Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv30812
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: cleanup
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.291 -r1.1.2.600.2.292 *** desire.tk 6 Aug 2007 04:21:08 -0000 --- desire.tk 6 Aug 2007 05:38:21 -0000 *************** *** 2801,2811 **** mset {type id detail} $target switch $@action { - move {$self motion_move $oldpos $x $y; return} edit {$self motion_edit $x $y $f} insert {} chain_obj {} ! imove {$self motion_imove $oldpos $x $y; return} ! mouse_copy {$self motion_move $oldpos $x $y; return} none {} default {$@action motion $x $y $f $target} } --- 2801,2812 ---- mset {type id detail} $target switch $@action { edit {$self motion_edit $x $y $f} insert {} chain_obj {} ! imove {$self motion_imove $oldpos $x $y; return} ! mouse_copy {$self motion_move $oldpos $x $y; return} ! move {$self motion_move $oldpos $x $y; return} none {} + subpatcherize {} default {$@action motion $x $y $f $target} } *************** *** 2826,2831 **** if {[$self look snap_grid]} { set grid [$self look grid_size] ! set ax [expr (int($x)/$grid)*$grid] ! set ay [expr (int($y)/$grid)*$grid] set oax [expr (int($ox)/$grid)*$grid] set oay [expr (int($oy)/$grid)*$grid] --- 2827,2832 ---- if {[$self look snap_grid]} { set grid [$self look grid_size] ! set ax [expr (int($x)/$grid)*$grid] ! set ay [expr (int($y)/$grid)*$grid] set oax [expr (int($ox)/$grid)*$grid] set oay [expr (int($oy)/$grid)*$grid] *************** *** 3017,3028 **** return [list "inlet" $id $val] } ! # deals with GOP ! if {$@editmode} { ! return [list "object" $id] ! } else { ! if {$class == "Canvas" && [$id gop]} { ! return [list "object" $id] ! } else {return [list "object" $id]} ! } } #puts "skipped a $class" --- 3018,3022 ---- return [list "inlet" $id $val] } ! return [list "object" $id] } #puts "skipped a $class" *************** *** 3330,3335 **** bind $f.entry <Tab> "$self completion +" switch $::tcl_platform(os) { ! Linux {bind $f.entry <ISO_Left_Tab> "$self completion -"} ! default {bind $f.entry <Shift-Tab> "$self completion -"} } pack $f.entry -side left -fill x -expand yes --- 3324,3329 ---- bind $f.entry <Tab> "$self completion +" switch $::tcl_platform(os) { ! Linux {bind $f.entry <ISO_Left_Tab> "$self completion -"} ! default {bind $f.entry <Shift-Tab> "$self completion -"} } pack $f.entry -side left -fill x -expand yes *************** *** 3342,3346 **** pack $f -side bottom -fill x -before $w focus $f.entry - }
--- 3336,3339 ---- *************** *** 3426,3431 **** if {$l == $r} {set l 0; set r 1} if {$t == $b} {set t 0; set b 1} ! set w [expr (1 / ($r - $l)) * $width] ! set h [expr (1 / ($b - $t)) * $height] mset {l2 r2} [lmap * [list $l $r] $w] mset {t2 b2} [lmap * [list $t $b] $h] --- 3419,3424 ---- if {$l == $r} {set l 0; set r 1} if {$t == $b} {set t 0; set b 1} ! set w [expr $width / ($r - $l)] ! set h [expr $height / ($b - $t)] mset {l2 r2} [lmap * [list $l $r] $w] mset {t2 b2} [lmap * [list $t $b] $h] *************** *** 3459,3464 **** mset {x y} [lmap + [lrange $mess 2 3] $offset] if {!$in} { ! if {$x > $x2 || $x < $x1} {return 0;break} ! if {$y > $y2 || $y < $y1} {return 0;break} } } --- 3452,3457 ---- mset {x y} [lmap + [lrange $mess 2 3] $offset] if {!$in} { ! if {$x > $x2 || $x < $x1} {return 0} ! if {$y > $y2 || $y < $y1} {return 0} } } *************** *** 3534,3544 **** set x2 [expr [lindex $mess 2] - [lindex $xcoords $ref] + $vx1 + $xoff] set y2 [expr [lindex $mess 3] - [lindex $ycoords $ref] + $vy1 + $yoff] ! set mess2 [lreplace $mess 2 3 $x2 $y2] ! return $mess2 } else { ! set mess2 [lreplace $mess 2 3 [expr $x+$offset] [expr $y+$offset]] ! return $mess2 } - }
--- 3527,3534 ---- set x2 [expr [lindex $mess 2] - [lindex $xcoords $ref] + $vx1 + $xoff] set y2 [expr [lindex $mess 3] - [lindex $ycoords $ref] + $vy1 + $yoff] ! return [lreplace $mess 2 3 $x2 $y2] } else { ! return [lreplace $mess 2 3 [expr $x+$offset] [expr $y+$offset]] } }
*************** *** 3636,3640 **** mset {from outlet to inlet} $wire switch $callback { ! none {netsend [list .$self connect $from $outlet $to $inlet]} default {netsend [list .$self connect $from $outlet $to $inlet] $callback} } --- 3626,3630 ---- mset {from outlet to inlet} $wire switch $callback { ! none {netsend [list .$self connect $from $outlet $to $inlet]} default {netsend [list .$self connect $from $outlet $to $inlet] $callback} } *************** *** 3668,3681 **** set objs $@selection } else { ! if {![llength $@keynav_iosel_i] && ![llength $@keynav_iosel_o]} { ! return ! } else { ! set objs $@keynav_iosel_i ! lappend objs $@keynav_iosel_o ! } ! } ! foreach obj $objs { ! $self clear_wires_of $obj } }
--- 3658,3665 ---- set objs $@selection } else { ! if {![llength $@keynav_iosel_i] && ![llength $@keynav_iosel_o]} {return} ! set objs [list $@keynav_iosel_i $@keynav_iosel_o] } + foreach obj $objs {$self clear_wires_of $obj} }
*************** *** 3691,3704 **** }
! def Canvas delete_obj_from_path {} { ! $self clear_wires ! $self reconnect ! $self delete_selection ! } ! ! def Canvas remove_obj_from_path {} { ! $self clear_wires ! $self reconnect ! }
def Canvas wire_idx {connects} { --- 3675,3680 ---- }
! def Canvas delete_obj_from_path {} {$self clear_wires; $self reconnect; $self delete_selection} ! def Canvas remove_obj_from_path {} {$self clear_wires; $self reconnect}
def Canvas wire_idx {connects} { *************** *** 3717,3721 **** def Canvas new_object_subpatcherize {subpatch} { if {![info exists _($subpatch:_class)]} { ! puts " $subpatch don't exists yet...." set ::subpatcherize(future_sub) $subpatch } --- 3693,3697 ---- def Canvas new_object_subpatcherize {subpatch} { if {![info exists _($subpatch:_class)]} { ! post "%s does not exist yet..." $subpatch set ::subpatcherize(future_sub) $subpatch } *************** *** 3738,3744 **** }
- def Canvas subpatcherize {} { ! set ::subpatcherize(incoming) {}; set ::subpatcherize(outgoing) {} set ::subpatcherize(incoming_inlet) {}; set ::subpatcherize(incoming_outlet) {} set ::subpatcherize(outgoing_inlet) {}; set ::subpatcherize(outgoing_outlet) {} --- 3714,3719 ---- }
def Canvas subpatcherize {} { ! set ::subpatcherize(incoming) {}; set ::subpatcherize(outgoing) {} set ::subpatcherize(incoming_inlet) {}; set ::subpatcherize(incoming_outlet) {} set ::subpatcherize(outgoing_inlet) {}; set ::subpatcherize(outgoing_outlet) {} *************** *** 3821,3825 **** puts " outgoing_inlet::: $::subpatcherize(outgoing_inlet)" puts "-------------------------------------" - } def Canvas subpatcherize_makeports {} { --- 3796,3799 ---- *************** *** 3857,3882 **** } $self subpatcherize_makeports - #netsend [list #X pop 1] netsend [list #X pop 0] $self subpatcherize_reconnect_outside - #set ::subpatcherize(edit) 1 - #after 500 $self edit set ::subpatcherize(edit2) $self }
def Canvas subpatcherize_reconnect_outside {} { foreach wire $::subpatcherize(incoming) { ! set canvas [$self canvas] ! set from [lsearch [$canvas children] [lindex $wire 0]] ! set to [lsearch [[$self canvas] children] $self] ! set wire2 [list $from [lindex $wire 1] $to [lindex $wire 3]] ! $canvas connect $wire2 } foreach wire $::subpatcherize(outgoing) { ! set canvas [$self canvas] ! set to [lsearch [$canvas children] [lindex $wire 2]] ! set from [lsearch [[$self canvas] children] $self] ! set wire2 [list $from [lindex $wire 1] $to [lindex $wire 3]] ! $canvas connect $wire2 } } --- 3831,3852 ---- } $self subpatcherize_makeports netsend [list #X pop 0] $self subpatcherize_reconnect_outside set ::subpatcherize(edit2) $self }
def Canvas subpatcherize_reconnect_outside {} { + set canvas [$self canvas] foreach wire $::subpatcherize(incoming) { ! mset {from outlet to inlet} $wire ! set from [lsearch [$canvas children] $from] ! set to [lsearch [$canvas children] $self] ! $canvas connect [list $from $outlet $to $inlet] } foreach wire $::subpatcherize(outgoing) { ! mset {from outlet to inlet} $wire ! set to [lsearch [$canvas children] $to ] ! set from [lsearch [$canvas children] $self] ! $canvas connect [list $from $inlet $to $outlet] } } *************** *** 3936,3945 **** } switch $type { ! outlet { ! mset [list type @from @outlet] $target ! } ! inlet { ! mset [list type @to @inlet] $target ! } default {} } --- 3906,3911 ---- } switch $type { ! outlet {mset [list type @from @outlet] $target} ! inlet {mset [list type @to @inlet] $target} default {} } *************** *** 3955,3959 **** }
- class_new GopRect {View}
--- 3921,3924 ----