Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv31281
Modified Files: Tag: impd_0_37 u_main.tk Log Message: pdrc file decoder for dialog
Index: u_main.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/u_main.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** u_main.tk 1 Apr 2004 23:22:01 -0000 --- u_main.tk 3 Apr 2004 13:17:15 -0000 *************** *** 988,993 **** }
! proc color_popup {self name i} { ! set w .$self.$name.popup if [winfo exists $w] {destroy $w} menu $w -tearoff false --- 988,993 ---- }
! proc color_popup {self w name i} { ! set w $w.$name.popup if [winfo exists $w] {destroy $w} menu $w -tearoff false *************** *** 1015,1022 **** }
! proc properties_dialog {self ok struct} { global _ foreach {name label type options} $struct { ! set f .$self.$name switch -- $type { side { --- 1015,1022 ---- }
! proc properties_dialog {self w ok struct} { global _ foreach {name label type options} $struct { ! set f $w.$name switch -- $type { side { *************** *** 1042,1050 **** set c [expr $_($self:$name) & 0xFCFCFC] button $f.color -text " " -width 10 \ ! -command [list iemgui_choose_col .$self $name $label] \ -relief sunken -background [format #%6.6x $c] \ -highlightbackground [format #%6.6x $c] ! button $f.preset -text "..." -command [list color_popup $self $name $i] pack $f.label $f.color $f.preset -side left pack $f -side top --- 1042,1050 ---- set c [expr $_($self:$name) & 0xFCFCFC] button $f.color -text " " -width 10 \ ! -command [list iemgui_choose_col $w $name $label] \ -relief sunken -background [format #%6.6x $c] \ -highlightbackground [format #%6.6x $c] ! button $f.preset -text "..." -command [list color_popup $self $w $name $i] pack $f.label $f.color $f.preset -side left pack $f -side top *************** *** 1068,1072 **** eval "entry $f.entry -textvariable _($self:$name) $options" pack $f.entry -side left ! bind $f.entry <Return> "$ok .$self" if {[string compare $type "entry"]} { label $f.type -text "($type)" --- 1068,1072 ---- eval "entry $f.entry -textvariable _($self:$name) $options" pack $f.entry -side left ! bind $f.entry <Return> "$ok $w" if {[string compare $type "entry"]} { label $f.type -text "($type)" *************** *** 1136,1142 **** frame .$self.buttonsep -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken frame .$self.buttonframe ! button .$self.buttonframe.cancel -text {Cancel} -command "${procprefix}_cancel .$self" ! button .$self.buttonframe.apply -text {Apply} -command "${procprefix}_apply .$self" ! button .$self.buttonframe.ok -text {OK} -command "${procprefix}_ok .$self" pack .$self.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1 pack .$self.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1 --- 1136,1142 ---- frame .$self.buttonsep -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken frame .$self.buttonframe ! button .$self.buttonframe.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "${procprefix}_cancel .$self" ! button .$self.buttonframe.apply -text "Apply" -command "${procprefix}_apply .$self" ! button .$self.buttonframe.ok -text "OK" -command "${procprefix}_ok .$self" pack .$self.buttonframe.cancel -side left -expand 1 pack .$self.buttonframe.apply -side left -expand 1 *************** *** 1229,1233 **** wm title $id {graph} wm protocol $id WM_DELETE_WINDOW "graph_cancel $id" ! label $id.label -text {GRAPH BOUNDS} pack $id.label -side top cancel_apply_ok $self graph --- 1229,1233 ---- wm title $id {graph} wm protocol $id WM_DELETE_WINDOW "graph_cancel $id" ! label $id.label -text "GRAPH BOUNDS" pack $id.label -side top cancel_apply_ok $self graph *************** *** 1399,1403 **** lappend props steady [list "jump on click" "steady on click"] choice {} } ! properties_dialog $self iemgui_ok $props set props {} if {$snd != "nosndno"} {lappend props snd "send-symbol: " entry {-width 20}} --- 1399,1403 ---- lappend props steady [list "jump on click" "steady on click"] choice {} } ! properties_dialog $self .$self iemgui_ok $props set props {} if {$snd != "nosndno"} {lappend props snd "send-symbol: " entry {-width 20}} *************** *** 1411,1415 **** lappend props fcol "foreground color" color {} lappend props lcol "label color" color {} ! properties_dialog $self iemgui_ok $props cancel_apply_ok $self iemgui
--- 1411,1415 ---- lappend props fcol "foreground color" color {} lappend props lcol "label color" color {} ! properties_dialog $self .$self iemgui_ok $props cancel_apply_ok $self iemgui
*************** *** 1455,1461 **** n "size: " entry {} } ! properties_dialog $self array_ok $props
! checkbutton $id.saveme -text {save contents} -variable _($self:saveit) -anchor w pack $id.saveme -side top
--- 1455,1461 ---- n "size: " entry {} } ! properties_dialog $self .$self array_ok $props
! checkbutton $id.saveme -text "save contents" -variable _($self:saveit) -anchor w pack $id.saveme -side top
*************** *** 1504,1508 **** yscale "Y units/px: " entry {-width 10} } ! properties_dialog $self canvas_ok $props
checkbutton $id.graphme -text "graph on parent" -variable _($self:graphme) -anchor w --- 1504,1508 ---- yscale "Y units/px: " entry {-width 10} } ! properties_dialog $self .$self canvas_ok $props
checkbutton $id.graphme -text "graph on parent" -variable _($self:graphme) -anchor w *************** *** 1534,1539 **** frame $name.buttonframe pack $name.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m ! button $name.buttonframe.send -text {Send (Ctrl s)} -command "dodata_send $name" ! button $name.buttonframe.ok -text {OK (Ctrl t)} -command "dodata_ok $name" pack $name.buttonframe.send -side left -expand 1 pack $name.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1 --- 1534,1539 ---- frame $name.buttonframe pack $name.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m ! button $name.buttonframe.send -text "Send (Ctrl s)" -command "dodata_send $name" ! button $name.buttonframe.ok -text "OK (Ctrl t)" -command "dodata_ok $name" pack $name.buttonframe.send -side left -expand 1 pack $name.buttonframe.ok -side left -expand 1 *************** *** 1827,1831 **** frame $id.longbutton pack $id.longbutton -side top ! button $id.longbutton.b -text {use multiple devices} \ -command {pd pd audio-properties 1 ;} pack $id.longbutton.b --- 1827,1831 ---- frame $id.longbutton pack $id.longbutton -side top ! button $id.longbutton.b -text "use multiple devices" \ -command {pd pd audio-properties 1 ;} pack $id.longbutton.b *************** *** 2271,2297 **** alias -mididev {list -midindev %1 -midioutdev %1}
! section "" "Other" ! folder -path "add to file search path" ! folder -helppath "add to help file search path" ! file -open "open file(s) on startup" ! file -lib "load object library(s)" int -font "specify default font size in points" void -verbose "extra printout on startup and when searching for files" - void -version "don't run Pd; just print out which version it is" void -d "specify debug level" ! void -noloadbang "suppress all loadbangs" ! void -nogui "suppress starting the GUI" ! string -guicmd "substitute another GUI program (e.g., rsh)" string -send "send a message at startup (after patches are loaded)" ! void -listdev "list audio and MIDI devices" void -rt|-realtime "use real-time priority (needs root privilege)" - int -console "console scrollback lines (0 = disable console)" - folder -look "folder containing buttonbar icons" - void -statusbar "enable statusbar" }
proc pdrc_editor_ok {self} {pdrc_editor_apply $self; pdrc_editor_cancel $self} proc pdrc_editor_cancel {self} {destroy $self} ! proc pdrc_editor_apply {self} {error "BOO"}
proc notebook_select {self i} { --- 2271,2300 ---- alias -mididev {list -midindev %1 -midioutdev %1}
! section "" "Externals" ! folders -path "add to file search path" ! folders -helppath "add to help file search path" ! files -lib "load object library(s)" ! ! section "" "Gooey" ! void -nogui "suppress starting the GUI (caution)" ! string -guicmd "substitute another GUI program (e.g., rsh)" ! int -console "console scrollback lines (0 = disable console)" ! folder -look "folder containing buttonbar icons" ! void -statusbar "enable statusbar" int -font "specify default font size in points" + + section "" "Other" + files -open "open file(s) on startup" void -verbose "extra printout on startup and when searching for files" void -d "specify debug level" ! void -noloadbang "disable the effect of [loadbang]" string -send "send a message at startup (after patches are loaded)" ! void -listdev "list audio and MIDI devices upon startup" void -rt|-realtime "use real-time priority (needs root privilege)" }
proc pdrc_editor_ok {self} {pdrc_editor_apply $self; pdrc_editor_cancel $self} proc pdrc_editor_cancel {self} {destroy $self} ! proc pdrc_editor_apply {self} {error "Come Back Next Month Or So"}
proc notebook_select {self i} { *************** *** 2306,2312 **** --- 2309,2350 ---- }
+ proc pdrc_read {self} { + global pdrc_options pdrc_options_h _ cmdline + set fd [open $cmdline(rcfilename) r] + set contents [split [string map {"\n" " "} [read $fd]] " "] + close $fd + foreach {type name desc} $pdrc_options { + set _($self:$name) "" + foreach subname [split $name |] { + set pdrc_options_h($subname) [list $type $name $desc] + } + } + set i 0 + while {$i < [llength $contents]} { + set op [lindex $contents $i] + puts "op=$op" + if {[string length $op]==0} {break} + if {![info exists pdrc_options_h($op)]} { + error "unknown option: $op" + } + foreach {type name desc} $pdrc_options_h($op) {} + switch $type { + folders {incr i; lappend _($self:$name) [lindex $contents $i]} + files {incr i; lappend _($self:$name) [lindex $contents $i]} + void {set _($self:$name) 1} + default {incr i; set _($self:$name) [lindex $contents $i]} + } + incr i + } + } + + proc pdrc_write {self} { + + } + proc pdrc_editor_new {} { global _ pdrc_options set self pdrc + pdrc_read $self toplevel .$self frame .$self.1 *************** *** 2316,2320 **** set section 0 foreach {type name desc} $pdrc_options { - puts [list $type $name $desc] switch $type { void { set type toggle }} switch $type { --- 2354,2357 ---- *************** *** 2328,2337 **** alias {} radio { ! puts "(skipping radio)" ! properties_dialog $self.1.main.$section pdrc_editor_ok \ [list [lindex $name 0] "$desc" choice {}] } default { ! properties_dialog $self.1.main.$section pdrc_editor_ok \ [list $name "$name: $desc" $type {}] } --- 2365,2373 ---- alias {} radio { ! properties_dialog $self .$self.1.main.$section pdrc_editor_ok \ [list [lindex $name 0] "$desc" choice {}] } default { ! properties_dialog $self .$self.1.main.$section pdrc_editor_ok \ [list $name "$name: $desc" $type {}] }