps %1, %%xmm2 \n" "movaps %%xmm2, 4*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps 8*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm3 \n" "maxps %1, %%xmm3 \n" "movaps %%xmm3, 8*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "movaps 12*T_FLOAT(%0), %%xmm4 \n" "maxps %1, %%xmm4 \n" "movaps %%xmm4, 12*T_FLOAT(%2) \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %0 \n" "addl $16*T_FLOAT, %2 \n" "loop 1b \n" : /* in, value, out, n */ :"r"(w[1]),"x"((t_float)w[2]),"r"(w[3]),"c"(w[4]) :"%xmm1","%xmm2","%xmm3","%xmm4" ); return w+5; }
/* TB: runtime check */ int simd_runtime_check() { unsigned int eax, edx; __asm__("cpuid" : "=a"(eax),"=d"(edx) : "a" (1): "bx", "cx"); return (0x2000000 & edx); }
--- NEW FILE: m_simd_ve_gcc.c --- /* Implementation of SIMD functionality for Apple Velocity Engine (AltiVec) with GCC compiler added by T.Grill */
#include "m_pd.h" #include "m_simd.h"
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__POWERPC__) && defined(__ALTIVEC__)
//#define USEVECLIB
#ifdef USEVECLIB #include <vecLib/vDSP.h> #include <vecLib/vfp.h> #endif
/* functions for unaligned vector data - taken from http://developer.apple.com/hardware/ve/alignment.html */
/* T.Grill - this first version _should_ work! but it doesn't... */ #if 0 #define LoadUnaligned(v) (vec_perm( vec_ld( 0, (const vector float *)(v) ), vec_ld( 16, (const vector float *)(v) ), vec_lvsl( 0, (float *) (v) ) )) #else /* instead take the slower second one */ static vector float LoadUnaligned(const float *v) { union tmpstruct { float f[4]; vector float vec; } tmp; tmp.f[0] = *(float *)v; return vec_splat(vec_ld(0,&tmp.vec),0); } #endif
#define IsVectorAligned(where) ((unsigned long)(where)&(sizeof(vector float)-1) == 0) /* #define LoadValue(where) (IsVectorAligned((void *)(where))?vec_splat(vec_ld(0,(vector float *)(where)),0):LoadUnaligned((vector float *)(where))) */ /* always assume unaligned */ #define LoadValue(where) LoadUnaligned((const float *)(where))
void zerovec_simd(t_float *dst,int n) { const vector float zero = (vector float)(0); for(n >>= 4; n--; dst += 16) { vec_st(zero, 0,dst); vec_st(zero,16,dst); vec_st(zero,32,dst); vec_st(zero,48,dst); } }
void setvec_simd(t_float *dst,t_float v,int n) { const vector float arg = LoadValue(&v); for(n >>= 4; n--; dst += 16) { vec_st(arg, 0,dst); vec_st(arg,16,dst); vec_st(arg,32,dst); vec_st(arg,48,dst); } }
void copyvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { for(n >>= 4; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src); vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } }
void addvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { #ifdef USEVECLIB vadd(dst,1,src,1,dst,1,n); #else for(n >>= 4; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,dst),b1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,dst),b2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,dst),b3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,dst),b4 = vec_ld(48,src); a1 = vec_add(a1,b1); a2 = vec_add(a2,b2); a3 = vec_add(a3,b3); a4 = vec_add(a4,b4);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } #endif }
/* no bad float testing for PPC! */ void testcopyvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { copyvec_simd(dst,src,n); }
void testaddvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { addvec_simd(dst,src,n); }
t_int *zero_perf_simd(t_int *w) { zerovec_simd((t_float *)w[1],w[2]); return w+3; }
t_int *copy_perf_simd(t_int *w) { copyvec_simd((t_float *)w[2],(const t_float *)w[1],w[3]); return w+4; }
t_int *sig_tilde_perf_simd(t_int *w) { setvec_simd((t_float *)w[2],*(const t_float *)w[1],w[3]); return w+4; }
t_int *plus_perf_simd(t_int *w) { #ifdef USEVECLIB vadd((const t_float *)w[1],1,(const t_float *)w[2],1,(t_float *)w[3],1,w[4]); #else const t_float *src1 = (const t_float *)w[1]; const t_float *src2 = (const t_float *)w[2]; t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[3]; int n = w[4]>>4;
for(; n--; src1 += 16,src2 += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src1),b1 = vec_ld( 0,src2); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src1),b2 = vec_ld(16,src2); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src1),b3 = vec_ld(32,src2); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src1),b4 = vec_ld(48,src2); a1 = vec_add(a1,b1); a2 = vec_add(a2,b2); a3 = vec_add(a3,b3); a4 = vec_add(a4,b4);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } #endif return w+5; }
t_int *scalarplus_perf_simd(t_int *w) { const t_float *src = (const t_float *)w[1]; const vector float arg = LoadValue(w[2]); t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[3]; int n = w[4]>>4;
for(; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src); a1 = vec_add(a1,arg); a2 = vec_add(a2,arg); a3 = vec_add(a3,arg); a4 = vec_add(a4,arg);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } return w+5; }
t_int *minus_perf_simd(t_int *w) { #if 0 //def USEVECLIB /* vsub is buggy for some OSX versions! */ vsub((const t_float *)w[1],1,(const t_float *)w[2],1,(t_float *)w[3],1,w[4]); #else const t_float *src1 = (const t_float *)w[1]; const t_float *src2 = (const t_float *)w[2]; t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[3]; int n = w[4]>>4;
for(; n--; src1 += 16,src2 += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src1),b1 = vec_ld( 0,src2); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src1),b2 = vec_ld(16,src2); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src1),b3 = vec_ld(32,src2); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src1),b4 = vec_ld(48,src2); a1 = vec_sub(a1,b1); a2 = vec_sub(a2,b2); a3 = vec_sub(a3,b3); a4 = vec_sub(a4,b4);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } #endif return w+5; }
t_int *scalarminus_perf_simd(t_int *w) { const t_float *src = (const t_float *)w[1]; const vector float arg = LoadValue(w[2]); t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[3]; int n = w[4]>>4;
for(; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src); a1 = vec_sub(a1,arg); a2 = vec_sub(a2,arg); a3 = vec_sub(a3,arg); a4 = vec_sub(a4,arg);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } return w+5; }
t_int *times_perf_simd(t_int *w) { #ifdef USEVECLIB vmul((const t_float *)w[1],1,(const t_float *)w[2],1,(t_float *)w[3],1,w[4]); #else const t_float *src1 = (const t_float *)w[1]; const t_float *src2 = (const t_float *)w[2]; t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[3]; const vector float zero = (vector float)(0); int n = w[4]>>4;
for(; n--; src1 += 16,src2 += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src1),b1 = vec_ld( 0,src2); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src1),b2 = vec_ld(16,src2); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src1),b3 = vec_ld(32,src2); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src1),b4 = vec_ld(48,src2); a1 = vec_madd(a1,b1,zero); a2 = vec_madd(a2,b2,zero); a3 = vec_madd(a3,b3,zero); a4 = vec_madd(a4,b4,zero);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } #endif return w+5; }
t_int *scalartimes_perf_simd(t_int *w) { #ifdef USEVECLIB vsmul((const t_float *)w[1],1,(t_float *)w[2],(t_float *)w[3],1,w[4]); #else const t_float *src = (const t_float *)w[1]; const vector float arg = LoadValue(w[2]); t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[3]; const vector float zero = (vector float)(0); int n = w[4]>>4;
for(; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src); a1 = vec_madd(a1,arg,zero); a2 = vec_madd(a2,arg,zero); a3 = vec_madd(a3,arg,zero); a4 = vec_madd(a4,arg,zero);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } #endif return w+5; }
t_int *sqr_perf_simd(t_int *w) { #ifdef USEVECLIB vsq((const t_float *)w[1],1,(t_float *)w[2],1,w[3]); #else const t_float *src = (const t_float *)w[1]; t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[2]; const vector float zero = (vector float)(0); int n = w[3]>>4;
for(; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src); a1 = vec_madd(a1,a1,zero); a2 = vec_madd(a2,a2,zero); a3 = vec_madd(a3,a3,zero); a4 = vec_madd(a4,a4,zero);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } #endif return w+4; }
t_int *over_perf_simd(t_int *w) { const t_float *src1 = (const t_float *)w[1]; const t_float *src2 = (const t_float *)w[2]; t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[3]; const vector float zero = (vector float)(0); const vector float one = (vector float)(1); int n = w[4]>>4;
for(; n--; src1 += 16,src2 += 16,dst += 16) { #ifdef USEVECLIB /* no zero checking here */ vec_st(vdivf(vec_ld( 0,src1),vec_ld( 0,src2)), 0,dst); vec_st(vdivf(vec_ld(16,src1),vec_ld(16,src2)),16,dst); vec_st(vdivf(vec_ld(32,src1),vec_ld(32,src2)),32,dst); vec_st(vdivf(vec_ld(48,src1),vec_ld(48,src2)),48,dst); #else vector float data1 = vec_ld( 0,src2); vector float data2 = vec_ld(16,src2); vector float data3 = vec_ld(32,src2); vector float data4 = vec_ld(48,src2);
vector unsigned char mask1 = vec_nor((vector unsigned char)vec_cmpeq(data1,zero),(vector unsigned char)zero); /* bit mask... all 0 for data = 0., all 1 else */ vector unsigned char mask2 = vec_nor((vector unsigned char)vec_cmpeq(data2,zero),(vector unsigned char)zero); /* bit mask... all 0 for data = 0., all 1 else */ vector unsigned char mask3 = vec_nor((vector unsigned char)vec_cmpeq(data3,zero),(vector unsigned char)zero); /* bit mask... all 0 for data = 0., all 1 else */ vector unsigned char mask4 = vec_nor((vector unsigned char)vec_cmpeq(data4,zero),(vector unsigned char)zero); /* bit mask... all 0 for data = 0., all 1 else */
/* make estimated reciprocal and zero out NANs */ vector float tmp1 = vec_re(data1); vector float tmp2 = vec_re(data2); vector float tmp3 = vec_re(data3); vector float tmp4 = vec_re(data4); tmp1 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)tmp1,mask1); tmp2 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)tmp2,mask2); tmp3 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)tmp3,mask3); tmp4 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)tmp4,mask4);
data1 = vec_madd( vec_nmsub( tmp1, data1, one ), tmp1, tmp1 ); data2 = vec_madd( vec_nmsub( tmp2, data2, one ), tmp2, tmp2 ); data3 = vec_madd( vec_nmsub( tmp3, data3, one ), tmp3, tmp3 ); data4 = vec_madd( vec_nmsub( tmp4, data4, one ), tmp4, tmp4 );
tmp1 = vec_ld( 0,src1); tmp2 = vec_ld(16,src1); tmp3 = vec_ld(32,src1); tmp4 = vec_ld(48,src1);
data1 = vec_madd(tmp1,data1,zero); data2 = vec_madd(tmp2,data2,zero); data3 = vec_madd(tmp3,data3,zero); data4 = vec_madd(tmp4,data4,zero);
vec_st(data1, 0,dst); vec_st(data2,16,dst); vec_st(data3,32,dst); vec_st(data4,48,dst); #endif } return w+5; }
t_int *scalarover_perf_simd(t_int *w) { t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[3]; const vector float zero = (vector float)(0); int n = w[4]>>4;
if(*(t_float *)w[2]) { const t_float *src = (const t_float *)w[1]; #ifdef USEVECLIB float arg = *(t_float *)w[2]?1./ *(t_float *)w[2]: 0; vsmul(src,1,&arg,dst,1,w[4]); #else const vector float v = LoadValue(w[2]); const vector float one = (vector float)(1);
vector float estimate = vec_re(v); vector float arg = vec_madd( vec_nmsub( estimate, v, one ), estimate, estimate );
for(; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src); a1 = vec_madd(a1,arg,zero); a2 = vec_madd(a2,arg,zero); a3 = vec_madd(a3,arg,zero); a4 = vec_madd(a4,arg,zero);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } #endif } else { /* zero all output */ for(; n--; dst += 16) { vec_st(zero, 0,dst); vec_st(zero,16,dst); vec_st(zero,32,dst); vec_st(zero,48,dst); } } return w+5; }
t_int *min_perf_simd(t_int *w) { const t_float *src1 = (const t_float *)w[1]; const t_float *src2 = (const t_float *)w[2]; t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[3]; int n = w[4]>>4;
for(; n--; src1 += 16,src2 += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src1),b1 = vec_ld( 0,src2); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src1),b2 = vec_ld(16,src2); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src1),b3 = vec_ld(32,src2); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src1),b4 = vec_ld(48,src2); a1 = vec_min(a1,b1); a2 = vec_min(a2,b2); a3 = vec_min(a3,b3); a4 = vec_min(a4,b4);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } return w+5; }
t_int *scalarmin_perf_simd(t_int *w) { const t_float *src = (const t_float *)w[1]; const vector float arg = LoadValue(w[2]); t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[3]; int n = w[4]>>4;
for(; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src); a1 = vec_min(a1,arg); a2 = vec_min(a2,arg); a3 = vec_min(a3,arg); a4 = vec_min(a4,arg);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } return w+5; }
t_int *max_perf_simd(t_int *w) { const t_float *src1 = (const t_float *)w[1]; const t_float *src2 = (const t_float *)w[2]; t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[3]; int n = w[4]>>4;
for(; n--; src1 += 16,src2 += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src1),b1 = vec_ld( 0,src2); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src1),b2 = vec_ld(16,src2); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src1),b3 = vec_ld(32,src2); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src1),b4 = vec_ld(48,src2); a1 = vec_max(a1,b1); a2 = vec_max(a2,b2); a3 = vec_max(a3,b3); a4 = vec_max(a4,b4);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } return w+5; }
t_int *scalarmax_perf_simd(t_int *w) { const t_float *src = (const t_float *)w[1]; const vector float arg = LoadValue(w[2]); t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[3]; int n = w[4]>>4;
for(; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { vector float a1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float a2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float a3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float a4 = vec_ld(48,src); a1 = vec_max(a1,arg); a2 = vec_max(a2,arg); a3 = vec_max(a3,arg); a4 = vec_max(a4,arg);
vec_st(a1, 0,dst); vec_st(a2,16,dst); vec_st(a3,32,dst); vec_st(a4,48,dst); } return w+5; }
t_int *clip_perf_simd(t_int *w) { const t_float *src = (const t_float *)w[1]; t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[2]; const vector float lo = LoadValue(w[3]); const vector float hi = LoadValue(w[4]); int n = w[5]>>4;
for(; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { vector float data1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float data2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float data3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float data4 = vec_ld(48,src); vector unsigned char mlo1 = (vector unsigned char)vec_cmple(data1,lo); /* bit mask data <= lo */ vector unsigned char mlo2 = (vector unsigned char)vec_cmple(data2,lo); /* bit mask data <= lo */ vector unsigned char mlo3 = (vector unsigned char)vec_cmple(data3,lo); /* bit mask data <= lo */ vector unsigned char mlo4 = (vector unsigned char)vec_cmple(data4,lo); /* bit mask data <= lo */
vector unsigned char mhi1 = (vector unsigned char)vec_cmpge(data1,hi); /* bit mask data >= hi */ vector unsigned char mhi2 = (vector unsigned char)vec_cmpge(data2,hi); /* bit mask data >= hi */ vector unsigned char mhi3 = (vector unsigned char)vec_cmpge(data3,hi); /* bit mask data >= hi */ vector unsigned char mhi4 = (vector unsigned char)vec_cmpge(data4,hi); /* bit mask data >= hi */
data1 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)data1,vec_nor(mlo1,mhi1)); data2 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)data2,vec_nor(mlo2,mhi2)); data3 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)data3,vec_nor(mlo3,mhi3)); data4 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)data4,vec_nor(mlo4,mhi4)); mlo1 = vec_and((vector unsigned char)lo,mlo1); mlo2 = vec_and((vector unsigned char)lo,mlo2); mlo3 = vec_and((vector unsigned char)lo,mlo3); mlo4 = vec_and((vector unsigned char)lo,mlo4); mhi1 = vec_and((vector unsigned char)hi,mhi1); mhi2 = vec_and((vector unsigned char)hi,mhi2); mhi3 = vec_and((vector unsigned char)hi,mhi3); mhi4 = vec_and((vector unsigned char)hi,mhi4);
data1 = (vector float)vec_or(vec_or(mlo1,mhi1),(vector unsigned char)data1); data2 = (vector float)vec_or(vec_or(mlo2,mhi2),(vector unsigned char)data2); data3 = (vector float)vec_or(vec_or(mlo3,mhi3),(vector unsigned char)data3); data4 = (vector float)vec_or(vec_or(mlo4,mhi4),(vector unsigned char)data4);
vec_st(data1, 0,dst); vec_st(data2,16,dst); vec_st(data3,32,dst); vec_st(data4,48,dst); } return w+6; }
t_int *sigwrap_perf_simd(t_int *w) { const t_float *src = (const t_float *)w[1]; t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[2]; int n = w[3]>>4;
for(; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { vector float data1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float data2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float data3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float data4 = vec_ld(48,src); data1 = vec_sub(data1,vec_floor(data1)); data2 = vec_sub(data2,vec_floor(data2)); data3 = vec_sub(data3,vec_floor(data3)); data4 = vec_sub(data4,vec_floor(data4)); vec_st(data1, 0,dst); vec_st(data2,16,dst); vec_st(data3,32,dst); vec_st(data4,48,dst); } return w+4; }
t_int *sigsqrt_perf_simd(t_int *w) { const t_float *src = (const t_float *)w[1]; t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[2]; int n = w[3]>>4; const vector float zero = (vector float)(0); const vector float oneHalf = (vector float)(0.5); const vector float one = (vector float)(1.0);
for(; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { /* http://developer.apple.com/hardware/ve/algorithms.html
Just as in Miller's scalar sigsqrt_perform, first a rsqrt estimate is calculated which is then refined by one round of Newton-Raphson. Here, to avoid branching a mask is generated which zeroes out eventual resulting NANs. */ #ifdef USEVECLIB /* no zero checking here */ vec_st(vsqrtf(vec_ld( 0,src)), 0,dst); vec_st(vsqrtf(vec_ld(16,src)),16,dst); vec_st(vsqrtf(vec_ld(32,src)),32,dst); vec_st(vsqrtf(vec_ld(48,src)),48,dst); #else vector float data1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float data2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float data3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float data4 = vec_ld(48,src);
const vector unsigned char mask1 = vec_nor((vector unsigned char)vec_cmple(data1,zero),(vector unsigned char)zero); /* bit mask... all 0 for data <= 0., all 1 else */ const vector unsigned char mask2 = vec_nor((vector unsigned char)vec_cmple(data2,zero),(vector unsigned char)zero); /* bit mask... all 0 for data <= 0., all 1 else */ const vector unsigned char mask3 = vec_nor((vector unsigned char)vec_cmple(data3,zero),(vector unsigned char)zero); /* bit mask... all 0 for data <= 0., all 1 else */ const vector unsigned char mask4 = vec_nor((vector unsigned char)vec_cmple(data4,zero),(vector unsigned char)zero); /* bit mask... all 0 for data <= 0., all 1 else */
const vector float estimate1 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)vec_rsqrte(data1),mask1); const vector float estimate2 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)vec_rsqrte(data2),mask2); const vector float estimate3 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)vec_rsqrte(data3),mask3); const vector float estimate4 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)vec_rsqrte(data4),mask4);
/* this can still be improved.... */ data1 = vec_madd(data1,vec_madd( vec_nmsub( data1, vec_madd( estimate1, estimate1, zero ), one ), vec_madd( estimate1, oneHalf, zero ), estimate1 ), zero); data2 = vec_madd(data2,vec_madd( vec_nmsub( data2, vec_madd( estimate2, estimate2, zero ), one ), vec_madd( estimate2, oneHalf, zero ), estimate2 ), zero); data3 = vec_madd(data3,vec_madd( vec_nmsub( data3, vec_madd( estimate3, estimate3, zero ), one ), vec_madd( estimate3, oneHalf, zero ), estimate3 ), zero); data4 = vec_madd(data4,vec_madd( vec_nmsub( data4, vec_madd( estimate4, estimate4, zero ), one ), vec_madd( estimate4, oneHalf, zero ), estimate4 ), zero); vec_st(data1, 0,dst); vec_st(data2,16,dst); vec_st(data3,32,dst); vec_st(data4,48,dst); #endif } return w+4; }
/* Attention: there's a difference to sigsqrt_perform which delivers non-zero for a zero input... i don't think the latter is intended... */ t_int *sigrsqrt_perf_simd(t_int *w) { const t_float *src = (const t_float *)w[1]; t_float *dst = (t_float *)w[2]; int n = w[3]>>4; const vector float zero = (vector float)(0); const vector float oneHalf = (vector float)(0.5); const vector float one = (vector float)(1.0);
for(; n--; src += 16,dst += 16) { /* http://developer.apple.com/hardware/ve/algorithms.html
Just as in Miller's scalar sigrsqrt_perform, first a rsqrt estimate is calculated which is then refined by one round of Newton-Raphson. Here, to avoid branching a mask is generated which zeroes out eventual resulting NANs. */
#ifdef USEVECLIB /* no zero checking here */ vec_st(vrsqrtf(vec_ld( 0,src)), 0,dst); vec_st(vrsqrtf(vec_ld(16,src)),16,dst); vec_st(vrsqrtf(vec_ld(32,src)),32,dst); vec_st(vrsqrtf(vec_ld(48,src)),48,dst); #else vector float data1 = vec_ld( 0,src); vector float data2 = vec_ld(16,src); vector float data3 = vec_ld(32,src); vector float data4 = vec_ld(48,src);
const vector unsigned char mask1 = vec_nor((vector unsigned char)vec_cmple(data1,zero),(vector unsigned char)zero); /* bit mask... all 0 for data <= 0., all 1 else */ const vector unsigned char mask2 = vec_nor((vector unsigned char)vec_cmple(data2,zero),(vector unsigned char)zero); /* bit mask... all 0 for data <= 0., all 1 else */ const vector unsigned char mask3 = vec_nor((vector unsigned char)vec_cmple(data3,zero),(vector unsigned char)zero); /* bit mask... all 0 for data <= 0., all 1 else */ const vector unsigned char mask4 = vec_nor((vector unsigned char)vec_cmple(data4,zero),(vector unsigned char)zero); /* bit mask... all 0 for data <= 0., all 1 else */
const vector float estimate1 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)vec_rsqrte(data1),mask1); const vector float estimate2 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)vec_rsqrte(data2),mask2); const vector float estimate3 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)vec_rsqrte(data3),mask3); const vector float estimate4 = (vector float)vec_and((vector unsigned char)vec_rsqrte(data4),mask4); data1 = vec_nmsub( data1, vec_madd( estimate1, estimate1, zero ), one ); data2 = vec_nmsub( data2, vec_madd( estimate2, estimate2, zero ), one ); data3 = vec_nmsub( data3, vec_madd( estimate3, estimate3, zero ), one ); data4 = vec_nmsub( data4, vec_madd( estimate4, estimate4, zero ), one );
data1 = vec_madd( data1, vec_madd( estimate1, oneHalf, zero ), estimate1 ); data2 = vec_madd( data2, vec_madd( estimate2, oneHalf, zero ), estimate2 ); data3 = vec_madd( data3, vec_madd( estimate3, oneHalf, zero ), estimate3 ); data4 = vec_madd( data4, vec_madd( estimate4, oneHalf, zero ), estimate4 ); vec_st(data1, 0,dst); vec_st(data2,16,dst); vec_st(data3,32,dst); vec_st(data4,48,dst); #endif } return w+4; }
int simd_runtime_check() { return 1; }
--- NEW FILE: m_simd.h --- /* Definitions for SIMD functionality added by T.Grill */
#ifndef __M_SIMD_H #define __M_SIMD_H
/* general vector functions */ void zerovec_8(t_float *dst,int n); void setvec_8(t_float *dst,t_float v,int n); void copyvec_8(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n); void addvec_8(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n); void testcopyvec_8(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n); void testaddvec_8(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n);
/* if SIMD shouldn't be used the checks will always return false */ #define SIMD_CHKCNT(n) ( 0 ) #define SIMD_CHKALIGN(ptr) ( 0 )
#include "m_simd_def.h"
/* how many floats do we calculate in the loop of a SIMD codelet? */ #define SIMD_BLOCK 16 /* must be a power of 2 */
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_IX86) /* Visual C++ on Intel */ /* alignment for Intel SSE */ #define SIMD_BYTEALIGN (128/8) /* align to 128 bits */
#include "m_simd_sse_vc.h"
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(_X86_) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__i586__) || defined(__i686__) ) /* Intel SSE with GNU C */ #define SIMD_BYTEALIGN (128/8) /* align to 128 bits */
#include "m_simd_sse_gcc.h"
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__POWERPC__) && defined(__ALTIVEC__) /* Altivec with GNU C ( -faltivec must be given as a compiler option! ) */ #define SIMD_BYTEALIGN (128/8) /* align to 128 bits */
#include "m_simd_ve_gcc.h"
#else /* default */
#define SIMD_BYTEALIGN (128/8) /* assume 128 bits */ #include "m_simd_def.h" #endif
/* check if n meets the requirements for SIMD codelets */ #define SIMD_CHKCNT(n) ( ((n)&(SIMD_BLOCK-1)) == 0 ) /* check if a pointer is correctly aligned for SIMD codelets */ #define SIMD_CHKALIGN(ptr) ( ((unsigned long)(ptr) & (SIMD_BYTEALIGN-1)) == 0 )
/* check n and 1 pointer at once */ #define SIMD_CHECK1(n,ptr1) ( SIMD_CHKCNT(n) && SIMD_CHKALIGN(ptr1) && simd_runtime_check()) /* check n and 2 pointers at once */ #define SIMD_CHECK2(n,ptr1,ptr2) ( SIMD_CHKCNT(n) && SIMD_CHKALIGN(ptr1) && SIMD_CHKALIGN(ptr2) && simd_runtime_check() ) /* check n and 3 pointers at once */ #define SIMD_CHECK3(n,ptr1,ptr2,ptr3) ( SIMD_CHKCNT(n) && SIMD_CHKALIGN(ptr1) && SIMD_CHKALIGN(ptr2) && SIMD_CHKALIGN(ptr3) && simd_runtime_check() )
/* T.Grill - bit alignment for signal vectors (must be a multiple of 8!) */ /* if undefined no alignment occurs */ #ifdef SIMD_BYTEALIGN #define VECTORALIGNMENT (SIMD_BYTEALIGN*8) #else #define VECTORALIGNMENT 128 #endif
#endif /* __M_SIMD_H */
--- NEW FILE: s_midi_alsa.c --- /* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Guenter Geiger, Miller Puckette, Larry Troxler, * Winfried Ritsch, Karl MacMillan, and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */
/* MIDI I/O for Linux using ALSA */
#include <stdio.h> #ifdef UNISTD #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <alsa/asoundlib.h> #include "m_pd.h" #include "s_stuff.h"
static int alsa_nmidiin; static int alsa_midiinfd[MAXMIDIINDEV]; static int alsa_nmidiout; static int alsa_midioutfd[MAXMIDIOUTDEV];
static snd_seq_t *midi_handle;
static int alsa_port; static int alsa_initialized; static void alsa_midiout(int fd, int n) { /*snd_midi_event_encode_byte(); char b = n; if ((write(fd, (char *) &b, 1)) != 1) perror("midi write");*/ }
unsigned short CombineBytes(unsigned char First, unsigned char Second) { unsigned short _14bit; _14bit = (unsigned short)Second; _14bit <<= 7; _14bit |= (unsigned short)First; return(_14bit); }
void sys_do_open_midi(int nmidiin, int *midiinvec, int nmidiout, int *midioutvec) {
char portname[50]; int err; int client; int i; if (nmidiin>0 && nmidiout>0) err = snd_seq_open(&midi_handle,"default",SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX,0); else if (nmidiin > 0) err = snd_seq_open(&midi_handle,"default",SND_SEQ_OPEN_INPUT,0); else if (nmidiout > 0) err = snd_seq_open(&midi_handle,"default",SND_SEQ_OPEN_OUTPUT,0);
if (err!=0) { sys_setalarm(1000000); post("couldn't open alsa sequencer"); return; } for (i=0;i<nmidiout;i++) { sprintf(portname,"Pure Data Midi-In %d",i+1); alsa_port = snd_seq_create_simple_port(midi_handle,portname,SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE |SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE , SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION); alsa_midiinfd[i] = alsa_port; } for (i=0;i<nmidiin;i++) { sprintf(portname,"Pure Data Midi-Out %d",i+1); alsa_port = snd_seq_create_simple_port(midi_handle,portname, SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ, SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION); alsa_midioutfd[i] = alsa_port; }
// alsa_port = snd_seq_create_simple_port(midi_handle,portname,SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_DUPLEX |SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ , SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION); //alsa_port = snd_seq_create_simple_port(midi_handle,portname,SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ , SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION); if (alsa_port < 0) { sys_setalarm(1000000); post("couldn't open alsa MIDI output device"); return; } snd_seq_client_info_t *alsainfo; snd_seq_client_info_malloc(&alsainfo); snd_seq_get_client_info(midi_handle,alsainfo); snd_seq_client_info_set_name(alsainfo,"Pure Data"); client = snd_seq_client_info_get_client(alsainfo); snd_seq_set_client_info(midi_handle,alsainfo); post("Opened Alsa Client %d in:%d out:%d",client,nmidiin,nmidiout); sys_setalarm(0); alsa_nmidiout = nmidiout; alsa_initialized = nmidiin; }
#define md_msglen(x) (((x)<0xC0)?2:((x)<0xE0)?1:((x)<0xF0)?2:\ ((x)==0xF2)?2:((x)<0xF4)?1:0)
void sys_putmidimess(int portno, int a, int b, int c) { int aa; int channel; snd_midi_event_t *dev; snd_seq_event_t ev; snd_seq_ev_clear(&ev); dev = (snd_midi_event_t*)malloc(30); if (portno >= 0 && portno < alsa_nmidiout) { if (a >= 224) // pitchbend { channel = a-224; snd_seq_ev_set_pitchbend(&ev,channel,CombineBytes(b,c)); } else if (a >= 208) // touch { channel = a-208; snd_seq_ev_set_chanpress(&ev,channel,b); } else if (a >= 192) // program { channel = a-192; snd_seq_ev_set_pgmchange(&ev,channel,b); } else if (a >= 176) // controller { channel = a-176; snd_seq_ev_set_controller(&ev,channel,b,c); } else if (a >= 160) // polytouch { channel = a-160; snd_seq_ev_set_keypress(&ev,channel,b,c); } else if (a >= 144) // note { channel = a-144; if (c) snd_seq_ev_set_noteon(&ev,channel,b,c); else snd_seq_ev_set_noteoff(&ev,channel,b,c); } snd_seq_ev_set_direct(&ev); snd_seq_ev_set_subs(&ev); snd_seq_ev_set_source(&ev,alsa_midioutfd[0]); snd_seq_event_output_direct(midi_handle,&ev); } //post("%d %d %d\n",a,b,c); }
void sys_putmidibyte(int portno, int byte) { /* snd_midi_event_t *dev; snd_seq_event_t ev; snd_seq_ev_clear(&ev); dev = (snd_midi_event_t*)malloc(4); if (portno >= 0 && portno < alsa_nmidiout) { //alsa_midiout(alsa_midioutfd[portno], byte); snd_midi_event_encode_byte(dev, byte,&ev); snd_seq_ev_set_direct(&ev); snd_seq_ev_set_subs(&ev); snd_seq_ev_set_source(&ev,alsa_port); snd_seq_event_output_direct(midi_handle,&ev); }*/ }
#if 0 /* this is the "select" version which doesn't work with OSS driver for emu10k1 (it doesn't implement select.) */ void sys_poll_midi(void) { int i, throttle = 100; struct timeval timout; int did = 1, maxfd = 0; while (did) { fd_set readset, writeset, exceptset; did = 0; if (throttle-- < 0) break; timout.tv_sec = 0; timout.tv_usec = 0;
FD_ZERO(&writeset); FD_ZERO(&readset); FD_ZERO(&exceptset); for (i = 0; i < alsa_nmidiin; i++) { if (alsa_midiinfd[i] > maxfd) maxfd = alsa_midiinfd[i]; FD_SET(alsa_midiinfd[i], &readset); } select(maxfd+1, &readset, &writeset, &exceptset, &timout); for (i = 0; i < alsa_nmidiin; i++) if (FD_ISSET(alsa_midiinfd[i], &readset)) { char c; int ret = read(alsa_midiinfd[i], &c, 1); if (ret <= 0) fprintf(stderr, "Midi read error\n"); else sys_midibytein(i, (c & 0xff)); did = 1; } } } #else
/* this version uses the asynchronous "read()" ... */ void sys_poll_midi(void) { char buf[20]; int count, alsa_source; int i; snd_midi_event_t *dev; snd_seq_event_t *midievent = NULL; snd_midi_event_new(20,&dev); snd_midi_event_init(dev); count = snd_seq_event_input_pending(midi_handle,1); if (count != 0) count = snd_seq_event_input(midi_handle,&midievent); if (midievent != NULL) { count = snd_midi_event_decode(dev,buf,20,midievent); alsa_source = midievent->dest.port; for(i=0;i<count;i++) sys_midibytein(alsa_source, (buf[i] & 0xff)); //post("received %d midi bytes\n",count); } snd_midi_event_free(dev); } #endif
void sys_close_midi() { /*int i; for (i = 0; i < alsa_nmidiin; i++) close(alsa_midiinfd[i]); for (i = 0; i < alsa_nmidiout; i++) close(alsa_midioutfd[i]);*/ alsa_nmidiin = alsa_nmidiout = 0; snd_seq_close(midi_handle); }
#define NSEARCH 10 static int alsa_nmidiindevs, alsa_nmidioutdevs, alsa_initted;
void midi_alsa_init(void) { int i; if (alsa_initted) return; alsa_initted = 1; }
void midi_getdevs(char *indevlist, int *nindevs, char *outdevlist, int *noutdevs, int maxndev, int devdescsize) { int i, ndev; if ((ndev = alsa_nmidiindevs) > maxndev) ndev = maxndev; for (i = 0; i < ndev; i++) sprintf(indevlist + i * devdescsize, "OSS MIDI device #%d", i+1); *nindevs = ndev;
if ((ndev = alsa_nmidioutdevs) > maxndev) ndev = maxndev; for (i = 0; i < ndev; i++) sprintf(outdevlist + i * devdescsize, "OSS MIDI device #%d", i+1); *noutdevs = ndev; }
--- NEW FILE: m_simd_sse_vc.c --- /* Implementation of SIMD functionality for Intel SSE with VC++ compiler added by T.Grill */
#include "m_pd.h" #include "m_simd.h"
#if defined(NT) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !(defined DONTUSESIMD)
/* dst is assumed to be aligned */ void zerovec_simd(t_float *dst,int n) { __asm { mov edx,dword ptr [dst] /* out */ xorps xmm0,xmm0 /* zero value */
mov ecx,[n] /* n */ shr ecx,4
/* should we do more loop unrolling? */ loopa: movaps xmmword ptr[edx],xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+4*TYPE t_float],xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+8*TYPE t_float],xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+12*TYPE t_float],xmm0
add edx,16*TYPE t_float /* very short loop - let's assume that branch prediction does its job nicely */ loop loopa } }
/* dst is assumed to be aligned */ void setvec_simd(t_float *dst,t_float v,int n) { __asm { mov edx,dword ptr [dst] /* out */
/* load value ... this is not very clean.. */ movss xmm0,xmmword ptr [v] shufps xmm0,xmm0,0
mov ecx,[n] /* n */ shr ecx,4
/* should we do more loop unrolling? */ loopa: movaps xmmword ptr[edx],xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+4*TYPE t_float],xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+8*TYPE t_float],xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+12*TYPE t_float],xmm0
add edx,16*TYPE t_float /* very short loop - let's assume that branch prediction does its job nicely */ loop loopa } }
/* dst and src are assumed to be aligned */ void copyvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { __asm { mov ebx,dword ptr [src] /* in1 */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] */ mov edx,dword ptr [dst] /* out */
mov ecx,dword ptr [n] /* n */ shr ecx,4
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */
loopa: /* prefetcht0 [ebx+12*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm0,xmmword ptr[ebx] movaps xmmword ptr[edx],xmm0 movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx+4*TYPE t_float] movaps xmmword ptr[edx+4*TYPE t_float],xmm1
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[ebx+8*TYPE t_float] movaps xmmword ptr[edx+8*TYPE t_float],xmm2 movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+12*TYPE t_float] movaps xmmword ptr[edx+12*TYPE t_float],xmm3
add ebx,16*TYPE t_float add edx,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } }
void addvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { __asm { mov eax,dword ptr [src] /* in1 */ /* prefetcht0 [eax] prefetch first cache line */ mov edx,dword ptr [dst] /* out */ mov ecx,dword ptr [n] /* n */ shr ecx,4 /* divide by 16 */
xor esi,esi /* reset index */ /* prefetcht0 [eax+8*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */ loopa: /* prefetcht0 [eax+16*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */ movaps xmm0,xmmword ptr[edx+esi] movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[eax+esi] addps xmm0,xmm1 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi],xmm0
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[edx+esi+4*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+4*TYPE t_float] addps xmm2,xmm3 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2 /* prefetcht0 [eax+24*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+24*TYPE t_float] */ movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[edx+esi+8*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm5,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+8*TYPE t_float] addps xmm4,xmm5 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+8*TYPE t_float],xmm4
movaps xmm6,xmmword ptr[edx+esi+12*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm7,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+12*TYPE t_float] addps xmm6,xmm7 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+12*TYPE t_float],xmm6
add esi,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } }
void testcopyvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { testcopyvec_8(dst,src,n); }
void testaddvec_simd(t_float *dst,const t_float *src,int n) { testaddvec_8(dst,src,n); }
t_int *zero_perf_simd(t_int *w) { zerovec_simd((t_float *)w[1],w[2]); return w+3; }
t_int *copy_perf_simd(t_int *w) { copyvec_simd((t_float *)w[2],(const t_float *)w[1],w[3]); return w+4; }
t_int *sig_tilde_perf_simd(t_int *w) { setvec_simd((t_float *)w[2],*(const t_float *)w[1],w[3]); return w+4; }
t_int *plus_perf_simd(t_int *w) { __asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov eax,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in1 */ /* prefetcht0 [eax] prefetch first cache line */ mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* in2 */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] prefetch first cache line */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* out */ mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 4*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4 /* divide by 16 */
xor esi,esi /* reset index */ /* prefetcht0 [eax+8*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */ loopa: /* prefetcht0 [eax+16*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */ movaps xmm0,xmmword ptr[eax+esi] movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi] addps xmm0,xmm1 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi],xmm0
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+4*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+4*TYPE t_float] addps xmm2,xmm3 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2 /* prefetcht0 [eax+24*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+24*TYPE t_float] */ movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+8*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm5,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+8*TYPE t_float] addps xmm4,xmm5 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+8*TYPE t_float],xmm4
movaps xmm6,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+12*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm7,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+12*TYPE t_float] addps xmm6,xmm7 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+12*TYPE t_float],xmm6
add esi,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+5); }
t_int *scalarplus_perf_simd(t_int *w) { __asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] prefetch first cache line */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* out */
/* load value ... this is not very clean.. */ mov eax,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* value */ movss xmm0,xmmword ptr [eax] shufps xmm0,xmm0,0
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 4*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */
loopa: /* prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx] addps xmm1,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx],xmm1
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[ebx+4*TYPE t_float] addps xmm2,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+24*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+8*TYPE t_float] addps xmm3,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+8*TYPE t_float],xmm3
movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[ebx+12*TYPE t_float] addps xmm4,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+12*TYPE t_float],xmm4
add ebx,16*TYPE t_float add edx,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+5); }
t_int *minus_perf_simd(t_int *w) { __asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov eax,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in1 */ /* prefetcht0 [eax] prefetch first cache line */ mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* in2 */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] prefetch first cache line */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* out */ mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 4*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4
xor esi,esi /* reset index */ /* prefetcht0 [eax+8*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */ loopa: /* prefetcht0 [eax+16*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm0,xmmword ptr[eax+esi] movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi] subps xmm0,xmm1 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi],xmm0
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+4*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+4*TYPE t_float] subps xmm2,xmm3 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2
/* prefetcht0 [eax+24*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+24*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+8*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm5,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+8*TYPE t_float] subps xmm4,xmm5 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+8*TYPE t_float],xmm4
movaps xmm6,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+12*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm7,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+12*TYPE t_float] subps xmm6,xmm7 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+12*TYPE t_float],xmm6
add esi,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+5); }
t_int *scalarminus_perf_simd(t_int *w) { __asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] prefetch first cache line */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* out */
/* load value ... this is not very clean.. */ mov eax,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* g */ movss xmm0,xmmword ptr [eax] shufps xmm0,xmm0,0
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 4*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */
loopa: /* prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx] subps xmm1,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx],xmm1
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[ebx+4*TYPE t_float] subps xmm2,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+24*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+8*TYPE t_float] subps xmm3,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+8*TYPE t_float],xmm3
movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[ebx+12*TYPE t_float] subps xmm4,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+12*TYPE t_float],xmm4
add ebx,16*TYPE t_float add edx,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+5); }
t_int *times_perf_simd(t_int *w) { __asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov eax,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in1 */ /* prefetcht0 [eax] prefetch first cache line */ mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* in2 */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] prefetch first cache line */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* out */
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 4*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4
xor esi,esi /* reset index */ /* prefetcht0 [eax+8*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */ loopa: /* prefetcht0 [eax+16*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm0,xmmword ptr[eax+esi] movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi] mulps xmm0,xmm1 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi],xmm0
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+4*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+4*TYPE t_float] mulps xmm2,xmm3 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2
/* prefetcht0 [eax+24*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+24*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+8*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm5,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+8*TYPE t_float] mulps xmm4,xmm5 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+8*TYPE t_float],xmm4
movaps xmm6,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+12*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm7,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+12*TYPE t_float] mulps xmm6,xmm7 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+12*TYPE t_float],xmm6
add esi,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+5); }
t_int *scalartimes_perf_simd(t_int *w) { __asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] prefetch first cache line */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* out */
/* load value ... this is not very clean.. */ mov eax,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* g */ movss xmm0,xmmword ptr [eax] shufps xmm0,xmm0,0
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 4*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */
loopa: /* prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx] mulps xmm1,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx],xmm1
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[ebx+4*TYPE t_float] mulps xmm2,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+24*4] */
movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+8*TYPE t_float] mulps xmm3,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+8*TYPE t_float],xmm3
movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[ebx+12*TYPE t_float] mulps xmm4,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+12*TYPE t_float],xmm4
add ebx,16*TYPE t_float add edx,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+5); }
t_int *sqr_perf_simd(t_int *w) { __asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] prefetch first cache line */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* out */
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */
loopa: /* prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm0,xmmword ptr[ebx] mulps xmm0,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx],xmm0
movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx+4*TYPE t_float] mulps xmm1,xmm1 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+4*TYPE t_float],xmm1
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+24*4] */
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[ebx+8*TYPE t_float] mulps xmm2,xmm2 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+8*TYPE t_float],xmm2
movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+12*TYPE t_float] mulps xmm3,xmm3 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+12*TYPE t_float],xmm3
add ebx,16*TYPE t_float add edx,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+4); }
/* no checking for 0 yet!! */ t_int *over_perf_simd(t_int *w) { __asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov eax,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in1 */ /* prefetcht0 [eax] prefetch first cache line */ mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* in2 */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] prefetch first cache line */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* out */
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 4*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4
xor esi,esi /* reset index */ /* prefetcht0 [eax+8*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */ loopa: /* prefetcht0 [eax+16*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm0,xmmword ptr[eax+esi] movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi] divps xmm0,xmm1 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi],xmm0
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+4*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+4*TYPE t_float] divps xmm2,xmm3 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2
/* prefetcht0 [eax+24*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+24*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+8*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm5,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+8*TYPE t_float] divps xmm4,xmm5 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+8*TYPE t_float],xmm4
movaps xmm6,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+12*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm7,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+12*TYPE t_float] divps xmm6,xmm7 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+12*TYPE t_float],xmm6
add esi,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+5); }
t_int *scalarover_perf_simd(t_int *w) { static const float one = 1.f;
__asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] prefetch first cache line */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* out */
/* load value */ mov eax,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* g */ movss xmm1,xmmword ptr [eax]
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 4*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */
/* check for zero */ xorps xmm0,xmm0 comiss xmm1,xmm0 /* compare xmm1 to 0 */ /* if xmm1 is zero (and also xmm0!) -> goto loopa */ jz loopa
/* else, invert xmm0 */ /* rcpps xmm0,xmm0 ... far too unprecise!! */
movss xmm0,[one] divss xmm0,xmm1 /* divide xmm0 by xmm1 */ shufps xmm0,xmm0,0 /* make xmm0 all the same */
loopa: /* prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx] mulps xmm1,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx],xmm1
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[ebx+4*TYPE t_float] mulps xmm2,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+24*4] */
movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+8*TYPE t_float] mulps xmm3,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+8*TYPE t_float],xmm3
movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[ebx+12*TYPE t_float] mulps xmm4,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+12*TYPE t_float],xmm4
add ebx,16*TYPE t_float add edx,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+5); }
t_int *max_perf_simd(t_int *w) { __asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov eax,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in1 */ /* prefetcht0 [eax] */ mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* in2 */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* out */
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 4*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4
xor esi,esi /* reset index */ /* prefetcht0 [eax+8*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */ loopa: /* prefetcht0 [eax+16*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */ movaps xmm0,xmmword ptr[eax+esi] movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi] maxps xmm0,xmm1 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi],xmm0
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+4*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+4*TYPE t_float] maxps xmm2,xmm3 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2
/* prefetcht0 [eax+24*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+24*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+8*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm5,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+8*TYPE t_float] maxps xmm4,xmm5 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+8*TYPE t_float],xmm4
movaps xmm6,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+12*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm7,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+12*TYPE t_float] maxps xmm6,xmm7 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+12*TYPE t_float],xmm6
add esi,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+5); }
t_int *scalarmax_perf_simd(t_int *w) { __asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* out */
/* load value ... this is not very clean.. */ mov eax,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* g */ movss xmm0,xmmword ptr [eax] shufps xmm0,xmm0,0
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 4*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */
loopa: /* prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx] maxps xmm1,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx],xmm1
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[ebx+4*TYPE t_float] maxps xmm2,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+24*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+8*TYPE t_float] maxps xmm3,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+8*TYPE t_float],xmm3
movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[ebx+12*TYPE t_float] maxps xmm4,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+12*TYPE t_float],xmm4
add ebx,16*TYPE t_float add edx,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+5); }
t_int *min_perf_simd(t_int *w) { __asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov eax,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in1 */ /* prefetcht0 [eax] */ mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* in2 */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* out */
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 4*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4
xor esi,esi /* reset index */ /* prefetcht0 [eax+8*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */ loopa: /* prefetcht0 [eax+16*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */ movaps xmm0,xmmword ptr[eax+esi] movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi] minps xmm0,xmm1 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi],xmm0
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+4*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+4*TYPE t_float] minps xmm2,xmm3 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2 /* prefetcht0 [eax+24*TYPE t_float] prefetcht0 [ebx+24*TYPE t_float] */ movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+8*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm5,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+8*TYPE t_float] minps xmm4,xmm5 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+8*TYPE t_float],xmm4
movaps xmm6,xmmword ptr[eax+esi+12*TYPE t_float] movaps xmm7,xmmword ptr[ebx+esi+12*TYPE t_float] minps xmm6,xmm7 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+esi+12*TYPE t_float],xmm6
add esi,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+5); }
t_int *scalarmin_perf_simd(t_int *w) { __asm { mov esi,dword ptr [w]
mov ebx,dword ptr [esi + 1*TYPE t_int] /* in */ /* prefetcht0 [ebx] */ mov edx,dword ptr [esi + 3*TYPE t_int] /* out */
/* load value ... this is not very clean.. */ mov eax,dword ptr [esi + 2*TYPE t_int] /* g */ movss xmm0,xmmword ptr [eax] shufps xmm0,xmm0,0
mov ecx,dword ptr [esi + 4*TYPE t_int] /* n */ shr ecx,4
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+8*TYPE t_float] */
loopa: /* prefetcht0 [ebx+16*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm1,xmmword ptr[ebx] minps xmm1,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx],xmm1
movaps xmm2,xmmword ptr[ebx+4*TYPE t_float] minps xmm2,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+4*TYPE t_float],xmm2
/* prefetcht0 [ebx+24*TYPE t_float] */
movaps xmm3,xmmword ptr[ebx+8*TYPE t_float] minps xmm3,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+8*TYPE t_float],xmm3
movaps xmm4,xmmword ptr[ebx+12*TYPE t_float] minps xmm4,xmm0 movaps xmmword ptr[edx+12*TYPE t_float],xmm4
add ebx,16*TYPE t_float add edx,16*TYPE t_float loop loopa } return (w+5); }
/* TB: runtime check */ int simd_runtime_check() { unsigned int redx; __asm { mov eax, 1 cpuid mov [redx],edx } return (0x2000000 & redx); }
--- NEW FILE: m_simd_sse_gcc.h --- /* SIMD functionality for Intel SSE with GCC compiler added by T.Grill */
#ifndef __M_SIMD_SSE_GCC_H #define __M_SIMD_SSE_GCC_H
#include "m_pd.h"
/* SIMD functions for SSE with gcc */
/* functions in d_ugen.c */ t_int *zero_perf_simd(t_int *w);
/* functions in d_dac.c */ t_int *copy_perf_simd(t_int *w);
/* functions in d_ctl.c */ t_int *sig_tilde_perf_simd(t_int *w);
/* functions in d_arithmetic.c */ t_int *plus_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarplus_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *minus_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarminus_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *times_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalartimes_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *sqr_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *over_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarover_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *max_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarmax_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *min_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarmin_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *clip_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *sigwrap_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *sigsqrt_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *sigrsqrt_perf_simd(t_int *w);
/* functions in d_math.c */ #define clip_perf_simd clip_perform /* SIMD not implemented */ #define sigwrap_perf_simd sigwrap_perform /* SIMD not implemented */ #define sigsqrt_perf_simd sigsqrt_perform /* SIMD not implemented */ #define sigrsqrt_perf_simd sigrsqrt_perform /* SIMD not implemented */
#endif /* __M_SIMD_SSE_GCC_H */
--- NEW FILE: m_simd_sse_vc.h --- /* SIMD functionality for Intel SSE with VC++ compiler added by T.Grill */
#ifndef __M_SIMD_SSE_VC_H #define __M_SIMD_SSE_VC_H
#include "m_pd.h"
/* SIMD functions for SSE with VC++ */
/* functions in d_ugen.c */ t_int *zero_perf_simd(t_int *w);
/* functions in d_dac.c */ t_int *copy_perf_simd(t_int *w);
/* functions in d_ctl.c */ t_int *sig_tilde_perf_simd(t_int *w);
/* functions in d_arithmetic.c */ t_int *plus_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarplus_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *minus_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarminus_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *times_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalartimes_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *sqr_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *over_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarover_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *max_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarmax_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *min_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarmin_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *clip_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *sigwrap_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *sigsqrt_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *sigrsqrt_perf_simd(t_int *w);
/* functions in d_math.c */ #define clip_perf_simd clip_perform /* SIMD not implemented */ #define sigwrap_perf_simd sigwrap_perform /* SIMD not implemented */ #define sigsqrt_perf_simd sigsqrt_perform /* SIMD not implemented */ #define sigrsqrt_perf_simd sigrsqrt_perform /* SIMD not implemented */
#endif /* __M_SIMD_SSE_VC_H */
--- NEW FILE: m_simd_def.h --- /* Default SIMD (non-)functionality added by T.Grill
This is used when there's no implementation of SIMD code for the current platform and/or compiler */
#ifndef __M_SIMD_DEF_H #define __M_SIMD_DEF_H
/* These are the functions that can be coded for SIMD */
/* functions in d_ugen.c */ #define zero_perf_simd zero_perf8
/* functions in d_dac.c */ #define copy_perf_simd copy_perf8
/* functions in d_ctl.c */ #define sig_tilde_perf_simd sig_tilde_perf8
/* functions in d_arithmetic.c */ #define plus_perf_simd plus_perf8 #define scalarplus_perf_simd scalarplus_perf8 #define minus_perf_simd minus_perf8 #define scalarminus_perf_simd scalarminus_perf8 #define times_perf_simd times_perf8 #define scalartimes_perf_simd scalartimes_perf8 #define sqr_perf_simd sqr_perf8 #define over_perf_simd over_perf8 #define scalarover_perf_simd scalarover_perf8 #define min_perf_simd min_perf8 #define scalarmin_perf_simd scalarmin_perf8 #define max_perf_simd max_perf8 #define scalarmax_perf_simd scalarmax_perf8
/* functions in d_math.c */ #define clip_perf_simd clip_perform /* SIMD not implemented */ #define sigwrap_perf_simd sigwrap_perform /* SIMD not implemented */ #define sigsqrt_perf_simd sigsqrt_perform /* SIMD not implemented */ #define sigrsqrt_perf_simd sigrsqrt_perform /* SIMD not implemented */
#endif /* __M_SIMD_DEF_H */
--- NEW FILE: m_simd_ve_gcc.h --- /* SIMD functionality for Apple Velocity Engine (AltiVec) with GCC compiler added by T.Grill */
#ifndef __M_SIMD_VE_GCC_H #define __M_SIMD_VE_GCC_H
#include "m_pd.h"
/* SIMD functions for VE with GCC */
/* functions in d_ugen.c */ t_int *zero_perf_simd(t_int *w);
/* functions in d_dac.c */ t_int *copy_perf_simd(t_int *w);
/* functions in d_ctl.c */ t_int *sig_tilde_perf_simd(t_int *w);
/* functions in d_arithmetic.c */ t_int *plus_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarplus_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *minus_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarminus_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *times_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalartimes_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *sqr_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *over_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarover_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *max_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarmax_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *min_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *scalarmin_perf_simd(t_int *w);
/* functions in d_math.c */ t_int *clip_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *sigwrap_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *sigsqrt_perf_simd(t_int *w); t_int *sigrsqrt_perf_simd(t_int *w);
#endif /* __M_SIMD_VE_GCC_H */