Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pidip/modules
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv29310
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Updated for PiDiP 0.12.10
Index: pdp_fqt.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/pidip/modules/pdp_fqt.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** pdp_fqt.c 23 Oct 2003 17:12:27 -0000 1.1
--- pdp_fqt.c 24 Oct 2003 01:42:08 -0000 1.2
*** 23,34 ****
#include "pdp.h"
#include "pdp_llconv.h"
#include <quicktime/lqt.h>
#include <quicktime/colormodels.h>
- typedef struct pdp_fqt_data
- {
- short int gain[4];
- } t_pdp_fqt_data;
typedef struct pdp_fqt_struct
--- 23,31 ----
#include "pdp.h"
#include "pdp_llconv.h"
+ #include "time.h"
+ #include "sys/time.h"
#include <quicktime/lqt.h>
#include <quicktime/colormodels.h>
typedef struct pdp_fqt_struct
*** 37,50 ****
t_outlet *x_outlet0;
! t_outlet *x_outlet1;
! t_outlet *x_outlet2;
int packet0;
bool initialized;
! unsigned int x_vwidth;
! unsigned int x_vheight;
! bool loop;
unsigned char * qt_rows[3];
--- 34,52 ----
t_outlet *x_outlet0;
! t_outlet *x_curframe;
! t_outlet *x_nbframes;
! t_outlet *x_framerate;
int packet0;
bool initialized;
! t_int x_vwidth;
! t_int x_vheight;
! t_int x_size;
! t_int x_fsize; // frames size
! t_int x_length;
! t_int x_current_frame;
! t_int x_cursec;
! t_int x_framescount;
unsigned char * qt_rows[3];
*** 54,58 ****
int qt_cmodel;
! t_pdp_fqt_data *state_data;
} t_pdp_fqt;
--- 56,61 ----
int qt_cmodel;
! unsigned int** x_frames;
! t_int* x_fsizes;
} t_pdp_fqt;
*** 62,68 ****
static void pdp_fqt_close(t_pdp_fqt *x)
if (x->initialized){
! free(x->qt_frame);
x->initialized = false;
--- 65,78 ----
static void pdp_fqt_close(t_pdp_fqt *x)
+ t_int fi;
if (x->initialized){
! if ( x->qt_frame ) freebytes(x->qt_frame, x->x_size*3/2);
! for ( fi=0; fi<x->x_length; fi++ )
! {
! if ( x->x_frames[fi] ) freebytes( x->x_frames[fi], x->x_fsizes[fi] );
! }
! if ( x->x_frames ) freebytes( x->x_frames, x->x_length*sizeof(unsigned int*) );
x->initialized = false;
*** 72,76 ****
static void pdp_fqt_open(t_pdp_fqt *x, t_symbol *name)
! unsigned int size;
post("pdp_fqt: opening %s", name->s_name);
--- 82,86 ----
static void pdp_fqt_open(t_pdp_fqt *x, t_symbol *name)
! t_int fi;
post("pdp_fqt: opening %s", name->s_name);
*** 78,82 ****
! x->qt = quicktime_open(name->s_name, 1, 0);
if (!(x->qt)){
--- 88,92 ----
! x->qt = quicktime_open(name->s_name, 1, 0); // read=yes, write=no
if (!(x->qt)){
*** 104,118 ****
x->x_vwidth = quicktime_video_width(x->qt,0);
x->x_vheight = quicktime_video_height(x->qt,0);
! x->qt_frame = (unsigned char*)malloc(x->x_vwidth*x->x_vheight*4);
! size = x->x_vwidth * x->x_vheight;
x->qt_rows[0] = &x->qt_frame[0];
! x->qt_rows[2] = &x->qt_frame[size];
! x->qt_rows[1] = &x->qt_frame[size + (size>>2)];
quicktime_set_cmodel(x->qt, x->qt_cmodel);
x->initialized = true;
! outlet_float(x->x_outlet2, (float)quicktime_video_length(x->qt,0));
--- 114,173 ----
x->x_vwidth = quicktime_video_width(x->qt,0);
x->x_vheight = quicktime_video_height(x->qt,0);
! x->x_size = x->x_vwidth * x->x_vheight;
! x->qt_frame = (unsigned char*)getbytes(x->x_size*3/2);
x->qt_rows[0] = &x->qt_frame[0];
! x->qt_rows[2] = &x->qt_frame[x->x_size];
! x->qt_rows[1] = &x->qt_frame[x->x_size + (x->x_size>>2)];
quicktime_set_cmodel(x->qt, x->qt_cmodel);
x->initialized = true;
! x->x_length = quicktime_video_length(x->qt,0);
! outlet_float(x->x_nbframes, (float)x->x_length);
+ // read all frames
+ x->x_current_frame = 0;
+ x->x_frames = (unsigned int**) getbytes( x->x_length*sizeof(unsigned int*) );
+ x->x_fsizes = (t_int*) getbytes( x->x_length*sizeof(t_int) );
+ x->x_fsize = 0;
+ if ( !x->x_frames )
+ {
+ post("pdp_fqt: couldn't allocate memory for frames" );
+ quicktime_close(x->qt);
+ x->initialized = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ for ( fi=0; fi<x->x_length; fi++ )
+ {
+ x->x_fsizes[fi] = ((x->x_size)+(x->x_size>>1))<<1;
+ x->x_fsize += x->x_fsizes[fi];
+ x->x_frames[fi] = (unsigned int*) getbytes( x->x_fsizes[fi] );
+ if ( !x->x_frames[fi] )
+ {
+ post("pdp_fqt: couldn't allocate memory for frames" );
+ quicktime_close(x->qt);
+ x->initialized = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ lqt_decode_video(x->qt, x->qt_rows, 0);
+ switch(x->qt_cmodel){
+ case BC_YUV420P:
+ pdp_llconv(x->qt_frame, RIF_YVU__P411_U8, x->x_frames[fi], RIF_YVU__P411_S16,
+ x->x_vwidth, x->x_vheight);
+ break;
+ default:
+ post("pdp_fqt : error on decode: unkown colour model");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ post("pdp_fqt: allocated memory for %d frames (size=%db %dM)",
+ x->x_length, x->x_fsize, x->x_fsize/(1024*1024) );
*** 120,129 ****
static void pdp_fqt_bang(t_pdp_fqt *x)
! unsigned int w, h, nbpixels, packet_size;
! int object, length, pos, i, j;
short int* data;
t_pdp* header;
! static short int gain[4] = {0x7fff, 0x7fff, 0x7fff, 0x7fff};
if (!(x->initialized)){
--- 175,182 ----
static void pdp_fqt_bang(t_pdp_fqt *x)
! int object;
short int* data;
t_pdp* header;
! struct timeval etime;
if (!(x->initialized)){
*** 132,140 ****
- w = x->x_vwidth;
- h = x->x_vheight;
- nbpixels = w * h;
- packet_size = (nbpixels + (nbpixels >> 1)) << 1;
object = pdp_packet_new_image_YCrCb( x->x_vwidth, x->x_vheight );
header = pdp_packet_header(object);
--- 185,188 ----
*** 142,187 ****
header->info.image.encoding = PDP_IMAGE_YV12;
! header->info.image.width = w;
! header->info.image.height = h;
! length = quicktime_video_length(x->qt,0);
! pos = quicktime_video_position(x->qt,0);
! // post("pdp_fqt : video position : %d length =%d", pos, length );
! if (pos >= length){
! pos = (x->loop) ? 0 : length - 1;
! // post("pdp_fqt : setting video position to %d", pos);
! quicktime_set_video_position(x->qt, pos, 0);
! }
! lqt_decode_video(x->qt, x->qt_rows, 0);
! switch(x->qt_cmodel){
! case BC_YUV420P:
! pdp_llconv(x->qt_frame, RIF_YVU__P411_U8, data, RIF_YVU__P411_S16, x->x_vwidth, x->x_vheight);
! break;
! case BC_YUV422:
! pdp_llconv(x->qt_frame, RIF_YUYV_P____U8, data, RIF_YVU__P411_S16, x->x_vwidth, x->x_vheight);
! break;
! case BC_RGB888:
! pdp_llconv(x->qt_frame, RIF_RGB__P____U8, data, RIF_YVU__P411_S16, x->x_vwidth, x->x_vheight);
! break;
! default:
! post("pdp_fqt : error on decode: unkown colour model");
! break;
! outlet_float(x->x_outlet1, (float)pos);
! pdp_packet_pass_if_valid(x->x_outlet0, &object);
! }
- static void pdp_fqt_loop(t_pdp_fqt *x, t_floatarg loop)
- {
- int loopi = (int)loop;
- x->loop = !(loopi == 0);
--- 190,216 ----
header->info.image.encoding = PDP_IMAGE_YV12;
! header->info.image.width = x->x_vwidth;
! header->info.image.height = x->x_vheight;
! x->x_current_frame = ( x->x_current_frame + 1 ) % x->x_length;
! // post( "pdp_fqt : current frame : %d", x->x_current_frame );
! memcpy( data, x->x_frames[x->x_current_frame], x->x_fsizes[x->x_current_frame] );
! if ( gettimeofday(&etime, NULL) == -1)
! {
! post("pdp_fcqt : could not get time" );
! if ( etime.tv_sec != x->x_cursec )
! {
! x->x_cursec = etime.tv_sec;
! outlet_float(x->x_framerate, (float)x->x_framescount);
! x->x_framescount = 0;
! }
! x->x_framescount++;
! outlet_float(x->x_curframe, (float)x->x_current_frame);
! pdp_packet_pass_if_valid(x->x_outlet0, &object);
*** 209,231 ****
- static void pdp_fqt_gain(t_pdp_fqt *x, t_floatarg f)
- {
- int i;
- short int g;
- float bound = (float)0x7fff;
- f *= (float)0x7fff;
- f = (f>bound) ? bound : f;
- f = (f<-bound) ? -bound : f;
- g = (short int)f;
- for (i=0; i<4; i++) x->state_data->gain[i] = g;
- }
static void pdp_fqt_free(t_pdp_fqt *x)
- free (x->state_data);
--- 238,243 ----
*** 238,246 ****
inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("frame_cold"));
- inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("gain"));
x->x_outlet0 = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_anything);
! x->x_outlet1 = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
! x->x_outlet2 = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
x->packet0 = -1;
--- 250,258 ----
inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("float"), gensym("frame_cold"));
x->x_outlet0 = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_anything);
! x->x_curframe = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
! x->x_nbframes = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
! x->x_framerate = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float);
x->packet0 = -1;
*** 248,256 ****
x->initialized = false;
- x->loop = false;
- x->state_data = (t_pdp_fqt_data *)malloc(sizeof(t_pdp_fqt_data));
- pdp_fqt_gain(x, 1.0f);
return (void *)x;
--- 260,263 ----
*** 270,277 ****
class_addmethod(pdp_fqt_class, (t_method)pdp_fqt_close, gensym("close"), A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_fqt_class, (t_method)pdp_fqt_open, gensym("open"), A_SYMBOL, A_NULL);
- class_addmethod(pdp_fqt_class, (t_method)pdp_fqt_loop, gensym("loop"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addfloat (pdp_fqt_class, (t_method)pdp_fqt_frame);
class_addmethod(pdp_fqt_class, (t_method)pdp_fqt_frame_cold, gensym("frame_cold"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
- class_addmethod(pdp_fqt_class, (t_method)pdp_fqt_gain, gensym("gain"), A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_fqt_class, nullfn, gensym("signal"), 0);
class_sethelpsymbol( pdp_fqt_class, gensym("pdp_fqt.pd") );
--- 277,282 ----