Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv2328
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata s_audio_pablio.c Log Message: remove fprintf
Index: s_audio_pablio.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_audio_pablio.c,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** s_audio_pablio.c 30 Jul 2007 22:16:27 -0000 --- s_audio_pablio.c 30 Jul 2007 22:19:11 -0000 *************** *** 188,195 **** PaStreamParameters instreamparams, outstreamparams; /* MSP */ #endif ! /* fprintf(stderr, ! "open %lf fmt %d flags %d ch: %d fperbuf: %d nbuf: %d devs: %d %d\n", ! sampleRate, format, flags, nchannels, ! framesperbuf, nbuffers, indeviceno, outdeviceno); */ if (indeviceno < 0) { #ifdef PA19 --- 188,193 ---- PaStreamParameters instreamparams, outstreamparams; /* MSP */ #endif ! /* post("open %lf fmt %d flags %d ch: %d fperbuf: %d nbuf: %d devs: %d %d", ! sampleRate, format, flags, nchannels, framesperbuf, nbuffers, indeviceno, outdeviceno); */ if (indeviceno < 0) { #ifdef PA19 *************** *** 199,203 **** #endif if (indeviceno == paNoDevice) inchannels = 0; ! fprintf(stderr, "using default input device number: %d\n", indeviceno); } if (outdeviceno<0) { --- 197,201 ---- #endif if (indeviceno == paNoDevice) inchannels = 0; ! post("using default input device number: %d", indeviceno); } if (outdeviceno<0) { *************** *** 208,214 **** #endif if(outdeviceno == paNoDevice) outchannels = 0; ! fprintf(stderr, "using default output device number: %d\n", outdeviceno); } ! /* fprintf(stderr, "nchan %d, flags %d, bufs %d, framesperbuf %d\n", nchannels, flags, nbuffers, framesperbuf); */ /* Allocate PABLIO_Stream structure for caller. */ aStream = (PABLIO_Stream *) malloc(sizeof(PABLIO_Stream)); --- 206,212 ---- #endif if(outdeviceno == paNoDevice) outchannels = 0; ! post("using default output device number: %d", outdeviceno); } ! /* post("nchan %d, flags %d, bufs %d, framesperbuf %d", nchannels, flags, nbuffers, framesperbuf); */ /* Allocate PABLIO_Stream structure for caller. */ aStream = (PABLIO_Stream *) malloc(sizeof(PABLIO_Stream)); *************** *** 218,228 **** bytesPerSample = Pa_GetSampleSize(format); if (bytesPerSample<0) {err = (PaError) bytesPerSample; goto error;} ! aStream->insamplesPerFrame = inchannels; /* MSP */ ! aStream->inbytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample * aStream->insamplesPerFrame; ! aStream->outsamplesPerFrame = outchannels; ! aStream->outbytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample * aStream->outsamplesPerFrame; ! /* Initialize PortAudio */ err = Pa_Initialize(); ! if( err != paNoError ) goto error; #ifdef PA19 numFrames = nbuffers * framesperbuf; /* ...MSP */ --- 216,223 ---- bytesPerSample = Pa_GetSampleSize(format); if (bytesPerSample<0) {err = (PaError) bytesPerSample; goto error;} ! aStream-> insamplesPerFrame = inchannels; aStream-> inbytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample * aStream-> insamplesPerFrame; ! aStream->outsamplesPerFrame = outchannels; aStream->outbytesPerFrame = bytesPerSample * aStream->outsamplesPerFrame; err = Pa_Initialize(); ! if (err != paNoError) goto error; #ifdef PA19 numFrames = nbuffers * framesperbuf; /* ...MSP */ *************** *** 242,251 **** minNumBuffers = Pa_GetMinNumBuffers(framesperbuf, sampleRate); if (minNumBuffers > nbuffers) ! fprintf(stderr, ! "warning: number of buffers %d less than recommended minimum %d\n", ! (int)nbuffers, (int)minNumBuffers); #endif numFrames = nbuffers * framesperbuf; ! /* fprintf(stderr, "numFrames %d\n", numFrames); */ /* Initialize Ring Buffers */ doRead = (inchannels != 0); --- 237,244 ---- minNumBuffers = Pa_GetMinNumBuffers(framesperbuf, sampleRate); if (minNumBuffers > nbuffers) ! post("warning: number of buffers %d less than recommended minimum %d", (int)nbuffers, (int)minNumBuffers); #endif numFrames = nbuffers * framesperbuf; ! /* post("numFrames %d", numFrames); */ /* Initialize Ring Buffers */ doRead = (inchannels != 0); *************** *** 277,281 **** err = Pa_StartStream( aStream->stream ); if (err != paNoError) { ! fprintf(stderr, "Pa_StartStream failed; closing audio stream...\n"); PD_CloseAudioStream(aStream); goto error; --- 270,274 ---- err = Pa_StartStream( aStream->stream ); if (err != paNoError) { ! error("Pa_StartStream failed; closing audio stream..."); PD_CloseAudioStream(aStream); goto error;