Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14371
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: hum, i thought i had commited the auto completion code....
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.201 -r1.1.2.202 *** desire.tk 7 May 2006 23:47:48 -0000 --- desire.tk 7 May 2006 23:56:54 -0000 *************** *** 976,980 **** }
! def Client class_browser {} {ClassBrowser new_as browser browser}
proc menu_audio {flag} {pd pd dsp $flag} --- 976,980 ---- }
! def Client class_browser {} {ClassBrowser new_as browser browser 0 0 ""}
proc menu_audio {flag} {pd pd dsp $flag} *************** *** 1699,1702 **** --- 1699,1703 ---- # } mset {type id} [$self identify_target $x $y -1 -1 "move "] + #puts "id :::: $id" #puts "type :: $type" switch $type { *************** *** 3274,3297 ****
class_new ClassBrowser {Dialog} ! def ClassBrowser init {name} { set @name $name set @focus "" pd pd update-path pd pd update-class-list $self list_callback }
! def ClassBrowser fill_box {s} { ! set f .browser.cl global class_list set n 0 ! $f.1 delete 0 end foreach class $class_list { if {[string length $s]==0 || [string first $s $class]>=0} { ! $f.1 insert end "$class : [say $class]" incr n } } ! .browser.title configure -text [format [say "%d of %d object classes"] $n [llength $class_list]] ! $f.1 selection set 0 0 }
--- 3275,3306 ----
class_new ClassBrowser {Dialog} ! def* ClassBrowser init {name x y textbox} { set @name $name set @focus "" + set @x $x + set @y $y + # so that in completion mode, it know which textbox to switch the focus to + set @textbox $textbox pd pd update-path pd pd update-class-list $self list_callback }
! def ClassBrowser fill_box {s listbox} { ! set f .$self.cl global class_list set n 0 ! #$f.1 delete 0 end ! $listbox delete 0 end foreach class $class_list { if {[string length $s]==0 || [string first $s $class]>=0} { ! #$f.1 insert end "$class : [say $class]" ! $listbox insert end "$class : [say $class]" incr n } } ! if {$@name == "browser"} { ! .$self.title configure -text [format [say "%d of %d object classes"] $n [llength $class_list]] ! } ! $listbox selection set 0 0 }
*************** *** 3319,3374 **** }
! def ClassBrowser list_callback {} { ! global class_list $self search_for_externs set class_list [luniq [lsort $class_list]] ! toplevel .browser ! set f .browser.cl ! pack [frame $f] -side top -fill both -expand yes ! pack [label .browser.title -text ""] -side top ! listbox $f.1 -width 50 -height 20 -yscrollcommand "$f.2 set" ! scrollbar $f.2 -command "$f.1 yview" ! text $f.3 -width 30 -height 20 -yscrollcommand "$f.4 set" ! scrollbar $f.4 -command "$f.3 yview"
! frame $f.5 ! button $f.5.help -text [say help] -command "pd pd help [$f.1 get [$f.1 curselection]]" ! pack $f.5.help -side top ! pack $f.5 -side left -fill y -expand no ! pack $f.1 -side left -fill both -expand yes ! pack $f.2 -side left -fill y -expand no ! pack $f.3 -side left -fill both -expand yes ! pack $f.4 -side left -fill y -expand no
! set b .browser.butt ! frame $b ! pack [label $b.1 -text "[say filter]: "] -side left ! pack [entry $b.2 -width 15] -side left ! pack [button $b.close -text [say close] -command "destroy .browser"] -side right ! pack $b -side bottom -fill x -expand no ! $self fill_box "" ! #bind $f.1 <Button-1> "after 1 "$self info"" ! bind $f.1 <Button-1> "after 1 "$self focus_switch Up"" ! bind $f.1 <KeyPress> "after 1 "$self focus_switch %K"" ! #bind $b.2 <KeyPress> {after 1 "browser fill_box [.browser.butt.2 get]"} ! bind $b.2 <KeyPress> "after 1 "$self focus_switch %K"" ! #after 1 "focus $b.2" }
! def ClassBrowser focus_switch {key} { if {$key != "Down" & $key != "Up"} { ! if {$@focus == "listbox"} { if {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z]{1}$} $key]} {.$self.butt.2 insert end $key} } ! focus .$self.butt.2 ! set @focus "entry" ! $self fill_box [.$self.butt.2 get] } else { ! focus .$self.cl.1 ! set @focus "listbox" ! $self info } - - }
--- 3328,3401 ---- }
! def* ClassBrowser list_callback {} { ! global class_list font look $self search_for_externs set class_list [luniq [lsort $class_list]] ! switch $self { ! browser { ! toplevel .$self ! set f .$self.cl ! pack [frame $f] -side top -fill both -expand yes ! pack [label .$self.title -text ""] -side top ! listbox $f.1 -width 50 -height 20 -yscrollcommand "$f.2 set" ! scrollbar $f.2 -command "$f.1 yview" ! text $f.3 -width 30 -height 20 -yscrollcommand "$f.4 set" ! scrollbar $f.4 -command "$f.3 yview"
! frame $f.5 ! button $f.5.help -text [say help] -command "pd pd help [$f.1 get [$f.1 curselection]]" ! pack $f.5.help -side top ! pack $f.5 -side left -fill y -expand no ! pack $f.1 -side left -fill both -expand yes ! pack $f.2 -side left -fill y -expand no ! pack $f.3 -side left -fill both -expand yes ! pack $f.4 -side left -fill y -expand no
! set b .$self.butt ! frame $b ! pack [label $b.1 -text "[say filter]: "] -side left ! pack [entry $b.2 -width 15] -side left ! pack [button $b.close -text [say close] -command "destroy .$self"] -side right ! pack $b -side bottom -fill x -expand no ! $self fill_box "" $f.1 ! #bind $f.1 <Button-1> "after 1 "$self info"" ! bind $f.1 <Button-1> "after 1 "$self focus_switch Up $b.2 $f.1 "" ! bind $f.1 <KeyPress> "after 1 "$self focus_switch %K $b.2 $f.1 "" ! #bind $b.2 <KeyPress> {after 1 "$self fill_box [.$self.butt.2 get] $f.1"} ! bind $b.2 <KeyPress> "after 1 "$self focus_switch %K $b.2 $f.1 "" ! #after 1 "focus $b.2" ! } ! completion { ! #puts "name ::: $@name | textbox :: $@textbox" ! set canvas $@name ! set f .$@name.c.comp ! listbox $f -width 20 -height 10 -relief raised -bg red ! ! .$@name.c create window [expr $@x+2] [expr $@y+2] \ ! -window $f -anchor nw -tags "$self" ! #-window $f -anchor nw -tags "${canvas}Completebox $canvas" ! $self fill_box "" $f ! bind $f <Button-1> "after 1 "$self focus_switch Up $@textbox $f "" ! bind $f <KeyPress> "after 1 "$self focus_switch %K $@textbox $f "" ! bind $@textbox <KeyPress> "after 1 "$self focus_switch %K $@textbox $f "" ! ! } ! } }
! def* ClassBrowser focus_switch {key focus1 focus2} { ! #focus2 = listbox :: focus1 = whatever if {$key != "Down" & $key != "Up"} { ! if {$@focus == $focus2} { if {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z]{1}$} $key]} {.$self.butt.2 insert end $key} } ! focus $focus1 ! set @focus $focus1 ! $self fill_box [$focus1 get] $focus2 } else { ! focus $focus2 ! set @focus $focus2 ! if {$@name == "browser"} {$self info} } }
*************** *** 3386,3419 ****
############ completions - - def* Canvas show_completions {x y text {on_hide ""}} { - global font look - set f .$self.comp - listbox $f -width 5 -height 5 -relief raised -bg red - .$self.c create window [expr $x+2] [expr $y+2] \ - -window $f -anchor nw -tags "${self}completebox $self" - # -window $f -anchor nw -tags "${self}completebox $self" -height [expr $font(height) * 22] -width [expr $font(height) * 22] - # global tooltip - # if {$tooltip(visible) && [string compare $text $tooltip(text)]==0} {return} - # $self hide_tooltip - # set border 4 - # set x [expr $x+$border+4] - # set c .$self.c - # $c create text $x $y -text $text -anchor w -tags tooltip_fg - # mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$c bbox tooltip_fg] - # set w 0 - # set h 0 - # $c create rectangle \ - # [expr $x1-$border] [expr $y1-$border] \ - # [expr $x2+$border] [expr $y2+$border] \ - # -fill "#ffffcc" -outline "#000000" -tags tooltip_bg - # $c lower tooltip_bg tooltip_fg - # set tooltip(curpos) $@curpos - # set tooltip(canvas) $self - # set tooltip(visible) 1 - # set tooltip(text) $text - # set tooltip(on_hide) $on_hide - } - def TextBox propose_completions {} { global class_list --- 3413,3416 ---- *************** *** 3455,3459 **** #--------------------------------------- mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] ! $@canvas show_completions $x2 $y1 $r }
--- 3452,3456 ---- #--------------------------------------- mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] ! ClassBrowser new_as completion $@canvas $x2 $y1 $widget }