Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv7674
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: made the new socket interface to load files given as commandline args. also, disabled tclreadline in tclsh mode.
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.3 -r1.1.2.600.2.4 *** desire.tk 2 Dec 2006 03:12:12 -0000 --- desire.tk 2 Dec 2006 23:48:28 -0000 *************** *** 725,731 **** fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering line poll_sock - global files_to_open pd pd init ! foreach f $files_to_open { set ff [file split [file normalize $f]] set ffl [llength $ff] --- 725,730 ---- fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering line poll_sock pd pd init ! foreach f $::files_to_open { set ff [file split [file normalize $f]] set ffl [llength $ff] *************** *** 776,779 **** --- 775,785 ---- pd pd init poll_sock + foreach f $::files_to_open { + set ff [file split [file normalize $f]] + set ffl [llength $ff] + set file [lindex $ff [expr $ffl-1]] + set dir [join [lrange $ff 0 [expr $ffl-2]] [file separator]] + pd pd open $file $dir + } }
*************** *** 1702,1706 ****
def Canvas scroll {axis diff} { - global crosshair set c [$self widget] $c [list $axis]view scroll $diff units --- 1708,1711 ---- *************** *** 2474,2478 ****
def Canvas motion {x y f target} { ! global font tooltip crosshair set c [$self widget] $self motion_checkhairtip $target $x $y --- 2479,2483 ----
def Canvas motion {x y f target} { ! global font set c [$self widget] $self motion_checkhairtip $target $x $y *************** *** 2584,2588 ****
def Canvas motion_checkhairtip {target x y} { - global crosshair tooltip if {[$self look hairstate] && $@editmode} { $@crosshair data= $x $y $target --- 2589,2592 ---- *************** *** 2592,2598 **** } if {[$self look tooltip]} { ! if {[expr [distance $tooltip(curpos) [list $x $y]] > 10]} { ! $self hide_tooltip ! } } } --- 2596,2600 ---- } if {[$self look tooltip]} { ! if {[expr [distance $::tooltip(curpos) [list $x $y]] > 10]} {$self hide_tooltip} } } *************** *** 7133,7137 ****
def ClientPrefsDialog init {} { ! global ddrc_options look key crosshair bar $self read super cancel apply ok --- 7135,7139 ----
def ClientPrefsDialog init {} { ! global ddrc_options look key bar $self read super cancel apply ok *************** *** 7496,7508 **** } else { set cmdline(console) 0 ! # package require tclreadline ! # #::tclreadline::Loop ! # proc ::tclreadline::prompt1 {} {return "desire> "} ! # while {1} { ! # puts "What?" ! # if {[catch {puts [::tclreadline::readline read]}]} { ! # puts $::errorInfo ! # } ! # } ! vwait foo } --- 7498,7517 ---- } else { set cmdline(console) 0 ! #foreach dir $auto_path { ! # set file $dir/libtclreadline[info sharedlibextension] ! # puts "trying $file" ! # if {![catch {load $file}]} {puts "found tclreadline !"} ! #} ! #::tclreadline::Loop ! #proc ::tclreadline::prompt1 {} {return "desire> "} ! #while {1} { ! # #set line [::tclreadline::readline read] ! # puts -nonewline "desire> " ! # flush stdout ! # set line [gets stdin] ! # if {[catch {puts [eval $line]}]} { ! # puts "error: $::errorInfo" ! # } ! #} ! #vwait foo }