Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/packages/darwin_app In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv29750
Added Files: AppMain.tcl BUGS Info.plist Makefile Pd.term TODO mkdmg pd-file.icns pd-unix.info pd.icns Log Message: first working version of Pd.app, released as a test release
--- NEW FILE: Info.plist --- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key> <string>English</string> <key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> <array> <string>pd</string> </array> <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key> <string>pd-file.icns</string> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>Pure Data Patch</string> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Editor</string> </dict> </array> <key>CFBundleExecutable</key> <string>Pd</string> <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string>org.puredata</string> <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key> <string>6.0</string> <key>CFBundlePackageType</key> <string>APPL</string> <key>CFBundleSignature</key> <string>????</string> <key>CFBundleIconFile</key> <string>pd.icns</string> <key>CFBundleVersion</key> <string>0.37-CVS</string> </dict> </plist>
--- NEW FILE: mkdmg --- #!/bin/sh # # from: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20020311215452999 # # # Creates a disk image (dmg) on Mac OS X from the command line # from a folder.
FOLDER="$1" if [ -z "$FOLDER" ]; then echo echo "usage: $0 <folder>" echo exit 1 fi
if [ ! -d "$FOLDER" ]; then echo $FOLDER does not exist exit 2 fi
SIZE=`/usr/bin/du -s "$FOLDER" | awk '{ print $1 }'` # allow space for partition map and directory structure SIZE=`echo 1024 + $SIZE * 1.1 / 1 | bc` NAME=`basename "$FOLDER"` FILE=$NAME.dmg TMP=${TMP:-/tmp}
if [ $SIZE -lt 9216 ]; then SIZE=9216 fi
if [ -e "$FILE" ] ; then echo $FILE already exists! exit 3 fi
echo Creating $TMPFILE from $FOLDER, $SIZE sectors... hdiutil create $TMPFILE -sectors $SIZE -ov if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then rm -f $TMPFILE exit 4 fi echo
DEVICES=`hdid -nomount $TMPFILE` DEVMASTER=`echo $DEVICES| awk '{ print $1 }'` DEVHFS=`echo $DEVICES| awk '{ print $5 }'` echo Creating HFS partition $NAME on $TMPFILE at $DEVHFS newfs_hfs -v "$NAME" $DEVHFS if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then rm -f $TMPFILE exit 5 fi hdiutil eject $DEVMASTER if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then rm -f $TMPFILE exit 6 fi DEVICES=`hdid $TMPFILE` if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then rm -f $TMPFILE exit 7 fi
DEVMASTER=`echo $DEVICES| awk '{ print $1 }'` DEVHFS=`echo $DEVICES| awk '{ print $5 }'` echo Copying $FOLDER to /Volumes/$NAME on $DEVMASTER sudo ditto -rsrcFork "$FOLDER" "/Volumes/$NAME" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then hdiutil eject $DEVMASTER rm -f $TMPFILE exit 8 fi
hdiutil eject $DEVMASTER if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then #rm -f $TMPFILE exit 9 fi
echo "Compressing $NAME to $FILE" #hdiutil convert $TMPFILE -format UDZO -o "$FILE" hdiutil convert $TMPFILE -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o "$FILE" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then rm -f "$FILE" $TMPFILE exit 10 fi
rm -f $TMPFILE
# end
--- NEW FILE: AppMain.tcl --- # from http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/tcl-mac/2115298
# tk::mac::OpenDocument is called when docs are dropped # on the Dock icon with the filenames put into the var args proc tk::mac::OpenDocument {args} { foreach file $args { puts $file } }
proc default_keybindings {} { return { exit CMD-q } }
#console show
# get the path to the Wish Shell so a relative path can be # used to launch Pd regsub -- "Wish Shell" [info nameofexecutable] "" wish_path exec open $wish_path/../Resources/Pd.term
puts "wish_path $wish_path"
#if {[string first "-psn" [lindex $argv 0]] == 0} { # set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] #}
--- NEW FILE: pd-unix.info --- Title Pd-UNIX Version Pd.app Version Description UNIX Tools for Pd DefaultLocation /usr/local DeleteWarning
### Package Flags
NeedsAuthorization YES Required NO Relocatable YES RequiresReboot NO UseUserMask YES OverwritePermissions NO InstallFat NO RootVolumeOnly NO
--- NEW FILE: pd.icns --- (This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)
--- NEW FILE: Makefile ---
current: darwin_app
DESTDIR = installroot PD_APP_CONTENTS = /Applications/$(PD_APP_NAME).app/Contents INSTALL_PREFIX = $(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/Resources
PD_MAJOR_VERSION = $(shell /usr/bin/grep 'Pd version' ../../pd/src/s_main.c | /usr/bin/cut -d '\' -f 1 | /usr/bin/cut -d ' ' -f 6 | /usr/bin/cut -d '.' -f 1) PD_MINOR_VERSION = $(shell /usr/bin/grep 'Pd version' ../../pd/src/s_main.c | /usr/bin/cut -d '\' -f 1 | /usr/bin/cut -d ' ' -f 6 | /usr/bin/cut -d '.' -f 2) PD_BUGFIX_VERSION = $(shell /usr/bin/grep 'Pd version' ../../pd/src/s_main.c | /usr/bin/cut -d '\' -f 1 | /usr/bin/cut -d ' ' -f 6 | /usr/bin/cut -d '.' -f 3) PD_VERSION = $(PD_MAJOR_VERSION).$(PD_MINOR_VERSION).$(PD_BUGFIX_VERSION)
UNIX_PACKAGE_NAME = $(PD_APP_NAME)-UNIX-$(PD_VERSION) UNIX_prefix = /usr/local UNIX_DESTDIR = pd-unix-root
WELCOME_FILE = Welcome.html README_FILE = ReadMe.html LICENSE_FILE = License.html
CYCLONE_MAJOR_VERSION = $(shell grep CYCLONE_VERSION ../../externals/miXed/cyclone/build_counter | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '"' -f 2) CYCLONE_RELEASE = $(shell grep CYCLONE_RELEASE ../../externals/miXed/cyclone/build_counter | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '"' -f 2) CYCLONE_BUILD = $(shell grep CYCLONE_BUILD ../../externals/miXed/cyclone/build_counter | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '"' -f 2) CYCLONE_VERSION = $(CYCLONE_MAJOR_VERSION) $(CYCLONE_RELEASE) $(CYCLONE_BUILD)
FLEXT_VERSION = $(shell grep PROJECT_NUMBER ../../externals/grill/flext/flext.doxy | cut -d '"' -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f2)
GEM_VERSION = $(shell grep "GEM_VERSION" ../../Gem/src/Base/GemVersion.h | cut -d '"' -f 2)
MAXLIB_VERSION = $(shell grep "#define VERSION" ../../externals/maxlib/maxlib.c | cut -d '"' -f 2)
OSC_VERSION = $(shell grep "#define VERSION" ../../externals/OSCx/OSC.c | cut -d '"' -f 2)
PDP_VERSION = $(shell grep PDP_VERSION= ../../externals/pdp/configure | cut -d '=' -f 2)
PMPD_VERSION = $(shell grep "#define VERSION" ../../externals/pmpd/src/pmpd.c | cut -d '"' -f 2)
TOXY_MAJOR_VERSION = $(shell grep TOXY_VERSION ../../externals/miXed/toxy/build_counter | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '"' -f 2) TOXY_RELEASE = $(shell grep TOXY_RELEASE ../../externals/miXed/toxy/build_counter | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '"' -f 2) TOXY_BUILD = $(shell grep TOXY_BUILD ../../externals/miXed/toxy/build_counter | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '"' -f 2) TOXY_VERSION = $(TOXY_MAJOR_VERSION) $(TOXY_RELEASE) $(TOXY_BUILD)
ZEXY_VERSION = $(shell grep VERSION ../../externals/zexy/src/zexy.h | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '"' -f 2)
darwin_app: darwin_app_wrapper darwin_app_core darwin_unix_pkg darwin_app_externals \ darwin_app_docs darwin_app_abstractions
darwin_app_license: # generate HTML version of License echo "<HTML><BODY>" > $(LICENSE_FILE) echo "<H3>(Parts of this package can be used under the Pd/BSD license)</H3>" >> $(LICENSE_FILE) echo "<FONT SIZE="-1">" >> $(LICENSE_FILE) cat ../../externals/creb/COPYING | sed -e 's/^$$/<P>/g' >> $(LICENSE_FILE) echo "</FONT></BODY></HTML>" >> $(LICENSE_FILE)
darwin_app_readme: echo $(CYCLONE_RELEASE) -rm $(README_FILE) echo "<html>" > $(README_FILE) echo "<head>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" />" >> $(README_FILE) echo "</head>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<body>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<h2><IMG SRC="pd-16.png"> Pure Data $(PD_VERSION)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)</h2>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<p>Pd is a free real-time computer music software package resembling Max. It provides a patchable environment for audio analysis, synthesis, and processing, with a rich set of multimedia capabilities. You can get Pd for Linux, Windows, MacOS X, BSD, or IRIX.</p>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<p>For more information, go to: http://www.puredata.org</p>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<h3>Installation</h3>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<p>To install Pd, drag the Pd.app to your /Applications folder. Currently, this app will only work in this location, nowhere else.</p>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<h3>Pure Data CVS Developers</h3>" >> $(README_FILE) # this may seem whack, but it generates the list of developers from the SourceForge site: wget -q -O - 'http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=55736' | grep -e '<td>' | sed -e :a -e 's/<[^>]*>//g;/</N;//ba' | grep -v '^$$' | sed -e 's/\t*/ - /' >> $(README_FILE) echo "</p>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<p>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "Many others not listed have contributed their time and effort, this is just a list of the current developers in the SourceForge project. But really, every Pd user is a developer and is encouraged to contribute to the CVS repository." >> $(README_FILE) echo "</p>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<h3>License</h3>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<p>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "The Pd core is licensed under a BSD license, almost every other part of this package is available under the GNU GPL. A couple packages have BSD-style licenses too." >> $(README_FILE) echo "</p>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<h3>Included Versions</h3>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<p>These externals are all included from the Pd CVS repository:</p>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<ul>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>pure data: $(PD_VERSION) " >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>cyclone: $(CYCLONE_VERSION)" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>flext: $(FLEXT_VERSION)" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>gem: $(GEM_VERSION)" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>iemlib: `date +20%y.%m.%d`" >> $(README_FILE) # # these cause this error: # Makefile:308: *** unterminated call to function `shell': missing `)'. Stop. # # echo "<li>maxlib: $(MAXLIB_VERSION)" >> $(README_FILE) # echo "<li>osc: $(OSC_VERSION)" >> $(README_FILE) # echo "<li>pmpd: $(PMPD_VERSION)" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>pd-abstractions: `date +20%y.%m.%d`" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>pd-doc: `date +20%y.%m.%d`" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>pd-externals: `date +20%y.%m.%d`" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>pddp: `date +20%y.%m.%d`" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>pdp: $(PDP_VERSION)" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>toxy: $(TOXY_VERSION)" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>unauthorized: `date +20%y.%m.%d`" >> $(README_FILE) echo "<li>zexy: $(ZEXY_VERSION)" >> $(README_FILE) echo "</ul>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "(this package was built on `date`) <BR>" >> $(README_FILE) echo "</body></html>" >> $(README_FILE)
darwin_app_wrapper: # copy Wish Shell.app from default install location install -d "$(DESTDIR)$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/MacOS" install -m0755 -p \ /Applications/Utilities/Wish\ Shell.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish\ Shell \ "$(DESTDIR)$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/MacOS" install -d "$(DESTDIR)$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/Resources" install -m0644 -p \ /Applications/Utilities/Wish\ Shell.app/Contents/Resources/Wish\ Shell.rsrc \ "$(DESTDIR)$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/Resources" # set up app wrapper install -d "$(DESTDIR)$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/Resources/Scripts" install -m0644 -p Info.plist "$(DESTDIR)$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)" install -m0644 -p Pd.term "$(DESTDIR)$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/Resources" install -m0644 -p *.icns "$(DESTDIR)$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/Resources" # using the shell script hack until AppMain.tcl works # install -m0644 -p AppMain.tcl "$(DESTDIR)$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/Resources/Scripts" install -m0755 -p Pd "$(DESTDIR)$(PD_APP_CONTENTS)/MacOS"
# INSTALL_PREFIX=$(INSTALL_PREFIX) is for pd-MSP 0.37.1 # prefix=$(INSTALL_PREFIX) is for pd-CVS 0.37 darwin_app_core: # pd core cd ../../pd/src/ && ./configure && \ make install \ DESTDIR=../../packages/darwin_app/$(DESTDIR) \ INSTALL_PREFIX=$(INSTALL_PREFIX)
darwin_app_docs: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DOC install -d $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -d $(HELP_DIR)/7.stuff cp -Rp ../../doc/tutorials $(HELP_DIR) cp -Rp ../../doc/additional/pd-msg $(HELP_DIR)/7.stuff/ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PDDP install -m644 --group=staff ../../doc/pddp/*.pd $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference
darwin_app_abstractions: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ABSTRACTIONS install -d $(ABSTRACTIONS_DIR) install -p -m0644 ../../externals/creb/abs/*.pd $(ABSTRACTIONS_DIR) cd $(ABSTRACTIONS_DIR) && rm count.pd install -d $(ABSTRACTIONS_DIR)/creb install -p -m0444 ../../externals/creb/doc/examples/*.* $(ABSTRACTIONS_DIR)/creb # cp -Rf footils timestretch vadsr~ $(ABSTRACTIONS_DIR)
darwin_app_externals: darwin_app_externals_flext darwin_app_externals_standard darwin_app_externals_c++
darwin_app_externals_flext: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FLEXT install -d $(PD_FILE_ROOT)/flext cd ../../externals/grill/build/darwin && make install -d $(HELP_DIR)/tutorials cp -rp ../../externals/grill/flext/tutorial $(HELP_DIR)/tutorials/flext install -d $(HELP_DIR)/flext install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/flext/gpl.txt \ ../../externals/grill/flext/readme.txt \ ../../externals/grill/flext/license.txt \ $(HELP_DIR)/flext # FLEXTERNALS # dyn # install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/dyn/pd-darwin/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/dyn/pd/*.pd $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -d $(HELP_DIR)/dyn install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/dyn/gpl.txt \ ../../externals/grill/dyn/readme.txt \ ../../externals/grill/dyn/license.txt \ $(HELP_DIR)/dyn # fftease # install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/fftease/pd-darwin/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/fftease/pd/*.pd $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -d $(HELP_DIR)/fftease install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/fftease/gpl.txt \ ../../externals/grill/fftease/readme.txt \ ../../externals/grill/fftease/license.txt $(HELP_DIR)/fftease cp -rp ../../externals/grill/fftease/media $(HELP_DIR)/fftease # idelay # install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/idelay/pd-darwin/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/idelay/pd/*.pd $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -d $(HELP_DIR)/idelay install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/idelay/gpl.txt \ ../../externals/grill/idelay/license.txt \ $(HELP_DIR)/idelay # pool install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/pool/pd-darwin/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/pool/help-pool.pd $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -d $(HELP_DIR)/pool install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/pool/gpl.txt \ ../../externals/grill/pool/readme.txt \ ../../externals/grill/pool/license.txt \ $(HELP_DIR)/pool # py/pyext # install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/py/pd-darwin/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -d $(HELP_DIR)/py/examples install -d $(HELP_DIR)/py/scripts install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/py/pd/*.pd $(HELP_DIR)/py/examples install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/py/scripts/*.py $(HELP_DIR)/py/scripts install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/py/gpl.txt \ ../../externals/grill/py/readme.txt ../../externals/grill/py/license.txt \ $(HELP_DIR)/py # install -d $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/Library/Frameworks # cp -R /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/Library/Frameworks # vasp # fails without the dir # test -d ../../vasp/pd-darwin || mkdir -p ../../vasp/pd-darwin # install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/vasp/pd-darwin/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/vasp/pd-help/*.pd $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -d $(HELP_DIR)/vasp install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/vasp/gpl.txt \ ../../externals/grill/vasp/readme.txt \ ../../externals/grill/vasp/license.txt \ ../../externals/grill/vasp/changes.txt \ ../../externals/grill/vasp/todo.txt \ $(HELP_DIR)/vasp cp -rp ../../externals/grill/vasp/pd-ex $(HELP_DIR)/vasp # vst # install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/vst/pd-darwin/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/vst/pd/*.pd $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -d $(HELP_DIR)/vst install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/vst/gpl.txt \ ../../externals/grill/vst/readme.txt \ ../../externals/grill/vst/license.txt \ $(HELP_DIR)/vst # xsample install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/xsample/pd-darwin/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/xsample/pd/*.pd $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -d $(HELP_DIR)/xsample install -p -m0444 ../../externals/grill/xsample/gpl.txt \ ../../externals/grill/xsample/readme.txt \ ../../externals/grill/xsample/license.txt \ $(HELP_DIR)/xsample
darwin_app_externals_standard: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PD-EXTERNALS cd ../../externals/build/darwin && make install -d $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0644 ../../externals/build/darwin/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GEM install -p -m0444 ../../Gem/help/*.* $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -d $(HELP_DIR)/Gem/doc install -p -m0444 ../../Gem/doc/*.* $(HELP_DIR)/gem install -d $(HELP_DIR)/Gem/00.manual install -p -m0444 ../../Gem/manual/*.* $(HELP_DIR)/gem/00.manual cp -Rfp ../../Gem/examples/*.* ../../Gem/examples/data $(HELP_DIR)/gem #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # miXed cd ../../externals/miXed/toxy && make cd ../../externals/miXed/cyclone && make install -p -m444 ../../externals/miXed/bin/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) sudo install -p -m555 ../../externals/miXed/bin/cyclist $(UNIX_DESTDIR)$(UNIX_prefix)/bin install -p -m0444 ../../externals/miXed/test/*/*.* \ ../../externals/miXed/doc/*/*/*.* \ $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OSC cd ../../externals/OSCx && ./configure && make install -d $(UNIX_DESTDIR)/$(UNIX_prefix)/bin sudo install -p -m0755 ../../externals/OSCx/send+dump/????OSC $(UNIX_DESTDIR)$(UNIX_prefix)/bin install -p -m0444 ../../externals/OSCx/doc/*.* $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -p -m0444 ../../externals/OSCx/src/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PDP cd ../../externals/pdp && ./configure && make install -p -m0444 ../../externals/pdp/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0444 ../../externals/pdp/doc/objects/*.* $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -d $(HELP_DIR)/pdp/introduction install -p -m0444 ../../externals/pdp/doc/introduction/*.* $(HELP_DIR)/pdp/introduction install -d $(HELP_DIR)/pdp/examples install -p -m0444 ../../externals/pdp/doc/examples/*.* $(HELP_DIR)/pdp/examples install -p -m0444 ../../externals/pdp/doc/reference.txt $(HELP_DIR)/pdp #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PMPD cd ../../externals/pmpd/src && make pd_darwin install -p -m0444 ../../externals/pmpd/src/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0444 ../../externals/pmpd/help/*.pd $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -d $(HELP_DIR)/pmpd install -p -m0444 ../../externals/pmpd/exemples/*.pd $(HELP_DIR)/pmpd #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # unauthorized cd ../../externals/unauthorized && make install -p -m0444 ../../externals/unauthorized/*/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0444 ../../externals/unauthorized/*/*.pd $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -p -m0444 ../../externals/unauthorized/*/*.txt $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -p -m0444 ../../externals/unauthorized/*/*.pls $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference cp -Rfp ../../externals/unauthorized/blinkenlights/blm $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # zexy cd ../../externals/zexy/src && make -f makefile.darwin install -p -m0444 ../../externals/zexy/src/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0444 ../../externals/zexy/zexy.pd $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference install -d $(HELP_DIR)/help-zexy install -p -m0444 ../../externals/zexy/examples/*.* $(HELP_DIR)/help-zexy
darwin_app_externals_c++: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CREB # cd ../../externals/creb && autoconf && ./configure && cd modules++ && make # install -p -m0644 ../../externals/creb/modules++/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # gem2pdp # cd ../../externals/gem2pdp && make -f Makefile.darwin # install -p -m0444 ../../externals/gem2pdp/*.pd_darwin $(EXTERNALS_DIR) install -p -m0444 ../../externals/gem2pdp/*.pd $(HELP_DIR)/5.reference #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GridFlow # cd ../../gridflow && ./configure && make
darwin_unix_pkg: darwin_app_readme darwin_unix_pkg_welcome darwin_app_license # mk the unix dir install -d $(UNIX_DESTDIR)$(UNIX_prefix) # copy stuff to UNIX dirs cp -Rp $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/bin \ $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/include \ $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/man \ $(UNIX_DESTDIR)$(UNIX_prefix) cd .. && install -p darwin_app/pd-unix.info $(UNIX_PACKAGE_NAME).info # # the "package" script is deprecated, got to find out the new way... # # delete cruft -find $(UNIX_DESTDIR) -name .DS_Store -delete -rm -f 1 # set proper permissions sudo chown -R root:staff $(UNIX_DESTDIR)/$(UNIX_prefix) # /Developer/Applications/Utilities/PackageMaker.app/Contents/MacOS/PackageMaker \ # -build \ # -p $(UNIX_PACKAGE_NAME).pkg \ # -f $(UNIX_DESTDIR) \ # -r . # cd .. && sudo package pd-unix-root $(UNIX_PACKAGE_NAME).info -d . -ignoreDSStore # install pkg docs # sudo install -m 644 $(LICENSE_FILE) ../$(UNIX_PACKAGE_NAME).pkg/Contents/Resources # sudo chown -R root:staff ../$(UNIX_PACKAGE_NAME).pkg/Contents/Resources
darwin_unix_pkg_welcome: echo "<html><body><p><p>" > $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<CENTER><IMG SRC="logo.jpg">" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<h2>Version $(PD_VERSION)</h2>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<p>written by Miller S. Puckette</p></CENTER>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<FONT SIZE="-1">" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<p>`grep -A9 ACKNOWLEDG ../../pd/README.txt`</p>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "</FONT>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "</body></html>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE)
dmg: install -d "$(DMG_NAME)" # mv $(UNIX_PACKAGE_NAME).pkg "$(DMG_NAME)" cd $(DESTDIR)/Applications && mv $(PD_APP_NAME).app "../../$(DMG_NAME)" install -p -m0444 ../../pd/LICENSE.txt "$(DMG_NAME)/PD LICENSE.txt" install -p -m0444 pd-16.png $(LICENSE_FILE) $(README_FILE) \ $(WELCOME_FILE) $(LICENSE_FILE) \ "$(DMG_NAME)" /bin/sh mkdmg "$(DMG_NAME)"
clean: darwin_app_clean
darwin_app_clean: -sudo rm -Rf $(DESTDIR) $(UNIX_DESTDIR) "$(DMG_NAME)" $(UNIX_PACKAGE_NAME) -rm -f *~ 1 $(README_FILE) $(WELCOME_FILE) $(LICENSE_FILE) \ $(UNIX_PACKAGE_NAME).pkg "$(DMG_NAME).dmg"
--- NEW FILE: pd-file.icns --- (This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)
--- NEW FILE: Pd.term --- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>WindowSettings</key> <array> <dict> <key>AutoFocus</key> <string>YES</string> <key>Autowrap</key> <string>YES</string> <key>Backwrap</key> <string>YES</string> <key>Bell</key> <string>YES</string> <key>BlinkCursor</key> <string>NO</string> <key>CleanCommands</key> <string>rlogin;telnet;ssh;slogin</string> <key>Columns</key> <string>80</string> <key>CursorShape</key> <string>2</string> <key>CustomTitle</key> <string>pure data</string> <key>DeleteKeySendsBackspace</key> <string>NO</string> <key>DisableAnsiColors</key> <string>NO</string> <key>DoubleBold</key> <string>YES</string> <key>DoubleColumnsForDoubleWide</key> <string>NO</string> <key>DoubleWideChars</key> <string>YES</string> <key>ExecutionString</key> <string>/Applications/Pd.app/Contents/Resources/bin/pd; exit</string> <key>FontAntialiasing</key> <string>YES</string> <key>FontHeightSpacing</key> <string>0.8</string> <key>FontWidthSpacing</key> <string>1</string> <key>IsMiniaturized</key> <string>NO</string> <key>MacTermFunctionKeys</key> <string>NO</string> <key>Meta</key> <string>27</string> <key>NSFixedPitchFont</key> <string>Courier</string> <key>NSFixedPitchFontSize</key> <real>12</real> <key>Rows</key> <string>24</string> <key>SaveLines</key> <string>-1</string> <key>ScrollRegionCompat</key> <string>NO</string> <key>ScrollRows</key> <string>0</string> <key>Scrollback</key> <string>YES</string> <key>Shell</key> <string>/bin/sh</string> <key>ShellExitAction</key> <string>1</string> <key>StrictEmulation</key> <string>NO</string> <key>StringEncoding</key> <string>5</string> <key>TerminalOpaqueness</key> <real>1</real> <key>TextColors</key> <string>0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.797 0.000 1.000 0.797 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.084 1.000 0.383 1.000 1.000 </string> <key>TitleBits</key> <string>104</string> <key>Translate</key> <string>YES</string> <key>UseCtrlVEscapes</key> <string>NO</string> <key>VisualBell</key> <string>YES</string> <key>WinLocULY</key> <string>629</string> <key>WinLocX</key> <string>5</string> <key>WinLocY</key> <string>0</string> <key>WindowCloseAction</key> <string>0</string> </dict> </array> </dict> </plist>
--- NEW FILE: TODO ---
- change s_inter.c to use /Applications/Pd.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish\ Shell
- AppMain.tcl: http://www.wordtech-software.com/tcl-bundle-tutorial.html http://wiki.tcl.tk/tclhttpd/3214 check WaveSurfer
- include auto-.pdrc script in package somewhere...
- convert from -DMACOSX to -D__APPLE__ where ever possible (check out __gnu_linux__) while I am at it
- make a web page that has stuff that can't be included due to license issues: (percolate, OSC?)
- add m_pd.h to /usr/local/include to Pd-UNIX.pkg
- add externals/OSCx/send+dump/ dumpOSC and sendOSC to Pd-UNIX.pkg
--- NEW FILE: BUGS ---
- Help->Documentation doesn't work, MacOS X hides it... arg!!!!!
- the readme makefile target is broken