Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv4595
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 pd_base.tk pd_objects.tk Log Message: adding 'destroy' and initial cable support
Index: pd_objects.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/pd_objects.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.6 -r1.1.2.7 *** pd_objects.tk 18 Aug 2005 22:20:18 -0000 --- pd_objects.tk 6 Sep 2005 22:58:52 -0000 *************** *** 7,12 **** } defaults { ! ins 0 ! outs 0 zero_x 0 zero_y 1 --- 7,12 ---- } defaults { ! ins 1 ! outs 3 zero_x 0 zero_y 1 *************** *** 15,19 **** img "" } ! draw { $p create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] if {$img ne ""} { --- 15,19 ---- img "" } ! init { $p create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] if {$img ne ""} { *************** *** 37,41 **** }
! subwin { tags { box subwin --- 37,41 ---- }
! subwin { tags { box subwin *************** *** 45,49 **** outs 0 } ! draw { $p create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] new $p.$id ${t}$id {bg gray86 ln white sc orange samplerate 44100 xa 0 xb 100 ya 0 yb 100 qx 10 qy 10 mx 15 my 15} --- 45,49 ---- outs 0 } ! init { $p create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] new $p.$id ${t}$id {bg gray86 ln white sc orange samplerate 44100 xa 0 xb 100 ya 0 yb 100 qx 10 qy 10 mx 15 my 15} *************** *** 64,77 ****
! xy { tags { box loc } ! size {x 10 y 10} ! defaults { ins 0 outs 0 } ! draw { $p create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] -fill gray90 $p create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags loc] -fill red --- 64,77 ----
! xy { tags { box loc } ! defaults { ! x 10 y 10 ins 0 outs 0 } ! init { $p create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] -fill gray90 $p create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags loc] -fill red *************** *** 84,97 **** }
! label_cable { ! size {x 10 y 10} ! draw { $p create line 0 0 0 0 -tags $tags -fill green -arrow last -width 8 } redraw { $p coords $item $x $y $xx $yy } control { ! puts "mouseie" } } --- 84,125 ---- }
! cable { ! defaults { ! x 10 y 10 ! from "" ! to "" ! } ! init { $p create line 0 0 0 0 -tags $tags -fill green -arrow last -width 8 } + destroy { + puts byebye_cable + } redraw { + if {$from ne "" && [llength $from] == 2 } { + set loc [ioloc $p $t [lindex $from 0] [lindex $from 1] out] + set $x [lindex $loc 0]; set y [lindex $loc 1] + } + if {$to ne "" && [llength $to] == 2 } { + set loc [ioloc $p $t [lindex $to 0] [lindex $to 1] in] + set $xx [lindex $loc 0]; set yy [lindex $loc 1] + } $p coords $item $x $y $xx $yy } control { ! ! } ! proc { ! proc ioloc {p t id n side} { ! variable "" ! array set ax {x x xx x y y yy y} ! foreach c {x y xx yy} { ! set $c [tr $p $t $ax($c) t [dict get $($t) $id $c]]} ! # puts "obj $x $y $xx $yy" ! array set nio "out [dict get $($t) $id outs] in [dict get $($t) $id ins]" ! set pos [expr $n / $nio($side).0 * ($xx - $x + 0.0) + $x] ! # puts "io $pos $y" ! return [list $pos $y] ! } } } *************** *** 101,113 **** box txt } - size { - x 6.4 y 1.2 - } defaults { ins 1 outs 1 msg msg } ! draw { $p create polygon 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] $p create text 0 0 -tags [concat $tags txt] -fill white -anchor nw -justify left --- 129,139 ---- box txt } defaults { + x 6.4 y 1.2 ins 1 outs 1 msg msg } ! init { $p create polygon 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] $p create text 0 0 -tags [concat $tags txt] -fill white -anchor nw -justify left *************** *** 127,132 **** pos box } - size {x 2 y 10} defaults { min 1 v 48 --- 153,158 ---- pos box } defaults { + x 2 y 10 min 1 v 48 *************** *** 135,139 **** outs 0 } ! draw { $p create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] -fill $color $p create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags pos] -fill green -width 0 --- 161,165 ---- outs 0 } ! init { $p create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags box] -fill $color $p create rect 0 0 0 0 -tags [concat $tags pos] -fill green -width 0 *************** *** 170,174 **** outs 0 } ! draw { snack:::sound s$id set filename [dict get $($t) $id filename] --- 196,200 ---- outs 0 } ! init { snack:::sound s$id set filename [dict get $($t) $id filename]
Index: pd_base.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/pd_base.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.1 -r1.1.2.2 *** pd_base.tk 23 Aug 2005 23:04:59 -0000 --- pd_base.tk 6 Sep 2005 22:58:52 -0000 *************** *** 1,3 **** ! #pd tk gui v2 ix
foreach _ {snack tkdnd tkpath} { --- 1,9 ---- ! # Pure-Deleuzian ! # 2005 cdr ! # This software has no license (write one if you feel like it) ! ! # see also: desire.tk. this is an experimental PD GUI focusing on customizable 2d-object visualizations and editing ! # docs: http://whats-your.name/pd !
foreach _ {snack tkdnd tkpath} { *************** *** 7,10 **** --- 13,23 ---- namespace eval ::pd { source pd_objects.tk + + # load object procs + foreach type [dict keys $obj] { + if {[dict exists $obj $type proc]} { + eval [dict get $obj $type proc]}} + + # omg the colours!! proc rc {} {return [format "#%06x" [expr "int(floor(rand() * 16777216))"]]} proc rgb {} {return [list [expr "int(floor(rand() * 256))"] [expr "int(floor(rand() * 256))"] [expr "int(floor(rand() * 256))"]]} *************** *** 12,15 **** --- 25,30 ---- proc darken {rgb r} {set l {}; foreach c $rgb {lappend l [expr {$c - ($c * $r)}]}; return $l} proc color {rgb} {return [format "#%02x%02x%02x" [expr int([lindex $rgb 0])] [expr int([lindex $rgb 1])] [expr int([lindex $rgb 2])]]} + + # if you can shorten this you kick ass proc random_txt {n} { set i 0 *************** *** 36,63 **** proc item_new {p t id d} { variable "" variable obj if {$id eq "-"} { if {[dict keys $($t)] eq ""} {set id 0} else { set id -1 ! while true {if {[lsearch -integer [dict keys $($t)] [incr id]] == -1} {break}} ! } ! } set ($t:ci) $id - set type [dict get $d type] - - set x [tr $p $t x i $($t:hx)] - set y [tr $p $t y i $($t:hy)] - if {[dict exists $obj $type size]} { - set sx [dict get $obj $type size x] - set sy [dict get $obj $type size y] - } {set sx 0; set sy 0}
! update $p $t $id abs [dict create x $x xx [expr $x + $sx] y $y yy [expr $y + $sy] color {128 128 128} v 1] 0
! if {[dict exists $obj $type defaults]} { ! update $p $t $id abs [dict get $obj $type defaults] 0 ! }
! update $p $t $id abs $d 0 item_draw $p $t $id } --- 51,79 ---- proc item_new {p t id d} { variable "" + #object definition dictionary (in pd_objects.tk or ~/.pd/*.tk) variable obj + + #generate an ID if one wasn't provided if {$id eq "-"} { if {[dict keys $($t)] eq ""} {set id 0} else { set id -1 ! while true {if {[lsearch -integer [dict keys $($t)] [incr id]] == -1} {break}}}} set ($t:ci) $id
! set type [dict get $d type]
! #figure out size/position ! set x [tr $p $t x i $($t:hx)]; set y [tr $p $t y i $($t:hy)] ! set sx 0; set sy 0 ! if {[dict exists $obj $type defaults x]} {set sx [dict get $obj $type defaults x]} ! if {[dict exists $obj $type defaults y]} {set sy [dict get $obj $type defaults y]}
! # 1 global defaults 2 object defaults 3 instance defaults ! set defaults [dict create x $x xx [expr $x + $sx] y $y yy [expr $y + $sy] color {128 128 128}] ! if {[dict exists $obj $type defaults]} {set defaults [dict merge $defaults [dict get $obj $type defaults]]} ! if {$d ne ""} {set defaults [dict merge $defaults $d]} ! update $p $t $id abs $defaults 0 ! ! #draw the item item_draw $p $t $id } *************** *** 74,88 **** foreach local [dict keys [dict get $obj $type defaults]] { set $local [dict get $obj $type defaults $local]}} ! eval [dict get $obj $type draw] redraw $p $t $id } }
! proc item_delete {p t} { variable "" ! foreach item $($t:sel) { foreach i [$p find withtag i$item] { $p delete $i } dict unset ($t) $item set ($t:sel) {} --- 90,109 ---- foreach local [dict keys [dict get $obj $type defaults]] { set $local [dict get $obj $type defaults $local]}} ! eval [dict get $obj $type init] redraw $p $t $id } }
! proc item_delete {p t {items ""}} { variable "" ! variable obj ! if {$items eq ""} {set items $($t:sel)} ! foreach item $items { foreach i [$p find withtag i$item] { $p delete $i } + set type [dict get $($t) $item type] + if {[dict exists $obj $type destroy]} { + eval [dict get $obj $type destroy]} dict unset ($t) $item set ($t:sel) {} *************** *** 150,161 **** set $tag [$p find withtag "$tags && $tag"]}} eval [dict get $obj $type redraw] ! redraw_io $p $t $id } }
- proc redraw_io {p d id} { - - } - proc item_v {p t a x y} { variable "" --- 171,178 ---- set $tag [$p find withtag "$tags && $tag"]}} eval [dict get $obj $type redraw] ! # redraw_io $p $t $id } }
proc item_v {p t a x y} { variable "" *************** *** 257,261 **** proc item_info {p t clicked} { variable "" ! return set n 0;$p delete hover foreach item $clicked { --- 274,278 ---- proc item_info {p t clicked} { variable "" ! # return set n 0;$p delete hover foreach item $clicked { *************** *** 301,307 **** variable "" set keys [dict keys [dict get $($t) $id]] ! if {![info exists ($t:inspect)] || ([info exists ($t:inspect)] && [dict get $($t) $($t:inspect) type] ne [dict get $($t) $id type])} { foreach c [winfo children .ic] {destroy $c} ! foreach k $keys { text .i$t.$k -wrap none -width 8 -height 1 -bd 0 .i$t.$k insert 1.0 $k --- 318,324 ---- variable "" set keys [dict keys [dict get $($t) $id]] ! if {![info exists ($t:inspect)] || ($($t:inspect:type) ne [dict get $($t) $id type])} { foreach c [winfo children .ic] {destroy $c} ! foreach k [concat id $keys] { text .i$t.$k -wrap none -width 8 -height 1 -bd 0 .i$t.$k insert 1.0 $k *************** *** 314,319 **** grid rowconfigure .i$t .i$t.${k}v -weight 1 grid columnconfigure .i$t .i$t.${k}v -weight 3 ! grid columnconfigure .i$t .i$t.$k -weight 1}} set ($t:inspect) $id foreach k $keys { .i$t.${k}v delete 1.0 end --- 331,340 ---- grid rowconfigure .i$t .i$t.${k}v -weight 1 grid columnconfigure .i$t .i$t.${k}v -weight 3 ! grid columnconfigure .i$t .i$t.$k -weight 1} ! set ($t:inspect:type) [dict get $($t) $id type] ! } set ($t:inspect) $id + .i$t.idv delete 1.0 end + .i$t.idv insert 1.0 $id foreach k $keys { .i$t.${k}v delete 1.0 end *************** *** 385,389 **** $mv add command -label "reset" -command "::pd::viewpoint $p $t {action reset}"
! $m add command -label reload -command {source pd.tk} $m add command -label "console" -command {tkcon show} $m add command -label "inspector" -command "::pd::inspector $p $t" --- 406,410 ---- $mv add command -label "reset" -command "::pd::viewpoint $p $t {action reset}"
! $m add command -label reload -command {source pd_base.tk} $m add command -label "console" -command {tkcon show} $m add command -label "inspector" -command "::pd::inspector $p $t" *************** *** 459,463 **** selecta { updatesel $p $t [dict keys $($t)] ! } cut { set ($t:c) [dict create] --- 480,484 ---- selecta { updatesel $p $t [dict keys $($t)] ! } cut { set ($t:c) [dict create] *************** *** 564,567 **** --- 585,589 ---- variable "" variable obj + set opts [dict merge {bg gray86 ln white mode edit sc orange samplerate 44100 xa 0 xb 100 ya 0 yb 100 qx 10 qy 10 mx 15 my 15} $opts] foreach xy {x y} {foreach ab {a b} {set ($t:${xy}${ab}o) [dict get $opts ${xy}${ab}]}} foreach a {sc ln mode xa xb ya yb qx qy mx my samplerate} {set ($t:$a) [dict get $opts $a]} *************** *** 573,581 **** bind $p <Key> "::pd::key $p $t %k 1" bind $p <KeyRelease> "::pd::key $p $t %k 0" - if {$::has_tkdnd == 1} { - dnd bindtarget $p text/plain <Drop> "::pd::drop $p $t %D %x %y" - } else { - dict unset obj sound - } bind $p <Motion> "::pd::hover $p $t %x %y" bind $p <4> "::pd::viewpoint $p $t {action scroll units 1 axis x}" --- 595,598 ---- *************** *** 594,597 **** --- 611,615 ---- foreach ba {0 1 2} { bind $p <$m[lindex [lindex $b $ba] 0]> "::pd::click [list [string tolower [string trimright $m -1]]] $bn [lindex [lindex $b $ba] 1] $p $t %x %y %X %Y"}}} + if {$::has_tkdnd == 1} {dnd bindtarget $p text/plain <Drop> "::pd::drop $p $t %D %x %y"} set bd [expr {[$p cget -bd] * 2}] $p configure -bg gray -width [expr {[winfo width $p] + $bd}] -height [expr {[winfo height $p] + $bd}] *************** *** 631,636 **** }}}
! . configure -width 800 -height 800 ! new .c c {bg gray86 ln white mode edit sc orange samplerate 44100 xa 0 xb 100 ya 0 yb 100 qx 10 qy 10 mx 15 my 15}
variable pd_send --- 649,654 ---- }}}
! . configure -width 512 -height 512 ! new .c c {}
variable pd_send