Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/portaudio/pa_win_ds In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv15364/portaudio/pa_win_ds
Added Files: dsound_wrapper.c dsound_wrapper.h pa_win_ds.c Log Message: ... more changes to try to upload 0.38 test 5 to CVS
--- NEW FILE: pa_win_ds.c --- /* * $Id: pa_win_ds.c,v 1.3 2004/09/06 20:44:42 millerpuckette Exp $ * Portable Audio I/O Library DirectSound implementation * * Based on the Open Source API proposed by Ross Bencina * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Ross Bencina, Phil Burk * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is [...1783 lines suppressed...]
return 0; }
/***********************************************************************************/ static signed long GetStreamWriteAvailable( PaStream* s ) { PaWinDsStream *stream = (PaWinDsStream*)s;
/* suppress unused variable warnings */ (void) stream;
/* IMPLEMENT ME, see portaudio.h for required behavior*/
return 0; }
--- NEW FILE: dsound_wrapper.c --- /* * $Id: dsound_wrapper.c,v 1.3 2004/09/06 20:44:41 millerpuckette Exp $ * Simplified DirectSound interface. * * Author: Phil Burk & Robert Marsanyi * * PortAudio Portable Real-Time Audio Library * For more information see: http://www.softsynth.com/portaudio/ * DirectSound Implementation * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Phil Burk & Robert Marsanyi * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is * requested to send the modifications to the original developer so that * they can be incorporated into the canonical version. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h>
#include "dsound_wrapper.h" #include "pa_trace.h"
/* Rather than linking with dxguid.a or using "#define INITGUID" to force a header file to instantiate the required GUID(s), we define them directly below. */ #include <initguid.h> // needed for the DEFINE_GUID macro DEFINE_GUID(IID_IDirectSoundNotify, 0xb0210783, 0x89cd, 0x11d0, 0xaf, 0x8, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x25, 0xcd, 0x16);
/************************************************************************************/ DSoundEntryPoints dswDSoundEntryPoints = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; /************************************************************************************/ static HRESULT WINAPI DummyDirectSoundCreate(LPGUID lpcGuidDevice, LPDIRECTSOUND *ppDS, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter) { (void)lpcGuidDevice; /* unused parameter */ (void)ppDS; /* unused parameter */ (void)pUnkOuter; /* unused parameter */ return E_NOTIMPL; }
static HRESULT WINAPI DummyDirectSoundEnumerateW(LPDSENUMCALLBACKW lpDSEnumCallback, LPVOID lpContext) { (void)lpDSEnumCallback; /* unused parameter */ (void)lpContext; /* unused parameter */ return E_NOTIMPL; }
static HRESULT WINAPI DummyDirectSoundEnumerateA(LPDSENUMCALLBACKA lpDSEnumCallback, LPVOID lpContext) { (void)lpDSEnumCallback; /* unused parameter */ (void)lpContext; /* unused parameter */ return E_NOTIMPL; }
static HRESULT WINAPI DummyDirectSoundCaptureCreate(LPGUID lpcGUID, LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE *lplpDSC, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter) { (void)lpcGUID; /* unused parameter */ (void)lplpDSC; /* unused parameter */ (void)pUnkOuter; /* unused parameter */ return E_NOTIMPL; }
static HRESULT WINAPI DummyDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW(LPDSENUMCALLBACKW lpDSCEnumCallback, LPVOID lpContext) { (void)lpDSCEnumCallback; /* unused parameter */ (void)lpContext; /* unused parameter */ return E_NOTIMPL; }
static HRESULT WINAPI DummyDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA(LPDSENUMCALLBACKA lpDSCEnumCallback, LPVOID lpContext) { (void)lpDSCEnumCallback; /* unused parameter */ (void)lpContext; /* unused parameter */ return E_NOTIMPL; } /************************************************************************************/ void DSW_InitializeDSoundEntryPoints(void) { dswDSoundEntryPoints.hInstance_ = LoadLibrary("dsound.dll"); if( dswDSoundEntryPoints.hInstance_ != NULL ) { dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCreate = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(LPGUID, LPDIRECTSOUND *, LPUNKNOWN)) GetProcAddress( dswDSoundEntryPoints.hInstance_, "DirectSoundCreate" ); if( dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCreate == NULL ) dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCreate = DummyDirectSoundCreate;
dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundEnumerateW = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(LPDSENUMCALLBACKW, LPVOID)) GetProcAddress( dswDSoundEntryPoints.hInstance_, "DirectSoundEnumerateW" ); if( dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundEnumerateW == NULL ) dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundEnumerateW = DummyDirectSoundEnumerateW;
dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundEnumerateA = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(LPDSENUMCALLBACKA, LPVOID)) GetProcAddress( dswDSoundEntryPoints.hInstance_, "DirectSoundEnumerateA" ); if( dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundEnumerateA == NULL ) dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundEnumerateA = DummyDirectSoundEnumerateA;
dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureCreate = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(LPGUID, LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE *, LPUNKNOWN)) GetProcAddress( dswDSoundEntryPoints.hInstance_, "DirectSoundCaptureCreate" ); if( dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureCreate == NULL ) dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureCreate = DummyDirectSoundCaptureCreate;
dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(LPDSENUMCALLBACKW, LPVOID)) GetProcAddress( dswDSoundEntryPoints.hInstance_, "DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW" ); if( dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW == NULL ) dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW = DummyDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW;
dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(LPDSENUMCALLBACKA, LPVOID)) GetProcAddress( dswDSoundEntryPoints.hInstance_, "DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA" ); if( dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA == NULL ) dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA = DummyDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA; } else { /* initialize with dummy entry points to make live easy when ds isn't present */ dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCreate = DummyDirectSoundCreate; dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundEnumerateW = DummyDirectSoundEnumerateW; dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundEnumerateA = DummyDirectSoundEnumerateA; dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureCreate = DummyDirectSoundCaptureCreate; dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW = DummyDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW; dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA = DummyDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA; } } /************************************************************************************/ void DSW_TerminateDSoundEntryPoints(void) { if( dswDSoundEntryPoints.hInstance_ != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( dswDSoundEntryPoints.hInstance_ ); dswDSoundEntryPoints.hInstance_ = NULL; /* ensure that we crash reliably if the entry points arent initialised */ dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCreate = 0; dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundEnumerateW = 0; dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundEnumerateA = 0; dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureCreate = 0; dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW = 0; dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA = 0; } } /************************************************************************************/ void DSW_Term( DSoundWrapper *dsw ) { // Cleanup the sound buffers if (dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer) { IDirectSoundBuffer_Stop( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer ); IDirectSoundBuffer_Release( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer ); dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer = NULL; }
if (dsw->dsw_InputBuffer) { IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Stop( dsw->dsw_InputBuffer ); IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Release( dsw->dsw_InputBuffer ); dsw->dsw_InputBuffer = NULL; }
if (dsw->dsw_pDirectSoundCapture) { IDirectSoundCapture_Release( dsw->dsw_pDirectSoundCapture ); dsw->dsw_pDirectSoundCapture = NULL; }
if (dsw->dsw_pDirectSound) { IDirectSound_Release( dsw->dsw_pDirectSound ); dsw->dsw_pDirectSound = NULL; } } /************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_Init( DSoundWrapper *dsw ) { memset( dsw, 0, sizeof(DSoundWrapper) ); return 0; } /************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_InitOutputDevice( DSoundWrapper *dsw, LPGUID lpGUID ) { // Create the DS object HRESULT hr = dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCreate( lpGUID, &dsw->dsw_pDirectSound, NULL ); if( hr != DS_OK ) return hr; return hr; }
/************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_InitOutputBuffer( DSoundWrapper *dsw, unsigned long nFrameRate, WORD nChannels, int bytesPerBuffer ) { DWORD dwDataLen; DWORD playCursor; HRESULT result; LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER pPrimaryBuffer; HWND hWnd; HRESULT hr; WAVEFORMATEX wfFormat; DSBUFFERDESC primaryDesc; DSBUFFERDESC secondaryDesc; unsigned char* pDSBuffData; LARGE_INTEGER counterFrequency;
dsw->dsw_OutputSize = bytesPerBuffer; dsw->dsw_OutputRunning = FALSE; dsw->dsw_OutputUnderflows = 0; dsw->dsw_FramesWritten = 0; dsw->dsw_BytesPerOutputFrame = nChannels * sizeof(short);
// We were using getForegroundWindow() but sometimes the ForegroundWindow may not be the // applications's window. Also if that window is closed before the Buffer is closed // then DirectSound can crash. (Thanks for Scott Patterson for reporting this.) // So we will use GetDesktopWindow() which was suggested by Miller Puckette. // hWnd = GetForegroundWindow(); // // FIXME: The example code I have on the net creates a hidden window that // is managed by our code - I think we should do that - one hidden // window for the whole of Pa_DS // hWnd = GetDesktopWindow();
// Set cooperative level to DSSCL_EXCLUSIVE so that we can get 16 bit output, 44.1 KHz. // Exclusize also prevents unexpected sounds from other apps during a performance. if ((hr = IDirectSound_SetCooperativeLevel( dsw->dsw_pDirectSound, hWnd, DSSCL_EXCLUSIVE)) != DS_OK) { return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create primary buffer and set format just so we can specify our custom format. // Otherwise we would be stuck with the default which might be 8 bit or 22050 Hz. // Setup the primary buffer description ZeroMemory(&primaryDesc, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC)); primaryDesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); primaryDesc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER; // all panning, mixing, etc done by synth primaryDesc.dwBufferBytes = 0; primaryDesc.lpwfxFormat = NULL; // Create the buffer if ((result = IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer( dsw->dsw_pDirectSound, &primaryDesc, &pPrimaryBuffer, NULL)) != DS_OK) return result; // Define the buffer format wfFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wfFormat.nChannels = nChannels; wfFormat.nSamplesPerSec = nFrameRate; wfFormat.wBitsPerSample = 8 * sizeof(short); wfFormat.nBlockAlign = (WORD)(wfFormat.nChannels * (wfFormat.wBitsPerSample / 8)); wfFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = wfFormat.nSamplesPerSec * wfFormat.nBlockAlign; wfFormat.cbSize = 0; /* No extended format info. */ // Set the primary buffer's format if((result = IDirectSoundBuffer_SetFormat( pPrimaryBuffer, &wfFormat)) != DS_OK) return result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setup the secondary buffer description ZeroMemory(&secondaryDesc, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC)); secondaryDesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); secondaryDesc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_GLOBALFOCUS | DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2; secondaryDesc.dwBufferBytes = bytesPerBuffer; secondaryDesc.lpwfxFormat = &wfFormat; // Create the secondary buffer if ((result = IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer( dsw->dsw_pDirectSound, &secondaryDesc, &dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, NULL)) != DS_OK) return result; // Lock the DS buffer if ((result = IDirectSoundBuffer_Lock( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, 0, dsw->dsw_OutputSize, (LPVOID*)&pDSBuffData, &dwDataLen, NULL, 0, 0)) != DS_OK) return result; // Zero the DS buffer ZeroMemory(pDSBuffData, dwDataLen); // Unlock the DS buffer if ((result = IDirectSoundBuffer_Unlock( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, pDSBuffData, dwDataLen, NULL, 0)) != DS_OK) return result; if( QueryPerformanceFrequency( &counterFrequency ) ) { int framesInBuffer = bytesPerBuffer / (nChannels * sizeof(short)); dsw->dsw_CounterTicksPerBuffer.QuadPart = (counterFrequency.QuadPart * framesInBuffer) / nFrameRate; } else { dsw->dsw_CounterTicksPerBuffer.QuadPart = 0; } // Let DSound set the starting write position because if we set it to zero, it looks like the // buffer is full to begin with. This causes a long pause before sound starts when using large buffers. hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_GetCurrentPosition( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, &playCursor, &dsw->dsw_WriteOffset ); if( hr != DS_OK ) { return hr; } dsw->dsw_FramesWritten = dsw->dsw_WriteOffset / dsw->dsw_BytesPerOutputFrame; /* printf("DSW_InitOutputBuffer: playCursor = %d, writeCursor = %d\n", playCursor, dsw->dsw_WriteOffset ); */ return DS_OK; }
/************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_StartOutput( DSoundWrapper *dsw ) { HRESULT hr; QueryPerformanceCounter( &dsw->dsw_LastPlayTime ); dsw->dsw_LastPlayCursor = 0; dsw->dsw_FramesPlayed = 0; hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_SetCurrentPosition( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, 0 ); if( hr != DS_OK ) { return hr; } // Start the buffer playback in a loop. if( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer != NULL ) { hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_Play( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, 0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING ); if( hr != DS_OK ) { return hr; } dsw->dsw_OutputRunning = TRUE; }
return 0; } /************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_StopOutput( DSoundWrapper *dsw ) { // Stop the buffer playback if( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer != NULL ) { dsw->dsw_OutputRunning = FALSE; return IDirectSoundBuffer_Stop( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer ); } else return 0; }
/************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_QueryOutputFilled( DSoundWrapper *dsw, long *bytesFilledPtr ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD playCursor; DWORD writeCursor; long bytesFilled; // Query to see where play position is. // We don't need the writeCursor but sometimes DirectSound doesn't handle NULLS correctly // so let's pass a pointer just to be safe. hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_GetCurrentPosition( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, &playCursor, &writeCursor ); if( hr != DS_OK ) { return hr; } bytesFilled = dsw->dsw_WriteOffset - playCursor; if( bytesFilled < 0 ) bytesFilled += dsw->dsw_OutputSize; // unwrap offset *bytesFilledPtr = bytesFilled; return hr; }
/************************************************************************************ * Determine how much space can be safely written to in DS buffer. * Detect underflows and overflows. * Does not allow writing into safety gap maintained by DirectSound. */ HRESULT DSW_QueryOutputSpace( DSoundWrapper *dsw, long *bytesEmpty ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD playCursor; DWORD writeCursor; long numBytesEmpty; long playWriteGap; // Query to see how much room is in buffer. hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_GetCurrentPosition( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, &playCursor, &writeCursor ); if( hr != DS_OK ) { return hr; } // Determine size of gap between playIndex and WriteIndex that we cannot write into. playWriteGap = writeCursor - playCursor; if( playWriteGap < 0 ) playWriteGap += dsw->dsw_OutputSize; // unwrap /* DirectSound doesn't have a large enough playCursor so we cannot detect wrap-around. */ /* Attempt to detect playCursor wrap-around and correct it. */ if( dsw->dsw_OutputRunning && (dsw->dsw_CounterTicksPerBuffer.QuadPart != 0) ) { /* How much time has elapsed since last check. */ LARGE_INTEGER currentTime; LARGE_INTEGER elapsedTime; long bytesPlayed; long bytesExpected; long buffersWrapped; QueryPerformanceCounter( ¤tTime ); elapsedTime.QuadPart = currentTime.QuadPart - dsw->dsw_LastPlayTime.QuadPart; dsw->dsw_LastPlayTime = currentTime; /* How many bytes does DirectSound say have been played. */ bytesPlayed = playCursor - dsw->dsw_LastPlayCursor; if( bytesPlayed < 0 ) bytesPlayed += dsw->dsw_OutputSize; // unwrap dsw->dsw_LastPlayCursor = playCursor; /* Calculate how many bytes we would have expected to been played by now. */ bytesExpected = (long) ((elapsedTime.QuadPart * dsw->dsw_OutputSize) / dsw->dsw_CounterTicksPerBuffer.QuadPart); buffersWrapped = (bytesExpected - bytesPlayed) / dsw->dsw_OutputSize; if( buffersWrapped > 0 ) { playCursor += (buffersWrapped * dsw->dsw_OutputSize); bytesPlayed += (buffersWrapped * dsw->dsw_OutputSize); } /* Maintain frame output cursor. */ dsw->dsw_FramesPlayed += (bytesPlayed / dsw->dsw_BytesPerOutputFrame); } numBytesEmpty = playCursor - dsw->dsw_WriteOffset; if( numBytesEmpty < 0 ) numBytesEmpty += dsw->dsw_OutputSize; // unwrap offset /* Have we underflowed? */ if( numBytesEmpty > (dsw->dsw_OutputSize - playWriteGap) ) { if( dsw->dsw_OutputRunning ) { dsw->dsw_OutputUnderflows += 1; } dsw->dsw_WriteOffset = writeCursor; numBytesEmpty = dsw->dsw_OutputSize - playWriteGap; } *bytesEmpty = numBytesEmpty; return hr; }
/************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_ZeroEmptySpace( DSoundWrapper *dsw ) { HRESULT hr; LPBYTE lpbuf1 = NULL; LPBYTE lpbuf2 = NULL; DWORD dwsize1 = 0; DWORD dwsize2 = 0; long bytesEmpty; hr = DSW_QueryOutputSpace( dsw, &bytesEmpty ); // updates dsw_FramesPlayed if (hr != DS_OK) return hr; if( bytesEmpty == 0 ) return DS_OK; // Lock free space in the DS hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_Lock( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, dsw->dsw_WriteOffset, bytesEmpty, (void **) &lpbuf1, &dwsize1, (void **) &lpbuf2, &dwsize2, 0); if (hr == DS_OK) { // Copy the buffer into the DS ZeroMemory(lpbuf1, dwsize1); if(lpbuf2 != NULL) { ZeroMemory(lpbuf2, dwsize2); } // Update our buffer offset and unlock sound buffer dsw->dsw_WriteOffset = (dsw->dsw_WriteOffset + dwsize1 + dwsize2) % dsw->dsw_OutputSize; IDirectSoundBuffer_Unlock( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, lpbuf1, dwsize1, lpbuf2, dwsize2); dsw->dsw_FramesWritten += bytesEmpty / dsw->dsw_BytesPerOutputFrame; } return hr; }
/************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_WriteBlock( DSoundWrapper *dsw, char *buf, long numBytes ) { HRESULT hr; LPBYTE lpbuf1 = NULL; LPBYTE lpbuf2 = NULL; DWORD dwsize1 = 0; DWORD dwsize2 = 0; // Lock free space in the DS hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_Lock( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, dsw->dsw_WriteOffset, numBytes, (void **) &lpbuf1, &dwsize1, (void **) &lpbuf2, &dwsize2, 0); if (hr == DS_OK) { // Copy the buffer into the DS CopyMemory(lpbuf1, buf, dwsize1); if(lpbuf2 != NULL) { CopyMemory(lpbuf2, buf+dwsize1, dwsize2); } // Update our buffer offset and unlock sound buffer dsw->dsw_WriteOffset = (dsw->dsw_WriteOffset + dwsize1 + dwsize2) % dsw->dsw_OutputSize; IDirectSoundBuffer_Unlock( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, lpbuf1, dwsize1, lpbuf2, dwsize2); dsw->dsw_FramesWritten += numBytes / dsw->dsw_BytesPerOutputFrame; } return hr; }
/************************************************************************************/ DWORD DSW_GetOutputStatus( DSoundWrapper *dsw ) { DWORD status; if (IDirectSoundBuffer_GetStatus( dsw->dsw_OutputBuffer, &status ) != DS_OK) return( DSERR_INVALIDPARAM ); else return( status ); }
/* These routines are used to support audio input. * Do NOT compile these calls when using NT4 because it does * not support the entry points. */ /************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_InitInputDevice( DSoundWrapper *dsw, LPGUID lpGUID ) { HRESULT hr = dswDSoundEntryPoints.DirectSoundCaptureCreate( lpGUID, &dsw->dsw_pDirectSoundCapture, NULL ); if( hr != DS_OK ) return hr; return hr; } /************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_InitInputBuffer( DSoundWrapper *dsw, unsigned long nFrameRate, WORD nChannels, int bytesPerBuffer ) { DSCBUFFERDESC captureDesc; WAVEFORMATEX wfFormat; HRESULT result;
dsw->dsw_BytesPerInputFrame = nChannels * sizeof(short);
// Define the buffer format wfFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wfFormat.nChannels = nChannels; wfFormat.nSamplesPerSec = nFrameRate; wfFormat.wBitsPerSample = 8 * sizeof(short); wfFormat.nBlockAlign = (WORD)(wfFormat.nChannels * (wfFormat.wBitsPerSample / 8)); wfFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = wfFormat.nSamplesPerSec * wfFormat.nBlockAlign; wfFormat.cbSize = 0; /* No extended format info. */ dsw->dsw_InputSize = bytesPerBuffer; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setup the secondary buffer description ZeroMemory(&captureDesc, sizeof(DSCBUFFERDESC)); captureDesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSCBUFFERDESC); captureDesc.dwFlags = 0; captureDesc.dwBufferBytes = bytesPerBuffer; captureDesc.lpwfxFormat = &wfFormat; // Create the capture buffer if ((result = IDirectSoundCapture_CreateCaptureBuffer( dsw->dsw_pDirectSoundCapture, &captureDesc, &dsw->dsw_InputBuffer, NULL)) != DS_OK) return result; dsw->dsw_ReadOffset = 0; // reset last read position to start of buffer return DS_OK; }
/************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_StartInput( DSoundWrapper *dsw ) { // Start the buffer playback if( dsw->dsw_InputBuffer != NULL ) { return IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Start( dsw->dsw_InputBuffer, DSCBSTART_LOOPING ); } else return 0; }
/************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_StopInput( DSoundWrapper *dsw ) { // Stop the buffer playback if( dsw->dsw_InputBuffer != NULL ) { return IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Stop( dsw->dsw_InputBuffer ); } else return 0; }
/************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_QueryInputFilled( DSoundWrapper *dsw, long *bytesFilled ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD capturePos; DWORD readPos; long filled; // Query to see how much data is in buffer. // We don't need the capture position but sometimes DirectSound doesn't handle NULLS correctly // so let's pass a pointer just to be safe. hr = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_GetCurrentPosition( dsw->dsw_InputBuffer, &capturePos, &readPos ); if( hr != DS_OK ) { return hr; } filled = readPos - dsw->dsw_ReadOffset; if( filled < 0 ) filled += dsw->dsw_InputSize; // unwrap offset *bytesFilled = filled; return hr; }
/************************************************************************************/ HRESULT DSW_ReadBlock( DSoundWrapper *dsw, char *buf, long numBytes ) { HRESULT hr; LPBYTE lpbuf1 = NULL; LPBYTE lpbuf2 = NULL; DWORD dwsize1 = 0; DWORD dwsize2 = 0; // Lock free space in the DS hr = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Lock ( dsw->dsw_InputBuffer, dsw->dsw_ReadOffset, numBytes, (void **) &lpbuf1, &dwsize1, (void **) &lpbuf2, &dwsize2, 0); if (hr == DS_OK) { // Copy from DS to the buffer CopyMemory( buf, lpbuf1, dwsize1); if(lpbuf2 != NULL) { CopyMemory( buf+dwsize1, lpbuf2, dwsize2); } // Update our buffer offset and unlock sound buffer dsw->dsw_ReadOffset = (dsw->dsw_ReadOffset + dwsize1 + dwsize2) % dsw->dsw_InputSize; IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Unlock ( dsw->dsw_InputBuffer, lpbuf1, dwsize1, lpbuf2, dwsize2); } return hr; }
--- NEW FILE: dsound_wrapper.h --- #ifndef __DSOUND_WRAPPER_H #define __DSOUND_WRAPPER_H /* * $Id: dsound_wrapper.h,v 1.3 2004/09/06 20:44:42 millerpuckette Exp $ * Simplified DirectSound interface. * * Author: Phil Burk & Robert Marsanyi * * For PortAudio Portable Real-Time Audio Library * For more information see: http://www.softsynth.com/portaudio/ * DirectSound Implementation * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Phil Burk & Robert Marsanyi * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is * requested to send the modifications to the original developer so that * they can be incorporated into the canonical version. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */
/* on Borland compilers, WIN32 doesn't seem to be defined by default, which breaks DSound.h. Adding the define here fixes the problem. - rossb. */ #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #if !defined(WIN32) #define WIN32 #endif #endif
#include <DSound.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */
typedef struct { HINSTANCE hInstance_;
extern DSoundEntryPoints dswDSoundEntryPoints;
void DSW_InitializeDSoundEntryPoints(void); void DSW_TerminateDSoundEntryPoints(void);
typedef struct { /* Output */ LPDIRECTSOUND dsw_pDirectSound; LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER dsw_OutputBuffer; DWORD dsw_WriteOffset; /* last write position */ INT dsw_OutputSize; INT dsw_BytesPerOutputFrame; /* Try to detect play buffer underflows. */ LARGE_INTEGER dsw_CounterTicksPerBuffer; /* counter ticks it should take to play a full buffer */ LARGE_INTEGER dsw_LastPlayTime; UINT dsw_LastPlayCursor; UINT dsw_OutputUnderflows; BOOL dsw_OutputRunning; /* use double which lets us can play for several thousand years with enough precision */ double dsw_FramesWritten; double dsw_FramesPlayed; /* Input */ INT dsw_BytesPerInputFrame; LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE dsw_pDirectSoundCapture; LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER dsw_InputBuffer; UINT dsw_ReadOffset; /* last read position */ UINT dsw_InputSize; } DSoundWrapper;
HRESULT DSW_Init( DSoundWrapper *dsw ); void DSW_Term( DSoundWrapper *dsw ); HRESULT DSW_InitOutputBuffer( DSoundWrapper *dsw, unsigned long nFrameRate, WORD nChannels, int bufSize ); HRESULT DSW_StartOutput( DSoundWrapper *dsw ); HRESULT DSW_StopOutput( DSoundWrapper *dsw ); DWORD DSW_GetOutputStatus( DSoundWrapper *dsw ); HRESULT DSW_WriteBlock( DSoundWrapper *dsw, char *buf, long numBytes ); HRESULT DSW_ZeroEmptySpace( DSoundWrapper *dsw ); HRESULT DSW_QueryOutputSpace( DSoundWrapper *dsw, long *bytesEmpty ); HRESULT DSW_Enumerate( DSoundWrapper *dsw );
HRESULT DSW_InitInputBuffer( DSoundWrapper *dsw, unsigned long nFrameRate, WORD nChannels, int bufSize ); HRESULT DSW_StartInput( DSoundWrapper *dsw ); HRESULT DSW_StopInput( DSoundWrapper *dsw ); HRESULT DSW_ReadBlock( DSoundWrapper *dsw, char *buf, long numBytes ); HRESULT DSW_QueryInputFilled( DSoundWrapper *dsw, long *bytesFilled ); HRESULT DSW_QueryOutputFilled( DSoundWrapper *dsw, long *bytesFilled );
#ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __DSOUND_WRAPPER_H */