Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv32260
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: option -gdb (currently default) starts gdb between desire.tk and pd. option -nogdb turns it off. added gdbbox.
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.34 -r1.1.2.35 *** desire.tk 6 Sep 2005 08:14:54 -0000 --- desire.tk 6 Sep 2005 11:37:52 -0000 *************** *** 158,171 **** set cmdline(console) 1000 set cmdline(icons) icons
for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} { global cmdline set o [lindex $argv $i] ! switch -- $o { -console { incr i set cmdline(console) [lindex $argv $i] } ! default {puts "ERROR: command line argument: unknown $o"} } } --- 158,179 ---- set cmdline(console) 1000 set cmdline(icons) icons + set cmdline(gdb) 1 + set files_to_open {}
for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} { global cmdline set o [lindex $argv $i] ! switch -regexp -- $o { -console { incr i set cmdline(console) [lindex $argv $i] } ! -gdb {set cmdline(gdb) 1} ! -nogdb {set cmdline(gdb) 0} ! -* {puts "ERROR: command line argument: unknown $o"} ! default { ! incr i ! lappend files_to_open [lindex $argv $i] ! } } } *************** *** 276,284 **** proc poll_sock {} { global sock sock_lobby while {1} { set cmd [gets $sock] if {[eof $sock]} { ! tk_messageBox -message "my sock puppet disappeared (ah, the great mysteries of the washingmachine). Well, that's all, folks!" -type ok ! exit 42 } if {[fblocked $sock]} {break} --- 284,295 ---- proc poll_sock {} { global sock sock_lobby + if {[llength $sock]==0} {return} while {1} { set cmd [gets $sock] if {[eof $sock]} { ! #tk_messageBox -message "my sock puppet disappeared (ah, the great mysteries of the washingmachine). Well, that's all, folks!" -type ok ! #exit 42 ! tk_messageBox -message "server gone boom" -type ok ! set sock {} } if {[fblocked $sock]} {break} *************** *** 303,306 **** --- 314,323 ---- fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering line poll_sock + global files_to_open + foreach f $files_to_open { + set ff [file split $f] + set ffl [llength $ff] + pd "pd open [lindex $ff [expr $ffl-1]] [file join [lrange $ff 0 [expr $ffl-2]]] ;" + } } { puts "WTF, two pd kernels for one gui?" *************** *** 308,313 **** }
set server_sock [socket -server accept_pd 13666] ! exec pd -guiport 13666 &
################ utility functions ######################### --- 325,352 ---- }
+ proc poll_gdb {} { + global gdb + while {1} { + set line [gets $gdb] + if {[eof $gdb]} {tk_messageBox -message "eurggggh." -type ok; exit 69} + if {[fblocked $gdb]} {break} + post "[gdb] %s" $line + } + after 250 poll_gdb + } + set server_sock [socket -server accept_pd 13666] ! ! if {$cmdline(gdb)} { ! set gdb [open "| gdb" w+] ! fconfigure $gdb -blocking 0 -buffering line ! puts $gdb "file pd" ! puts $gdb "run -guiport 13666" ! flush $gdb ! after 0 poll_gdb ! } { ! exec pd -guiport 13666 & ! } !
################ utility functions ######################### *************** *** 571,575 ****
proc menu_pop_pd {} { ! puts"menu_pop_pd:::" raise . } --- 610,614 ----
proc menu_pop_pd {} { ! puts "menu_pop_pd:::" raise . } *************** *** 634,638 **** {"Path..." {foo "pd start-path-dialog ;"} ""} {} ! {"Quit" {foo menu_quit} "Ctrl+q"} }
--- 673,677 ---- {"Path..." {foo "pd start-path-dialog ;"} ""} {} ! {"Quit" {menu_quit} "Ctrl+q"} }
*************** *** 652,655 **** --- 691,697 ---- #set pd_nt 0
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# + set look(iowidth) 7 + set look(iopos) 1 set look(objectfg) #000000 set look(objectbg) #ffffff *************** *** 687,694 **** set pd_apilist "{ALSA 1}"
! proc pd {arg} { global sock ! puts $sock $arg ! #puts "calling pd for $arg" } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# --- 729,736 ---- set pd_apilist "{ALSA 1}"
! proc pd {args} { global sock ! puts $sock [join $args " "] ! puts "<- [join $args " "]" } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# *************** *** 796,815 **** proc pdtk_canvas_editval {name value} { puts "pdtk_canvas_editval::: $name $value" - global look _ set self [canvastosym $name.c] ! ! ! if {$value} { ! $name.m.edit entryconfigure "Edit mode" -indicatoron true ! catch {$name.bbar.edit configure -image icon_mode_edit} ! $name.c configure -background $look(canvasbgedit) ! set _($self:mode) edit ! } else { ! $name.m.edit entryconfigure "Edit mode" -indicatoron false ! catch {$name.bbar.edit configure -image icon_mode_run} ! $name.c configure -background $look(canvasbgrun) ! set _($self:mode) run ! } }
--- 838,848 ---- proc pdtk_canvas_editval {name value} { puts "pdtk_canvas_editval::: $name $value" global look _ set self [canvastosym $name.c] ! $name.m.edit entryconfigure "Edit mode" -indicatoron $value ! set mode [if {$value} {list edit} {list run}] ! catch {$name.bbar.edit configure -image icon_mode_$mode} ! $name.c configure -background $look(canvasbg$mode) ! set _($self:mode) $mode }
*************** *** 818,825 **** # invisible (arg is ""). Invisibility means the Window Manager has minimized # us. We don't get a final "unmap" event when we destroy the window. ! #proc pdtk_canvas_map {name} {pd [canvastosym $name] map 1 ;} ! #proc pdtk_canvas_unmap {name} {pd [canvastosym $name] map 0 ;} ! proc pdtk_canvas_map {name} {pd map} ! proc pdtk_canvas_unmap {name} {pd unmap}
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# --- 851,856 ---- # invisible (arg is ""). Invisibility means the Window Manager has minimized # us. We don't get a final "unmap" event when we destroy the window. ! proc pdtk_canvas_map {name} {pd [canvastosym $name] map 1 ;} ! proc pdtk_canvas_unmap {name} {pd [canvastosym $name] map 0 ;}
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# *************** *** 1199,1206 ****
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# - set look(iowidth) 7 - set look(iopos) 1 - - #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def io draw {canvas x1 y1 xs ys ins outs} { puts "io_draw:: $self $canvas $x1 $y1 $xs $ys $ins $outs" --- 1230,1233 ---- *************** *** 1240,1245 **** def io erase {canvas} { puts "io_erase:: $self $canvas" ! $canvas delete ${self}i ! $canvas delete ${self}o }
--- 1267,1271 ---- def io erase {canvas} { puts "io_erase:: $self $canvas" ! $canvas delete ${self}i ${self}o }
*************** *** 1276,1288 **** global look font set name_len [string length $text] ! if {[expr $@isnew == 1]} { ! brokenbox_draw $self $canvas \ ! [expr ($font(width) * ($name_len+1) + $font(padx))] \ ! [expr $font(height) + $font(pady)] 0 0 } { ! objectbox_draw $self $canvas \ ! [expr ($font(width) * ($name_len+1) + $font(padx))] \ ! [expr $font(height) + $font(pady)] 1 3 } --- 1302,1311 ---- global look font set name_len [string length $text] ! set sx [expr ($font(width) * ($name_len+1) + $font(padx))] ! set sy [expr $font(height) + $font(pady)] if {[expr $@isnew == 1]} { ! brokenbox_draw $self $canvas $sx $sy 0 0 } { ! objectbox_draw $self $canvas $sx $sy 1 3 } *************** *** 1325,1337 **** #puts "name_len: $name_len" #puts "$self:state -> $@state" ! if {[expr $_($self:isnew) == 1]} { ! brokenbox_draw $self $canvas \ ! [expr ($font(width) * ($name_len+1) + $font(padx))] \ ! [expr $font(height) + $font(pady)] 0 0 } { ! objectbox_draw $self $canvas \ ! [expr ($font(width) * ($name_len+1) + $font(padx))] \ ! [expr $font(height) + $font(pady)] 1 3 } } --- 1348,1358 ---- #puts "name_len: $name_len" #puts "$self:state -> $@state" ! ! set sx [expr ($font(width) * ($name_len+1) + $font(padx))] ! set sy [expr $font(height) + $font(pady)] if {[expr $_($self:isnew) == 1]} { ! brokenbox_draw $self $canvas $sx $sy 0 0 } { ! objectbox_draw $self $canvas $sx $sy 1 3 } } *************** *** 3345,3354 **** }
! proc tcl_eval {self l} {post %s "tcl: $l\nreturns: [eval $l]"} ! proc pd_eval {self l} {post %s "pd: $l\n"; pd "$l;\n"}
after 0 { listener_new .tcl "Tcl" {tcl_eval} listener_new .pd "Pd" {pd_eval} }
--- 3366,3377 ---- }
! proc tcl_eval {self l} {post %s "tcl: $l"; post %s "returns: [eval $l]"} ! proc pd_eval {self l} {post %s "pd: $l"; pd "$l;\n"} ! proc gdb_eval {self l} {post %s "gdb: $l"; global gdb; puts $gdb "$l"}
after 0 { listener_new .tcl "Tcl" {tcl_eval} listener_new .pd "Pd" {pd_eval} + if {$cmdline(gdb)} {listener_new .gdb "Gdb" {gdb_eval}} }