Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv31991
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: more fixes for floatatom and numbox...
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.261 -r1.1.2.262 *** desire.tk 23 Jun 2006 06:33:27 -0000 --- desire.tk 23 Jun 2006 10:04:22 -0000 *************** *** 3248,3252 **** eval [concat [list super] $args] set @clicking 0 ! set @buf 0 set @valid 0 set @clickpos {} --- 3248,3253 ---- eval [concat [list super] $args] set @clicking 0 ! set @val 0 ! set @old_val 0 set @valid 0 set @clickpos {} *************** *** 3269,3273 **** set @yt [expr $y1+$ys/2+3+$xs/34] if {[$self selected?]} {set fcol red} else {set fcol $look(objectfg)} ! if {[string length $@buf] <= $@w} { set string $@text } else { --- 3270,3274 ---- set @yt [expr $y1+$ys/2+3+$xs/34] if {[$self selected?]} {set fcol red} else {set fcol $look(objectfg)} ! if {[string length $@val] <= $@w} { set string $@text } else { *************** *** 3285,3307 **** Return { $@canvas focus= "" ! pd .$self set [expr $@buf] pd .$self bang ! set @text $@buf $self selected?= 0 set @clicking 0 } BackSpace { ! set @buf [string range $@buf 0 end-1] ! set @text $@buf $self changed } ! period {append @buf ".";set @text $@buf; $self changed} default { if {[regexp {^[0-9]{1}$} $key]} { ! append @buf $key ! set @text $@buf $self changed } ! if {$key == "minus"} {set @buf "-"; set @text $@buf; $self changed} } --- 3286,3312 ---- Return { $@canvas focus= "" ! pd .$self set [expr $@val] pd .$self bang ! set @text $@val $self selected?= 0 set @clicking 0 + set @old_val $@val + set @key_input 0 } BackSpace { ! set @val [string range $@val 0 end-1] ! set @text $@val $self changed } ! period {if {[string length $@val] < $@w} {append @val ".";set @text $@val; $self changed}} default { if {[regexp {^[0-9]{1}$} $key]} { ! if {[string length $@val] < $@w} { ! append @val $key ! set @text $@val $self changed + } } ! if {$key == "minus"} {set @val "-"; set @text $@val; $self changed} } *************** *** 3333,3337 **** def FloatAtom update_size {} { global font look ! #set @textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*[string length $@buf]] if {!$@w} [set @w 5] set @textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*$@w] --- 3338,3342 ---- def FloatAtom update_size {} { global font look ! #set @textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*[string length $@val]] if {!$@w} [set @w 5] set @textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*$@w] *************** *** 3360,3372 **** if {[lindex $@clickpos 0] == $x && [lindex $@clickpos 1] == $y} { $@canvas focus= $self ! #puts "-----> no mouse movement <------" ! set @buf "" set @clicking 0 } { $@canvas focus= "" $self selected?= 0 ! set @text $@buf ! pd .$self set $@buf ! pd .$self bang } } --- 3365,3375 ---- if {[lindex $@clickpos 0] == $x && [lindex $@clickpos 1] == $y} { $@canvas focus= $self ! set @val "" set @clicking 0 + set @key_input 1 } { $@canvas focus= "" $self selected?= 0 ! if {$@key_input} {set @val $@old_val; set @key_input 0; set @text $@val} } } *************** *** 3377,3384 **** if {$@clicking} { mset {ox oy} $@mouse ! set @buf [expr $@buf-$@rate*($y-$oy)] ! set @text $@buf set @mouse [list $x $y] ! pd .$self set $@buf pd .$self bang } --- 3380,3388 ---- if {$@clicking} { mset {ox oy} $@mouse ! set @val [expr $@val-$@rate*($y-$oy)] ! set @text $@val ! set @old_val $@val set @mouse [list $x $y] ! pd .$self set $@val pd .$self bang } *************** *** 3392,3397 **** --- 3396,3404 ---- eval [concat [list super] $args] set @clicking 0 + set @old_val 0 set @buf "" + set @text 0 set @valid 0 + set @key_input 0 }
*************** *** 3424,3428 **** $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [parse_color $@bcol] -outline $look(objectframe3) $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -fill $color4 -outline $look(objectframe3) ! $self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text [$self ftoa] \ -font $font(str) -fill [parse_color $@fcol] $c delete ${self}CURS --- 3431,3437 ---- $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [parse_color $@bcol] -outline $look(objectframe3) $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -fill $color4 -outline $look(objectframe3) ! #$self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text [$self ftoa] \ ! # -font $font(str) -fill [parse_color $@fcol] ! $self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text $@text \ -font $font(str) -fill [parse_color $@fcol] $c delete ${self}CURS *************** *** 3476,3481 **** --- 3485,3493 ---- mset {ox oy} $@mouse set @val [expr $@val-$@rate*($y-$oy)] + set @old_val $@val + set @text $@val set @mouse [list $x $y] pd .$self float $@val; + pd .$self bang; } } *************** *** 3495,3503 **** $@canvas focus= $self set @clicking 0 } { $@canvas focus= "" .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill $look(objectbg) ! pd .$self float $@val ! pd .$self bang } --- 3507,3517 ---- $@canvas focus= $self set @clicking 0 + set @val "" + set @key_input 1 } { $@canvas focus= "" .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill $look(objectbg) ! $self selected?= 0 ! if {$@key_input} {set @val $@old_val; set @key_input 0; set @text $@val} } *************** *** 3507,3529 **** switch -regexp -- $key { ^[\d]$ { ! if {[string length $@buf] < $@w} { #set @buf "$@buf$key" set @val "$@val$key" $self changed } } ^Return$ { ! catch {set @val [expr $@buf]} $@canvas focus= "" pd .$self float $@val pd .$self bang set @buf "" $self changed } ! ^period$ {if {[string length $@buf] < $@w} {append @val ".";set @text $@val; $self changed} } ^minus$ {append @val "-";set @text $@val; $self changed} ^BackSpace|Delete$ { if {[string length $@buf] >= 0} { set @val [string range $@val 0 end-1] } $self changed --- 3521,3548 ---- switch -regexp -- $key { ^[\d]$ { ! if {[string length $@val] < $@w} { #set @buf "$@buf$key" set @val "$@val$key" + set @text $@val $self changed } } ^Return$ { ! #catch {set @val [expr $@buf]} $@canvas focus= "" + set @old_val $val pd .$self float $@val pd .$self bang set @buf "" + set @text $@val + set @key_input 0 $self changed } ! ^period$ {if {[string length $@val] < $@w} {append @val ".";set @text $@val; $self changed} } ^minus$ {append @val "-";set @text $@val; $self changed} ^BackSpace|Delete$ { if {[string length $@buf] >= 0} { set @val [string range $@val 0 end-1] + set @text $@val } $self changed