Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18471
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.c kernel.c m_class.c desire.h Log Message: removed rest of c_ prefixes
Index: m_class.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/m_class.c,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** m_class.c 27 Dec 2006 01:15:28 -0000 --- m_class.c 27 Dec 2006 23:30:34 -0000 *************** *** 36,42 **** static t_symbol *class_extern_dir = &s_;
! static void pd_defaultanything(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) ! { ! pd_error(x, "%s: no method for '%s'", (*x)->c_name->s_name, s->s_name); }
--- 36,41 ---- static t_symbol *class_extern_dir = &s_;
! static void pd_defaultanything(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { ! pd_error(x, "%s: no method for '%s'", (*x)->name->s_name, s->s_name); }
*************** *** 81,85 **** list into the inlets. otherwise gove up and complain. */ if (c->anymethod != pd_defaultanything) c->anymethod(x,&s_list,argc,argv); ! else if (c->c_patchable) obj_list((t_object *)x, s, argc, argv); else pd_defaultanything(x, &s_list, argc, argv); } --- 80,84 ---- list into the inlets. otherwise gove up and complain. */ if (c->anymethod != pd_defaultanything) c->anymethod(x,&s_list,argc,argv); ! else if (c->patchable) obj_list((t_object *)x, s, argc, argv); else pd_defaultanything(x, &s_list, argc, argv); } *************** *** 150,157 **** } c = (t_class *)t_getbytes(sizeof(*c)); ! c->c_name = c->c_helpname = s; ! c->c_size = size; ! c->c_methods = (t_methodentry *)t_getbytes(0); ! c->c_nmethod = 0; c->freemethod = (t_method)freemethod; c->bangmethod = pd_defaultbang; --- 149,156 ---- } c = (t_class *)t_getbytes(sizeof(*c)); ! c->name = c->helpname = s; ! c->size = size; ! c->methods = (t_methodentry *)t_getbytes(0); ! c->nmethod = 0; c->freemethod = (t_method)freemethod; c->bangmethod = pd_defaultbang; *************** *** 161,183 **** c->listmethod = pd_defaultlist; c->anymethod = pd_defaultanything; ! c->c_firstin = ((flags & CLASS_NOINLET) == 0); c->firsttip = gensym("?"); c->fields = (t_symbol **)malloc(sizeof(t_symbol *)*31); c->nfields = 0; ! c->c_patchable = (typeflag == CLASS_PATCHABLE); ! c->c_gobj = (typeflag >= CLASS_GOBJ); ! c->c_drawcommand = 0; ! c->c_floatsignalin = 0; ! c->c_externdir = class_extern_dir; ! c->c_savefn = (typeflag == CLASS_PATCHABLE ? text_save : class_nosavefn); ! #ifdef QUALIFIED_NAME ! c->c_helpname = S; // like a class_addcreator ! if (pd_library_name&&newmethod) { class_addmethod(pd_objectmaker, (t_method)newmethod, S, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], vec[3], vec[4], vec[5]); } #endif ! hash_set(class_table, c->c_name, c); return c; } --- 160,181 ---- c->listmethod = pd_defaultlist; c->anymethod = pd_defaultanything; ! c->firstin = ((flags & CLASS_NOINLET) == 0); c->firsttip = gensym("?"); c->fields = (t_symbol **)malloc(sizeof(t_symbol *)*31); c->nfields = 0; ! c->patchable = (typeflag == CLASS_PATCHABLE); ! c->gobj = (typeflag >= CLASS_GOBJ); ! c->drawcommand = 0; ! c->floatsignalin = 0; ! c->externdir = class_extern_dir; ! c->savefn = (typeflag == CLASS_PATCHABLE ? text_save : class_nosavefn); #ifdef QUALIFIED_NAME ! c->helpname = S; // like a class_addcreator ! if (pd_library_name && newmethod) { class_addmethod(pd_objectmaker, (t_method)newmethod, S, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], vec[3], vec[4], vec[5]); } #endif ! hash_set(class_table, c->name, c); return c; } *************** *** 224,229 **** is obsolete; you should now use the CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN macro. */ if (sel == &s_signal) { ! if (c->c_floatsignalin) post("warning: signal method overrides class_mainsignalin"); ! c->c_floatsignalin = -1; } /* check for special cases. "Pointer" is missing here so that --- 222,227 ---- is obsolete; you should now use the CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN macro. */ if (sel == &s_signal) { ! if (c->floatsignalin) post("warning: signal method overrides class_mainsignalin"); ! c->floatsignalin = -1; } /* check for special cases. "Pointer" is missing here so that *************** *** 235,243 **** else if (sel == &s_anything) {if (argtype != A_GIMME) goto phooey; class_addanything(c, fn);} else { ! c->c_methods = (t_methodentry *)t_resizebytes(c->c_methods, ! c->c_nmethod * sizeof(*c->c_methods), ! (c->c_nmethod + 1) * sizeof(*c->c_methods)); ! m = c->c_methods + c->c_nmethod; ! c->c_nmethod++; m->me_name = sel; m->me_fun = (t_gotfn)fn; --- 233,240 ---- else if (sel == &s_anything) {if (argtype != A_GIMME) goto phooey; class_addanything(c, fn);} else { ! c->methods = (t_methodentry *)t_resizebytes(c->methods, ! c->nmethod * sizeof(*c->methods), (c->nmethod+1) * sizeof(*c->methods)); ! m = c->methods + c->nmethod; ! c->nmethod++; m->me_name = sel; m->me_fun = (t_gotfn)fn; *************** *** 263,274 **** } if (argtype != A_NULL) ! error("%s_%s: only 5 arguments are typecheckable; use A_GIMME", ! c->c_name->s_name, sel->s_name); m->me_arg[nargs] = A_NULL; } return; phooey: ! bug("class_addmethod: %s_%s: bad argument types\n", ! c->c_name->s_name, sel->s_name); }
--- 260,269 ---- } if (argtype != A_NULL) ! error("%s_%s: only 5 arguments are typecheckable; use A_GIMME", c->name->s_name, sel->s_name); m->me_arg[nargs] = A_NULL; } return; phooey: ! bug("class_addmethod: %s_%s: bad argument types\n", c->name->s_name, sel->s_name); }
*************** *** 299,315 **** void class_addanything(t_class *c, t_method fn) { c->anymethod = (t_anymethod)fn;}
! char *class_getname(t_class *c) {return c->c_name->s_name;} ! char *class_gethelpname(t_class *c) {return c->c_helpname->s_name;} ! void class_sethelpsymbol(t_class *c, t_symbol *s) {c->c_helpname = s;} ! void class_setdrawcommand(t_class *c) {c->c_drawcommand = 1;} ! int class_isdrawcommand( t_class *c) {return c->c_drawcommand;} void class_setnotice(t_class *c, t_notice notice) {c->notice = notice;}
static void pd_floatforsignal(t_pd *x, t_float f) { ! int offset = (*x)->c_floatsignalin; if (offset > 0) *(t_sample *)(((char *)x) + offset) = f; else ! pd_error(x, "%s: float unexpected for signal input", (*x)->c_name->s_name); }
--- 294,310 ---- void class_addanything(t_class *c, t_method fn) { c->anymethod = (t_anymethod)fn;}
! char *class_getname(t_class *c) {return c->name->s_name;} ! char *class_gethelpname(t_class *c) {return c->helpname->s_name;} ! void class_sethelpsymbol(t_class *c, t_symbol *s) {c->helpname = s;} ! void class_setdrawcommand(t_class *c) {c->drawcommand = 1;} ! int class_isdrawcommand( t_class *c) {return c->drawcommand;} void class_setnotice(t_class *c, t_notice notice) {c->notice = notice;}
static void pd_floatforsignal(t_pd *x, t_float f) { ! int offset = (*x)->floatsignalin; if (offset > 0) *(t_sample *)(((char *)x) + offset) = f; else ! pd_error(x, "%s: float unexpected for signal input", (*x)->name->s_name); }
*************** *** 318,329 **** else { if (c->floatmethod != pd_defaultfloat) ! post("warning: %s: float method overwritten", c->c_name->s_name); c->floatmethod = (t_floatmethod)pd_floatforsignal; } ! c->c_floatsignalin = onset; }
void class_set_extern_dir(t_symbol *s) {class_extern_dir = s;} ! char *class_gethelpdir(t_class *c) {return c->c_externdir->s_name;}
static void class_nosavefn(t_gobj *z, t_binbuf *b) { --- 313,324 ---- else { if (c->floatmethod != pd_defaultfloat) ! post("warning: %s: float method overwritten", c->name->s_name); c->floatmethod = (t_floatmethod)pd_floatforsignal; } ! c->floatsignalin = onset; }
void class_set_extern_dir(t_symbol *s) {class_extern_dir = s;} ! char *class_gethelpdir(t_class *c) {return c->externdir->s_name;}
static void class_nosavefn(t_gobj *z, t_binbuf *b) { *************** *** 331,336 **** }
! void class_setsavefn(t_class *c, t_savefn f) {c->c_savefn = f;} ! t_savefn class_getsavefn(t_class *c) {return c->c_savefn;}
/* ---------------- the symbol table ------------------------ */ --- 326,331 ---- }
! void class_setsavefn(t_class *c, t_savefn f) {c->savefn = f;} ! t_savefn class_getsavefn(t_class *c) {return c->savefn;}
/* ---------------- the symbol table ------------------------ */ *************** *** 560,564 **** return; } ! for (i = c->c_nmethod, m = c->c_methods; i--; m++) if (m->me_name == s) { wp = m->me_arg; if (*wp == A_GIMME) { --- 555,559 ---- return; } ! for (i = c->nmethod, m = c->methods; i--; m++) if (m->me_name == s) { wp = m->me_arg; if (*wp == A_GIMME) { *************** *** 632,636 **** return; badarg: ! pd_error(x, "Bad arguments for message '%s' to object '%s'", s->s_name, c->c_name->s_name); }
--- 627,631 ---- return; badarg: ! pd_error(x, "Bad arguments for message '%s' to object '%s'", s->s_name, c->name->s_name); }
*************** *** 682,687 **** t_methodentry *m; int i; ! for (i = c->c_nmethod, m = c->c_methods; i--; m++) if (m->me_name == s) return m->me_fun; ! pd_error(x, "%s: no method for message '%s'", c->c_name->s_name, s->s_name); return((t_gotfn)nullfn); } --- 677,682 ---- t_methodentry *m; int i; ! for (i = c->nmethod, m = c->methods; i--; m++) if (m->me_name == s) return m->me_fun; ! pd_error(x, "%s: no method for message '%s'", c->name->s_name, s->s_name); return((t_gotfn)nullfn); } *************** *** 691,695 **** t_methodentry *m; int i; ! for (i = c->c_nmethod, m = c->c_methods; i--; m++) if (m->me_name == s) return m->me_fun; return 0; } --- 686,690 ---- t_methodentry *m; int i; ! for (i = c->nmethod, m = c->methods; i--; m++) if (m->me_name == s) return m->me_fun; return 0; } *************** *** 738,743 **** */ "gobj "%d" patchable "%d" firstin "%d" " ! "firsttip "%s" methods {",s->s_name,c->c_helpname->s_name,c->c_externdir->s_name, ! c->c_size,c->c_gobj,c->c_patchable,c->c_firstin,c->firsttip->s_name); if (c-> bangmethod != pd_defaultbang) sys_vgui("<bang> "); if (c->pointermethod != pd_defaultpointer) sys_vgui("<pointer> "); --- 733,738 ---- */ "gobj "%d" patchable "%d" firstin "%d" " ! "firsttip "%s" methods {",s->s_name,c->helpname->s_name,c->externdir->s_name, ! c->size,c->gobj,c->patchable,c->firstin,c->firsttip->s_name); if (c-> bangmethod != pd_defaultbang) sys_vgui("<bang> "); if (c->pointermethod != pd_defaultpointer) sys_vgui("<pointer> "); *************** *** 746,750 **** if (c-> listmethod != pd_defaultlist) sys_vgui("<list> "); if (c-> anymethod != pd_defaultanything) sys_vgui("<any> "); ! {int i; for (i=0; i<c->c_nmethod; i++) sys_vgui("%s ",c->c_methods[i].me_name->s_name);} sys_vgui("}]; %s %s %s\n",cb_recv->s_name, cb_sel->s_name, s->s_name); } --- 741,745 ---- if (c-> listmethod != pd_defaultlist) sys_vgui("<list> "); if (c-> anymethod != pd_defaultanything) sys_vgui("<any> "); ! {int i; for (i=0; i<c->nmethod; i++) sys_vgui("%s ",c->methods[i].me_name->s_name);} sys_vgui("}]; %s %s %s\n",cb_recv->s_name, cb_sel->s_name, s->s_name); }
Index: kernel.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/kernel.c,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.8 -r1.1.2.9 *** kernel.c 27 Dec 2006 01:15:28 -0000 --- kernel.c 27 Dec 2006 23:30:34 -0000 *************** *** 288,300 **** t_hash *object_table;
! t_pd *pd_new(t_class *c) ! { t_pd *x; if (!c) bug("pd_new: apparently called before setup routine"); ! x = (t_pd *)t_getbytes(c->c_size); *x = c; hash_set(object_table,x,(void*)0); ! if (c->c_gobj) ((t_gobj *)x)->g_adix = appendix_new((t_gobj *)x); ! if (c->c_patchable) { ((t_object *)x)->ob_inlet = 0; ((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet = 0; --- 288,299 ---- t_hash *object_table;
! t_pd *pd_new(t_class *c) { t_pd *x; if (!c) bug("pd_new: apparently called before setup routine"); ! x = (t_pd *)t_getbytes(c->size); *x = c; hash_set(object_table,x,(void*)0); ! if (c->gobj) ((t_gobj *)x)->g_adix = appendix_new((t_gobj *)x); ! if (c->patchable) { ((t_object *)x)->ob_inlet = 0; ((t_object *)x)->ob_outlet = 0; *************** *** 303,313 **** }
! void pd_free(t_pd *x) ! { t_class *c = *x; if (c->freemethod) ((t_gotfn)(c->freemethod))(x); ! if (c->c_gobj) appendix_free((t_gobj *)x); hash_delete(object_table,x); ! if (c->c_patchable) { t_object *y = (t_object *)x; while (y->ob_outlet) outlet_free(y->ob_outlet); --- 302,311 ---- }
! void pd_free(t_pd *x) { t_class *c = *x; if (c->freemethod) ((t_gotfn)(c->freemethod))(x); ! if (c->gobj) appendix_free((t_gobj *)x); hash_delete(object_table,x); ! if (c->patchable) { t_object *y = (t_object *)x; while (y->ob_outlet) outlet_free(y->ob_outlet); *************** *** 315,324 **** if (y->ob_binbuf) binbuf_free(y->ob_binbuf); } ! if (c->c_size) t_freebytes(x, c->c_size); }
void gobj_save(t_gobj *x, t_binbuf *b) { t_class *c = x->g_pd; ! if (c->c_savefn) c->c_savefn(x, b); }
--- 313,322 ---- if (y->ob_binbuf) binbuf_free(y->ob_binbuf); } ! if (c->size) t_freebytes(x, c->size); }
void gobj_save(t_gobj *x, t_binbuf *b) { t_class *c = x->g_pd; ! if (c->savefn) c->savefn(x, b); }
*************** *** 786,791 **** t_symbol *outlet_getsymbol(t_outlet *x) {return x->o_sym;}
! void outlet_free(t_outlet *x) ! { t_object *y = x->o_owner; t_outlet *x2; --- 784,788 ---- t_symbol *outlet_getsymbol(t_outlet *x) {return x->o_sym;}
! void outlet_free(t_outlet *x) { t_object *y = x->o_owner; t_outlet *x2; *************** *** 802,806 **** static t_pd *find_inlet(t_object *to, int inlet) { t_inlet *i; ! if (to->ob_pd->c_firstin) { if (inlet==0) return (t_pd *)to; inlet--; --- 799,803 ---- static t_pd *find_inlet(t_object *to, int inlet) { t_inlet *i; ! if (to->ob_pd->firstin) { if (inlet==0) return (t_pd *)to; inlet--; *************** *** 868,872 ****
int obj_ninlets(t_object *x) { ! int n=!!x->ob_pd->c_firstin; t_inlet *i; for (i = x->ob_inlet; i; i = i->i_next) n++; return n; --- 865,869 ----
int obj_ninlets(t_object *x) { ! int n=!!x->ob_pd->firstin; t_inlet *i; for (i = x->ob_inlet; i; i = i->i_next) n++; return n; *************** *** 887,891 **** t_inlet *i = (t_inlet *)y, *i2; t_object *dest = i->i_owner; ! for (n = dest->ob_pd->c_firstin, i2 = dest->ob_inlet; i2 && i2 != i; i2 = i2->i_next) n++; *whichp = n; --- 884,888 ---- t_inlet *i = (t_inlet *)y, *i2; t_object *dest = i->i_owner; ! for (n = dest->ob_pd->firstin, i2 = dest->ob_inlet; i2 && i2 != i; i2 = i2->i_next) n++; *whichp = n; *************** *** 903,907 **** it, correctly typed, or zero if the check failed. */ t_object *pd_checkobject(t_pd *x) { ! return (*x)->c_patchable ? (t_object *)x : 0; }
--- 900,904 ---- it, correctly typed, or zero if the check failed. */ t_object *pd_checkobject(t_pd *x) { ! return (*x)->patchable ? (t_object *)x : 0; }
*************** *** 935,939 **** int n; t_inlet *i; for (i = x->ob_inlet, n = 0; i; i = i->i_next) if (i->i_symfrom == &s_signal) n++; ! if (x->ob_pd->c_firstin && x->ob_pd->c_floatsignalin) n++; return n; } --- 932,936 ---- int n; t_inlet *i; for (i = x->ob_inlet, n = 0; i; i = i->i_next) if (i->i_symfrom == &s_signal) n++; ! if (x->ob_pd->firstin && x->ob_pd->floatsignalin) n++; return n; } *************** *** 947,951 **** int obj_siginletindex(t_object *x, int m) { int n=0; t_inlet *i; ! if (x->ob_pd->c_firstin && x->ob_pd->c_floatsignalin) { if (!m--) return 0; else n++; } --- 944,948 ---- int obj_siginletindex(t_object *x, int m) { int n=0; t_inlet *i; ! if (x->ob_pd->firstin && x->ob_pd->floatsignalin) { if (!m--) return 0; else n++; } *************** *** 965,970 **** int obj_issignalinlet(t_object *x, int m) { t_inlet *i; ! if (x->ob_pd->c_firstin) { ! if (!m) return x->ob_pd->c_firstin && x->ob_pd->c_floatsignalin; else m--; } --- 962,967 ---- int obj_issignalinlet(t_object *x, int m) { t_inlet *i; ! if (x->ob_pd->firstin) { ! if (!m) return x->ob_pd->firstin && x->ob_pd->floatsignalin; else m--; } *************** *** 978,988 **** }
! t_sample *obj_findsignalscalar(t_object *x, int m) ! { int n = 0; t_inlet *i; ! if (x->ob_pd->c_firstin && x->ob_pd->c_floatsignalin) { ! if (!m--) ! return x->ob_pd->c_floatsignalin > 0 ? (t_sample *)(((char *)x) + x->ob_pd->c_floatsignalin) : 0; n++; } --- 975,983 ---- }
! t_sample *obj_findsignalscalar(t_object *x, int m) { int n = 0; t_inlet *i; ! if (x->ob_pd->firstin && x->ob_pd->floatsignalin) { ! if (!m--) return x->ob_pd->floatsignalin > 0 ? (t_sample *)(((char *)x) + x->ob_pd->floatsignalin) : 0; n++; }
Index: desire.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.h,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** desire.h 27 Dec 2006 01:15:27 -0000 --- desire.h 27 Dec 2006 23:30:34 -0000 *************** *** 71,80 ****
struct _class { ! t_symbol *c_name; /* name (mostly for error reporting) */ ! t_symbol *c_helpname; /* name of help file */ ! t_symbol *c_externdir; /* directory extern was loaded from */ ! size_t c_size; /* size of an instance */ ! t_methodentry *c_methods; /* methods other than bang, etc below */ ! int c_nmethod; /* number of methods */ t_method freemethod; /* function to call before freeing */ t_bangmethod bangmethod; /* common methods */ --- 71,80 ----
struct _class { ! t_symbol *name; /* name (mostly for error reporting) */ ! t_symbol *helpname; /* name of help file */ ! t_symbol *externdir; /* directory extern was loaded from */ ! size_t size; /* size of an instance */ ! t_methodentry *methods; /* methods other than bang, etc below */ ! int nmethod; /* number of methods */ t_method freemethod; /* function to call before freeing */ t_bangmethod bangmethod; /* common methods */ *************** *** 84,93 **** t_listmethod listmethod; t_anymethod anymethod; ! t_savefn c_savefn; /* function to call when saving */ ! int c_floatsignalin; /* onset to float for signal input */ ! unsigned c_gobj:1; /* true if is a gobj */ ! unsigned c_patchable:1; /* true if we have a t_object header */ ! unsigned c_firstin:1; /* if patchable, true if draw first inlet */ ! unsigned c_drawcommand:1; /* a drawing command for a template */ unsigned newatoms:1; /* can handle refcounting of atoms (future use) */ unsigned use_stringmethod:1; /* the symbolmethod slot holds a stringmethod instead */ --- 84,93 ---- t_listmethod listmethod; t_anymethod anymethod; ! t_savefn savefn; /* function to call when saving */ ! int floatsignalin; /* onset to float for signal input */ ! unsigned gobj:1; /* true if is a gobj */ ! unsigned patchable:1; /* true if we have a t_object header */ ! unsigned firstin:1; /* if patchable, true if draw first inlet */ ! unsigned drawcommand:1; /* a drawing command for a template */ unsigned newatoms:1; /* can handle refcounting of atoms (future use) */ unsigned use_stringmethod:1; /* the symbolmethod slot holds a stringmethod instead */ *************** *** 98,101 **** --- 98,107 ---- };
+ //#define c_methods methods /* for Cyclone */ + //#define c_nmethod nmethod /* for Cyclone */ + //#define c_externdir externdir /* for PDDP */ + //#define c_name name /* for Cyclone,Creb,Pidip */ + //#define c_size size /* for Cyclone,Flext */ + /* m_obj.c */ EXTERN int obj_noutlets(t_object *x);
Index: desire.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.c,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** desire.c 27 Dec 2006 00:26:26 -0000 --- desire.c 27 Dec 2006 23:30:31 -0000 *************** *** 192,196 **** t_notice ice = obs->_class->notice; if (ice) ice(obs,origin,argc,argv); ! else post("null func ptr for class %s",self->_class->c_name->s_name); } } --- 192,196 ---- t_notice ice = obs->_class->notice; if (ice) ice(obs,origin,argc,argv); ! else post("null func ptr for class %s",self->_class->name->s_name); } } *************** *** 214,219 **** //#define DEBUG_QUEUE
! void pd_print (t_pd *self, char *header) { ! if (self->_class->c_patchable) { t_binbuf *b = ((t_text *)self)->binbuf; if (b) { --- 214,219 ---- //#define DEBUG_QUEUE
! static void pd_print (t_pd *self, char *header) { ! if (self->_class->patchable) { t_binbuf *b = ((t_text *)self)->binbuf; if (b) { *************** *** 224,228 **** } } ! printf("%s (%s)\n",header,self->_class->c_name->s_name); }
--- 224,228 ---- } } ! printf("%s (%s)\n",header,self->_class->name->s_name); }
*************** *** 2206,2211 ****
void canvas_add_debug(t_canvas *x, t_gobj *y) { ! if (!y->_class->c_patchable) { ! printf("canvas_add %p %p class=%s (non-t_text)\n",x,y,y->_class->c_name->s_name); } else { char *buf; int bufn; --- 2206,2211 ----
void canvas_add_debug(t_canvas *x, t_gobj *y) { ! if (!y->_class->patchable) { ! printf("canvas_add %p %p class=%s (non-t_text)\n",x,y,y->_class->name->s_name); } else { char *buf; int bufn; *************** *** 2216,2220 **** free(buf); } else { ! printf("canvas_add %p %p class=%s (binbuf without b_vec !)\n",x,y,y->_class->c_name->s_name); } } --- 2216,2220 ---- free(buf); } else { ! printf("canvas_add %p %p class=%s (binbuf without b_vec !)\n",x,y,y->_class->name->s_name); } } *************** *** 6168,6172 **** return 0; } ! if (!o->_class->c_patchable) {error("%s target not a patchable object"); return 0;} return o; } --- 6168,6172 ---- return 0; } ! if (!o->_class->patchable) {error("%s target not a patchable object"); return 0;} return o; } *************** *** 6196,6203 **** t_text *o = symbol2opointer(name); if (!o) return; char foo[666]; ! if (o->ob_pd->c_firstin) strcpy(foo,o->ob_pd->firsttip->s_name); else strcpy(foo,""); int n = obj_ninlets(x); char *foop = foo; ! for (int i=!!o->ob_pd->c_firstin; i<n; i++) { strcat(foo," "); strcat(foo,inlet_tip(o->inlet,i)); --- 6196,6203 ---- t_text *o = symbol2opointer(name); if (!o) return; char foo[666]; ! if (o->_class->firstin) strcpy(foo,o->_class->firsttip->s_name); else strcpy(foo,""); int n = obj_ninlets(x); char *foop = foo; ! for (int i=!!o->_class->firstin; i<n; i++) { strcat(foo," "); strcat(foo,inlet_tip(o->inlet,i)); *************** *** 6500,6504 **** binbuf_gettext(b,&s,&n); if (s[n-1]=='\n') n--; ! if (c->c_patchable) { sys_vgui("change x%lx x%lx {%.*s} %d %d\n",(long)self,(long)self->dix->canvas,n,s, obj_ninlets((t_text *)self), obj_noutlets((t_text *)self)); --- 6500,6504 ---- binbuf_gettext(b,&s,&n); if (s[n-1]=='\n') n--; ! if (c->patchable) { sys_vgui("change x%lx x%lx {%.*s} %d %d\n",(long)self,(long)self->dix->canvas,n,s, obj_ninlets((t_text *)self), obj_noutlets((t_text *)self)); *************** *** 7849,7853 **** post("object_table = {"); hash_foreach(k,v,object_table) { ! post(" %p %ld %s",k,(long)v,((t_pd *)k)->_class->c_name->s_name); } post("} (%d objects)",hash_size(object_table)); --- 7849,7853 ---- post("object_table = {"); hash_foreach(k,v,object_table) { ! post(" %p %ld %s",k,(long)v,((t_pd *)k)->_class->name->s_name); } post("} (%d objects)",hash_size(object_table));