Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv17557
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: .
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.132 -r1.1.2.133 *** desire.tk 2 Dec 2005 09:47:17 -0000 --- desire.tk 2 Dec 2005 10:59:45 -0000 *************** *** 167,181 **** }
- class_new UndoFeature - # attr_accessor :undo_queue - # def initialize {args} { @undo = UndoQueue.new; super } - # this version of #modify atomicizes undo information; - # which means that all operations occurring during the #modify block - # will be undone by a single call to #undo. - # def modify(&proc); @undo_queue.atomically { super(&proc) }; end - # def undo; @undo_queue.undo; end - # def redo; @undo_queue.redo; end - #end - #class UndoableArray < AutoArray # include UndoFeature --- 167,170 ---- *************** *** 306,316 ****
pack [frame .controls] -side top -fill x ! foreach {t name} {file File find Find media Media} { ! .mbar add cascade -label $name -menu [menu .mbar.$t -tearoff $pd_tearoff] } ! menu .mbar.windows -postcommand fixwindowmenu -tearoff $pd_tearoff ! .mbar add cascade -label "Window" -menu .mbar.windows ! menu .mbar.help -tearoff $pd_tearoff ! .mbar add cascade -label "Help" -menu .mbar.help
set ctrls_audio_on 0 --- 295,302 ----
pack [frame .controls] -side top -fill x ! foreach t {file find media window help} { ! .mbar add cascade -label [say $t] -menu [menu .mbar.$t -tearoff $pd_tearoff] } ! .mbar.window configure -postcommand fixwindowmenu
set ctrls_audio_on 0 *************** *** 342,346 **** pack $f.1.mtr $f.1.clip -side left -pady 2 -padx 0 pack $f.1 -padx 6 -pady 9 ! label $f.2 -text [string tolower $z] place $f.2 -x 11 -y -4 pack $f -side left -pady 0 -padx 0 --- 328,332 ---- pack $f.1.mtr $f.1.clip -side left -pady 2 -padx 0 pack $f.1 -padx 6 -pady 9 ! label $f.2 -text [say $z] place $f.2 -x 11 -y -4 pack $f -side left -pady 0 -padx 0 *************** *** 498,506 **** proc fixwindowmenu {} { global menu_windowlist ! .mbar.windows delete 0 end ! foreach i $menu_windowlist { ! .mbar.windows add command -label [lindex $i 0] \ ! -command "menu_domenuwindow [lindex $i 1]]" ! menu_fixwindowmenu [lindex $i 1] } } --- 484,491 ---- proc fixwindowmenu {} { global menu_windowlist ! .mbar.window delete 0 end ! foreach {i j} $menu_windowlist { ! .mbar.window add command -label $i -command "menu_domenuwindow [lindex $i 1]]" ! menu_fixwindowmenu $j } } *************** *** 581,602 ****
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! def menuable populate_menu {menu list} { ! foreach e $list { ! if {[llength $e]==0} { ! $menu add separator ! } { ! set cmd [lindex $e 1] ! if {![llength $cmd]} {set cmd "%W [lindex $e 0]"} ! set accel [accel_munge [lindex $e 2]] ! regsub -all %W $cmd $self cmd ! if {$accel != ""} {dict set @accels $accel $cmd} ! if {[llength $e]==3} { ! $menu add command -label [lindex $e 0] -command $cmd \ -accelerator $accel ! } { # 4 ! $menu add checkbutton -label [lindex $e 0] -command $cmd \ ! -accelerator $accel -indicatoron ??? ! } ! } } } --- 566,587 ----
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! ! def menuable populate_menu {menu list} {foreach e $list {$self populate_menu_1 $menu $e}} ! def menuable populate_menu_1 {menu e} { ! if {[llength $e]==0} {$menu add separator; return} ! mset {text cmd accel} $e ! if {![llength $cmd]} { ! set cmd "%W $text" ! set text [say $text] ! } ! set accel [accel_munge $accel] ! regsub -all %W $cmd $self cmd ! if {$accel != ""} {dict set @accels $accel $cmd} ! if {[llength $e]==3} { ! $menu add command -label $text -command $cmd \ -accelerator $accel ! } { # 4 ! $menu add checkbutton -label $text -command $cmd \ ! -accelerator $accel -indicatoron 1 } } *************** *** 607,625 ****
$main populate_menu .mbar.file { ! {new_file {} "Ctrl+n"} ! {open_file {} "Ctrl+o"} {} ! {".pdrc Editor" {pdrc_editor_new} ""} {send_message {} "Ctrl+m"} ! {"Path..." {pd pd start-path-dialog} ""} {} ! {"Quit" {menu_quit} "Ctrl+q"} }
# switch -- $key { - # n {$self new_file} - # o {$self open_file} - # m {$self send_message} - # q {$self quit} Q {$self really_quit} # slash {$self audio 1} # period {$self audio 0} --- 592,606 ----
$main populate_menu .mbar.file { ! {new_file {} "Ctrl+n"} ! {open_file {} "Ctrl+o"} {} ! {pdrc_editor {} ""} {send_message {} "Ctrl+m"} ! {paths {} ""} {} ! {quit {} "Ctrl+q"} }
# switch -- $key { # slash {$self audio 1} # period {$self audio 0} *************** *** 790,806 **** }
set canvasmenu(file) { ! {New {} "Ctrl+n"} ! {Open... {menu_open} "Ctrl+o"} {} ! {Message... {menu_send} "Ctrl+m"} ! {Paths... {pd pd start-path-dialog} {}} {} ! {Close {} "Ctrl+w"} ! {Save {menu_save} "Ctrl+s"} ! {"Save as..." {menu_saveas} "Ctrl+S"} ! {"Print..." {menu_print} "Ctrl+p"} {} ! {Quit {menu_quit} "Ctrl+q"} }
--- 771,789 ---- }
+ def client paths {} {pd pd start-path-dialog} + set canvasmenu(file) { ! {new_file {} "Ctrl+n"} ! {open_file {} "Ctrl+o"} {} ! {send_message {} "Ctrl+m"} ! {paths {} ""} {} ! {close {} "Ctrl+w"} ! {save {} "Ctrl+s"} ! {save_as {} "Ctrl+S"} ! {print {} "Ctrl+p"} {} ! {quit {} "Ctrl+q"} }
*************** *** 809,814 **** {redo {} "Ctrl+Z"} {} ! {cut {} "Ctrl+x"} ! {copy {} "Ctrl+c"} {paste {} "Ctrl+v"} {duplicate {} "Ctrl+d"} --- 792,797 ---- {redo {} "Ctrl+Z"} {} ! {cut {} "Ctrl+x"} ! {copy {} "Ctrl+c"} {paste {} "Ctrl+v"} {duplicate {} "Ctrl+d"} *************** *** 844,849 ****
set canvasmenu(media) { ! {{audio ON} {menu_audio 1} "Ctrl+/"} ! {{audio OFF} {menu_audio 0} "Ctrl+."} {} } --- 827,832 ----
set canvasmenu(media) { ! {audio_on {} "Ctrl+/"} ! {audio_off {} "Ctrl+."} {} } *************** *** 864,881 **** global pd_apilist pd_midiapilist canvasmenu main $main populate_menu $mbar.media $canvasmenu(media) - set x 0 $main populate_menu $mbar.media {{}} foreach a $pd_apilist { ! $mbar.media add radiobutton -label [lindex $a 0] \ ! -command {menu_audio 0} -variable pd_whichapi -value [lindex $a 1] \ -command {pd pd audio-setapi $pd_whichapi} - incr x } $main populate_menu $mbar.media {{}} foreach a $pd_midiapilist { ! $mbar.media add radiobutton -label [lindex $a 0] \ ! -command {menu_midi 0} -variable pd_whichmidiapi -value [lindex $a 1] \ -command {pd pd midi-setapi $pd_whichmidiapi} - incr x } $main populate_menu $mbar.help { --- 847,859 ---- global pd_apilist pd_midiapilist canvasmenu main $main populate_menu $mbar.media $canvasmenu(media) $main populate_menu $mbar.media {{}} foreach a $pd_apilist { ! $mbar.media add radiobutton -label [lindex $a 0] -variable pd_whichapi -value [lindex $a 1] \ -command {pd pd audio-setapi $pd_whichapi} } $main populate_menu $mbar.media {{}} foreach a $pd_midiapilist { ! $mbar.media add radiobutton -label [lindex $a 0] -variable pd_whichmidiapi -value [lindex $a 1] \ -command {pd pd midi-setapi $pd_whichmidiapi} } $main populate_menu $mbar.help { *************** *** 954,958 **** def canvas editmode= {mode} { global look ! .$self.m.edit entryconfigure "Edit mode" -indicatoron $mode set @editmode $mode catch {.$self.bbar.edit configure -image icon_mode_$mode} --- 932,936 ---- def canvas editmode= {mode} { global look ! .$self.m.edit entryconfigure [say edit_mode] -indicatoron 1 set @editmode $mode catch {.$self.bbar.edit configure -image icon_mode_$mode} *************** *** 963,967 ****
def canvas close {} { ! pd $name menuclose 0 $self fix_window_menu } --- 941,945 ----
def canvas close {} { ! pd .$self menuclose 0 $self fix_window_menu } *************** *** 970,973 **** --- 948,955 ---- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
+ def canvas atomically {proc} {$@history atomically $proc} + def canvas undo {} {$@history undo} + def canvas redo {} {$@history redo} + def* canvas init {{width 400} {height 300} {geometry +0+0} {editable 1}} { super *************** *** 991,998 **** menu $name.popup -tearoff false $self populate_menu $name.popup { ! {"Properties" {%W popup_properties} ""} ! {"Open" {%W popup_open } ""} ! {"Help" {%W popup_help } ""} ! } wm protocol $name WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self close" $self new_binds --- 973,979 ---- menu $name.popup -tearoff false $self populate_menu $name.popup { ! {popup_properties {} ""} ! {popup_open {} ""} ! {popup_help {} ""}} wm protocol $name WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self close" $self new_binds *************** *** 1014,1017 **** --- 995,1000 ---- set @dehighlight {} set @wires {} + global history + set @history $history global manager post %s "canvas init: subscribing to $manager" *************** *** 1087,1090 **** --- 1070,1074 ----
def canvas scroll {axis diff} {.$self.c [list $axis]view scroll $diff units} + def canvas reload {} {pd ".$self map 0; .$self map 1"}
def canvas redraw {} { *************** *** 1103,1123 **** menu $m.edit -postcommand "$self fix_edit_menu" -tearoff $pd_tearoff $self populate_menu $m.edit $canvasmenu(edit) ! $m.edit add checkbutton -label "Edit mode" -indicatoron true \ -selectcolor grey85 -command "menu_editmode $name" \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Ctrl+e"] ! ! if {!$editable} {$m.edit entryconfigure "Edit mode" -indicatoron false}
$self populate_menu $m.view { ! {Reload {pd "%W map 0 ; %W map 1"} {}} ! {Redraw {[c2self %W] redraw} {}} ! } ! # {Crosshair {global crosshair; set crosshair [expr !!$crosshair]} "" toggle}
$self populate_menu $m.put $canvasmenu(put) $self populate_menu $name.m.find { ! {Find... {foo menu_findobject} "Ctrl+f"} ! {"Find Again" {foo "pd %W findagain"} "Ctrl+g"} ! {"Find last error" {foo menu_finderror} {}} } menu $m.windows -postcommand "foo menu_fixwindowmenu" -tearoff $pd_tearoff --- 1087,1106 ---- menu $m.edit -postcommand "$self fix_edit_menu" -tearoff $pd_tearoff $self populate_menu $m.edit $canvasmenu(edit) ! $m.edit add checkbutton -label [say edit_mode] \ -selectcolor grey85 -command "menu_editmode $name" \ ! -accelerator [accel_munge "Ctrl+e"] -indicatoron 1 ! # if {!$editable} {$m.edit entryconfigure "Edit mode" -huh??} ! # it's not -indicatoron for checking a box. it should be always on.
$self populate_menu $m.view { ! {reload {} {}} ! {redraw {} {}}} ! # {crosshair {global crosshair; set crosshair [expr !!$crosshair]} "" toggle}
$self populate_menu $m.put $canvasmenu(put) $self populate_menu $name.m.find { ! {find {} "Ctrl+f"} ! {find_again {} "Ctrl+g"} ! {find_last_error {} {}} } menu $m.windows -postcommand "foo menu_fixwindowmenu" -tearoff $pd_tearoff *************** *** 1149,1161 **** set t [say undo] if {[llength $@undo]} { ! $e entryconfigure "Undo*" -state normal -label "$t $@undoaction" } else { ! $e entryconfigure "Undo*" -state disabled -label "[say cannot] $t" } set t [say redo] if {[llength $@redo]} { ! $e entryconfigure "Redo*" -state normal -label "$t $@redoaction" } else { ! $e entryconfigure "Redo*" -state disabled -label "[say cannot] $t" } } --- 1132,1144 ---- set t [say undo] if {[llength $@undo]} { ! $e entryconfigure $t -state normal -label "$t $@undoaction" } else { ! $e entryconfigure $t -state disabled -label "[say cannot] $t" } set t [say redo] if {[llength $@redo]} { ! $e entryconfigure $t -state normal -label "$t $@redoaction" } else { ! $e entryconfigure $t -state disabled -label "[say cannot] $t" } } *************** *** 1351,1367 **** }
- def objectbox complete2 {} { - for {set x 0} {$x<$@ninlets} {incr x} { - if {[info exists _($self:i:$x)]} { - foreach wire_id $_($self:i:$x) {wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id)} - } - } - for {set x 0} {$x<$@noutlets} {incr x} { - if {[info exists _($self:o:$x)]} { - foreach wire_id $_($self:o:$x) {wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id)} - } - } - } - def objectbox click {args} { puts "$self is being clicked in run mode" --- 1334,1337 ---- *************** *** 1771,1886 **** def* canvas unclick {x y b} { if {$@editmode} {$self unclickedit $x $y %b} {$self unclickrun $x $y %b} - # global font look offset_wire - # set c .$self.c - # set cx [$c canvasx $x] - # set cy [$c canvasy $y] - # don't remove these codes just yet, thx -chun - # if {[llength $@wire_from]} { - # if {[llength $@wire_to]} { - # set d $@wire_from - # foreach item $wire_to {lappend d $item} - # #add a last 0 for wire_update, not sure what's for.... - # lappend d 0 - # #tmp only, generates id for wires - # set wire_id l[format %x [expr 0x80f8ea8 - $offset_wire]] - # set wire_id l$wire_id - # mset {from outlet_number} $@wire_from - # mset {to inlet_number} $@wire_to - # if {[info exists _($from:o:$outlet_number)]} {lappend _($from:o:$outlet_number) $wire_id} else {set _($from:o:$outlet_number) $wire_id} - # if {[info exists _($to:i:$inlet_number)]} {lappend _($to:i:$inlet_number) $wire_id} else {set _($to:i:$inlet_number) $wire_id} - # #puts "d = $d" - # set offset_wire [expr $offset_wire + 1] - # #propose: _($wire_id) to store sire info - # #maybe don't need this - # set _($wire_id) $d - # wire_update $wire_id $d - # #pd $self add-wire x$@wire_from x$wire_to - # #puts "::::connect from $@wire_from to $wire_to" - # #::::connect from 81168af 2 to 81168ae 0 - # #my wire code -end - # } - # #erase lnew in any case - # set @wire_from {} - # set @wire_to {} - # $c delete lnew - # #return - # } - # if {[llength [$c gettags selrect]] > 0} { - # set coords [$c coords selrect] - # mset {x1 y1} $coords - # set x2 $cx - # set y2 $cy - # set selrect_id [$c find withtag selrect] - # set selected_elements [$c find overlapping $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] - # set selrect_index [lsearch $selected_elements $selrect_id] - # set selected_elements [lreplace $selected_elements $selrect_index $selrect_index] - # if {[llength $selected_elements]} { - # set element_tags {} - # foreach item $selected_elements { - # eval lappend element_tags [$c gettags $item] - # } - # #puts "tags in selrect --> $element_tags" - # set ids {} - # set wires {} - # foreach tag $element_tags { - # if {[regexp {^([a-f0-9]{6,8})} $tag id]} {lappend ids $id} - # # this would make things shorter - # # if {[regexp {^l([a-f0-9]{6,8})} [$c gettags $tag] id]} - # #if {[regexp {^l([a-f0-9]{6,8})} $tag wire_id]} {lappend wires $wire_id} - # } - # set selected_objs [lsort -unique $ids] - # foreach obj $selected_objs { - # set i [lsearch $@selection $obj] - # if {$i<0} {lappend @selection $obj} - # } - # #foreach wire $wires { - # # set i [lsearch $@selection_wire $wire] - # # if {$i<0} {lappend @selection_wire $wire} - # #} - # - # set @selection_wire $wires - # - # foreach obj $@selection { - # for {set x 0} {$x<$_($obj:ninlets)} {incr x} { - # if {[info exists _($obj:i:$x)]} { - # foreach wire_id $_($obj:i:$x) { - # #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) - # set i [lsearch $@selection_wire $wire_id] - # if {$i<0} {lappend @selection_wire $wire_id} - # } - # } - # } - # for {set x 0} {$x<$_($obj:noutlets)} {incr x} { - # if {[info exists _($obj:o:$x)]} { - # foreach wire_id $_($obj:o:$x) { - # #wire_update $wire_id $_($wire_id) - # set i [lsearch $@selection_wire $wire_id] - # if {$i<0} {lappend @selection_wire $wire_id} - # } - # } - # } - # } - # foreach obj $@selection {$c itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe4)} - # foreach wire $@selection_wire {$c itemconfigure $wire -fill $look(wirefg2)} - # set @select_by "selrect" - # } { - # #foreach obj $@selection {$c itemconfigure ${obj}BASE -outline $look(objectframe3)} - # #set @selection {} - # } - # $c delete selrect - # } - # if {[string length $@focus]} { - # set id $@focus - # if {$@editmode} {set event unclickedit} {set event unclick} - # $id $event $cx $cy - # } - # foreach {type id} [$self identify_target $cx $cy -1 -1 "blah "] {} - # switch $@action { edit {set @obj_in_edit $id; $id edit}} - # switch $type { - # object { - # if {$@editmode} {set event unclickedit} {set event unclick} - # $id $event $cx $cy - # } - # } $self adjust_scrollbars $self checkgeometry --- 1741,1744 ----