Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv23679
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: bang bangs, started working on nbx
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.206 -r1.1.2.207 *** desire.tk 17 May 2006 11:06:55 -0000 --- desire.tk 17 May 2006 15:17:35 -0000 *************** *** 1652,1680 **** def* Canvas delete_wire {obj1 outport obj2 inport} { global _ - - #set find [lsearch $@wires_pair $x] - #if { $find != -1} { - ##remove the selected wire from the @wire_pair... - #set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair $find $find] - #set @wires_pair [lreplace $@wires_pair [expr $find - 1] [expr $find - 1]] - #} - # - ## removes the wire from the $_($obj1:wires) - #set obj1 $_($x:obj1) - #set find [lsearch $_($obj1:wires) $x] - #if { $find != -1} { - # set _($obj1:wires) [lreplace $_($obj1:wires) $find $find] - #} - ## removes the wire from the $_($obj2:wires) - #set obj2 $_($x:obj2) - #set find [lsearch $_($obj2:wires) $x] - #if { $find != -1} { - # set _($obj2:wires) [lreplace $_($obj2:wires) $find $find] - #} - # - ## i don't know why wires are taged as 00000000WIRE... - ## not sure why $x erase don't work, look later... - #$c delete ${x}WIRE - }
--- 1652,1655 ---- *************** *** 1720,1723 **** --- 1695,1702 ---- $c coords lnew $l } + + # detects if the focus is not on the canvas itself in run mode, ie. numbox + if {!$@editmode & [$self focus] != $self & [$self focus] != ""} {[$self focus] motion $x $y $mods} + #puts "action:$@action ........" switch $@action { *************** *** 1739,1747 **** } } ! # if {[string length $@focus]} { ! # if {$@editmode} {set event motionedit} {set event motion} ! # $@focus $event $self $x $y $mods ! # return ! # } mset {type id} [$self identify_target $x $y -1 -1 "move "] #puts "id :::: $id" --- 1718,1722 ---- } } ! mset {type id} [$self identify_target $x $y -1 -1 "move "] #puts "id :::: $id" *************** *** 2065,2069 ****
def* Canvas unclickrun {x y b} { ! }
--- 2040,2044 ----
def* Canvas unclickrun {x y b} { ! [$self focus] unclick }
*************** *** 2426,2435 **** obj {set i 4; set class [lindex $d 4]} } ! puts "class is $class ---------------" ! #puts "canvas -------- $canvas(current)" if {![info exists _($x:_class)]} { # new object if {[info exists classinfo($class)]} { - puts "and here ------------------------" set _($x:_class) [lindex $classinfo($class) 0] } { --- 2401,2408 ---- obj {set i 4; set class [lindex $d 4]} } ! puts "class -------- $class" if {![info exists _($x:_class)]} { # new object if {[info exists classinfo($class)]} { set _($x:_class) [lindex $classinfo($class) 0] } { *************** *** 2595,2603 **** set @clicking 0 set @buf "" }
def* NumBox draw {} { $self update_size ! global look mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] set xs [expr 4+10*$@w] --- 2568,2577 ---- set @clicking 0 set @buf "" + set @valid 0 }
def* NumBox draw {} { $self update_size ! global look font mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] set xs [expr 4+10*$@w] *************** *** 2608,2612 **** set outs [expr [string compare $@snd empty]==0] set points [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x2-4] $y1 $x2 [expr $y1+4] $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] ! set font courier set xt [expr $x1+$ys/2+2] set yt [expr $y1+$ys/2+1+$xs/34] --- 2582,2586 ---- set outs [expr [string compare $@snd empty]==0] set points [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x2-4] $y1 $x2 [expr $y1+4] $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] ! #set font $font(str) set xt [expr $x1+$ys/2+2] set yt [expr $y1+$ys/2+1+$xs/34] *************** *** 2616,2621 **** $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [parse_color $@bcol] -outline $look(objectframe3) $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -fill $color4 -outline $look(objectframe3) $self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text [$self ftoa] \ ! -font [list $font $@fs bold] -fill [parse_color $@fcol] .$@canvas.c delete ${self}CURS if {[string length $@buf]>0} { --- 2590,2597 ---- $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [parse_color $@bcol] -outline $look(objectframe3) $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -fill $color4 -outline $look(objectframe3) + #$self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text [$self ftoa] \ + # -font [list $font $@fs bold] -fill [parse_color $@fcol] $self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text [$self ftoa] \ ! -font $font(str) -fill [parse_color $@fcol] .$@canvas.c delete ${self}CURS if {[string length $@buf]>0} { *************** *** 2661,2667 **** }
! def NumBox click {x y b f} { ! $@canvas focus $self ! $@canvas itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill #00ff00 set @mouse [list $x $y] set @oval $@val --- 2637,2643 ---- }
! def* NumBox click {x y b f} { ! $@canvas focus= $self ! .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill #00ff00 set @mouse [list $x $y] set @oval $@val *************** *** 2670,2674 **** }
! def NumBox motion {x y mod} { set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] if {!$focused} {return} --- 2646,2650 ---- }
! def* NumBox motion {x y mod} { set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] if {!$focused} {return} *************** *** 2676,2690 **** set @val [expr $@val-$@rate*($y-$oy)] set @mouse [list $x $y] ! if {$@clicking} {pd x$self float $@val} ! $self changed }
! def NumBox unfocus {} {set @buf ""; $self changed}
! def NumBox unclick {x y} { set @clicking 0 if {$@oval!=$@val} { ! $@canvas unfocus ! pd x$self float $@val } } --- 2652,2668 ---- set @val [expr $@val-$@rate*($y-$oy)] set @mouse [list $x $y] ! if {$@clicking} {pd .$self float $@val;} ! #$self changed }
! def* NumBox unfocus {} {set @buf ""; $self changed}
! def* NumBox unclick {} { ! global look set @clicking 0 if {$@oval!=$@val} { ! $@canvas focus= $@canvas ! .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill $look(objectbg) ! pd .$self float $@val } } *************** *** 2887,2890 **** --- 2865,2870 ---- set @valid 0 set @w 15 + set @flash 0 + set @count 0 }
*************** *** 2897,2911 **** super mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] set colour [parse_color $@bcol] $self item BUT oval \ [list [expr $x1+2] [expr $y1+2] [expr $x2-2] [expr $y2-2]] \ -fill [bluify $colour] -tags "${self}BUT $self" }
! def Bang click {x y b f} {pd .$self bang; $self bang}
! def Bang bang {} { ! .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BUT -fill [bluify [parse_color $@fcol]] ! after 100 [list .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BUT -fill [bluify [parse_color $@bcol]]] }
--- 2877,2902 ---- super mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] + if {$@flash} { + .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BUT -fill [bluify [parse_color $@fcol]] + after 100 [list .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BUT -fill [bluify [parse_color $@bcol]]] + set $flash 0 + } else { set colour [parse_color $@bcol] $self item BUT oval \ [list [expr $x1+2] [expr $y1+2] [expr $x2-2] [expr $y2-2]] \ -fill [bluify $colour] -tags "${self}BUT $self" + } }
! def Bang click {x y b f} { ! pd .$self bang ! #$self bang ! }
! def Bang bang {count} { ! set @count $count ! set @flash 1 ! #.$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BUT -fill [bluify [parse_color $@fcol]] ! #after 100 [list .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BUT -fill [bluify [parse_color $@bcol]]] }