Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/grill/flext/build/win/max In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv24525/build/win/max
Added Files: config-mingw.def config-msvc.def make-mingw.inc make-msvc.inc Log Message: simplified make system updated make system
--- NEW FILE: config-msvc.def --- # where are the Max/MSP SDK header files? # you should have the latest version! MAXSDKPATH="c:\data\prog\audio\maxmspsdk_win\4.5 headers\c74support"
# where should the external be installed? INSTPATH="%CommonProgramFiles%\Cycling '74\externals\flext"
# where do the flext headers and libraries reside? FLEXTPATH="%CommonProgramFiles%\Cycling '74\flext"
# where should the external be built? # (path for temporary files) OUTPATH=max-msvc
# some user-definable flags # (check if they match your system!) OFLAGS=/G6 /Ox /arch:SSE
--- NEW FILE: config-mingw.def --- # where are the Max/MSP SDK header files? # you should have the latest version! MAXSDKPATH="c:/data/prog/audio/maxmspsdk_win/4.5 headers/c74support"
# where should the external be installed? INSTPATH="%CommonProgramFiles%/Cycling '74/externals/flext"
# where do the flext headers and libraries reside? FLEXTPATH="%CommonProgramFiles%/Cycling '74/flext"
# where should the external be built? # (path for temporary files) OUTPATH=max-mingw
# some user-definable flags # (check if they match your system!) OFLAGS=-O2 -march=pentium4 -msse
--- NEW FILE: make-msvc.inc --- DEFS=$(DEFS) /DFLEXT_SYS=1 CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /Zp2
# these are both in MAXSDKPATH LIBS=$(LIBS) maxapi.lib maxaudio.lib
!ifdef SHARED # --- shared ---
!elseifdef THREADED # --- static multi-threaded ---
!ifdef DEBUG LIBS=$(LIBS) flext_td-maxwin.lib !else LIBS=$(LIBS) flext_t-maxwin.lib !endif
!else # --- static single-threaded ---
!ifdef DEBUG LIBS=$(LIBS) flext_d-maxwin.lib !else LIBS=$(LIBS) flext-maxwin.lib !endif
--- NEW FILE: make-mingw.inc --- DEFS += -DFLEXT_SYS=1 CFLAGS += -fpack-struct=2
INCPATH += -I$(MAXSDKPATH)/max-includes -I$(MAXSDKPATH)/msp-includes LIBPATH += -L$(MAXSDKPATH)/max-includes -L$(MAXSDKPATH)/msp-includes
# these are both in PDPATH LIBS += -lmaxapi -lmaxaudio
ifdef SHARED # --- shared ---
elseifdef THREADED # --- static multi-threaded ---
ifdef DEBUG LIBS += -lflext_td-maxwin else LIBS += -lflext_t-maxwin endif
else # --- static single-threaded ---
ifdef DEBUG LIBS += -lflext_d-maxwin else LIBS += -lflext-maxwin endif