Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv2716
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: renamed @style to @bold; localised font selector
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.499 -r1.1.2.500 *** desire.tk 13 Oct 2006 20:59:33 -0000 --- desire.tk 13 Oct 2006 21:27:36 -0000 *************** *** 5377,5380 **** --- 5377,5384 ---- class_new Dialog {Thing}
+ def Dialog add_side {w args} { + + } + def Dialog add {w args} { set no_max_label 0 *************** *** 5602,5620 ****
def Dialog add_font {f args} { ! global look ! if {[winfo exists $f.font]} {return} ! set no_max_label 0 ! bind all <KeyPress-F1> help ! set @size $look(View:fontsize) ! set @family $look(View:fontfamily) ! set @style $look(View:fontstyle) ! set @italic $look(View:fontitalic) set @fstr $look(View:fontstring) ! logvar @family @size @style @italic ! set bold 0 ! set italic 0 ! set previewtext "Sample text" frame $f.font ! pack [label $f.font.label -text "Name:" -anchor w] -side top -fill x frame $f.font.list pack [listbox $f.font.list.box -relief sunken -yscrollcommand "$f.font.list.scroll set"] -side left --- 5606,5622 ----
def Dialog add_font {f args} { ! global look ! if {[winfo exists $f.font]} {return} ! set no_max_label 0 ! bind all <KeyPress-F1> help ! set font $look(View:font) ! set @family [lindex $font 0] ! set @size [lindex $font 1] ! set @bold [expr [lsearch $font bold ]>=0] ! set @italic [expr [lsearch $font italic]>=0] set @fstr $look(View:fontstring) ! logvar @family @size @bold @italic frame $f.font ! pack [label $f.font.label -text [say font_family] -anchor w] -side top -fill x frame $f.font.list pack [listbox $f.font.list.box -relief sunken -yscrollcommand "$f.font.list.scroll set"] -side left *************** *** 5640,5652 **** frame $f.font.style ! pack [label $f.font.style.label -text "Style:"] -side left -fill y ! pack [checkbutton $f.font.style.bold -text "Bold" -variable bold -command "$self font_style $f bold"] -side top ! pack [checkbutton $f.font.style.italic -text "Italic" -variable @italic -command "$self font_style $f italic"] -side top frame $f.font2 frame $f.font2.preview ! pack [label $f.font2.preview.label -text "Preview:"] -side left -fill y pack [canvas $f.font2.preview.canvas -width 200 -height 50 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1] -side left -fill x ! $f.font2.preview.canvas create text 10 25 -tags ${self}TEXT -anchor w -text "DesireData" -font $@fstr set parent [string range $f 1 [expr [string first "." $f 1]-1]] --- 5642,5654 ---- frame $f.font.style ! pack [label $f.font.style.label -text [say font_style]] -side left -fill y ! pack [checkbutton $f.font.style.bold -text [say font_bold] -variable bold -command "$self font_style $f bold"] -side top ! pack [checkbutton $f.font.style.italic -text [say font_italic] -variable @italic -command "$self font_style $f italic"] -side top frame $f.font2 frame $f.font2.preview ! pack [label $f.font2.preview.label -text [say font_preview]] -side left -fill y pack [canvas $f.font2.preview.canvas -width 200 -height 50 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1] -side left -fill x ! $f.font2.preview.canvas create text 10 25 -tags ${self}TEXT -anchor w -text [say font_preview_2] -font $@fstr set parent [string range $f 1 [expr [string first "." $f 1]-1]] *************** *** 5694,5698 **** def Dialog font_update {f} { global font ! $self font_get_xlfd $f $@family $@style $@size $f.font2.preview.canvas itemconfigure ${self}TEXT -font $@str } --- 5696,5700 ---- def Dialog font_update {f} { global font ! $self font_get_xlfd $f $@family $@bold $@size $f.font2.preview.canvas itemconfigure ${self}TEXT -font $@str } *************** *** 5710,5717 **** }
! def Dialog font_style {f style} { ! if {$style != "italic"} { ! if {$style == $@style} { set @style "normal" } else { set @style $style} ! } $self font_update $f } --- 5712,5717 ---- }
! def Dialog font_style {f bold} { ! set @bold $bold $self font_update $f } *************** *** 6271,6279 **** set str [string tolower $class$name] set str2 ${str}path ! $self font_get_xlfd $@$str2 $@family $@style $@size #puts " fontstring::: $@str " set look(View:fontsize) $@size set look(View:fontfamily) $@family ! set look(View:fontstyle) $@style set look(View:fontitalic) $@italic #set look($class:$name) $look($class:$name) --- 6271,6279 ---- set str [string tolower $class$name] set str2 ${str}path ! $self font_get_xlfd $@$str2 $@family $@bold $@size #puts " fontstring::: $@str " set look(View:fontsize) $@size set look(View:fontfamily) $@family ! set look(View:fontstyle) $@bold set look(View:fontitalic) $@italic #set look($class:$name) $look($class:$name) *************** *** 6380,6388 **** } font { ! puts " adding font bomb" ! set str [string tolower $class$name] ! set str2 ${str}path ! set @$str2 $which_section ! $self add_font $which_section [list [lindex $str 0] toggle] } default { --- 6380,6386 ---- } font { ! set str "[string tolower $class$name]path" ! set @$str $which_section ! $self add_font $which_section } default {