Revision: 9476 Author: eighthave Date: 2008-02-21 22:26:46 -0800 (Thu, 21 Feb 2008)
Log Message: ----------- importing tk8.4.18.tar.gz
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vendor/tk/current/tests/butGeom2.tcl vendor/tk/current/tests/button.test vendor/tk/current/tests/canvImg.test vendor/tk/current/tests/canvPs.test vendor/tk/current/tests/canvPsArc.tcl vendor/tk/current/tests/canvPsBmap.tcl vendor/tk/current/tests/canvPsGrph.tcl vendor/tk/current/tests/canvPsImg.tcl vendor/tk/current/tests/canvPsText.tcl vendor/tk/current/tests/canvRect.test vendor/tk/current/tests/canvText.test vendor/tk/current/tests/canvWind.test vendor/tk/current/tests/canvas.test vendor/tk/current/tests/choosedir.test vendor/tk/current/tests/clipboard.test vendor/tk/current/tests/clrpick.test vendor/tk/current/tests/cmap.tcl vendor/tk/current/tests/cmds.test vendor/tk/current/tests/color.test vendor/tk/current/tests/config.test vendor/tk/current/tests/constraints.tcl vendor/tk/current/tests/cursor.test vendor/tk/current/tests/dialog.test vendor/tk/current/tests/embed.test vendor/tk/current/tests/entry.test vendor/tk/current/tests/event.test vendor/tk/current/tests/filebox.test vendor/tk/current/tests/focus.test vendor/tk/current/tests/focusTcl.test vendor/tk/current/tests/font.test vendor/tk/current/tests/frame.test vendor/tk/current/tests/geometry.test vendor/tk/current/tests/get.test vendor/tk/current/tests/grab.test vendor/tk/current/tests/grid.test vendor/tk/current/tests/id.test vendor/tk/current/tests/image.test vendor/tk/current/tests/imgBmap.test vendor/tk/current/tests/imgPPM.test vendor/tk/current/tests/imgPhoto.test vendor/tk/current/tests/license.terms vendor/tk/current/tests/listbox.test vendor/tk/current/tests/macEmbed.test vendor/tk/current/tests/macFont.test vendor/tk/current/tests/macMenu.test vendor/tk/current/tests/macWinMenu.test vendor/tk/current/tests/macscrollbar.test vendor/tk/current/tests/main.test vendor/tk/current/tests/menu.test vendor/tk/current/tests/menuDraw.test vendor/tk/current/tests/menubut.test vendor/tk/current/tests/message.test vendor/tk/current/tests/msgbox.test vendor/tk/current/tests/obj.test vendor/tk/current/tests/oldpack.test vendor/tk/current/tests/option.file1 vendor/tk/current/tests/option.file2 vendor/tk/current/tests/option.test vendor/tk/current/tests/pack.test vendor/tk/current/tests/panedwindow.test vendor/tk/current/tests/place.test vendor/tk/current/tests/raise.test vendor/tk/current/tests/safe.test vendor/tk/current/tests/scale.test vendor/tk/current/tests/scrollbar.test vendor/tk/current/tests/select.test vendor/tk/current/tests/send.test vendor/tk/current/tests/spinbox.test vendor/tk/current/tests/text.test vendor/tk/current/tests/textBTree.test vendor/tk/current/tests/textDisp.test vendor/tk/current/tests/textImage.test vendor/tk/current/tests/textIndex.test vendor/tk/current/tests/textMark.test vendor/tk/current/tests/textTag.test vendor/tk/current/tests/textWind.test vendor/tk/current/tests/tk.test vendor/tk/current/tests/unixButton.test vendor/tk/current/tests/unixEmbed.test vendor/tk/current/tests/unixFont.test vendor/tk/current/tests/unixMenu.test vendor/tk/current/tests/unixSelect.test vendor/tk/current/tests/unixWm.test vendor/tk/current/tests/util.test vendor/tk/current/tests/visual.test vendor/tk/current/tests/visual_bb.test vendor/tk/current/tests/winButton.test vendor/tk/current/tests/winClipboard.test vendor/tk/current/tests/winDialog.test vendor/tk/current/tests/winFont.test vendor/tk/current/tests/winMenu.test vendor/tk/current/tests/winSend.test vendor/tk/current/tests/winWm.test vendor/tk/current/tests/window.test vendor/tk/current/tests/winfo.test vendor/tk/current/tests/wm.test vendor/tk/current/tests/xmfbox.test vendor/tk/current/unix/ vendor/tk/current/unix/ vendor/tk/current/unix/README vendor/tk/current/unix/aclocal.m4 vendor/tk/current/unix/configure vendor/tk/current/unix/ vendor/tk/current/unix/install-sh vendor/tk/current/unix/installManPage vendor/tk/current/unix/license.terms vendor/tk/current/unix/tcl.m4 vendor/tk/current/unix/tk.spec vendor/tk/current/unix/tkAppInit.c vendor/tk/current/unix/ vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnix.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnix3d.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixButton.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixColor.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixConfig.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixCursor.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixDefault.h vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixDialog.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixDraw.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixEmbed.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixEvent.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixFocus.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixFont.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixInit.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixInt.h vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixKey.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixMenu.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixMenubu.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixPort.h vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixScale.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixScrlbr.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixSelect.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixSend.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixWm.c vendor/tk/current/unix/tkUnixXId.c vendor/tk/current/win/ vendor/tk/current/win/ vendor/tk/current/win/README vendor/tk/current/win/aclocal.m4 vendor/tk/current/win/ vendor/tk/current/win/configure vendor/tk/current/win/ vendor/tk/current/win/lamp.bmp vendor/tk/current/win/license.terms vendor/tk/current/win/makefile.bc vendor/tk/current/win/ vendor/tk/current/win/mkd.bat vendor/tk/current/win/nmakehlp.c vendor/tk/current/win/rc/ vendor/tk/current/win/rc/buttons.bmp vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor00.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor02.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor04.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor06.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor08.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor0a.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor0c.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor0e.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor10.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor12.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor14.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor16.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor18.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor1a.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor1c.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor1e.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor20.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor22.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor24.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor26.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor28.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor2a.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor2c.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor2e.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor30.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor32.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor34.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor36.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor38.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor3a.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor3c.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor3e.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor40.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor42.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor44.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor46.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor48.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor4a.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor4c.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor4e.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor50.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor52.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor54.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor56.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor58.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor5a.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor5c.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor5e.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor60.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor62.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor64.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor66.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor68.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor6a.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor6c.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor6e.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor70.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor72.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor74.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor76.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor78.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor7a.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor7c.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor7e.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor80.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor82.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor84.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor86.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor88.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor8a.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor8c.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor8e.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor90.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor92.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor94.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor96.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/cursor98.cur vendor/tk/current/win/rc/tk.ico vendor/tk/current/win/rc/tk.rc vendor/tk/current/win/rc/tk_base.rc vendor/tk/current/win/rc/wish.ico vendor/tk/current/win/rc/wish.rc vendor/tk/current/win/rmd.bat vendor/tk/current/win/ vendor/tk/current/win/stubs.c vendor/tk/current/win/tcl.m4 vendor/tk/current/win/ vendor/tk/current/win/tkWin.h vendor/tk/current/win/tkWin32Dll.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWin3d.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinButton.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinClipboard.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinColor.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinConfig.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinCursor.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinDefault.h vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinDialog.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinDraw.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinEmbed.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinFont.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinImage.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinInit.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinInt.h vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinKey.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinMenu.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinPixmap.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinPointer.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinPort.h vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinRegion.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinScrlbr.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinSend.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinTest.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinWindow.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinWm.c vendor/tk/current/win/tkWinX.c vendor/tk/current/win/winMain.c vendor/tk/current/win/ vendor/tk/current/xlib/ vendor/tk/current/xlib/X11/ vendor/tk/current/xlib/X11/X.h vendor/tk/current/xlib/X11/Xatom.h vendor/tk/current/xlib/X11/Xfuncproto.h vendor/tk/current/xlib/X11/Xlib.h vendor/tk/current/xlib/X11/Xutil.h vendor/tk/current/xlib/X11/cursorfont.h vendor/tk/current/xlib/X11/keysym.h vendor/tk/current/xlib/X11/keysymdef.h vendor/tk/current/xlib/X11/license.terms vendor/tk/current/xlib/license.terms vendor/tk/current/xlib/xbytes.h vendor/tk/current/xlib/xcolors.c vendor/tk/current/xlib/xdraw.c vendor/tk/current/xlib/xgc.c vendor/tk/current/xlib/ximage.c vendor/tk/current/xlib/xutil.c
Added: vendor/tk/current/ChangeLog =================================================================== --- vendor/tk/current/ChangeLog (rev 0) +++ vendor/tk/current/ChangeLog 2008-02-22 06:26:46 UTC (rev 9476) @@ -0,0 +1,12837 @@ +2008-02-06 Don Porter + + *** 8.4.18 TAGGED FOR RELEASE *** + + * README: Bump version number to 8.4.18 + * generic/tk.h: + * unix/ + * unix/tk.spec: + * win/ + + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + * win/configure: + + * changes: updates for 8.4.18 release. + +2008-02-02 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/ add CFBundleLocalizations key, listing + * unix/ (Darwin): all library/msgs locales. + + * unix/ (Darwin): correct Info.plist year substitution in + non-framework builds. + + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2008-02-01 Reinhard Max + + * generic/tkImgGIF.c: Fixed a buffer overflow (CVE-2008-0553). + * tests/imgPhoto.test: Added a test for the above. + +2007-12-31 Don Porter + + *** 8.4.17 TAGGED FOR RELEASE *** + + * changes: updates for 8.4.17 release. + * unix/ Add "hu" to LOCALES. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2007-12-18 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (ApplyMasterOverrideChanges): Revert 2007-10-26 + change to window class of transient toplevels that are not also + overrideredirect. [Bug 1845899] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (ApplyMasterOverrideChanges): Implement more + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (BringWindowForward): X11-like transient + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c (XDestroyWindow): behaviour by adding + transient windows to a window group owned by the master window, this + ensures transients always remain in front of and are collapsed with the + master; bring master to front when selecting transient windows; restore + default window group of transients if master destroyed. [Bug 1845899] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXPrivate.h: fix Panther build. + +2007-12-13 Jeff Hobbs + + * generic/tkMenubutton.c (ConfigureMenuButton): trace the + -textvariable even if an image exists as it may use -compound. + +2007-12-12 Jeff Hobbs + + * generic/tkText.c (DeleteChars, TextEditCmd, updateDirtyFlag): + * tests/text.test (text-25.10.1,25.11.[12]): + Don't require [update idle] to trigger Modified event [Bug 1809538] + Modified virtual event should only fire on state change [Bug 1799782] + Make sure we delete chars before triggering <<Modified>> [Bug 1737288] + +2007-12-05 Jeff Hobbs + + * win/tkWinInt.h: remove CS_CLASSDC (not recommended for any apps now) + * win/tkWinX.c: and simplify WNDCLASS to one style. + * win/tkWinWm.c: Reduce wrapper update for exStyle to toolwindow + change only and set WS_EX_LAYERED as sticky (once set on a window, + do not remove it) to reduce alpha transition flicker. + + * win/tkWinDraw.c: Applied [Patch 1723362] for transparent bitmaps. + +2007-11-26 Kevin Kenny + + Backport from HEAD of [Bug #1822391]: + + * generic/tkImgPPM.c (StringReadPPM): Corrected a comparison + whose sense was reversed that resulted in reading beyond the + end of the input buffer on malformed PPM data. [Bug #1822391] + * tests/imgPPM.test (imgPPM-4.1): Added test case that + exercises [Bug #1822391]. + +2007-11-09 Daniel Steffen + + Backport from HEAD of Aqua changes from 2007-10-12 to 2007-11-09: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c + (InstallStandardApplicationEventHandler): on Mac OS X Leopard, replace + the 2005-11-27 approach of installing the standard application handler + by calling RAEL and immediately longjmping out of it from an event + handler, as that now leads to crashes in -[NSView unlockFocus] whenever + HIToolbox uses Cocoa in Leopard (Help menu, Nav Services, Color + Picker). Instead call InstallStandardEventHandler() on the application + and menubar event targets, as Leopard ISEH finally handles these + correctly. Unfortunately need a HIToolbox-internal SPI to retrieve the + menubar event target, no public API appears have that functionality. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: make TkMacOSXInitNamedDebugSymbol() + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.h: available outside of debug builds as + the new Leopard ISAEH needs it. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c: replace HiliteControl() by modern API + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: for activation and enabling; + distinguish inactive and disabled + look&feel; correct activation handling + to match that of container toplevel. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: correct size computation of bevelbutton + variant to match that of buttons; + fix crash with bitmap due to NULL GC; + delay picParams setup until needed; + formatting cleanup. [Bug 1824521] + + * library/menu.tcl: correct handling of menubutton "active" + state on Aqua to match that of buttons. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDefault.h: correct button & menubutton active + foreground and background colors and + menubutton border width. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: handle kEventWindowExpanding carbon + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c: event instead of kEventWindowExpanded + to ensure activate event arrives after + window is remapped, also need to + process all Tk events generated by + remapping in the event handler to + ensure children are remapped before + activate event is processed. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: add pixmap size field to MacDrawable + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: struct; add flag for B&W pixmaps. + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEmbed.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXPrivate.h: correct Leopard HIToolboxVersionNumber. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: add "Run Widget Demo" menu item to the + default Edit menu along with associated carbon event handler enabling + the item only if demo files are installed; cleanup handling of "About" + and "Source" menu items. + + * library/bgerror.tcl: fix background of detail text on Aqua. + + * library/console.tcl: sync aqua font size with HEAD. + + * library/demos/widget: Aqua GOOBE. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessCommandEvent): fix boolean arg + + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c (GetThemeColor): improve translation of RGB + pixel values into RGBColor. + + * library/demos/widget: increase height of main window text + widget to use more of the available + vertical space. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: replace all (internal) use of QD region + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: API by HIShape API, with conversion to + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: QD regions only when required by legacy + * macosx/tkMacOSXPrivate.h: Carbon or Tk API. + * macosx/tkMacOSXRegion.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.h: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: replace MacDrawable's QD RgnHandles + * macosx/tkMacOSXEmbed.c: clipRgn, aboveClipRgn & drawRgn by + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: HIShapeRefs visRgn & aboveVisRgn and + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: CGRect drawRect. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: remove use of QD port vis rgn in window + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: update rgn calculation, manually excise + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: growbox from toplevel clip rgn instead. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: replace use of QD port clip rgn by new + * macosx/tkMacOSXPrivate.h: clipRgn fld in TkMacOSXDrawingContext; + handle QD/CG drawing mismatches in + XCopyArea, XCopyPlane and TkPutImage; + cleanup/speedup CGContext setup in + TkMacOSXSetupDrawingContext(). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: change TkMacOSXSetupDrawingContext() to + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: return boolean indicating whether + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: drawing is allowed (and was setup) or + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: not (e.g. when clipRgn is empty). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: signal that drawable is a pixmap via + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: new explicit TK_IS_PIXMAP flag instead + of a NULL cligRgn field. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXRegion.c: add wrappers for missing/buggy HIShape + * macosx/tkMacOSXPrivate.h: API, and private helpers to operate on + HIShapeRefs & convert to/from TkRegion. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXRegion.c: add Tkp{Retain,Release}Region() API for + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: TkRegion. + + * xlib/xgc.c: factor out alloc/free of GC clip_mask; + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: manage clip rgn lifetime with new + Tkp{Retain,Release}Region(). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c: delay picParams setup until needed. + +2007-10-30 Jeff Hobbs + + * library/entry.tcl: don't error with Clear event. [Bug 1509288] + +2007-10-26 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (ApplyMasterOverrideChanges): fix window class of + transient toplevels that are not also overrideredirect. [Bug 1816252] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: sync with HEAD. + + * unix/ (Darwin): add support for 64-bit X11. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2007-10-25 Don Porter + + * generic/tkPlace.c: Prevent segfault in place geometry manager. + Thanks to Colin McDonald. [Bug 1818491] + +2007-10-11 Donal K. Fellows + + * library/msgs/hu.msg: Added message catalog for Hungarian. + [Patch 1800742] (rezso) + +2007-10-11 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (TkMacOSXGrowToplevel): manually constrain resize + limitBounds to maxBounds, works around SectRect() mis-feature (return + zero rect if input rect has zero height/width). [Bug 1810818] + +2007-10-02 Don Porter + + * README: Bump version number to 8.4.17 + * generic/tk.h: + * unix/ Removed "es_ES" entry in LOCALES + * unix/tk.spec: + * win/ + + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + * win/configure: + +2007-09-18 Daniel Steffen + + *** 8.4.16 TAGGED FOR RELEASE *** + + * changes: updates for 8.4.16 release. + +2007-09-15 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/tcl.m4 (SunOS-5.1x): replace direct use of '/usr/ccs/bin/ld' + in SHLIB_LD by 'cc' compiler driver. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2007-09-11 Reinhard Max + + * generic/tkImgGIF.c: Fixed a buffer overrun that got triggered by + multi-frame interlaced GIFs that contain subsequent frames that + are smaller than the first one. + + * tests/imgPhoto.test: Added a test for the above. + +2007-09-11 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/ backport of TK_INCLUDE_SPEC addition. + * unix/ [Bug 777203] + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2007-09-11 Pat Thoyts + + * win/ Fix for AMD64 symbols target builds. + * win/ + +2007-09-05 Pat Thoyts + + * win/rc/tk_base.rc: Backported the BASE_NO_TK_ICON patch to assist in + creating tclkits and/or basekits with corrent resources. + +2007-09-04 Pat Thoyts + + * tests/wm.test: -transparentcolor added to windows wm attributes tests + +2007-08-27 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c (Tk_ChooseColorObjCmd): correct setting of + interp result [Bug 1782105]; fix -initialcolor overwriting last color + selection; style cleanup. + +2007-08-07 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/ add support for compile flags specific to + object files linked directly into executables. + + * unix/ (Darwin): only use -seg1addr flag when prebinding; + use -mdynamic-no-pic flag for object files linked directly into exes. + + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2007-07-25 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c (NavServicesGetFile): reset interp result on + nav dialog cancel. [Bug 1743786] + +2007-07-09 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c (Tk_MacOSXIsAppInFront): use process mgr + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: to determine if + app is in front instead of relying on activate/deactivate events (which + may arrive after this info is needed, e.g. during window drag/click + activation); replace other process mgr use to get this info with calls + to Tk_MacOSXIsAppInFront(). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessMouseEvent): correct + window click activation, titlebar click handling and background window + dragging/growing in the presence of grabs or window-/app-modal windows; + fix window click activation bringing all other app windows to front. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c (TkPutImage): handle non-native XImage byte and + bit orders; reverse bits via xBitReverseTable instead of InvertByte(). + +2007-07-04 Jeff Hobbs + + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c (DestroyImage): Fixed crash in release + of image data for images coming from XGetImage, introduced + 2007-06-23. (das) + +2007-07-02 Daniel Steffen + + * xlib/xgc.c (XCreateGC): correct black and white pixel values used to + initialize GC foregrund and background fields. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c: add debug messages for unknown pixel values. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c (TkMacOSXRestoreDrawingContext): don't restore + port state if it wasn't altered by TkMacOSXSetupDrawingContext(). + +2007-06-29 Daniel Steffen + + * xlib/ximage.c: bitmaps created from the static .bmp + arrays always have LSBFirst bit order. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: correct int <-> dobule conversion issues + that could lead to Carbon getting confused about scrollbar thumb size. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c (XCopyArea, XCopyPlane, TkPutImage) use + TkMacOSX{Setup,Restore}DrawingContext() to setup/restore clip & colors. + (TkMacOSXSetupDrawingContext, TkMacOSXRestoreDrawingContext): add save + and restore of QD port clip region; factor out clip region code common + to CG and QD branches; check for port and context validity; handle + tkPictureIsOpen flag during QD port setup. + (TkScrollWindow): remove unnecessary scroll region manipulation + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: remove second global QD temp region + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: (no longer necessary) and rename + * macosx/tkMacOSXRegion.c: remaining global QD temp region. + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: make useCGDrawing variable MODULE_SCOPE + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: and sync formatting with HEAD. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c: reduce reliance on current QD port + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c: setting and remove unnecessary + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: references to a drawable's QD port, + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.h: notably replace GetWindowFromPort( + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: TkMacOSXGetDrawablePort()) idiom by new + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: TkMacOSXDrawableWindow() and change + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: TkMacOSXSetColorInPort() to take a port + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: argument. + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: factor out macros, declarations + * macosx/tkMacOSXPrivate.h (new): and prototypes that are purely + internal and private to the 'macosx' sources into a new internal header + file that does _not_ get installed into Tk.framework/PrivateHeaders. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c: #include new tkMacOSXPrivate.h + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c: instead of tkMacOSXInt.h. + * macosx/tkMacOSXClipboard.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXCursor.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXHLEvents.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXNotify.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXRegion.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: + +2007-06-23 Daniel Steffen + + * generic/tkImgPhoto.c (ImgPhotoConfigureInstance, DisposeInstance): + use XDestroyImage instead of XFree to destroy XImage; replace runtime + endianness determination by compile-time check for WORDS_BIGENDIAN. + + * xlib/ximage.c (XCreateBitmapFromData): use XCreateImage and + XDestroyImage instead of creating XImage structure manually. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c (XCreateImage, DestroyImage): correct XImage + bytes_per_line/bitmap_pad calculations and endianness setting; free + image data and XImage structure at destruction; formatting cleanup. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c (NavServicesGetFile): disable app-modal + sheet variant of nav dialog on OS versions where it causes problems. + +2007-06-09 Jeff Hobbs + + * win/tkWinWm.c (WmIconphotoCmd): fix wm iconphoto RGBA issues. + [Bug 1467997] (janssen) + + * win/tkWinMenu.c (TkWinHandleMenuEvent): improve handling to + allow for unicode char menu indices and not use CharUpper on Tcl + utf strings. [Bug 1734223] + +2007-06-09 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c: fix issues with TK_{IF,ELSE,ENDIF} macros; + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: implement Jaguar equivalent of unavailable + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: kHIToolboxVersion global; panic at startup + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED constraint + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: is not satisfied. + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c (XCopyArea, XCopyPlane, TkPutImage) + (TkMacOSXSetupDrawingContext): factor out common code and standardize + setup/restore of port, context and clipping; formatting cleanup. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: add error checking. + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: fix gcc3 warning. + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: fix testsuite crash. + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: formatting cleanup. + * macosx/tkMacOSXRegion.c: fix typos. + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: + +2007-06-06 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: use native debug message API when available. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (GenerateMouseWheelEvent): enable + processing of mousewheel events in background windows. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: modernize checks for active/front window. + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c: factor out verbose #ifdef checks of + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: MAC_OS_X_VERSION_{MAX_ALLOWED,MIN_REQUIRED} + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: and runtime checks of kHIToolboxVersion into + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: new TK_{IF,ELSE,ENDIF}_MAC_OS_X macros. + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: factor out clip clearing in QD ports; + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: formatting cleanup. + + * unix/ (Darwin): link the Tk and Wish plists into their + binaries in all cases; fix 64bit arch removal in fat 32&64bit builds. + + * unix/tcl.m4 (Darwin): fix CF checks in fat 32&64bit builds. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2007-06-05 Donal K. Fellows + + * doc/photo.n: Clarified the fact that base64 support for the -data + option is not universal. [Bug 1731348] (matzek) + +2007-06-04 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: add error checking; whitespace cleanup. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: sync comment formatting with HEAD. + * macosx/tkMacOSXEmbed.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyboard.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSend.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: + +2007-06-02 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c (TkpPostMenu): ensure cascade menus display in + posted menus that are not part of the menubar or attached to a + menubutton (fixes bug reported on tcl-mac by Linus Nyberg). + +2007-05-31 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c (GenerateUpdateEvent): complete all + pending idle-time redraws before newly posted Expose events are + processed; add bounds of redrawn windows to update region to ensure all + child windows overdrawn by parents are redrawn. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: centralize clip and window invalidation + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: after location/size changes in the + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: BoundsChanged carbon event handler; + correct/add window invalidation after window attribute changes. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c (XResizeWindow, XMoveResizeWindow, + XMoveWindow): factor out common code dealing with embedded and + non-toplevel windows; remove unnecessary clip and window invalidation. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c (TkpDisplayButton): move clip setup closer to + native button drawing calls. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (TkMacOSXIsWindowZoomed, TkMacOSXZoomToplevel): + correct handling of gridded windows in max size calculations. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c (TkMacOSXFlushWindows): use HIWindowFlush API + when available. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c: cleanup whitespace and formatting. + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + + * generic/tkFont.c: #ifdef out debug msg printing to stderr. + +2007-05-30 Don Porter + + * generic/tk.h: Correct placement of #include <tcl.h> [Bug 1723812]. + + * README: Bump version number to 8.4.16 + * generic/tk.h: + * unix/ + * unix/tk.spec: + * win/ + + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + * win/configure: + +2007-05-30 Daniel Steffen + + * library/bgerror.tcl: standardize dialog option & button size + * library/dialog.tcl: modifications done when running on on Aqua. + * library/msgbox.tcl: + + * library/demos/button.tcl: set button highlightbackground on Aqua. + + * generic/tkFileFilter.c (AddClause): fix warning. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c (DrawMenuSeparator): use DrawingContext API. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c (ClearPort): clip to updateRgn. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: factor out debug region flashing. + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: cleanup whitespace and formatting. + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXRegion.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: + * xlib/xgc.c: + +2007-05-25 Don Porter + + *** 8.4.15 TAGGED FOR RELEASE *** + + * unix/README: Updates and typo corrections. [Bug 1724841] + +2007-05-16 Don Porter + + * tests/bind.test: Make test suite more SCIM-tolerant [Bug 1609316] + +2007-05-15 Don Porter + + * changes: updates for 8.4.15 release. + + * generic/tkGrid.c: Stop crash due to list intrep shimmer [Bug 1677608] + +2007-05-09 Daniel Steffen + + * generic/tkFileFilter.c (AddClause): OSType endianness fixes. + + * library/palette.tcl (tk::RecolorTree): handle color options with + empty value, fixes error due to emtpy -selectforeground (reported on + tcl-mac by Russel E. Owen). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: ensure window is brought to the front + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: at the start of a window drag (except + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: when cmd key is down); formatting and + whitespace fixes. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c (Tk_GetSaveFileObjCmd): add -filetypes option + processing. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEmbed.c (TkpMakeWindow, TkpUseWindow): fix sending of + Visibility event for embedded windows (fixes frame-3.9 hang). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c (ScrollbarBindProc): fix testsuite + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c (TkMacOSXUpdateClipRgn): crashes by + adding sanity checks. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c: fix debug msg typo. + +2007-04-29 Daniel Steffen + + * generic/tkCanvas.c: allow -selectforeground option to be None; add + * generic/tkCanvText.c: fallback to fgColor when selFgColor is None + * generic/tkEntry.c: (new default on aqua to match native L&F). + * generic/tkListbox.c: + * generic/tkText.c: + + * generic/tkCanvas.c: add support for bypassing all of Tk's double + * generic/tkEntry.c: buffered drawing into intermediate pixmaps + * generic/tkFrame.c: (via TK_NO_DOUBLE_BUFFERING #define), it is + * generic/tkListbox.c: unnecessary & wasteful on aqua where all + * generic/tkPanedWindow.c: drawing is already double-buffered by the + * generic/tkTextDisp.c: window server. (Use of this on other + * macosx/tkMacOSXPort.h: platforms would only require implementation + * unix/tkUnixScale.c: of TkpClipDrawableToRect()). + + * library/bgerror.tcl: on aqua, use moveable alert resp. modal dialog + * library/dialog.tcl: window class and corresponding system + background pattern; fix button padding. + + * library/tearoff.tcl: correct aqua menu bar height; vertically offset + * library/tk.tcl: aqua tearoff floating window to match menu. + + * library/demos/menu.tcl: on aqua, use custom MDEF and tearoffs; + * library/demos/menubu.tcl: correct menubutton toplevel name. + + * library/demos/puzzle.tcl: fix button size & padding for aqua. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c: add window event target carbon event + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: handler for all kEventClassWindow and + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.h: kEventClassMouse events; move all + * macosx/tkMacOSXNotify.c: remaining events except for + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: kEventClassKeyboard from dispatcher to + application event handler; pass event handler callRef downstream; fix + debug event tracing; process all tcl event types in carbon event timer; + delay carbon event timer first fire; add TkMacOSXTrackingLoop() to mark + enter/exit of event tracking loop during which all tcl events but only + carbon update events should be processed by the timer (replaces various + calls to Tcl_SetServiceMode()); rename TkMacOSXReceiveAndProcessEvent() + to TkMacOSXReceiveAndDispatchEvent(), move it from tkMacOSXEvent.c to + tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c and modify it to dequeue only update events + during a tracking loop; add TkMacOSXRunTclEventLoop() to standardize + the various ways in use to run the tcl event loop; add handling of + kEventClassAppearance events (for ScrollBarVariantChanged event). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: use new TkMacOSXTrackingLoop() around + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: blocking API that puts up modal dialogs + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: or when entering/exiting menu/control + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: tracking, window dragging and other + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: mouse tracking loops. + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: use new TkMacOSXRunTclEventLoop() + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: instead of Tcl_DoOneEvent(), + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: Tcl_ServiceAll(), TclServiceIdle() + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: and Tcl_GlobalEval("update idletasks"). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c: make available as Tk system colors all + * macosx/tkMacOSXPort.h: appearance manager brushes, text colors and + backgrounds with new and legacy names, as well as the fully transparent + color "systemTransparent"; add TkMacOSXSetColorIn{Port,Context}() to + directly set an X pixel color value in the current QD port resp. the + given CG context without requiring passage through rgb representation + (lossy for most system colors); modernize/remove Classic-era code; + replace crufty strcmp() elseifs by Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c: use new TkMacOSXSetColorInPort() + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: instead of setting rgb color directly + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: to allow for non-rgb system colors. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCursor.c: implement "none" cursor as on other + platforms [Patch 1615427]; add all missing appearance manager cursors. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDefault.h: set SELECT_FG_COLORs to None to match aqua + L&F; use standard system color names; use new 'menu' system font; + correct default scrollbar width. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: standardize initialization, use and + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: emptying of various static temp rgns + * macosx/tkMacOSXRegion.c: onto two global RgnHandles; in debug + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: builds, verify emptiness of these temp + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: rgns before use. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: add TkMacOSX{Setup,Restore}DrawingContext() to + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: abstract common setup & teardown of drawing + environment (for both CG and QD); save/restore QD theme drawing state; + handle GC clip region; add TkpClipDrawableToRect() to allow clipped + drawing into drawable regardless of GC used; use new system color + "systemWindowHeaderBackground" to setup background in themed toplevels; + correct implementation of TkMacOSXMakeStippleMap(). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: use new TkMacOSXSetupDrawingContext() and + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: TkMacOSXRestoreDrawingContext() instead of + various setup/teardown procs like TkMacOSX{SetUp,Release}CGContext(), + TkMacOSXQuarz{Start,End}Draw(), TkMacOSXSetUpGraphicsPort() etc. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEmbed.c: add CG context and drawable clip rgn fields + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: to MacDrawable struct. + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: make -parent option of tk_getOpenFile et al. + use the sheet version of NavServices dialogs; ensure native parent win + exists before using StandardSheet API for tk_messageBox [Bug 1677611]; + force sheets to behave like app-modal dialogs via WindowModality() API; + use more modern ColorPicker API. + + * macosx/tkAboutDlg.r: use themed movable modal dialog, fix (c) year. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: take xOff/yOff of MacDrawable into account + when computing locations/bounds to ensure correct posititioning when + not drawing into intermediate pixmap. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: use appearance manager API to map system font + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.h: names to TkFonts; add "menu" system font for + menu item text drawing from MDEF; disable broken QD stippling. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: large-scale rewrite of custom + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.r (removed): MDEF and related code that + * unix/ restores many longtime-MIA + features to working order (e.g. images, custom colors & fonts in menus + etc); implement compound menu items; use Appearance Mgr and ThemeText + APIs to mimic native MDEF as closely as possible when default "menu" + system font is used; remove now obsolete SICN drawing code and + resources. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c: handle additional menu carbon events + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: in order to support <<MenuSelect>> in + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: the menubar and in menus that are not + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: using the custom MDEF [Bug 1620826]; + fix early and missing clearing of current Tk active menu entry; fix + extraneous sending of <<MenuSelect>> during active menu entry clearing. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: add support for async window dragging by + the window server; set the corresponding window attribute by default. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: rationalized handling order of + non-mousedown events; add TkMacOSXModifierState() to retrieve the + current key modifiers in carbon format. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: use appearance manager API to retrieve + scrollbar component metrics; add awareness of multiple possibilites for + scrollbar arrow position in aqua and handle user changes to arrow + position pref; handle difference in metrics of small & large scrollbar + variants; handle aqua "jump to here" scrollbar behaviour; correct + computation of scroll view size and position; enforce min scrollbar + height to avoid scrollbar component overlap; erase scrollbar area + outside of standard width; remove broken auto-adjust code; account for + window class when leaving space for grow box; remove code to manually + draw grow box; use modern API for thumb scroll proc; replace + HiliteControl() by modern API; replace control mgr constants with + appearance mgr equivalents. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: use SetWindowBounds() API instead of + SizeWindow(); invalidate clip regions after X{Map,Unmap}Window as fix + for [Bug 940117] made them dependent on mapping state; remove unneeded + calls to TkMacOSXInvalClipRgns() and unnecessary setting of QD port; + use native-endian pixmap on intel; remove obsolete pixmap pix locking. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: handle only the first of a batch of + kEventAppAvailableWindowBoundsChanged events sent per transaction; + handle kEventWindowBoundsChanged event to support live window resizing + and centralized sending of location/size changed ConfigureNotify + events; ensure HIGrowBox is redrawn after bounds change; constrain + window after dragging to ensure titlebar is not inacessible + offscreen or under dock/menubar; handle kEventWindowGetRegion and + kEventWindowDrawContent for transparent windows to mark resp. paint + content region as transparent; handle kEventWindowConstrain for + fullscreen windows to ensure bounds match new screen size; enter/exit + fullscreen UIMode upon activation/deactivation of fullscreen window. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: use live-resize and async-drag carbon window + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.h: attributes for toplevels by default; implement + new [wm attributes] -topmost, -transparent and -fullscreen; refactor + WmAttributesCmd() parallelling the tkUnixWm.c implementation, use thus + factored proc to set proxy icon from [wm iconbitmap]; dynamically + determine default values for toplevel min and max sizes (similar to + tkWinWm.c impl): min sizes depend on window class & attributes to + ensure visibility of all titlebar widgets and grow box, max sizes + depend on maximal window bounds for all active displays; factor out + code that puts into effect changes to master or override_redirect; use + RepositionWindow() API to determine staggered initial window bounds; + correct resize limit calculations, handle gridding and use modern + resize API in TkMacOSXGrowToplevel(); remove sending of ConfigureNotify + after resize or zoom (now handled by BoundsChanged handler); correct + composite carbon window attribute handling, remove currently unusable + attributes and add new attributes in [tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle]; + ensure validity of window class and attributes before use; apply + changes to window class when handling carbon window attribute changes + (if HIWindowChangeClass() API available); add debug build warning + message when deprecated window style is used instead of window class; + use transparent HIGrowBox for resizable windows; avoid unnecessary + calls to window structure width API; use tcl time API in TkpGetMS(); + add TkMacOSXEnterExitFullscreen() to enter/exit UIMode with dock and + menubar hidden; restrict wmTracing output to debug builds; remove + unneeded calls to TkMacOSXInvalClipRgns() and unnecessary setting of QD + port; workaround GetWindowStructureWidths() Carbon bug (bogus results + for never-mapped floating windows). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c (TkMacOSXDisplayChanged): add maximal window + bounds field to Screen record (in ext_data), computed as the union of + available window positioning bounds of all graphics devices (displays). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXBitmap.c: fix macRoman encoding leak. + * macosx/tkMacOSXCursor.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c (TkMacOSXCarbonEventToAscii): use static + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.h: buffer to simplify callers; const fixes. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXBitmap.c: use more efficient QDSwapPort() instead of + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c: GetPort()/SetPort()/GetGWorld()/SetGWorld(). + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c: use kHIToolboxVersionNumber for runtime OS + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: version check rather than Gestalt() etc. + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: remove obsolete and now incorrect + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: tkMenuCascadeRgn clipping code. + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXHLEvents.c: replace Tcl_GlobalEval() resp. Tcl_Eval() + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: by Tcl_EvalEx(). + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c (TkpInit): reorder initialization steps. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: remove pre-10.2 support. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: remove now useless call to + TkMacOSXHandleTearoffMenu(); use \x.. quoting for non-latin1 macroman + literar chars to allow file to be edited as utf-8. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: replace TrackControl() by modern + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: HandleControlClick() API (using new + TkMacOSXModifierState()). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: move all constant #defines needed to + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c: support building on older OS X releases + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.h: to a central location in tkMacOSXInt.h. + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: add ChkErr() macro to factor out + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c: Carbon OSStatus return value checking + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c: and TkMacOSXDbgMsg() macro to factour + * macosx/tkMacOSXClipboard.c: out debug message output; use these + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c: macros to replace #ifdef TK_MAC_DEBUG + * macosx/tkMacOSXCursor.c: blocks & direct printing to stderr, + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: and to do additional OSStatus return + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: checking, and to standardize OSStatus + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: usage. + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXHLEvents.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXSend.c: remove duplicate/unused declarations. + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: const fixes. + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXTest.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: + + * macosx/ add tcl document extensions/mime types and + LSMinimumSystemVersion, LSRequiresCarbon & NSAppleScriptEnabled keys. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXAETE.r: fix whitespace. + * macosx/tkMacOSXConfig.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXCursors.r: + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyboard.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSend.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXXCursors.r: + * macosx/README: + + * macosx/Makefile: fix/add copyright and license refs. + * macosx/ + * macosx/ + * macosx/tkMacOSX.h: + + * unix/ (dist): copy license.terms to dist macosx dir. + * unix/ install license.terms into Tk.framework; fix tk + debug build detection. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + + * doc/colors.n: document new Mac OS X system colors. + * doc/cursors.n: document new Mac OS X native cursors. + * doc/font.n: document new Mac OS X 'menu' system font. + * doc/wm.n: document new Mac OS X [wm attributes]. + +2007-03-07 Daniel Steffen + + * generic/tkMain.c (Tk_MainEx): replicate macosx-specific code from + TkpInit() that ensures the console window appears when wish is started + from the OS X Finder (i.e. with stdin == /dev/null), jeffh's 2006-11-24 + change rendered the corresponding code in TkpInit() ineffective in wish + because Tk_MainEx() sets tcl_interactive before calling TkpInit(). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c (TkMacOSXGetNamedDebugSymbol): add fix for + libraries loaded with a DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX. + + * unix/tcl.m4 (Darwin): s/CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS/ in macosx-version-min check. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2007-02-19 Jeff Hobbs + + * unix/tcl.m4: use SHLIB_SUFFIX=".so" on HP-UX ia64 arch. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + + * library/tkfbox.tcl (::tk::IconList_Goto): avoid goto issues in + empty dirs. [Bug 1662959] + +2007-02-04 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/ add caching to -pipe check. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2007-01-30 Jeff Hobbs + + * win/ (install-private-headers): added target + +2007-01-25 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/tcl.m4: integrate CPPFLAGS into CFLAGS as late as possible + * unix/ and move (rather than duplicate) -isysroot flags + from CFLAGS to CPPFLAGS to avoid errors about multiple -isysroot flags + from some older gcc builds. + + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2006-01-19 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/tcl.m4: ensure CPPFLAGS env var is used when set. [Bug 1586861] + (Darwin): add -isysroot and -mmacosx-version-min flags to CPPFLAGS when + present in CFLAGS to avoid discrepancies between what headers configure + sees during preprocessing tests and compiling tests. + + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2006-12-22 Donal K. Fellows + + * unix/tkUnixEvent.c (TkUnixDoOneXEvent): Made correct on AMD64 and + other similar 64-bit systems where fd_mask is not 'unsigned int' in + effect. [Bug 1522467] + + * library/msgs/es_ES.msg (removed): + * library/msgs/es.msg: Fixed translation fault that was present in all + Spanish-speaking locales. [Bug 1111213] + +2006-12-19 Jeff Hobbs + + * win/tkWinButton.c (TkpDisplayButton): lint init. [Bug 1618604] + +2006-12-19 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/tcl.m4 (Darwin): --enable-64bit: verify linking with 64bit -arch + flag succeeds before enabling 64bit build. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2006-12-04 Jeff Hobbs + + * generic/tkListbox.c (ConfigureListboxItem): ListboxWorldChanged + not needed - just call EventuallyRedrawRange. [Bug 1608046] (rezic) + +2006-12-01 Jeff Hobbs + + * doc/wm.n, tests/winWm.test: + * win/tkWinWm.c: add -transparentcolor attribute for Windows. + +2006-11-30 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c (Tk_MessageBoxObjCmd): fix inability to use + buttons with standard Escape key binding as -default button (reported + on tcl-mac by Hans-Christoph Steiner). + +2006-11-26 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/tcl.m4 (Linux): --enable-64bit support. [Patch 1597389] + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 [Bug 1230558] + +2006-11-24 Jeff Hobbs + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c (TkpInit): only set tcl_interactive 1 if + it isn't already defined. Allows embedders to set it to 0 to + prevent the console appearing on OS X. [Bug 1487701] + + * unix/tkUnixMenu.c (DrawMenuUnderline): bound Tcl_UtfAtIndex usage + * tests/menu.test (menu-36.1): [Bug 1599877] + +2006-11-23 Jeff Hobbs + + * win/tkWinMenu.c (TkWinHandleMenuEvent, DrawMenuUnderline): + handle unichar underlining correctly and safely. [Bug 1599877] + +2006-11-02 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c (GenerateUpdateEvent): fix handling of + Carbon Update events: the QuickDraw window update region was being + ignored and all child TkWindows were sent an Expose XEvent even when + they did not need to be redrawn. [Patch 1589226] + +2006-11-01 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: add TkMacOSX prefix to leftover macosx-private + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.h: global symbols without Tk prefix; ifdef out + * macosx/tkMacOSXEmbed.c: currently unused debug procs. + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + +2006-10-31 Pat Thoyts + + * Fix bug #1582769 build with VC2003 and correct i386 arch. + +2006-10-23 Don Porter + + * README: Bump version number to 8.4.15 + * generic/tk.h: + * unix/ + * unix/tk.spec: + * win/ + + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + * win/configure: + +2006-10-18 Pat Thoyts + + *** 8.4.14 TAGGED FOR RELEASE *** + + * win/nmakehlp.c: Ensure builds with VC6 without Platform SDK. + * win/ Pickup MACHINE from environment. + +2006-10-17 Don Porter + + * generic/tkPanedWindow.c: Cleaned up some code flagged by a + * generic/tkText.c: `make checkexports` test. + * generic/tkText.h + * generic/tkTextTag.c: + +2006-10-16 Daniel Steffen + + * changes: updates for 8.4.14 release. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: fix numerous issues in CG and QD drawing procs + so that they now match X11 drawing much more closely [Bug 1558051]; + use Tiger ellipse drawing API when available; fix comments & whitespace. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: set default linewidth limit for CG + antialiasing to 0 as thin horizontal/vertical lines look good now. + * macosx/README: document CG antialiasing limit changes. + + * generic/tkCanvLine.c (ConfigureLine): on TkAqua, pass outline + * generic/tkCanvPoly.c (ConfigurePolygon): linewidth in gc even for + * generic/tkRectOval.c (ConfigureRectOval): fills (as it controls AA). + + * macosx/Makefile: don't redo prebinding of non-prebound binaires. + +2006-10-10 Don Porter + + * changes: changes updated for 8.4.14 release. + +2006-10-05 Jeff Hobbs + + * unix/tkUnixFont.c (Ucs2beToUtfProc, UtfToUcs2beProc): + (TkpFontPkgInit, encodingAliases): Correct alignment issues in + encoding conversion. Call ucs-2be "unicode" on big-endian + systems. [Bug 1122671] + +2006-09-27 Pat Thoyts + + * win/ Support MSVC8 and AMD64 target. Also try using + * win/ sed to generate the manifest (cross-compile cannot + * win/nmakehlp.c: execute tclsh). If no sed, use the tclsh exe. + +2006-09-25 Andreas Kupries + + * generic/tkConsole.c: Complete reversal of the changes of Sep 22. + * generic/tkMain.c: For compat reason the Tcl core will not change + * generic/tkWindow.c: the registered version to include the patchlevel, + * library/tk.tcl: making the changes to Tk unnecessary. + * unix/configure: + * unix/ + * unix/tcl.m4: + * win/configure: + * win/ + * win/ + * win/ + * win/tcl.m4: + +2006-09-22 Andreas Kupries + + * generic/tkConsole.c: TIP #268 update regarding registered package + * generic/tkMain.c: version, now using full patchlevel instead of + * generic/tkWindow.c: major.minor + * library/tk.tcl: + * unix/configure: + * unix/ + * unix/tcl.m4: + * win/configure: + * win/ + * win/ + * win/ + * win/tcl.m4: + +2006-09-22 Donal K. Fellows + + * generic/tkImgBmap.c (ImgBmapPostscript): Use NULL instead of 0 as + end-of-strings marker to Tcl_AppendResult; the difference matters on + 64-bit machines. [Bug 1562528] + +2006-09-20 Jeff Hobbs + + * win/tkWinMenu.c (TkpPostMenu): disable menu animation in menus + with images to avoid clipping bug. [Bug 1329198] + +2006-09-11 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (TkMacOSXMakeRealWindowExist): revert part of + 2006-05-16 change that had set overrideredirect windows to not become + activated by the window manager, as this prevented interaction with + native widgets in such windows [Bug 1472624]; apply changes to carbon + window attributes even if native window has already been created. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessKeyboardEvent): fix app + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c (DrawMenuBarWhenIdle): menu item key shortcuts + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: when custom ".apple" menu is installed. + + * library/demos/widget: on TkAqua, don't install file menu with single + quit menu item, as the application menu already has a quit item. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c: fix building on Mac OS X 10.2. + +2006-09-10 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c (TkSetMacColor, TkpGetColor): use AppearanceMgr + * macosx/tkMacOSXDefault.h: to retrieve platform std colors for text + * macosx/tkMacOSXPort.h: selections, add "systemHighlightSecondary" + color name for standard color of inactive selections. + + * library/text.tcl (aqua): change focus bindings to implement platform + standard look for inactive text selections using this new color. + + * generic/tkTextBTree.c (TkTextIsElided): on TkAqua, don't show text + * generic/tkTextDisp.c (GetStyle): selection when text widget + * generic/tkText.c (TextEventProc): is in disabled state. + + * generic/tkEntry.c (DisplayEntry): change default TkAqua selection + * macosx/tkMacOSXDefault.h: relief to "flat" (platform std). + + * generic/tkText.c (Tk_TextCmd): fix bug leading to default text + selection relief string DEF_TEXT_SELECT_RELIEF being ignored. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessMouseEvent): allow mouse + event delivery to background windows with kWindowNoActivatesAttribute + (e.g. overrideredirect windows), as these never come to the foreground + they would never receive any mouse events otherwise. [Bug 1472624] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c (TkMacOSXGenerateFocusEvent): do not + send focus events to any windows with kWindowNoActivatesAttribute. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c (XQueryColor, XQueryColors): implement basic + XColor computation from pixel values, enough to make tkImg's window.c + happy, fixes img::window failures reported on tcl-mac. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c (DrawMenuEntryLabel): fix leak. [Bug 1554672] + + * macosx/Makefile: workaround bug in 'cp -pRH' on Darwin 6 and earlier, + fixes 'make embedded' failure reported on tcl-mac; fix error from 'make + deploy' with same build tree as previous 'make embedded'. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c (TkpDrawEntryBorderAndFocus): fix typo. + + * unix/tcl.m4: sync with tcl/unix/tcl.m4. + +2006-09-07 Daniel Steffen + + * generic/tkWindow.c: add #include "tclInt.h" now required due to use + of tcl internal Tcl_CreateNamespace() in previous commit. + +2006-09-06 Jeff Hobbs + + * generic/tkEntry.c: move hard-coded ALWAYS_SHOW_SELECTION + * generic/tkInt.h: control of entry/text selection display + * generic/tkText.c: based on focus to the Tcl level, + * generic/tkTextBTree.c: controlled by ::tk::AlwaysShowSelection + * generic/tkTextDisp.c: (boolean, private). [Bug 1553691] + * generic/tkWindow.c: + * library/tk.tcl + * unix/tkUnixPort.h: + + * generic/tkText.c (DeleteChars): backport of 8.5 text delete + speedup that removes tags from deleted area first. [Bug 1456342] + +2006-08-30 Jeff Hobbs + + * win/tkWinKey.c: Add WM_UNICHAR window message support (used by + * win/tkWinX.c: virtual keyboard apps). [Bug 1518677] (petasis) + +2006-08-24 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c (UpdateControlValues): set native scrollbar + control bounds only once all size adjustments have been computed. + Fixes issue with grow icon obscuring scrollbar reported on tcl-mac. + +2006-08-21 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c (CarbonTimerProc): avoid starving main + event loop: limit the number of tcl events processed per invocation. + Fixes bug reported on tcl-mac by Kevan Hashemi. + +2006-08-18 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/tcl.m4 (Darwin): add support for --enable-64bit on x86_64, for + universal builds including x86_64, for 64-bit CoreFoundation on Leopard + and for use of -mmacosx-version-min instead of MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET. + * unix/ (Darwin): remove 64-bit arch flags from CFLAGS for + combined 32-bit and 64-bit universal builds, as neither TkAqua nor TkX11 + can be built for 64-bit at present. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + + * macosx/README: updates for x86_64 support in Tcl. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c (TkpInit): when available, use public + TransformProcessType() API instead of CPSEnableForegroundOperation() SPI + to notify the window server that we are a GUI application. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (WmAttrGetTitlePath): use HIWindow API on >=Tiger. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (GenerateToolbarButtonEvent): + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c (GenerateEditEvent): + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c (MenuSelectEvent): bzero XVirtualEvent structure + before use to ensure all fields are initialized. [Bug 1542205] + +2006-08-16 Jeff Hobbs + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (WmAttributesCmd): correct OS X result for + [wm attributes $top]. + +2006-07-25 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessKeyboardEvent): handle key + shortcut for kHICommandQuit in the same way as other application menu + item key shortcuts. [Bug 1516950] + +2006-07-24 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (TkWmMapWindow): fix incorrect values of wmInfo + parentWidth/Height for toplevels by recalculating them once the window + is mapped (i.e once the window&structure sizes are known). [Bug 1358663] + (ParseGeometry): sync with ParseGeometry in tkUnixWm.c/tkWinWm.c. + +2006-07-21 Daniel Steffen + + * generic/tkBind.c (TkBindInit): for REDO_KEYSYM_LOOKUP, change + keysym-to-string mapping hash to use first name in ks_names.h instead of + last (if there are multiple possibilities), e.g. "F11" instead of "L1". + + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyboard.c (TkpGetKeySym): correct keysyms for pure + modifier key presses [Bugs 700311, 1525905]; correct keysym for Enter + key; add keysyms for new NumLock and Fn modifiers (added 2005-08-09). + +2006-07-20 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (WmAttributesCmd, WmIconbitmapCmd): add support + for weakly importing symbols not available on OSX 10.2 or 10.3, enables + binaires built on later OSX versions to run on earlier ones. + * macosx/README: document how to enable weak-linking; cleanup. + * unix/ enforce requirement of OSX 10.2 for TkAqua; move + * unix/tcl.m4: Darwin specific checks & defines that are only + relevant to the tcl build out of tcl.m4; restrict framework option to + Darwin; cleanup quoting. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: ifdef out diagnostic messages to stderr. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.h: standardize MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: checks per QA1316, ensure define can be + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: overridden on command line (from default + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: of current OS version). + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCursor.c (TkMacOSXCursor): + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c (TkMacOSXGetNamedDebugSymbol): + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c (Map): fix signed-with-unsigned comparison and + other warnings from gcc4 -Wextra. + +2006-07-14 Andreas Kupries + + * generic/tkWindow.c (Initialize): Modify change of 2006-05-25 + (jeffh). Release mutex a bit earlier, to prevent lock when OS X + creates its console windows (recursively enters Tk_Init). Patch + by JeffH. + +2006-07-06 Jeff Hobbs + + * library/tkfbox.tcl: catch scrollbar use of highlightthickness + +2006-06-21 Jeff Hobbs + + * library/bgerror.tcl (::tk::dialog::error::bgerror): remove a + couple of unnecessary hardcoded options + +2006-06-15 Don Porter + + * changes: changes to start prep for an 8.4.14 release. + +2006-06-15 Pat Thoyts + + * win/ Sync with tcl to enable building with + * win/ VC8 (VS2005 C compiler) + * win/nmakehlp.c: + +2006-06-14 Don Porter + + * generic/tkScale.c: Revised variable writing logic to account + for [scale]'s design that it deals with its value as a formatted + string, and not as a double. [Bug 891141]. + +2006-06-14 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c (TkMacOSXInvalidateWindow): ensure invalid + clip regions are recreated via TkMacOSXUpdateClipRgn() before they are + used; correct call order of TkMacOSXInvalidateWindow() and + TkMacOSXInvalClipRgns() throughout. [Bug 1501922] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c (TkPutImage): implement drawing of very wide + images in slices of less than 4096 pixels to workaround CopyBits + limitation. [Bug 950121] + +2006-06-09 Don Porter + + * generic/tkMain.c: Added Tcl_Preserve() call on the master + interp as crash protection against any Tcl_DeleteInterp() call + that might happen. + +2006-06-05 Don Porter + + * generic/tkInt.h: Thread safety for the data structures of + * generic/tkConsole.c: the wish [console]. [Bug 1188340]. + +2006-06-01 Don Porter + + * generic/tkConsole.c: Added Tcl_RegisterChannel() calls to bump + the refcount of channels passed to Tcl_SetStdChannel(). This prevents + early free-ing of the channels that leads to crashes. [Bug 912571]. + +2006-05-29 Jeff Hobbs + + * tests/entry.test (entry-22.1): + * tests/listbox.test (listbox-6.15): + * generic/tkListbox.c (ListboxInsertSubCmd, ListboxDeleteSubCmd): + Ignore Tcl_SetVar2Ex failure of listVarName, similar to entry + widget handling. [Bug 1424513] + +2006-05-26 Jeff Hobbs + + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c (TkMacOSXDrawControl): correct redraw + for direct transition from disabled to active state. [Bug 706446] + +2006-05-25 Jeff Hobbs + + * generic/tkMenu.c (DeleteMenuCloneEntries): Modify entry index + changes to work around VC6 optimization bug. [Bug 1224330] + + * generic/tkMessage.c (MessageWidgetObjCmd): Correct msgPtr + preserve/release pairing. [Bug 1485750] (afredd) + + * generic/tkWindow.c (Initialize): Correct mutex (un)lock + pairing. [Bug 1479587] + +2006-05-16 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c (TkMacOSXGenerateFocusEvent): don't send + focus events to windows of class help or to overrideredirect windows. + [Bug 1472624] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: set overrideredirect windows to not become + activated by the window manager and to not receive OS activate events + (should make them behave more like on other platforms); use modern + window class API for overrideredirect and transient windows; set the + default class of overrideredirect windows to 'simple' rather than + 'plain' (i.e. no window frame); add missing Panther and Tiger window + attributes to [::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle]. + +2006-05-12 Jeff Hobbs + + * generic/tkImgPhoto.c (Tk_PhotoPutBlock, Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlock): + Fix opt added 2006-03 that caused slowdown for some common cases. + [Bug 1409140] + +2006-05-13 Daniel Steffen + + * generic/tkCanvWind.c (DisplayWinItem, WinItemRequestProc): ensure + canvas window items are unmapped when canvas is unmapped. [Bug 940117] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c (TkMacOSXUpdateClipRgn): empty clip region + of unmapped windows to prevent any drawing into them or into their + children from becoming visible. [Bug 940117] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: revert Jim's attempt of 2005-03-14 to + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: fix Bug 940117 as it disables Map/Unmap + event propagation to children. [Bug 1480105] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c (TkPutImage): handle tkPictureIsOpen flag, fixes + incorrect positioning of images with complex alpha on native buttons; + actual alpha blending is still broken in this situation. [Bug 1155596] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessCommandEvent): + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c (TkMacOSXInitMenus): workaround carbon bug with + key shortcut for 'Preferences' app menu item. [Bug 1481503] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessKeyboardEvent): only check + for HICommand menu item shortcuts in the application menu. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: initialize keyboard layout setup in + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: TkpInit() rather than during handling of + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: first key down event. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: add optional debug code to flash clip + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: regions during update or draw. + +2006-05-04 Don Porter + + * README: Bump version number to 8.4.14 + * generic/tk.h: + * unix/ + * unix/tk.spec: + * win/ + + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + * win/configure: + +2006-04-28 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (TkWmMapWindow, InitialWindowBounds): fix use of + potentially stale window position in initial configure event on first + map of a window. [Bug 1476443] + (TkMacOSXWindowOffset): use modern GetWindowStructureWidths API. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (TkGenerateButtonEventForXPointer): new + internal function to generate button events for current pointer + directly, without requiring prior call to XQueryPointer(). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (XQueryPointer): implement return of + window-local pointer position. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: use improvements above to avoid calls to + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: GlobalToLocal() when the current port might + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: not be set correctly. May fix [Bug 1243318] + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: + + * tkAboutDlg.r: update copyright. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c: sync with HEAD + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSend.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXTest.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + +2006-04-25 Donal K. Fellows + + * unix/tkUnixFont.c (TkpGetFontFamilies): Fix crash caused when the + XServer returns invalid font names. [Bug 1475865] + +2006-04-22 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEmbed.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + * tests/constraints.tcl: + * tests/wm.test: sync with 2006-04-18 commit to HEAD. (darley) + +2006-04-12 Don Porter + + *** 8.4.13 TAGGED FOR RELEASE *** + + * generic/tkGrid.c: Fixed handling of out of bounds row or column. + * tests/grid.test: [Bug 1432666] + + * changes: Updates for next RC. + +2006-04-11 Jeff Hobbs + + * changes: update for bug fix. + + * generic/tkBind.c (Tk_BindEvent, ChangeScreen): replace + Tcl_GlobalEval with more efficient Tcl_EvalEx. + + * win/tkWinEmbed.c (TkpGetOtherWindow): do not panic if no window + * win/tkWinWm.c (UpdateGeometryInfo): is found - handle it in + * unix/tkUnixEmbed.c (TkpGetOtherWindow): the caller. [Bug 1212056] + * unix/tkUnixWm.c (Tk_CoordsToWindow, UpdateGeometryInfo): + +2006-04-11 Daniel Steffen + + * changes: added latest aqua bug fixes. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c (Tk_MessageBoxObjCmd): added standard Escape + key binding for msgbox cancel buttons [Patch 1193614], whitespace. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c: handle kEventCommandUpdateStatus + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: carbon event to dynamically enable + the 'Preferences' app menu item when proc [::tk::mac::ShowPreferences] + is defined. [Bug 700316] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXHLEvents.c: call ::tk::mac::* procs for all + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: registered appleevents [FR 1105284], + implement print applevent handling, style/whitespace cleanup. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c (TkMacOSXInitCGDrawing): prevent multiple init. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: Implemented 'zoomed' window state + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: handling for TkAqua, via titlebar + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: widget clicks as well as [wm state]. + * doc/wm.n: [Bug 1073456] + +2006-04-10 Don Porter + + * changes: Updates for next RC. + +2006-04-09 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (WmResizableCmd): propagate window attribute + changes to Carbon window manager. [FR 1467004] + (TkSetWMName, TkMacOSXMakeRealWindowExist): allow empty name for + toplevels, remove bogus initial window name. [Bug 1450800] + +2006-04-07 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessMouseEvent): fix return + values, implement window dragging & growing in background (with Command + key down) and by fronting clicks [Bug 934524], use correct button & + modifier state API when application is in background (also in + TkMacOSXButtonKeyState). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (TkMacOSXGrowToplevel): ensure QD port is set + correctly before using API relying on it. + +2006-04-06 Vince Darley + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: now that [wm attributes -titlepath] + works correctly, add OS support for dragging proxy icons and + using the titlepath menu. + +2006-04-06 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (WmAttributesCmd, WmIconbitmapCmd): fix errors + in setting/removing window proxy icons via [wm attributes -titlepath] + and [wm iconbitmap], use HIWindow API on Tiger or later. [Bug 1455241] + + * unix/tcl.m4: remove TCL_IO_TRACK_OS_FOR_DRIVER_WITH_BAD_BLOCKING + define on Darwin. [Tcl Bug 1457515] + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2006-04-05 Jeff Hobbs + + * win/tkWinMenu.c (FreeID, TkpNewMenu, MenuExitHandler) + (MenuThreadExitHandler, TkpMenuInit, TkpMenuThreadInit): rework + Windows menu init/finalization to better respect per-process and + per-thread boundaries. + + * win/tkWinWm.c (WmProc): pass WM_QUERYENDSESSION message to Tk as + WM_SAVE_YOURSELF wm protocol callback. + + * generic/tkTextDisp.c (TkTextPixelIndex): Don't segfault on full + -elide text. [Bug 1442102] + + * win/tkWinX.c (TkWinXInit): init default keyboard charset + correctly. [Bug 1374119] (pajas) + + * generic/tkText.c (DumpLine): stop dumping if we detect that the + text widget state has changed while dumping. [Bug 1414171] + (InsertChars, DeleteChars): fix undo with space-based path. + * tests/text.test (text-25.14): [Bug 1452419] + + * tests/grid.test: fix segfault on empty index list + * generic/tkGrid.c (GridRowColumnConfigureCommand): [Bug 1422430] + +2006-03-29 Jeff Hobbs + + * generic/tkWindow.c (DeleteWindowsExitProc): added comments + * generic/tkOption.c (TkOptionDeadWindow): handle + OptionThreadExitProc being called before DeleteWindowsExitProc. + +2006-03-29 Don Porter + + * unix/tkUnixDefault.h: Changed "Black" to "#000000" and "White" to + "#ffffff" to work around the (broken?) X servers that do not accept + those color names. [Bug 917433] + +2006-03-28 Jeff Hobbs + + * generic/tkWindow.c (CreateTopLevelWindow): use thread exit + handler for DeleteWindowsExitProc. + +2006-03-28 Pat Thoyts + + * win/ Avoid pipe problems on win98. + +2006-03-28 Jeff Hobbs + + * win/configure, win/tcl.m4: define MACHINE for gcc builds as well. + Needed by Tk for manifest generation. + +2006-03-28 Daniel Steffen + + * generic/tkFont.h: added prototype for TkFontGetFirstTextLayout() + needed by tkMacOSXButton.c and tkMacOSXMenubutton.c. + + * macosx/tkMacOSX.h: Cleaned up & rationalized order of + * macosx/tkMacOSXBitmap.c: #includes of tk and carbon headers; + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c: sync whitespace, comments & minor + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c: changes with HEAD. + * macosx/tkMacOSXClipboard.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXConfig.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXCursor.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEmbed.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.h (new file): + * macosx/tkMacOSXHLEvents.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyboard.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXNotify.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXRegion.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSend.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXTest.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: + +2006-03-27 Donal K. Fellows + + * generic/tkImgGIF.c (FileReadGIF): Stop crashes when the first GIF + frame does not define the overall size of the image. [Bug 1458234] + +2006-03-22 Don Porter + + * changes: Updates for next RC. + +2006-03-21 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/ fix detection of symbols build when enabling + TkAqua debug code; filter nm output of libtclstub better to avoid + error on intel macs [Bug 1415789]. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + +2006-03-20 Donal K. Fellows + + * generic/tkUndo.c (TkUndoSetDepth): Fix a crash in the undo stack + code. [Bug 1380427, Patch 1391939] Thanks to for + reporting and Ludwig Callewaert for the fix. + +2006-03-17 Pat Thoyts + + * library/clrpick.tcl: bug #1451587: avoid using abbreviated + * library/palette.tcl: sub-commands in core scripts as this can + * library/scale.tcl: cause problems with mega-widget libraries + * library/scrlbar.tcl: like snit. + * library/tkfbox.tcl: + * library/xmfbox.tcl: + +2006-03-16 Donal K. Fellows + + * library/msgs/pt.msg: Messages for Portuguese (strictly just for + Brazilian Portuguese, but they'll do until we get other Portuguese + speakers localize) from Ricardo Jorge and + Silas Justiano Many thanks! [Bug 1405069] + + * generic/tkImgPhoto.c (ImgPhotoCmd, Tk_PhotoPutBlock) + (Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlock): Added hack to detect copying of a photo with + a simple alpha channel and skip calling ToggleComplexAlphaIfNeeded. + This should speed up many photo-to-photo copies, keeping the cost of + the alpha channel down. + +2006-03-15 Donal K. Fellows + + * generic/tkImgPhoto.c (Tk_PhotoPutBlock, Tk_PhotoPutZoomedBlock): Try + to squelch performance issue with code that writes to large images by + single pixels. Masses of thanks to George Staplin for helping to trace + this down to the COMPLEX_ALPHA flag handling code. [Bug 1409140] + +2006-03-13 Don Porter + + * tests/scrollbar.test: Corrected several broken calls to [testmetrics] + that were crashing the test suite. + + * tests/constraints.tcl: Added notAqua constraint to canvPs-3.1 + * tests/canvPs.test: to stop test suite crash on Mac OSX. + [Bug 1088807] + + * generic/tkCmds.c: Purged remaining references to + * macosx/tkMacOSXPort.h: errno, and errno.h. Standardized + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: the logic for using header files from + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.h: the compat directory. Thanks Joe + * unix/tkUnixPort.h: English for the patch. [Patch 1445404] + +2006-03-11 Donal K. Fellows + + * library/bgerror.tcl (::tk::dialog::error::bgerror): Truncated error + details were getting lost, leading to unreadable error messages. + +2006-03-07 Donal K. Fellows + + * doc/canvas.n: Added note that stipples are not well-supported on + non-X11 platforms. [Bug 220787] It's not a great solution, but it does + indicate the state of affairs that has existed for years anyway; not + much modern software uses stipples anyway. + +2006-03-07 Don Porter + + * READNE: Bump version number to 8.4.13 and update + * changes: changes to start prep for an 8.4.13 release. + * generic/tk.h: + * unix/configure{.in}: + * unix/tk.spec: + * win/configure{.in}: + +2006-03-02 Jeff Hobbs + + * win/ convert _NATIVE paths to use / to avoid "." + path-as-escape issue. + + * unix/tcl.m4, win/tcl.m4: []-quote ac_defun functions. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c (TkPutImage): fix endian issue on OS X x86 + displaying images. Bitmap images still have a black/white + reversal issue, appears to be a general OS X issue (as seen in + frogger demo). + +2006-03-02 Pat Thoyts + + * unix/tcl.m4: Fix for tk bug #1334613 to sort out shared library + * unix/configure: issues on NetBSD. Regenerated configure script. + +2006-02-27 Donal K. Fellows + + * generic/tkBitmap.c (Tk_GetBitmapFromData): Improve thread-safety. + [Bug 470322] + + * generic/tkImgBmap.c (ImgBmapConfigureInstance): Force creation of + new Pixmaps before deletion of old ones to prevent stupid caching + problems. [Bug 480862] + +2006-02-09 Daniel Steffen + + * generic/tk.decls: fix signature of TkMacOSXInvalClipRgns + * generic/tkPlatDecls.h: to use Tk_Window instead of internal + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: type TkWindow (which led to any include + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: of public header tkMacOSX.h requiring + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: prior include of tkInt.h). + + * generic/tk.h: move TkAqua specific REDO_KEYSYM_LOOKUP define + * macosx/tkMacOSXPort.h: out of tk.h into platform header. + +2006-01-25 Don Porter + + * library/bgerror.tcl: Updates to use Tcl 8.4 features. [Patch 1237759] + * library/button.tcl: + * library/choosedir.tcl: + * library/clrpick.tcl: + * library/comdlg.tcl: + * library/console.tcl: + * library/dialog.tcl: + * library/entry.tcl: + * library/focus.tcl: + * library/listbox.tcl: + * library/menu.tcl: + * library/msgbox.tcl: + * library/palette.tcl: + * library/panedwindow.tcl: + * library/safetk.tcl: + * library/scale.tcl: + * library/scrlbar.tcl: + * library/spinbox.tcl: + * library/tearoff.tcl: + * library/text.tcl: + * library/tk.tcl: + * library/tkfbox.tcl: + * library/xmfbox.tcl: + +2006-01-23 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/configure: minor fix to Darwin specific code removing + * unix/ 64bit flags from CFLAGS for Tk build. + +2006-01-20 Joe English + + * generic/tkEvent.c, unix/tkUnixEvent.c: XIM fixes + [See #905830, patch tk84-xim-fixes.patch]. + + Revert 2005-12-05 patch disabling XIM when SCIM in use; + + Make sure all X events get passed to XFilterEvent, + including those without a corresponding Tk window. + +2006-01-10 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: re-added inclusion of tclInt.h to allow access + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: to 8.4-internal Tcl_CreateNamespace(). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: add TkMacOSXGetNamedDebugSymbol() function + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.h: that finds unexported symbols in loaded + libraries by manually walking their symbol table; only to be used for + debugging purposes, may break unexpectedly in the future. Needed to get + access to private_extern internal debugging functions in HIToolbox. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c: fix debug event tracing on Tiger. + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: add debug menu printing during reconfigure. + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: conditionalize 64bit-unsafe dyld code. + * macosx/Makefile: add 'wish8.x' symlink to SYMROOT. + + * unix/configure: add caching, use AC_CACHE_CHECK instead of + * unix/ AC_CACHE_VAL where possible, consistent message + * unix/tcl.m4: quoting, sync relevant tclconfig/tcl.m4 changes and + gratuitous formatting differences, fix SC_CONFIG_MANPAGES with default + argument, Darwin improvements to SC_LOAD_*CONFIG. + +2005-12-13 Daniel Steffen + + * library/demos/cscroll.tcl: add MouseWheel bindings for aqua. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c (TkMacOSXInitCarbonEvents): + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessMouseEvent, + GenerateMouseWheelEvent): add support for kEventMouseScroll events + (smooth mouse wheel scrolling from mighty mouse or scrolling trackpad) + by handling kEventMouseWheelMoved on application target as well as on + dispatcher, in order to pick up synthesized MouseWheel events from + HIObject handler (c.f. QA1453); add support for horizontal scrolling + events by generating MouseWheel XEvent with Shift modifier. + +2005-12-12 Jeff Hobbs + + * unix/tcl.m4, unix/configure: Fix sh quoting error reported in + bash-3.1+ [Bug 1377619] (schafer) + +2005-12-08 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: remove inclusion of tclInt.h and use of tcl + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: internals wherever possible in tk/macosx, the + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: only remaining tcl internals in TkAqua are + * macosx/tkMacOSXNotify.c: TclServiceIdle() in tkMacOSXScrlbr.c and + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: Tcl_Get/SetStartupScript() in tkMacOSXInit.c + [RFE 1336531]. + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: sync comments/whitespace with HEAD. + +2005-12-05 Jeff Hobbs + + *** 8.4.12 TAGGED FOR RELEASE *** + + * generic/tkOldConfig.c (Tk_ConfigureWidget): fix the handling of + TK_CONFIG_OPTION_SPECIFIED to be flagged appropriately in original + Tk_ConfigSpec. This is *not* thread safe, but will be retained + for 8.4.x and left out of 8.5.x. [Bug 749908] + +2005-12-05 Reinhard Max + + * unix/tkUnixEvent.c (OpenIM): Added a workaround to allow at + least ASCII and the Compose key when typing into text and entry + widgets on a system that uses SCIM. This has to be taken out again + once the SCIM problems have been fixed. + +2005-12-04 Daniel Steffen + + * mac/README: add note that mac classic port is no longer supported. + +2005-12-01 Don Porter + + * changes: Update changes for 8.4.12 release + + * mac/tkMacWm.c: Restored consistent error checking and + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: messages among different platform's + * tests/wm.test: [wm grid] commands. [Bug 1323972]. + * win/tkWinWm.c: + +2005-12-01 Kevin Kenny + + * win/ restored buildability. + +2005-12-01 Jeff Hobbs + + * library/menu.tcl (::tk::PostOverPoint): correct menu post near + bottom of screen on Windows. [Bug 1353416] + +2005-12-01 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/tcl.m4 (Darwin): fixed error when MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET unset + * unix/configure: regen. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c (TkMacOSXInitCarbonEvents): added newly + registered kEventAppAvailableWindowBoundsChanged to debugging code. + +2005-11-30 Jeff Hobbs + + * win/tkWinWm.c (WmAttributesCmd): set (no)topmost window aspect + before rewrapping. [Bug 1086049] + + * generic/tkImgGIF.c: cast calls to block_out + + * win/ place TCL_BIN_DIR first in PATH for targets to + get Tcl built dll first. + + * tests/scrollbar.test (6.22): fix rounding-error sensitive test + + * tests/textWind.test: use "Courier -12" on all platforms. + Reduces Windows XP test errors in that file from 9 to 2 (13.2 and + 13.9 still off-by-one pixel). + + * win/tkWinWm.c (UpdateWrapper): Don't install frame menu on dead + window. Backport of 1233635 + + * generic/tkEvent.c: fix handling of ClientMessage handlers. + [Bug 1289565 983920] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.h: define + kEventAppAvailableWindowBoundsChanged for OS X < 10.3. + +2005-11-29 Jeff Hobbs + + * library/console.tcl (::tk::ConsoleInit): improve work-around to + avoid '% ' from tclMain.c [Bug 1252259] + + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c (TkpOpenDisplay, TkMacOSXDisplayChanged): + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c (TkMacOSXInitCarbonEvents): + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessApplicationEvent): + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: Trap kEventAppAvailableWindowBoundsChanged + event to watch for change in display size and adjust internal + state appropriately. + + * win/tcl.m4: Add build support for Windows-x64 builds. + * win/configure: --enable-64bit now accepts =amd64|ia64 for + * win/ Windows 64-bit build variants (default: amd64) + * win/ [Bug 1369597] + * win/ + * win/ (new): manifest must map in MACHINE + * win/rc/wish.exe.manifest (removed): and VERSION to be correct. + +2005-11-27 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/tcl.m4 (Darwin): add 64bit support, check for Tiger copyfile(), + add CFLAGS to SHLIB_LD to support passing -isysroot in env(CFLAGS) to + configure (flag can't be present twice, so can't be in both CFLAGS and + LDFLAGS during configure), don't use -prebind when deploying on 10.4, + define TCL_IO_TRACK_OS_FOR_DRIVER_WITH_BAD_BLOCKING (rdar://3171542). + (SC_ENABLE_LANGINFO, SC_TIME_HANDLER): add/fix caching, fix obsolete + autoconf macros. Sync with tk/unix/tcl.m4, sync whitespace with HEAD. + + * unix/ fix obsolete autoconf macros, sync gratuitous + formatting/ordering differences with tcl/unix/ + + * unix/ add CFLAGS to wish/tktest link to make + executable linking the same as during configure (needed to avoid + loosing any linker relevant flags in CFLAGS, in particular flags + that can't be in LDFLAGS). Avoid concurrent linking of wish and + compiling of tkTestInit.o during parallel make, fix dependencies + and flags for building tkMacOSXInit.o + (checkstubs, checkexports): dependency and Darwin fixes + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessEvent): + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessMouseEvent): + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c: install standard application event + handler, add & call functions to start and stop carbon even timer that + runs the tcl event loop periodically during a nested carbon event loop + in the toolbox (e.g. during menutracking) to ensure tcl timers etc + continue to fire, register app event handler for menu tracking and HI + command carbon events, move menu event handling to new handlers for + those carbon events, no longer register for/handle appleevent carbon + event (now dealt with by standard application event handler), event + debugging code dynamically acquires carbon event debugging functions to + allow use on Tiger where they are no longer exported from HIToolbox. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c (TkMacOSXUseAntialiasedText): + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c (GetKeyboardLayout): + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c (TkMacOSXInitCarbonEvents): + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: abstract common code to dynamically acquire + address of a named symbol (from a loaded dynamic library) into new + function TkMacOSXGetNamedSymbol() and macro TkMacOSXInitNamedSymbol. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c (TkpNewMenu): + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c (MenuButtonInitControl): + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c (TkMacOSXHandleMenuSelect): switch to modern + utf8 aware menu manager API, remove obsolete code, add error handling. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: define OSX 10.3 or later only constants + if necessary to allow compilation on OSX 10.2 + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (UpdateSizeHints): remove code that is never + executed. + + * generic/tk.h: add/correct location of version numbers in macosx + files. + + * generic/tkInt.h: clarify fat compile comment. + + * macosx/Wish.pbproj/default.pbxuser (new file): + * macosx/Wish.pbproj/jingham.pbxuser: + * macosx/Wish.pbproj/project.pbxproj: sync with HEAD. + + * macosx/buildTkConfig.tcl (removed): remove obsolete build files. + + * macosx/README: clarification/cleanup, sync with HEAD, document + universal (fat) builds via CFLAGS (i.e. ppc and i386 at the same time). + + * macosx/Makefile: add support for reusing configure cache, build + target fixes. + + * generic/tkMenu.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * xlib/xgc.c: declare functions and globals used only in own file as + static, #ifdef out a few Xlib and aqua functions that are never called + (sync with HEAD). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXPort.h: + * generic/tkInt.decls: correct signature of TkMacOSXHandleMenuSelect, + add XSync to aqua Xlib stubs. + + * generic/tkTest.c: #ifdef unix only declarations. + (TestmetricsCmd): unify win and mac implementation. + + * generic/tkTextDisp.c: + * generic/tkTextBTree.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: fix gcc 4 warnings. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXNotify.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXTest.c: sync with HEAD. + + * generic/tkIntPlatDecls.h: + * generic/tkIntXlibDecls.h: + * generic/tkStubInit.c: + * unix/configure: regen. + +2005-11-22 Donal K. Fellows + + * generic/tkFont.c (ParseFontNameObj, ConfigAttributesObj): Allow + these functions to work with a NULL interp by making them check when + generating error messages. [Bug 1151523] + + * unix/tkUnixSelect.c (SelCvtToX, SelCvtFromX): Backport of fixes for + * generic/tkSelect.c (TkSelDefaultSelection): "spaces in atom names" + * tests/select.test (select-9.5): problems. [Bug 1353414] + + * library/tkfbox.tcl (::tk::dialog::file::): Correct the quoting of + the script used in variable traces so that widget names with spaces in + will work. [Bug 1335485] + +2005-11-16 Don Porter + + * changes: Update changes for 8.4.12 release + + * README: Bump version number to 8.4.12 + * generic/tk.h: + * macosx/Wish.pbproj/project.pbxproj: + * unix/ + * unix/tk.spec: + * win/ + + * unix/configure: autoconf + * win/configure: + +2005-11-16 Vince Darley + + * doc/text.n: clarify left to right interpretation of index + modifiers, including the fact that validation occurs after + each step [Bug 1357575] + +2005-11-06 Pat Thoyts + + * unix/tcl.m4: Add missing LIBS for OpenBSD shared libary + +2005-10-18 Don Porter + + * generic/tkMain.c: Rewrote code that sets the ::argv value + to be sure conversion from the system encoding is complete before + any processing sensitive to list-special characters is done. + [Bug 1328926]. + +2005-10-17 Jeff Hobbs + + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c (UpdateControlValues): check geomMgrPtr + is valid before checking type + +2005-10-10 Jeff Hobbs + + * generic/tkInt.h: add MODULE_SCOPE and WORDS_BIGENDIAN checks + that will work with OS X universal binary compiles. (steffen) + + * generic/tkConfig.c (Tk_DeleteOptionTable, Tk_CreateOptionTable): + properly alloc/delete one more option. [Bug 1319720] (melbardis) + +2005-10-10 Pat Thoyts + + * tests/winfo.test: Wait until child window is visible + * tests/wm.test: Modified test to match actual error output. + +2005-10-04 Jeff Hobbs + + * library/dialog.tcl (::tk_dialog): add tkwait visibility before + grab. [Bug 1216775] + + * win/tkWinDialog.c (ChooseDirectoryValidateProc): reset stored + path to "" if it doesn't exist and -mustexist is true. [Bug 1309218] + +2005-09-15 Donal K. Fellows + + * generic/tkOldConfig.c (GetCachedSpecs): Split out the code to + manipulate the cached writable specs so that it can be reused from + all the public Tk_Configure* functions. + (Tk_ConfigureInfo, Tk_ConfigureWidget, Tk_ConfigureValue): Use the + factored out code everywhere, so we always manipulate the cache + correctly. [Bug 1288128] + +2005-09-11 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessMouseEvent): check if + process is in front on MouseDown, otherwise request process activation + from BringWindowForward() via new isFrontProcess param. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c (TkMacOSXInitCarbonEvents): + register our event handler on the dispatcher target for all carbon + events of interest to TkAqua; this replaces event processing + directly from the event queue and thus allows to capture events + that are syntesized by Carbon and sent directly to the dispatcher + and not to the event queue. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: remove TkMacOSXCountAndProcessMacEvents(), + rename ReceiveAndProcessEvent() to TkMacOSXReceiveAndProcessEvent(). + (TkMacOSXReceiveAndProcessEvent): remove tk event processing before + sending events to the dispatcher, all events of interest are now + processed in our dispatcher target event handler. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXNotify.c (CarbonEventsCheckProc): dispatch events + directly via TkMacOSXReceiveAndProcessEvent(), but dispatch no + more than four carbon events at one time to avoid starving other + event sources. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: formatting cleanup, move XSync() to XStubs, + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.h: removed obsolete kEventClassWish handling. + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c + + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c: conditionalize all debug message printing to + * macosx/tkMacOSXCursor.c: stderr via TK_MAC_DEBUG define. + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + + * unix/ define TK_MAC_DEBUG on aqua when symbols enabled. + * unix/configure: autoconf-2.13 + + * library/listbox.tcl: corrected comments. + * library/text.tcl: + + * xlib/xcolors.c: fixed warning + +2005-08-23 Jeff Hobbs + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: make dialogs ignore -initialfile "" and + -initialdir "" instead of error. + +2005-08-23 Mo DeJong + + * win/tkWin32Dll.c (DllMain): Replace old asm SEH + approach with Kenny's new SEH implementation. + [Tcl bug 1235544] + +2005-08-22 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: fix warnings. + +2005-08-16 Donal K. Fellows + + * generic/tkOldConfig.c (Tk_ConfigureWidget, Tk_ConfigureInfo): + (Tk_ConfigureValue, DeleteSpecCacheTable): Keep per-interpreter (and + hence per-thread) copies of all the Tk_ConfigSpec tables so that + Tk_Uids do not leak across threads. [Bug 749908] + +2005-08-11 Donal K. Fellows + + * generic/tkCanvLine.c, generic/tkCanvPoly.c, generic/tkCanvText.c: + * generic/tkCanvas.c, generic/tkConfig.c, generic/tkFocus.c: + * generic/tkFrame.c, generic/tkGrid.c, generic/tkImgPhoto.c: + * generic/tkPack.c, generic/tkPanedWindow.c: Don't pass size_t + arguments to Tcl_GetStringFromObj, even with casting; it's not + portable to 64-bit systems. [Bug 1252702] + +2005-08-09 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c (new): moved carbon events code into + * macosx/tkMacOSXHLEvents.c: new file like on HEAD, + * macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c (TkpInit): initialize carbon event handlers + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: in TkpInit(), add new source + * unix/ file to + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c (AppEventHandlerProc): handle carbon + events sent directly to application event target via the general + TkMacOSXProcessEvent() in the same way as events posted to the event + loop. Moved existing app event handlers to tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c. + (TkMacOSXInitCarbonEvents): register our application event handler for + kEventWindowExpanded events to deal with uncollapsing from the dock. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.h: made TkMacOSXProcessEvent() non-static, added + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c: new interp field to TkMacOSXEvent struct for + use by app event handler. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessMouseEvent): retrieve + current window, partCode, modifiers and local cursor position from + carbon mouse event if possible. Use new static GenerateButtonEvent() + taking a MouseEventData struct instead of TkGenerateButtonEvent() to + avoid recomputing already known values. Move process activation on + MouseDown into BringWindowForward() to allow clicking on window titlebar + widgets without activating process. Move code dealing with clicks in + window titelbar into separate function HandleWindowTitlebarMouseDown() + to avoid code duplication. Avoid repeated calls to TkMacOSXGetXWindow() + by storing result in MouseEventData struct. + (TkMacOSXButtonKeyState, XQueryPointer): try to get button and modifier + state from currently processed carbon event (to avoid unnecessary IPC + with the window server), otherwise use modern carbon API to get this + info instead of Button() and GetKeys(); only retrieve info caller asks + for (via non-NULL ptr passed to XQueryPointer). + (ButtonModifiers2State): new static function converting carbon button + and modifier state into tk state, allows detection of more than 3 mouse + buttons (tk supports up to 5) and of NumLock and Fn modifier keys + (NumLock is mapped to Mod3 and Fn to Mod4). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessApplicationEvent): handle + kEventWindowExpanded event to deal with window uncollapsing from the + dock by generating tk Map event, handle kEventAppHidden and + kEventAppShown events (moved here from tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c). + + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c (XUnmapWindow): only hide window when + it is not iconified to avoid window flashing on collapse. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: replaced Tk_DoWhenIdle() by Tcl_DoWhenIdle(). + (TkMacOSXZoomToplevel): remove call to TrackBox(), now done in + HandleWindowTitlebarMouseDown() in tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c. + (TkpWmSetState): avoid window flashing on collapse by unmapping after + calling CollapseWindow(); only uncollapse window if it is collapsed. + + * generic/tkInt.decls: changed TkMacOSXZoomToplevel() signature. + * generic/tkIntPlatDecls.h: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessKeyboardEvent): only call + GetMenuItemCommandID() on KeyDown or KeyRepeat events. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c (ReconfigureMacintoshMenu): remove call to + obsolete AppendResMenu() API. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: replaced all direct uses of expensive + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: GetMouse() and TkMacOSXButtonKeyState() + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: APIs by calls to XQueryPointer() + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: replaced use of FrontNonFloatingWindow() + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: by ActiveNonFloatingWindow() as + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c: recommended by Carbon docs. + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c: fixed warnings + * macosx/tkMacOSXTest.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXCarbonEvents.c: added CVS Id line to file header. + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.h: + * macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.h: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEmbed.c: replaced all uses of panic() with Tcl_Panic() + * macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c: (sync with HEAD). + * macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c: + + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: sync with HEAD changes of 2005-03-14. + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c: + + * macosx/tclets.r (removed): sync with HEAD. + * macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c: + * macosx/tkMacOSXPort.h: + +2005-07-30 Daniel Steffen + + * unix/ (html): reverted/amended changes of 2005-07-24 + that broke TkAqua 'make install'; added BUILD_HTML_FLAGS + optional var like in tcl/unix/ + +2005-07-28 Jeff Hobbs + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c (XDrawLines, XDrawSegments): correct + drawing of CoordModePrevious style (each point based on last). + Exposed by tktable -drawmode fast. + + * library/bgerror.tcl (::tk::dialog::error::bgerror): use + zoomDocProc instead of dBoxProc for bgerror dialog + + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (TkpWmSetState): add IsWindowCollapsed check + before calling CollapseWindow. + (WmResizableCmd): adjust kWindow*Attributes according to resize + parameters. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessMouseEvent): handle + inToolbarButton action (generates <<ToolbarButton>> virtual event) + and correct inCollapseBox to properly track the event (waiting for + buttonrelease) and generate the Unmap event (Map event on + redisplay still missing). + +2005-07-27 Jeff Hobbs + + * generic/tkFrame.c (DisplayFrame): + * generic/tkInt.decls: add TkpDrawFrame to allow for + * generic/tkIntDecls.h: platform-specific drawing into the frame/ + * generic/tkStubInit.c: toplevel area. Currently only differs on + * generic/tkFrame.c: OS X (Aqua), which will draw a themed bg + * win/tkWinDraw.c: if tk::mac::useThemedToplevel == 1. + * unix/tkUnixDraw.c: Normal frames left alone until we can + * mac/tkMacDraw.c: better factor out frame drawing to be + * macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c:widget-specific. + + * generic/tkInt.h: Swap TkUnsupported1Cmd for TkUnsupported1ObjCmd. + * generic/tkWindow.c: Ditto. (neil madden) + * macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h: Added TkMacOSXWindowClass decl + * macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c (TkMacOSXWinStyle) New function. + (TkUnsupported1ObjCmd): New function, replaces the un-objectified + version of the command, recognizes more classes and attributes. + (TkMacOSXWindowClass): private function to return OS X class of a + Tk window. + * macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c (XMapWindow, XUnmapWindow): + recognize special show/hide functions for sheets + +2005-07-24 Mo DeJong + + * unix/ Subst TCLSH_PROG and + BUILD_TCLSH into Makefile. Rework html + target so that it depends on the tclsh + installed on the system PATH. + * unix/configure: Regen. + * unix/ Invoke SC_PROG_TCLSH + and SC_BUILD_TCLSH and subst into Makefile. + * unix/tcl.m4: Update from Tcl. + * win/ Subst TCLSH_PROG and + BUILD_TCLSH into Makefile. Rework winhelp + target so that it depends on the tclsh + installed on the system PATH. + * win/configure: Regen. + * win/ Invoke SC_BUILD_TCLSH + and subst into Makefile. + * win/tcl.m4: Update from Tcl. + [Tcl patch 1244153] + +2005-07-21 Jeff Hobbs + + * unix/configure, unix/tcl.m4: sync'ed to Tcl's tcl.m4 + + * macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c (TkpDrawEntryBorderAndFocus): set + oldWidth to avoid warning + + * macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c (TkMacOSXProcessMouseEvent): + corrected if expression error (use of = instead of ==) + +2005-07-06 Jeff Hobbs + + * doc/getOpenFile.n: correct -multiple docs (takes boolean) + +2005-06-25 Daniel Steffen + + *** 8.4.11 TAGGED FOR RELEASE *** + + * library/demos/menu.tcl: removed errant '}'. + +2005-06-23 Daniel Steffen + + * generic/tkConsole.c: backport fix for bug 756840 & sync whitespace + changes from HEAD. + + * generic/tkConsole.c (TkConsolePrint): prevent potential NULL deref. + + * macosx/tkMacOSXDefault.h: change ENTRY_BORDER defaults to from 5 to 2 + to make default entry widgets in TkAqua look like in other aqua apps + (and have same border dimensions as other platforms). [Bug 1176610] + + * unix/ (install-private-headers): rewrite tkPort.h when + installing private headers to remove ../unix relative #include path to + tkUnixPort.h (which is incorrect at the installed location). + +2005-06-21 Donal K. Fellows + + * doc/GetBitmap.3: Fix silly error in SYNOPSIS. [Bug 1224983] + +2005-06-20 Donal K. Fellows + + * generic/tkImgGIF.c (mInit,Mgetc,Fread): Stop anyone from reading + off the end of a buffer. + +2005-06-18 Daniel Steffen + + * macosx/Makefile: for X11 build, add -X11 suffix to unversioned wish + symbolic link. +
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