Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/extra In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv32724/pd/extra
Removed Files: help-complex-mod~.pd help-expr.pd help-hilbert~.pd help-rev1~.pd help-rev2~.pd help-rev3~.pd Log Message: Add new portmidi and update portaudio. CHanges to makefile.nt and various sources. Checking that I'm in sync with "help" file changes. I ended up deleting help files in extra and recreating them under the new names.
--- help-expr.pd DELETED ---
--- help-rev2~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-complex-mod~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-hilbert~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-rev3~.pd DELETED ---
--- help-rev1~.pd DELETED ---