Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv30306
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: misc varia stuff
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.178 -r1.1.2.179 *** desire.tk 22 Apr 2006 03:41:13 -0000 --- desire.tk 22 Apr 2006 06:44:41 -0000 *************** *** 17,22 ****
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! # some list processing functions
proc min {x y} {if {$x<$y} {return $x} {return $y}} proc max {x y} {if {$x>$y} {return $x} {return $y}} --- 17,27 ----
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! # some list processing functions and some math too
+ proc clip {x min max} { + if {$x<$min} {return $min} + if {$x>$max} {return $max} + return $x + } proc min {x y} {if {$x<$y} {return $x} {return $y}} proc max {x y} {if {$x>$y} {return $x} {return $y}} *************** *** 97,101 **** post %s "$o: $poolset($o)" unset poolset($o) - puts ".....draw $o ....." $o draw } --- 102,105 ---- *************** *** 872,875 **** --- 876,885 ---- def Canvas quit {} {global main; $main quit}
+ proc wonder {} {tk_messageBox -message "this would be a cool feature, eh?" -type yesno -icon question} + + def Canvas popup_properties {} {wonder} + def Canvas popup_open {} {wonder} + def Canvas popup_help {} {wonder} + def* Canvas eval% {code} { regsub -all %X $code $@current_x code *************** *** 969,976 **** def Canvas editmode {} {return $@editmode} def Canvas editmode= {mode} { ! global look edit_toggle set @editmode $mode #sets the edit_toggle so the edit mode checkbox will follow if key binding is used - set edit_toggle $@editmode catch {.$self.bbar.edit configure -image icon_mode_$mode} .$self.c configure -background [if $@editmode {concat $look(canvasbgedit)} {concat $look(canvasbgrun)}] --- 979,985 ---- def Canvas editmode {} {return $@editmode} def Canvas editmode= {mode} { ! global look set @editmode $mode #sets the edit_toggle so the edit mode checkbox will follow if key binding is used catch {.$self.bbar.edit configure -image icon_mode_$mode} .$self.c configure -background [if $@editmode {concat $look(canvasbgedit)} {concat $look(canvasbgrun)}] *************** *** 1192,1202 ****
$m.edit add checkbutton -label [say edit_mode] \ ! -selectcolor grey0 -command "menu_editmode $name" \ -accelerator [accel_munge "Ctrl+e"] -indicatoron 1 \ ! -variable edit_toggle -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 ! #binds the state of the checkbox to global variable edit_toggle ! ! dict append @accels "Ctrl+e" "menu_editmode $name" ! $m.edit configure -postcommand "$self fix_edit_menu" $m.window configure -postcommand "menu_fixwindowmenu" --- 1201,1209 ----
$m.edit add checkbutton -label [say edit_mode] \ ! -selectcolor grey0 -command "$self editmode 0" \ -accelerator [accel_munge "Ctrl+e"] -indicatoron 1 \ ! -variable @editmode -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 ! #binds the state of the checkbox to global variable editmod ! dict append @accels "Ctrl+e" "$self editmode 0" $m.edit configure -postcommand "$self fix_edit_menu" $m.window configure -postcommand "menu_fixwindowmenu" *************** *** 1211,1219 **** }
- proc menu_editmode {name} { - global _ edit_toggle - pd $name editmode 0 - } - def Canvas editmodeswitch {args} { set @editmode [expr !$@editmode] --- 1218,1221 ---- *************** *** 1359,1366 **** global font look set @textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*([string length $@text]+$@edit)] ! set @topwidth [expr ($@ninlets + ($@ninlets - 1)) * $look(iowidth)] ! set @bottomwidth [expr ($@noutlets + ($@noutlets - 1)) * $look(iowidth)] set @xs [max $look(minobjwidth) [max $@bottomwidth [max $@topwidth $@textwidth]]] ! set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] }
--- 1361,1368 ---- global font look set @textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*([string length $@text]+$@edit)] ! set @topwidth [expr (2* $@ninlets-1) * $look(iowidth)] ! set @bottomwidth [expr (2*$@noutlets-1) * $look(iowidth)] set @xs [max $look(minobjwidth) [max $@bottomwidth [max $@topwidth $@textwidth]]] ! set @ys [expr $font(pady)+$font(height)] }
*************** *** 1566,1570 **** }
! def* View move {dx dy} { mset {x y} [$self xy] set @x1 [expr $@x1+$dx] --- 1568,1572 ---- }
! def View move {dx dy} { mset {x y} [$self xy] set @x1 [expr $@x1+$dx] *************** *** 1769,1774 **** set c .[$self canvas].c mset {type id} [$self identify_target $x $y $b $f "click"] ! puts "object_in_edit: $@obj_in_edit id:$id" ! if {$f&8} {post "right click!"; return} if {[llength $@obj_in_edit]} {$@obj_in_edit unedit; set @obj_in_edit {}} # if clicked on empty space in edit mode, draw dash sel rect --- 1771,1778 ---- set c .[$self canvas].c mset {type id} [$self identify_target $x $y $b $f "click"] ! if {$f&8} { ! tk_popup .$self.popup [winfo pointerx $c] [winfo pointery $c] ! return ! } if {[llength $@obj_in_edit]} {$@obj_in_edit unedit; set @obj_in_edit {}} # if clicked on empty space in edit mode, draw dash sel rect *************** *** 2051,2086 ****
def* Box draw_wires {} { - puts "wires:$@wires" ! ! foreach wire $@wires { ! $wire draw ! } }
def* Box delete_wire {wire} { ! set find [lsearch $@wires $wire] ! if { $find != -1} { ! set @wires [lreplace $@wires $find $find] ! } }
! def* Box move {dx dy} { ! global _ ! super $dx $dy ! #$self draw_wires ! foreach wire $@wires { ! # the select_by is ugly, remove later... $_($@canvas:select_by) ! set _($wire:select_by) $_($@canvas:select_by) ! $wire draw ! } }
- def* Box clickedit {x y butt key in_selection selection} { #handles the shift click #if {($f&1) && !$already} {post "add to selection?"; return} if {($key&1) && $selection>0} { ! puts "add $self to selection...." } #if clicked obj is part of the $@selection, than.... --- 2055,2082 ----
def* Box draw_wires {} { puts "wires:$@wires" ! foreach wire $@wires {$wire draw} }
def* Box delete_wire {wire} { ! set find [lsearch $@wires $wire] ! if {$find != -1} {set @wires [lreplace $@wires $find $find]} }
! def Box move {dx dy} { ! super $dx $dy ! #$self draw_wires ! foreach wire $@wires { ! # the select_by is ugly, remove later... $_($@canvas:select_by) ! set _($wire:select_by) $_($@canvas:select_by) ! $wire draw ! } }
def* Box clickedit {x y butt key in_selection selection} { #handles the shift click #if {($f&1) && !$already} {post "add to selection?"; return} if {($key&1) && $selection>0} { ! puts "add $self to selection...." } #if clicked obj is part of the $@selection, than.... *************** *** 2267,2275 **** set classinfo(tgl) {Toggle} set classinfo(bng) {Bang} ! set classinfo(nbx) {numbox} ! set classinfo(hsl) {slider} ! set classinfo(hradio) {radio} ! set classinfo(vu) {vu} ! set classinfo(dropper) {dropper} set classinfo(vsl) $classinfo(hsl) set classinfo(vradio) $classinfo(hradio) --- 2263,2271 ---- set classinfo(tgl) {Toggle} set classinfo(bng) {Bang} ! set classinfo(nbx) {NumBox} ! set classinfo(hsl) {Slider} ! set classinfo(hradio) {Radio} ! set classinfo(vu) {Vu} ! set classinfo(dropper) {Dropper} set classinfo(vsl) $classinfo(hsl) set classinfo(vradio) $classinfo(hradio) *************** *** 2277,2281 **** set classinfo(vdl) $classinfo(hradio) set classinfo(canvas) {Canvas} ! set classinfo(cnv) {cnv}
proc update_object {x d} { --- 2273,2277 ---- set classinfo(vdl) $classinfo(hradio) set classinfo(canvas) {Canvas} ! set classinfo(cnv) {Cnv}
proc update_object {x d} { *************** *** 2352,2356 **** incr i } - puts "==== x:$x" $x changed } --- 2348,2351 ---- *************** *** 2359,2364 ****
# fix me ! class_new shadow {qwerty} ! def shadow draw {coords} { global look set light [darker ${look(objectbg)}] --- 2354,2359 ----
# fix me ! class_new Shadow {} ;# make a Box class inherit from this ! def Shadow draw {coords} { global look set light [darker ${look(objectbg)}] *************** *** 2436,2441 **** }
! class_new BlueBox {labeled Box} ! #class_new BlueBox {Box labeled}
def* BlueBox draw {} { --- 2431,2436 ---- }
! class_new BlueBox {Labeled Box} ! #class_new BlueBox {Box Labeled}
def* BlueBox draw {} { *************** *** 2459,2464 **** }
! class_new numbox {labeled Box} ! def* numbox init {args} { eval [concat [list super] $args] set @clicking 0 --- 2454,2459 ---- }
! class_new NumBox {Labeled Box} ! def* NumBox init {args} { eval [concat [list super] $args] set @clicking 0 *************** *** 2466,2470 **** }
! def* numbox draw {} { $self update_size global look --- 2461,2465 ---- }
! def* NumBox draw {} { $self update_size global look *************** *** 2485,2489 **** $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [parse_color $@bcol] -outline $look(objectframe3) $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -fill $color4 -outline $look(objectframe3) ! $self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text [numbox_ftoa $self] \ -font [list $font $@fs bold] -fill [parse_color $@fcol] .$@canvas.c delete ${self}CURS --- 2480,2484 ---- $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [parse_color $@bcol] -outline $look(objectframe3) $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -fill $color4 -outline $look(objectframe3) ! $self item NUMBER text [list $xt $yt] -anchor w -text [$self ftoa] \ -font [list $font $@fs bold] -fill [parse_color $@fcol] .$@canvas.c delete ${self}CURS *************** *** 2493,2502 **** } io_draw $self ! labeled_draw $self if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol $look(objectframe4)} {set frcol $look(objectframe3)} .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE -outline $frcol }
! def* numbox update_size {} { global font look set @textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*[string length $@buf]] --- 2488,2497 ---- } io_draw $self ! Labeled_draw $self if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol $look(objectframe4)} {set frcol $look(objectframe3)} .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BASE -outline $frcol }
! def* NumBox update_size {} { global font look set @textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*[string length $@buf]] *************** *** 2509,2513 ****
! def numbox ftoa {} { set f $@val set is_exp 0 --- 2504,2508 ----
! def NumBox ftoa {} { set f $@val set is_exp 0 *************** *** 2530,2534 **** }
! def numbox click {x y b f} { $@canvas focus $self $@canvas itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill #00ff00 --- 2525,2529 ---- }
! def NumBox click {x y b f} { $@canvas focus $self $@canvas itemconfigure ${self}BASE4 -fill #00ff00 *************** *** 2539,2543 **** }
! def numbox motion {x y mod} { set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] if {!$focused} {return} --- 2534,2538 ---- }
! def NumBox motion {x y mod} { set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] if {!$focused} {return} *************** *** 2549,2555 **** }
! def numbox unfocus {} {set @buf ""; $self changed}
! def numbox unclick {x y} { set @clicking 0 if {$@oval!=$@val} { --- 2544,2550 ---- }
! def NumBox unfocus {} {set @buf ""; $self changed}
! def NumBox unclick {x y} { set @clicking 0 if {$@oval!=$@val} { *************** *** 2559,2563 **** }
! def numbox key {key shift} { set c -1 catch {set c [format %c $key]} --- 2554,2558 ---- }
! def NumBox key {key shift} { set c -1 catch {set c [format %c $key]} *************** *** 2581,2590 **** $@canvas unfocus } else { ! puts "numbox_key $key" } }
! class_new radio {BlueBox} ! def radio orient {} { switch $@pdclass { hradio {set orient 0} hdl {set orient 0} --- 2576,2585 ---- $@canvas unfocus } else { ! puts "NumBox_key $key" } }
! class_new Radio {BlueBox} ! def Radio orient {} { switch $@pdclass { hradio {set orient 0} hdl {set orient 0} *************** *** 2595,2599 **** }
! def radio bbox {} { set orient [$self orient] mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] --- 2590,2594 ---- }
! def Radio bbox {} { set orient [$self orient] mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] *************** *** 2603,2607 **** }
! def* radio draw {} { set orient [$self orient] mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] --- 2598,2602 ---- }
! def* Radio draw {} { set orient [$self orient] mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] *************** *** 2619,2628 **** }
! def radio set {value} { .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BUT -fill #ffffff .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BUT$value -fill #000000 }
! def radio click {x y b f} { mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] set x [expr $x-$x1] --- 2614,2623 ---- }
! def Radio set {value} { .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BUT -fill #ffffff .$@canvas.c itemconfigure ${self}BUT$value -fill #000000 }
! def Radio click {x y b f} { mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] set x [expr $x-$x1] *************** *** 2633,2644 **** }
! proc clamp {x min max} { ! if {$x<$min} {return $min} ! if {$x>$max} {return $max} ! return $x ! } ! ! class_new slider {BlueBox} ! def slider orient {} { switch $@pdclass { vsl {set orient 1} default {set orient 0} --- 2628,2633 ---- }
! class_new Slider {BlueBox} ! def Slider orient {} { switch $@pdclass { vsl {set orient 1} default {set orient 0} *************** *** 2647,2661 **** }
! def* slider init {args} { super set @clicking 0 }
! def slider bbox {} { mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$@w] [expr $y1+$@h] }
! def slider draw {} { global look mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] --- 2636,2650 ---- }
! def Slider init {args} { super set @clicking 0 }
! def Slider bbox {} { mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$@w] [expr $y1+$@h] }
! def Slider draw {} { global look mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox] *************** *** 2691,2703 ****
# not used ! def slider draw_notches {} { set orient [$self orient] if {$orient} { ! set thick [clamp [expr $xs/3] 1 5] set x3 [expr $x1+$xs-$thick/2-2] set eighth [expr round($ys/8-1)] set coords [list $x3 $y1 $x3 [expr $y1+$ys]] } else { ! set thick [clamp [expr $ys/3] 1 5] set y3 [expr $y1+$ys-$thick/2-2] set eighth [expr $xs/8] --- 2680,2692 ----
# not used ! def Slider draw_notches {} { set orient [$self orient] if {$orient} { ! set thick [clip [expr $xs/3] 1 5] set x3 [expr $x1+$xs-$thick/2-2] set eighth [expr round($ys/8-1)] set coords [list $x3 $y1 $x3 [expr $y1+$ys]] } else { ! set thick [clip [expr $ys/3] 1 5] set y3 [expr $y1+$ys-$thick/2-2] set eighth [expr $xs/8] *************** *** 2707,2711 **** }
! def slider click {x y b f} { $@canvas focus $self set @first [list $x $y] --- 2696,2700 ---- }
! def Slider click {x y b f} { $@canvas focus $self set @first [list $x $y] *************** *** 2715,2719 **** }
! def slider unclick {x y} { set @clicking 0 if {[lindex $@first 1] != $y} { --- 2704,2708 ---- }
! def Slider unclick {x y} { set @clicking 0 if {[lindex $@first 1] != $y} { *************** *** 2723,2727 **** }
! def slider motion {x y mods} { set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] if {!$focused} {return} --- 2712,2716 ---- }
! def Slider motion {x y mods} { set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]] if {!$focused} {return} *************** *** 2736,2744 **** }
! def slider unfocus {} {$self draw}
! class_new labeled {}
! def* labeled draw {} { mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] set lx [expr $x1+$@ldx] --- 2725,2733 ---- }
! def Slider unfocus {} {$self draw}
! class_new Labeled {}
! def* Labeled draw {} { mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] set lx [expr $x1+$@ldx] *************** *** 2752,2756 **** }
! def labeled erase {} { # $@canvas delete ${self}LABEL } --- 2741,2745 ---- }
! def Labeled erase {} { # $@canvas delete ${self}LABEL } *************** *** 2788,2792 ****
def Toggle init {args} { - puts "!!!!!! args:$args" super set @on 0 --- 2777,2780 ---- *************** *** 2828,2832 **** }
! class_new vu {View}
set vu_col { --- 2816,2820 ---- }
! class_new Vu {View}
set vu_col { *************** *** 2835,2839 **** }
! def vu led_size {} { set n [expr $@h/40] if {$n < 2} {set n 2} --- 2823,2827 ---- }
! def Vu led_size {} { set n [expr $@h/40] if {$n < 2} {set n 2} *************** *** 2841,2845 **** }
! def vu draw {} { global vu_col mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] --- 2829,2833 ---- }
! def Vu draw {} { global vu_col mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] *************** *** 2883,2887 **** }
! def vu set {i j} { global vu_col mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] --- 2871,2875 ---- }
! def Vu set {i j} { global vu_col mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] *************** *** 2906,2911 **** }
! class_new dropper {View} ! def dropper draw {} { set isnew [expr [llength [$@canvas gettags ${self}BASE]] == 0] mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] --- 2894,2899 ---- }
! class_new Dropper {View} ! def Dropper draw {} { set isnew [expr [llength [$@canvas gettags ${self}BASE]] == 0] mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] *************** *** 2927,2934 **** }
! def dropper erase {} {destroy $@canvas.${self}DROP; super}
! class_new cnv {labeled View} ! def cnv draw {} { mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] set xs $@w --- 2915,2922 ---- }
! def Dropper erase {} {destroy $@canvas.${self}DROP; super}
! class_new Cnv {Labeled View} ! def Cnv draw {} { mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] set xs $@w