Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/iem/comport/comport In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv6872
Modified Files: comport-help.pd Log Message: updated to reflect new comport status
Index: comport-help.pd =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/iem/comport/comport/comport-help.pd,v retrieving revision 1.3 retrieving revision 1.4 diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4 *** comport-help.pd 21 Jun 2006 23:56:12 -0000 1.3 --- comport-help.pd 9 Jul 2006 19:56:53 -0000 1.4 *************** *** 1,3 **** ! #N canvas 479 290 701 483 10; #X obj 97 231 comport 1 9600; #X msg 13 213 66; --- 1,3 ---- ! #N canvas 131 399 705 487 10; #X obj 97 231 comport 1 9600; #X msg 13 213 66; *************** *** 30,34 **** #X text 391 166 cts/rts hardwarehandshake 1=on 0=off; #X msg 317 213 pollintervall 1; ! #X text 429 217 (default is 1 tick 1ms); #X msg 316 245 close; #X msg 316 271 open 1; --- 30,34 ---- #X text 391 166 cts/rts hardwarehandshake 1=on 0=off; #X msg 317 213 pollintervall 1; ! #X text 421 220 (default is 1 tick 1ms); #X msg 316 245 close; #X msg 316 271 open 1; *************** *** 56,72 **** #X text 361 351 dtr output; #X text 360 387 rts output; ! #X msg 180 350 help; ! #X floatatom 129 260 5 0 0 3 device - -; ! #X floatatom 167 260 5 0 0 3 dsr - -; ! #X floatatom 201 260 5 0 0 3 cts - -; #X msg 460 386 verbose $1; ! #X obj 460 367 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1 1 1; ! #X text 429 203 set poll interval for read in ms; #X connect 0 0 12 0; #X connect 0 0 13 0; ! #X connect 0 1 52 0; ! #X connect 0 2 53 0; ! #X connect 0 3 54 0; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 3 0 0 0; --- 56,80 ---- #X text 361 351 dtr output; #X text 360 387 rts output; ! #X msg 188 320 help; #X msg 460 386 verbose $1; ! #X obj 460 367 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1 0 1; ! #X text 422 208 set poll interval for read in ms; ! #X msg 318 190 info; ! #X floatatom 176 496 5 0 0 3 port - -; ! #X floatatom 392 496 5 0 0 3 dsr - -; ! #X floatatom 426 496 5 0 0 3 cts - -; ! #X floatatom 211 496 10 0 0 3 baud - -; ! #X floatatom 354 496 5 0 0 3 data - -; ! #X floatatom 316 496 5 0 0 3 stop - -; ! #X floatatom 276 496 5 0 0 3 parity - -; ! #X obj 176 467 route port baud parity stop data dsr cts rtscts xonxoff ! ; ! #X floatatom 461 496 5 0 0 3 rtscts - -; ! #X floatatom 502 496 5 0 0 3 xonxoff - -; ! #X text 351 190 output status on second outlet; #X connect 0 0 12 0; #X connect 0 0 13 0; ! #X connect 0 1 63 0; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 3 0 0 0; *************** *** 97,100 **** #X connect 48 0 26 0; #X connect 51 0 26 0; #X connect 55 0 26 0; ! #X connect 56 0 55 0; --- 105,118 ---- #X connect 48 0 26 0; #X connect 51 0 26 0; + #X connect 52 0 26 0; + #X connect 53 0 52 0; #X connect 55 0 26 0; ! #X connect 63 0 56 0; ! #X connect 63 1 59 0; ! #X connect 63 2 62 0; ! #X connect 63 3 61 0; ! #X connect 63 4 60 0; ! #X connect 63 5 57 0; ! #X connect 63 6 58 0; ! #X connect 63 7 64 0; ! #X connect 63 8 65 0;