Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/build/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv8307
Removed Files: atan2~.c bandpass.c button.c envgen.c equalizer.c gcanvas.c getdir.c highpass.c highshelf.c hlshelf.c image.c inv.c lowpass.c lowshelf.c mixer~.c moog~.c notch.c qread.c rl.c serialize.c sfwrite~.c shell.c sinh.c sl.c state.c streamin~.c streamout~.c stripdir.c ticker.c unserialize.c Log Message: these files are now in the ggee libdir
--- ticker.c DELETED ---
--- bandpass.c DELETED ---
--- image.c DELETED ---
--- serialize.c DELETED ---
--- highpass.c DELETED ---
--- mixer~.c DELETED ---
--- notch.c DELETED ---
--- qread.c DELETED ---
--- streamout~.c DELETED ---
--- gcanvas.c DELETED ---
--- unserialize.c DELETED ---
--- highshelf.c DELETED ---
--- atan2~.c DELETED ---
--- sl.c DELETED ---
--- envgen.c DELETED ---
--- lowpass.c DELETED ---
--- stripdir.c DELETED ---
--- state.c DELETED ---
--- equalizer.c DELETED ---
--- lowshelf.c DELETED ---
--- button.c DELETED ---
--- moog~.c DELETED ---
--- sfwrite~.c DELETED ---
--- shell.c DELETED ---
--- rl.c DELETED ---
--- getdir.c DELETED ---
--- sinh.c DELETED ---
--- streamin~.c DELETED ---
--- hlshelf.c DELETED ---
--- inv.c DELETED ---