filmMPEG3.cpp:53: error: 'mpeg_file' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:53: error: 'mpeg3_close' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:54: error: 'mpeg_file' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:63: error: 'mpeg3_check_sig' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:64: error: 'mpeg_file' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:64: error: 'mpeg3_open' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:65: error: 'mpeg3_has_video' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:69: error: 'mpeg3_total_vstreams' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:72: error: 'mpeg3_video_frames' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:73: error: 'mpeg3_frame_rate' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:75: error: 'mpeg3_video_width' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:76: error: 'mpeg3_video_height' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:118: error: 'mpeg_file' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:122: error: 'MPEG3_RGBA8888' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:123: error: 'mpeg3_read_frame' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:139: error: 'mpeg_file' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:139: error: 'mpeg3_read_yuvframe_ptr' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:157: error: 'mpeg_file' was not declared in this scope filmMPEG3.cpp:157: error: 'mpeg3_set_frame' was not declared in this scope rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1216) [receiver=3.0.4]
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