Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv579
Modified Files:
Tag: impd_0_37
Log Message:
fixed bugs about keyboard shortcuts, property dialogs;
adding metadata related to .pdrc
Index: u_main.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/u_main.tk,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1.
*** u_main.tk 16 Mar 2004 22:36:23 -0000
--- u_main.tk 19 Mar 2004 01:59:13 -0000
*** 328,343 ****
set cmd [lindex $e 1]
set accel [accel_munge [lindex $e 2]]
regsub -all %W $cmd $context cmd
$menu add command -label [lindex $e 0] -command $cmd \
-accelerator $accel
- set accels([string tolower $accel]) $cmd
4 {
set cmd [lindex $e 1]
set accel [accel_munge [lindex $e 2]]
regsub -all %W $cmd $context cmd
$menu add checkbutton -label [lindex $e 0] -command $cmd \
-accelerator $accel -indicatoron ???
- set accels([string tolower $accel]) $cmd
--- 328,343 ----
set cmd [lindex $e 1]
set accel [accel_munge [lindex $e 2]]
+ if {$accel != ""} {set accels([string tolower $accel]) $cmd}
regsub -all %W $cmd $context cmd
$menu add command -label [lindex $e 0] -command $cmd \
-accelerator $accel
4 {
set cmd [lindex $e 1]
set accel [accel_munge [lindex $e 2]]
+ if {$accel != ""} {set accels([string tolower $accel]) $cmd}
regsub -all %W $cmd $context cmd
$menu add checkbutton -label [lindex $e 0] -command $cmd \
-accelerator $accel -indicatoron ???
*** 808,813 ****
global accels
if {[info exists accels(alt+$key)]} {
! puts $accels(alt+$key)
! eval $accels(alt+$key)
--- 808,815 ----
global accels
if {[info exists accels(alt+$key)]} {
! set cmd $accels(alt+$key)
! regsub -all %W $cmd $context cmd
! puts $cmd
! eval $cmd
*** 823,828 ****
puts ctrl+$key
if {[info exists accels(ctrl+$key)]} {
! puts $accels(ctrl+$key)
! eval $accels(ctrl+$key)
if {$key == "slash"} {menu_audio 1}
--- 825,832 ----
puts ctrl+$key
if {[info exists accels(ctrl+$key)]} {
! set cmd $accels(ctrl+$key)
! regsub -all %W $cmd $context cmd
! puts $cmd
! eval $cmd
if {$key == "slash"} {menu_audio 1}
*** 1174,1185 ****
global _
set self [string trimleft $id .]
! if {$_($self:w) < $_($self:min_w)} {
! set _($self:w) $_($self:min_w)
! $id.w.entry configure -textvariable _($self:w)
! }
! if {$_($self:h) < $_($self:min_h)} {
! set _($self:h) $_($self:min_h)
! $id.dim.h_ent configure -textvariable _($self:h)
! }
--- 1178,1183 ----
global _
set self [string trimleft $id .]
! if {$_($self:w) < $_($self:min_w)} {set _($self:w) $_($self:min_w)}
! if {$_($self:h) < $_($self:min_h)} {set _($self:h) $_($self:min_h)}
*** 1187,1198 ****
global _
set self [string trimleft $id .]
! if {$_($self:num) > 2000} {
! set _($self:num) 2000
! $id.n.entry configure -textvariable _($self:num)
! }
! if {$_($self:num) < 1} {
! set _($self:num) 1
! $id.n.entry configure -textvariable _($self:num)
! }
--- 1185,1190 ----
global _
set self [string trimleft $id .]
! if {$_($self:num) > 2000} {set _($self:num) 2000}
! if {$_($self:num) < 1} {set _($self:num) 1}
*** 1203,1225 ****
if {$_($self:rng_sch) == 2} {
if {$_($self:max_rng) < $_($self:min_rng)} {
! set hhh $_($self:min_rng)
set _($self:min_rng) $_($self:max_rng)
! set _($self:max_rng) $hhh
! $id.rng.max_ent configure -textvariable $_($self:max_rng)
! $id.rng.min_ent configure -textvariable $_($self:min_rng) }
if {$_($self:max_rng) < $iemgui_define_min_flashhold} {
set _($self:max_rng) $iemgui_define_min_flashhold
- $id.rng.max_ent configure -textvariable _($self:max_rng)
if {$_($self:min_rng) < $iemgui_define_min_flashbreak} {
set _($self:min_rng) $iemgui_define_min_flashbreak
- $id.rng.min_ent configure -textvariable _($self:min_rng)
if {$_($self:rng_sch) == 1} {
! if {$_($self:min_rng) == 0.0} {
! set _($self:min_rng) 1.0
! $id.rng.min_ent configure -textvariable _($self:min_rng)
! }
--- 1195,1211 ----
if {$_($self:rng_sch) == 2} {
if {$_($self:max_rng) < $_($self:min_rng)} {
! set tmp $_($self:min_rng)
set _($self:min_rng) $_($self:max_rng)
! set _($self:max_rng) $tmp
! }
if {$_($self:max_rng) < $iemgui_define_min_flashhold} {
set _($self:max_rng) $iemgui_define_min_flashhold
if {$_($self:min_rng) < $iemgui_define_min_flashbreak} {
set _($self:min_rng) $iemgui_define_min_flashbreak
if {$_($self:rng_sch) == 1} {
! if {$_($self:min_rng) == 0.0} {set _($self:min_rng) 1.0}
*** 1231,1245 ****
if {$_($self:max_rng) == 0.0 && $_($self:min_rng) == 0.0} {
set _($self:max_rng) 1.0
! $id.rng.max_ent configure -textvariable _($self:max_rng)
! }
if {$_($self:max_rng) > 0} {
if {$_($self:min_rng) <= 0} {
set _($self:min_rng) [expr $_($self:max_rng) * 0.01]
! $id.rng.min_ent configure -textvariable _($self:min_rng)
! }
} else {
if {$_($self:min_rng) > 0} {
set _($self:max_rng) [expr $_($self:min_rng) * 0.01]
- $id.rng.max_ent configure -textvariable _($self:max_rng)
--- 1217,1228 ----
if {$_($self:max_rng) == 0.0 && $_($self:min_rng) == 0.0} {
set _($self:max_rng) 1.0
! }
if {$_($self:max_rng) > 0} {
if {$_($self:min_rng) <= 0} {
set _($self:min_rng) [expr $_($self:max_rng) * 0.01]
! }
} else {
if {$_($self:min_rng) > 0} {
set _($self:max_rng) [expr $_($self:min_rng) * 0.01]
*** 1253,1257 ****
if {$_($self:gn_fs) < $iemgui_define_min_fontsize} {
set _($self:gn_fs) $iemgui_define_min_fontsize
- $id.gnfs.fs_ent configure -textvariable _($self:gn_fs)
--- 1236,1239 ----
*** 1362,1377 ****
lappend props lcol "label color" color {}
properties_dialog $self iemgui_ok $props
- # foreach {row j} {bcol 0 fcol 10 lcol 20} {
- # foreach i {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} hexcol [lrange $hexcols $j [expr $j+9]] {
- # button $id.$row.c$i -background "#$hexcol" \
- # -activebackground "#$hexcol" \
- # -font {courier 2 normal} -padx 7 -pady 6 \
- # -command [format "iemgui_preset_col %s %d" $id "0x$hexcol"]
- # pack $id.$row.c$i -side left
- # }
- # }
- # pack $id.bcol $id.fcol $id.lcol -side top
cancel_apply_ok $self iemgui
--- 1344,1347 ----
*** 1491,1495 ****
proc pdtk_data_dialog {name stuff} {
toplevel $name
! wm title $name {Atom}
wm protocol $name WM_DELETE_WINDOW "dodata_cancel $name"
--- 1461,1465 ----
proc pdtk_data_dialog {name stuff} {
toplevel $name
! wm title $name "Atom"
wm protocol $name WM_DELETE_WINDOW "dodata_cancel $name"
*** 2161,2164 ****
--- 2131,2185 ----
+ ############ .pdrc editor
+ # unhandled aliases:
+ set pdrc_options {
+ -r int "sample rate"
+ -soundindev|-audioindev parsedevlist "audio in devices; e.g., \"1,3\" for first and third"
+ -soundoutdev|-audiooutdev parsedevlist "audio devices; e.g., \"1,3\" for first and third"
+ -sounddev|-audiodev parsedevlist {!}
+ -inchannels sys_parsedevlist "audio input channels (by device, like \"2\" or \"16,8\")"
+ -outchannels sys_parsedevlist "number of audio out channels (same)"
+ -channels sys_parsedevlist {!}
+ -audiobuf|-soundbuf int "specify size of audio buffer in msec"
+ -blocksize int "specify audio I/O block size in sample frames"
+ -sleepgrain int "specify number of milliseconds to sleep when idle"
+ -nodac void "suppress audio output"
+ -noadc void "suppress audio input"
+ -noaudio|-nosound void "suppress audio input and output"
+ -oss void "use OSS audio API"
+ -32bit void "allow 32 bit OSS audio (for RME Hammerfall)"
+ -alsa void " use ALSA audio API"
+ -jack void "use JACK audio API"
+ -portaudio|-pa|-asio void "use ASIO audio driver (via Portaudio)"
+ -mmio void "use MMIO audio API (default for Windows)"
+ -nomidiin void "suppress MIDI input"
+ -nomidiout void "suppress MIDI output"
+ -nomidi void {!}
+ -midiindev sys_parsedevlist "midi in device list; e.g., \"1,3\" for first and third"
+ -midioutdev sys_parsedevlist "midi out device list, same format"
+ -mididev sys_parsedevlist {!}
+ -path folder "add to file search path"
+ -helppath folder "add to help file search path"
+ -open file "open file(s) on startup"
+ -lib file "load object library(s)"
+ -font int "specify default font size in points"
+ -verbose void "extra printout on startup and when searching for files"
+ -version void "don't run Pd; just print out which version it is"
+ -d void "specify debug level"
+ -noloadbang void "suppress all loadbangs"
+ -nogui void "suppress starting the GUI"
+ -guicmd string "substitute another GUI program (e.g., rsh)"
+ -send string "send a message at startup (after patches are loaded)"
+ -listdev void "list audio and MIDI devices"
+ -rt|-realtime void "use real-time priority (needs root privilege)"
+ -console int "console scrollback lines (0 = disable console)"
+ -look folder "folder containing buttonbar icons"
+ -statusbar void "enable statusbar"
+ }
############ tooltips