Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv589
Modified Files: Tag: impd_0_37 u_main.tk Log Message: improved property dialogs again
Index: u_main.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/u_main.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** u_main.tk 8 May 2004 04:06:09 -0000 --- u_main.tk 9 May 2004 15:13:43 -0000 *************** *** 57,60 **** --- 57,71 ---- }
+ # very small icons: + image create bitmap icon_plus -data "#define z_width 7\n#define z_height 7 + static unsigned char z_bits[] = { 8,8,8,127,8,8,8 };" + image create bitmap icon_minus -data "#define z_width 7\n#define z_height 7 + static unsigned char z_bits[] = { 0,0,0,127,0,0,0 };" + image create bitmap icon_uparrow -data "#define z_width 7\n#define z_height 5 + static unsigned char z_bits[] = { 8,28,62,127,0 };" + image create bitmap icon_downarrow -data "#define z_width 7\n#define z_height 5 + static unsigned char z_bits[] = { 0,127,62,28,8 };" + + # Tearoff is set to true by default: set pd_tearoff 1 *************** *** 891,896 **** event $id clickeditevent $canvas $cx $cy $b $f} } ! #!@#$ "elseif" should go here ? ! if {$edit && [llength [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE]]} { foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE] {} if {abs($y2-3-$cy)<=3} { --- 902,906 ---- event $id clickeditevent $canvas $cx $cy $b $f} } ! if {!($f&8) && $edit && [llength [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE]]} { foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$canvas bbox ${id}BASE] {} if {abs($y2-3-$cy)<=3} { *************** *** 1294,1298 **** pack $f.label -side left frame $f.side -relief ridge -borderwidth 2 - pack $f.side -side top foreach {i side} {0 left 1 right 2 top 3 bottom} { radiobutton $f.side.$side -value $i \ --- 1304,1307 ---- *************** *** 1303,1307 **** pack $f.side.top -side top pack $f.side.bottom -side bottom ! pack $f -side top } color { --- 1312,1316 ---- pack $f.side.top -side top pack $f.side.bottom -side bottom ! pack $f.side -side left } color { *************** *** 1312,1343 **** switch -regexp -- $c { ^# { set c 0x[string trimleft $c #] } } set c [expr $c & 0xFCFCFC] ! button $f.color -text " " -width 10 \ -command [list iemgui_choose_col $w $name $label] \ -relief sunken -background [format #%6.6x $c] \ -highlightbackground [format #%6.6x $c] ! button $f.preset -text "..." -command [list color_popup $self $w $name $i] pack $f.label $f.color $f.preset -side left - pack $f -side top } choice { - set i 0 frame $f label $f.label -text [lindex $label 0] pack $f.label $f -side left foreach part [lrange $label 1 end] { ! radiobutton $f.$i -text $part -value $i -variable _($self:$name) ! pack $f.$i -side top incr i } - pack $f -side top } toggle { ! checkbutton $f -text $label -variable _($self:$name) ! pack $f -side top } section { label $f -text $label -bg "#0000aa" -fg "#ffff55" -font {helvetica -10 bold} - pack $f -side top -fill x } default { --- 1321,1350 ---- switch -regexp -- $c { ^# { set c 0x[string trimleft $c #] } } set c [expr $c & 0xFCFCFC] ! button $f.color -text " " -font {Courier 8} -width 10 \ -command [list iemgui_choose_col $w $name $label] \ -relief sunken -background [format #%6.6x $c] \ -highlightbackground [format #%6.6x $c] ! button $f.preset -text "..." -font {Helvetica 8} -command [list color_popup $self $w $name $i] pack $f.label $f.color $f.preset -side left } choice { frame $f + set i 0 label $f.label -text [lindex $label 0] pack $f.label $f -side left foreach part [lrange $label 1 end] { ! radiobutton $f.$i -text $part -value $i -variable _($self:$name) -anchor w ! pack $f.$i -side top -fill x incr i } } toggle { ! frame $f ! label $f.label -text $label ! checkbutton $f.toggle -variable _($self:name) } section { label $f -text $label -bg "#0000aa" -fg "#ffff55" -font {helvetica -10 bold} } default { *************** *** 1348,1358 **** pack $f.entry -side left bind $f.entry <Return> "$ok $w" ! if {[string compare $type "entry"]} { ! label $f.type -text "($type)" ! pack $f.type } - pack $f -side top } } } } --- 1355,1376 ---- pack $f.entry -side left bind $f.entry <Return> "$ok $w" ! switch -regexp -- $type { ! integer|float|fontsize { ! frame $f.b -borderwidth 0 ! button $f.b.1 -image icon_uparrow -command "incr _($self:$name) +1" ! button $f.b.2 -image icon_downarrow -command "incr _($self:$name) -1" ! pack $f.b.1 $f.b.2 -side top ! pack $f.b -side left ! } ! entry {} ! default { ! label $f.type -text "($type)" -fg "#808080" ! pack $f.type -side right -anchor e ! } } } } + pack $f -side top -fill x + catch {$f.label configure -width 15 -anchor e} } } *************** *** 1680,1693 **** set fi $fields($_($obj:class))
! if {[lsearch $fi w]>=0} {lappend props w "width(px): " entry {-width 7}} ! if {[lsearch $fi h]>=0} {lappend props h "height(px): " entry {-width 7}} ! if {[lsearch $fi hold]>=0} {lappend props hold "hold time(ms): " entry {-width 9}} ! if {[lsearch $fi break]>=0} {lappend props break "break time(ms): " entry {-width 9}}
! if {[lsearch $fi min]>=0} {lappend props min "minimum value: " entry {-width 9}} ! if {[lsearch $fi max]>=0} {lappend props max "maximum value: " entry {-width 9}} if {[lsearch $fi is_log]>=0} {lappend props is_log [list "Mode: " "linear" "logarithmic"] choice {}} if {[lsearch $fi isa]>=0} {lappend props loadbang "init" toggle {}} ! if {[lsearch $fi n]>=0} {lappend props n "n: " entry {-width 4}} if {[lsearch $fi steady]>=0} {lappend props steady [list "Steadiness: " "jump on click" "steady on click"] choice {}} properties_dialog $self .$self iemgui_ok $props --- 1698,1711 ---- set fi $fields($_($obj:class))
! if {[lsearch $fi w]>=0} {lappend props w "width(px): " integer {-width 7}} ! if {[lsearch $fi h]>=0} {lappend props h "height(px): " integer {-width 7}} ! if {[lsearch $fi hold]>=0} {lappend props hold "hold time(ms): " float {-width 9}} ! if {[lsearch $fi break]>=0} {lappend props break "break time(ms): " float {-width 9}}
! if {[lsearch $fi min]>=0} {lappend props min "minimum value: " float {-width 9}} ! if {[lsearch $fi max]>=0} {lappend props max "maximum value: " float {-width 9}} if {[lsearch $fi is_log]>=0} {lappend props is_log [list "Mode: " "linear" "logarithmic"] choice {}} if {[lsearch $fi isa]>=0} {lappend props loadbang "init" toggle {}} ! if {[lsearch $fi n]>=0} {lappend props n "n: " integer {-width 4}} if {[lsearch $fi steady]>=0} {lappend props steady [list "Steadiness: " "jump on click" "steady on click"] choice {}} properties_dialog $self .$self iemgui_ok $props *************** *** 1699,1703 **** lappend props ldy "label y offset: " entry {-width 5} lappend props fstyle {"Typeface: " "courier (typewriter)" "helvetica (sansserif)" "times (serif)"} choice {} ! lappend props fs "font size: " entry {-width 5} lappend props bcol "background color: " color {} if {[lsearch $fi fcol]>=0} {lappend props fcol "foreground color: " color {}} --- 1717,1721 ---- lappend props ldy "label y offset: " entry {-width 5} lappend props fstyle {"Typeface: " "courier (typewriter)" "helvetica (sansserif)" "times (serif)"} choice {} ! lappend props fs "font size: " fontsize {-width 5} lappend props bcol "background color: " color {} if {[lsearch $fi fcol]>=0} {lappend props fcol "foreground color: " color {}} *************** *** 1713,1719 **** bind $id <<PrevWindow>> {tk::TabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]} } ! ! $id.w.entry select from 0 ! $id.w.entry select adjust end focus $id.w.entry } --- 1731,1738 ---- bind $id <<PrevWindow>> {tk::TabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]} } ! catch { ! $id.w.entry select from 0 ! $id.w.entry select adjust end ! } focus $id.w.entry } *************** *** 2330,2338 **** ############ evaluator
- image create bitmap icon_plus -data "#define z_width 7\n#define z_height 7 - static unsigned char z_bits[] = { 8,8,8,127,8,8,8 };" - image create bitmap icon_minus -data "#define z_width 7\n#define z_height 7 - static unsigned char z_bits[] = { 0,0,0,127,0,0,0 };" - proc listener_new {self name command} { global _ --- 2349,2352 ---- *************** *** 2617,2621 **** files -open "open file(s) on startup" void -verbose "extra printout on startup and when searching for files" ! void -d "specify debug level" void -noloadbang "disable the effect of [loadbang]" string -send "send a message at startup (after patches are loaded)" --- 2631,2635 ---- files -open "open file(s) on startup" void -verbose "extra printout on startup and when searching for files" ! int -d "debug level" void -noloadbang "disable the effect of [loadbang]" string -send "send a message at startup (after patches are loaded)"