Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/grill/dynext/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv403/src
Modified Files:
Log Message:
fixed several problems with sub-patchers and connecting
enabled reuse of object names
fixed bug when destroying proxies
make connections visible at last...
introduced attributes for symbol reuse and canvas messages
Index: main.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/grill/dynext/src/main.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** main.cpp 18 Apr 2005 15:08:14 -0000 1.8
--- main.cpp 23 Apr 2005 21:45:41 -0000 1.9
*** 220,224 ****
static const t_symbol *sym_dot,*sym_dynsin,*sym_dynsout,*sym_dynin,*sym_dynout,*sym_dyncanvas;
! static const t_symbol *sym_vis,*sym_loadbang,*sym_dsp;
--- 220,224 ----
static const t_symbol *sym_dot,*sym_dynsin,*sym_dynsout,*sym_dynin,*sym_dynout,*sym_dyncanvas;
! static const t_symbol *sym_vis,*sym_loadbang,*sym_dsp,*sym_pop;
*** 243,246 ****
--- 243,247 ----
const t_symbol *dyn::sym_loadbang = NULL;
const t_symbol *dyn::sym_dsp = NULL;
+ const t_symbol *dyn::sym_pop = NULL;
*** 300,303 ****
--- 301,305 ----
sym_loadbang = MakeSymbol("loadbang");
sym_dsp = MakeSymbol("dsp");
+ sym_pop = MakeSymbol("pop");
*** 362,367 ****
canvas = canvas_new(NULL, NULL, 6, arg);
! // must do that....
! canvas_unsetcurrent(canvas);
--- 364,370 ----
canvas = canvas_new(NULL, NULL, 6, arg);
! // pop canvas (must do that...)
! SetInt(arg[0],0);
! pd_typedmess((t_pd *)canvas,(t_symbol *)sym_pop,1,arg);
*** 394,398 ****
// remove all objects
! glist_clear(canvas);
// remove all names
--- 397,401 ----
// remove all objects
! if(canvas) glist_clear(canvas);
// remove all names
*** 450,457 ****
int i;
! for(i = 0; i < s_inlets+m_inlets; ++i) glist_delete(canvas,(t_gobj *)pxin[i]);
! if(pxin) delete[] pxin;
! for(i = 0; i < s_outlets+m_outlets; ++i) glist_delete(canvas,(t_gobj *)pxout[i]);
! if(pxout) delete[] pxout;
--- 453,464 ----
int i;
! if(pxin) {
! for(i = 0; i < s_inlets+m_inlets; ++i) glist_delete(canvas,(t_gobj *)pxin[i]);
! delete[] pxin;
! }
! if(pxout) {
! for(i = 0; i < s_outlets+m_outlets; ++i) glist_delete(canvas,(t_gobj *)pxout[i]);
! delete[] pxout;
! }
*** 797,802 ****
- // canvas_fixlinesfor(s_cnv,(t_text *)s_x);
--- 804,807 ----