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Index: kernel.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/kernel.c,v
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retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.82 -r1.1.2.83
*** kernel.c 9 Aug 2007 07:18:17 -0000
--- kernel.c 12 Aug 2007 03:19:13 -0000
*** 760,783 ****
! /* move an inlet or outlet to the head of the list */
! /* this code is not safe with the latest additions in t_outconnect ! */
! void obj_moveinletfirst(t_object *x, t_inlet *i) {
if (x->inlet == i) return;
! each_inlet(i2,x) if (i2->next == i) {
! i2->next = i->next;
! i->next = x->inlet;
! x->inlet = i;
! return;
! }
! }
void obj_moveoutletfirst(t_object *x, t_outlet *o) {
if (x->outlet == o) return;
! each_outlet(o2,x) if (o2->next == o) {
! o2->next = o->next;
! o->next = x->outlet;
! x->outlet = o;
! return;
! }
! }
/* routines for DSP sorting, which are used in d_ugen.c and g_canvas.c */
--- 760,770 ----
! /* move an inlet or outlet to the head of the list. this code is not safe with the latest additions in t_outconnect ! */
! void obj_moveinletfirst( t_object *x, t_inlet *i) {
if (x->inlet == i) return;
! each_inlet( i2,x) if (i2->next == i) {i2->next = i->next; i->next = x-> inlet; x-> inlet = i; return;}}
void obj_moveoutletfirst(t_object *x, t_outlet *o) {
if (x->outlet == o) return;
! each_outlet(o2,x) if (o2->next == o) {o2->next = o->next; o->next = x->outlet; x->outlet = o; return;}}
/* routines for DSP sorting, which are used in d_ugen.c and g_canvas.c */
*** 799,825 ****
int obj_siginletindex(t_object *x, int m) {
int n=0;
! if (x->_class->firstin && x->_class->floatsignalin) {
! if (!m--) return 0; else n++;
! }
! each_inlet(i,x) if (i->symfrom == &s_signal) {
! if (!m) return n;
! n++; m--;
! }
return -1;
int obj_sigoutletindex(t_object *x, int m) {
int n=0;
! each_outlet(o,x) if (o->sym == &s_signal) {
! if (m == 0) return n;
! n++; m--;
! }
return -1;
int obj_issignalinlet(t_object *x, int m) {
! if (x->_class->firstin) {
! if (!m) return x->_class->firstin && x->_class->floatsignalin;
! else m--;
! }
t_inlet *i;
for (i = x->inlet; i && m; i = i->next, m--) {}
--- 786,801 ----
int obj_siginletindex(t_object *x, int m) {
int n=0;
! if (x->_class->firstin && x->_class->floatsignalin) {if (!m--) return 0; else n++;}
! each_inlet(i,x) if (i->symfrom == &s_signal) {if (!m) return n; else {n++; m--;}}
return -1;
int obj_sigoutletindex(t_object *x, int m) {
int n=0;
! each_outlet(o,x) if (o->sym == &s_signal) {if (!m) return n; else {n++; m--;}}
return -1;
int obj_issignalinlet(t_object *x, int m) {
! if (x->_class->firstin) {if (!m) return x->_class->floatsignalin; else m--;}
t_inlet *i;
for (i = x->inlet; i && m; i = i->next, m--) {}
*** 846,860 ****
! /* and those two are only used in g_io.c... */
int inlet_getsignalindex(t_inlet *x) {
! int n=0; t_inlet *i;
! for (i = x->owner->inlet; i && i != x; i = i->next) if (i->symfrom == &s_signal) n++;
! return n;
! }
int outlet_getsignalindex(t_outlet *x) {
! int n=0; t_outlet *o;
! for (o = x->owner->outlet; o && o != x; o = o->next) if (o->sym == &s_signal) n++;
! return n;
! }
--- 822,832 ----
! /* and those two are only used in desire.c... */
int inlet_getsignalindex(t_inlet *x) {
! int n=0; for ( t_inlet *i = x->owner-> inlet; i; i = i->next) if (i->symfrom == &s_signal) n++; else if (i==x) return n;
! return -1;}
int outlet_getsignalindex(t_outlet *x) {
! int n=0; for (t_outlet *o = x->owner->outlet; o; o = o->next) if (o->sym == &s_signal) n++; else if (o==x) return n;
! return -1;}
*** 1901,1917 ****
if (!ac) break;
if (at->a_type == A_DOLLAR) {
! if (at->a_index <= 0 || at->a_index > argc) {
! error("$%d: not enough arguments supplied", at->a_index);
! goto cleanup;
! } else if (argv[at->a_index-1].a_type != A_SYMBOL) {
! error("$%d: symbol needed as message destination", at->a_index);
! goto cleanup;
! } else s = argv[at->a_index-1].a_symbol;
} else if (at->a_type == A_DOLLSYM) {
s = binbuf_realizedollsym(at->a_symbol, argc, argv, 0);
! if (!s) {
! error("$%s: not enough arguments supplied", at->a_symbol->name);
! goto cleanup;
! }
} else s = atom_getsymbol(at);
target = s->thing;
--- 1873,1882 ----
if (!ac) break;
if (at->a_type == A_DOLLAR) {
! if (at->a_index <= 0 || at->a_index > argc) {error("$%d: not enough arguments supplied", at->a_index); goto cleanup;}
! else if (argv[at->a_index-1].a_type != A_SYMBOL) {error("$%d: symbol needed as receiver", at->a_index); goto cleanup;}
! else s = argv[at->a_index-1].a_symbol;
} else if (at->a_type == A_DOLLSYM) {
s = binbuf_realizedollsym(at->a_symbol, argc, argv, 0);
! if (!s) {error("$%s: not enough arguments supplied", at->a_symbol->name); goto cleanup;}
} else s = atom_getsymbol(at);
target = s->thing;
*** 1926,1940 ****
! if (!target) {
! error("%s: no such object", s->name);
! do at++, ac--;
! while (ac && at->a_type != A_SEMI);
! /* LATER eat args until semicolon and continue */
- } else {
- at++, ac--;
- break;
- }
if (!ac) break;
--- 1891,1901 ----
! if (!target) {error("%s: no such object", s->name); goto cleanup;}
! at++;
! ac--;
! break;
! do {at++; ac--;} while (ac && at->a_type != A_SEMI); /* is this the correct thing to do? */
if (!ac) break;
*** 1942,1957 ****
nexttarget = target;
while (1) {
- t_symbol *s9;
if (!ac) goto gotmess;
! if (msp >= ems) {error("message stack overflow"); goto broken;}
switch (at->a_type) {
! case A_SEMI:
! /* semis and commas in new message just get bashed to
! a symbol. This is needed so you can pass them to "expr." */
! if (target == &pd_objectmaker) {SETSYMBOL(msp, gensym(";")); break;}
! else {nexttarget = 0; goto gotmess;}
! case A_COMMA:
! if (target == &pd_objectmaker) {SETSYMBOL(msp, gensym(",")); break;}
! else goto gotmess;
case A_FLOAT:
case A_SYMBOL:
--- 1903,1912 ----
nexttarget = target;
while (1) {
if (!ac) goto gotmess;
! if (msp >= ems) {error("message too long"); goto broken;}
switch (at->a_type) {
! /* semis and commas in new message just get bashed to a symbol. This is needed so you can pass them to "expr." */
! case A_SEMI: if (target == &pd_objectmaker) {SETSYMBOL(msp, gensym(";")); break;} else {nexttarget = 0; goto gotmess;}
! case A_COMMA: if (target == &pd_objectmaker) {SETSYMBOL(msp, gensym(",")); break;} else goto gotmess;
case A_FLOAT:
case A_SYMBOL:
*** 1959,1981 ****
case A_DOLLAR:
! if (at->a_index > 0 && at->a_index <= argc)
! *msp = argv[at->a_index-1];
! else if (at->a_index == 0)
! SETFLOAT(msp, canvas_getdollarzero());
else {
! if (target == &pd_objectmaker) SETFLOAT(msp, 0);
! else {
! error("$%d: argument number out of range", at->a_index);
! SETFLOAT(msp, 0);
! }
! case A_DOLLSYM:
! s9 = binbuf_realizedollsym(at->a_symbol, argc, argv, target == &pd_objectmaker);
if (!s9) {
error("%s: argument number out of range", at->a_symbol->name);
SETSYMBOL(msp, at->a_symbol);
} else SETSYMBOL(msp, s9);
! break;
bug("bad item in binbuf");
--- 1914,1931 ----
case A_DOLLAR:
! if (at->a_index > 0 && at->a_index <= argc) *msp = argv[at->a_index-1];
! else if (at->a_index == 0) SETFLOAT(msp, canvas_getdollarzero());
else {
! SETFLOAT(msp, 0);
! if (target != &pd_objectmaker) error("$%d: argument number out of range", at->a_index);
! case A_DOLLSYM: {
! t_symbol *s9 = binbuf_realizedollsym(at->a_symbol, argc, argv, target == &pd_objectmaker);
if (!s9) {
error("%s: argument number out of range", at->a_symbol->name);
SETSYMBOL(msp, at->a_symbol);
} else SETSYMBOL(msp, s9);
! break;}
bug("bad item in binbuf");
*** 2001,2005 ****
--- 1951,1954 ----