Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv30232
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: small fixes to finalise pdrc/ddrc editor
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.285 -r1.1.2.286 *** desire.tk 4 Aug 2006 15:13:33 -0000 --- desire.tk 5 Aug 2006 13:06:31 -0000 *************** *** 777,781 **** }
! def* Menuable altkey {key iso} { global accels set key [if {$shift} {string toupper $key} {string tolower $key}] --- 777,781 ---- }
! def* Menuable altkey {key iso shift} { global accels set key [if {$shift} {string toupper $key} {string tolower $key}] *************** *** 1207,1214 **** $self bind <Control-Key> ctrlkey %K 0 $self bind <Control-Shift-Key> ctrlkey %K 1 ! $self bind <Alt-Key> altkey %K %A switch $OS { unix { ! $self bind <Mod1-Key> altkey %K %A $self bind <Mod4-Key> altkey %K %A } --- 1207,1215 ---- $self bind <Control-Key> ctrlkey %K 0 $self bind <Control-Shift-Key> ctrlkey %K 1 ! $self bind <Alt-Key> altkey %K %A 0 ! $self bind <Alt-Shift-Key> altkey %K %A 1 switch $OS { unix { ! $self bind <Mod1-Key> altkey %K %A 0 $self bind <Mod4-Key> altkey %K %A } *************** *** 4855,4859 **** frame $f.buttonsep -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken frame $f.buttonframe ! foreach {a} {cancel apply ok} { button $f.buttonframe.$a -text [say $a] -command "$self $a" pack $f.buttonframe.$a -side left -expand 1 --- 4856,4860 ---- frame $f.buttonsep -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken frame $f.buttonframe ! foreach {a} {default cancel apply ok} { button $f.buttonframe.$a -text [say $a] -command "$self $a" pack $f.buttonframe.$a -side left -expand 1 *************** *** 4890,4894 **** -command [list $self color_popup_select $frame $var [expr 0x$c]] } ! tk_popup $w [expr [winfo rootx .$self.$var.color]] [expr [winfo rooty $frame.color]] }
--- 4891,4895 ---- -command [list $self color_popup_select $frame $var [expr 0x$c]] } ! tk_popup $w [expr [winfo rootx $frame.color]] [expr [winfo rooty $frame.color]] }
*************** *** 4952,4957 **** --- 4953,4960 ---- def PagedDialog dir_remove {listbox} { set sel [$listbox curselection] + if {$sel != ""} { $listbox delete $sel $listbox selection set $sel + } }
*************** *** 4969,4972 **** --- 4972,4976 ---- def PagedDialog dir_down {listbox} { set sel [$listbox curselection] + if {$sel != ""} { if {$sel < [expr [$listbox size] - 1]} { set line [$listbox get $sel] *************** *** 4976,4979 **** --- 4980,4984 ---- $listbox see [expr $sel + 1] } + } }
*************** *** 5144,5148 **** close $fd } ! def ServerPrefsDialog init {} { global pdrc_options --- 5149,5154 ---- close $fd } ! def* ServerPrefsDialog default {} { ! } def ServerPrefsDialog init {} { global pdrc_options *************** *** 5357,5361 **** close $fd } ! def ClientPrefsDialog init {} { global ddrc_options look key --- 5363,5368 ---- close $fd } ! def* ClientPrefsDialog default {} { ! } def ClientPrefsDialog init {} { global ddrc_options look key