Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/grill/py/pd In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv19856/pd
Added Files: buffer-1.pd Log Message: fixes for detached operation and single-threaded version use lock count instead of message queuing to avoid py->py messaging deadlock support for buffer objects (preliminary) updated build system little restructuring fixes for single-threaded compilation added support for numarray
--- NEW FILE: buffer-1.pd --- #N canvas 123 58 692 472 12; #X obj 37 240 print; #X obj 107 241 print A; #X msg 30 139 reload; #N canvas 0 0 450 300 graph1 0; #X array array1 100 float 3; #A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0285713 0.042857 0.042857 0.042857 0.042857 0.042857 0.0142857 0.0142857 0.0142857 -0.0285713 -0.0571427 -0.0999997 -0.171428 -0.185714 -0.199999 -0.271428 -0.342856 -0.385713 -0.385713 -0.385713 -0.385713 -0.385713 -0.385713 -0.385713 -0.385713 -0.357142 -0.357142 -0.357142 -0.335713 -0.314285 -0.299999 -0.285713 -0.271428 -0.257142 -0.242856 -0.228571 -0.214285 -0.185714 -0.157142 -0.128571 -0.0999997 -0.085714 -0.0714283 -0.042857 -0.0142857 0.0142857 0.042857 0.0523808 0.0619046 0.0714283 0.114285 0.15 0.214285 0.257142 0.228571 0.207142 0.185714 0.157142 0.085714 0.0142857 0.0142857 0.0142857 -0.0571427 -0.0571427 -0.0999997 -0.0999997 -0.0999997 -0.171428 -0.171428 -0.158646 -0.142105 -0.125564 -0.109022 -0.092481 -0.0759397 -0.0593984 -0.042857 -0.0175824 0.00769227 0.0329669 0.0582416 0.0835162 0.108791 0.134065 0.15934 0.184615 0.209889 0.235164 0.260439 0.32857; #X coords 0 1 99 -1 200 140 1; #X restore 421 156 graph; #N canvas 0 0 450 300 graph2 0; #X array array2 100 float 3; #A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0285712 0.0428568 0.0571424 0.0999993 0.114285 0.128571 0.142856 0.157142 0.171427 0.185713 0.199999 0.242855 0.257141 0.271426 0.314283 0.342854 0.385711 0.421425 0.485711 0.557139 0.599995 0.671424 0.680947 0.690471 0.699995 0.742852 0.752375 0.761899 0.771423 0.771423 0.771423 0.81428 0.81428 0.81428 0.81428 0.828565 0.842851 0.842851 0.842851 0.842851 0.842851 0.842851 0.864279 0.885708 0.885708 0.885708 0.885708 0.876184 0.86666 0.857136 0.857136 0.857137 0.842851 0.828565 0.81428 0.799994 0.785708 0.76428 0.742852 0.728566 0.71428 0.671424 0.599995 0.428568 0.40714 -0.328569 -0.428569 -0.428569 -0.471425 -0.471425 -0.471425 -0.442854 -0.442854 -0.399997 -0.385712 -0.371426 -0.335712 -0.299998 -0.257141 -0.242856 -0.22857 -0.157142 -0.114285 -0.0857139 -0.0857139 -0.042857 -0.042857 0.028571 0.0571425 0.0571425 0.0999993 0.128571 0.128571 0.128571; #X coords 0 1 99 -1 200 140 1; #X restore 421 305 graph; #N canvas 0 0 450 300 graph3 0; #X array array3 100 float 2; #X coords 0 1 99 -1 200 140 1; #X restore 65 301 graph; #X obj 36 199 py buffer @detach 1; #X msg 123 127 mul array3 array1 array2; #X msg 123 149 add array3 array1 array2; #X obj 16 13 cnv 15 650 40 empty empty py/pyext 10 22 0 24 -260818 -1 0; #X text 235 16 Python script objects , (C)2003-2005 Thomas Grill; #X text 235 32 http://grrrr.org/ext; #X text 17 67 This demonstrates the usage of buffers. See the buffer.py script.; #X connect 2 0 6 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X connect 6 1 1 0; #X connect 7 0 6 1; #X connect 8 0 6 1;