Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv25620
Modified Files:
Tag: desiredata
desire.c desire.h
Log Message:
linked-list of havewindow canvases is replaced by std::map
Index: desire.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.h,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1.
*** desire.h 19 Aug 2007 02:35:27 -0000
--- desire.h 19 Aug 2007 04:37:55 -0000
*** 165,169 ****
t_symbol *name; /* symbol bound here */
int font; /* nominal font size in points, e.g., 10 */
- t_canvas *gl_next; /* link in list of toplevels */
t_canvasenvironment *env; /* one of these per $0; env=0 for subpatches */
unsigned int havewindow:1; /* this indicates whether we publish to the manager */
--- 165,168 ----
Index: desire.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1.
*** desire.c 19 Aug 2007 02:35:24 -0000
--- desire.c 19 Aug 2007 04:37:52 -0000
*** 43,49 ****
#define boxes_each(CHILD,BOXES) for(t_gobj *CHILD=(BOXES)->first(); CHILD; CHILD=CHILD->next())
#define canvas_each(CHILD,CANVAS) for(t_gobj *CHILD=(CANVAS)->boxes->first(); CHILD; CHILD=CHILD->next())
- #define canvases_each(CANVAS) for(t_canvas *CANVAS=canvas_list; CANVAS; CANVAS=CANVAS->gl_next)
#define canvas_wires_each(WIRE,TRAV,CANVAS) \
for (t_outconnect *WIRE=(t_outconnect *)666; WIRE==(t_outconnect *)666; ) \
--- 43,50 ----
+ #define foreach(ITER,COLL) for(typeof(COLL.begin()) ITER = COLL.begin(); ITER != (COLL).end(); ITER++)
#define boxes_each(CHILD,BOXES) for(t_gobj *CHILD=(BOXES)->first(); CHILD; CHILD=CHILD->next())
#define canvas_each(CHILD,CANVAS) for(t_gobj *CHILD=(CANVAS)->boxes->first(); CHILD; CHILD=CHILD->next())
#define canvas_wires_each(WIRE,TRAV,CANVAS) \
for (t_outconnect *WIRE=(t_outconnect *)666; WIRE==(t_outconnect *)666; ) \
*** 417,421 ****
int canvas_dspstate; /* whether DSP is on or off */
t_canvas *canvas_whichfind; /* last canvas we did a find in */
! t_canvas *canvas_list; /* list of all root canvases */
static void canvas_setbounds(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg x1, t_floatarg y1, t_floatarg x2, t_floatarg y2);
static t_symbol *canvas_newfilename = &s_;
--- 418,422 ----
int canvas_dspstate; /* whether DSP is on or off */
t_canvas *canvas_whichfind; /* last canvas we did a find in */
! std::map<t_canvas *,int> windowed_canvases; /* where int is dummy */
static void canvas_setbounds(t_canvas *x, t_floatarg x1, t_floatarg y1, t_floatarg x2, t_floatarg y2);
static t_symbol *canvas_newfilename = &s_;
*** 425,442 ****
/* add a canvas the list of "root" canvases (toplevels without parents.) */
static void canvas_addtolist(t_canvas *x) {
! x->gl_next = canvas_list;
! canvas_list = x;
if (x->havewindow) gobj_subscribe(x,manager);
! static void canvas_takeofflist(t_canvas *x) {
! if (x == canvas_list) canvas_list = x->gl_next;
! else {
! t_canvas *z;
! for (z = canvas_list; z->gl_next != x; z = z->gl_next) {}
! z->gl_next = x->gl_next;
! }
! }
/* if there's an old one lying around free it here.
--- 426,435 ----
/* add a canvas the list of "root" canvases (toplevels without parents.) */
+ /* should those two functions still exist? */
static void canvas_addtolist(t_canvas *x) {
! windowed_canvases.insert(std::pair<t_canvas *,int>(x,42));
if (x->havewindow) gobj_subscribe(x,manager);
! static void canvas_takeofflist(t_canvas *x) {windowed_canvases.erase(x);}
/* if there's an old one lying around free it here.
*** 938,942 ****
//timeval v0,v1; gettimeofday(&v0,0);
! canvases_each(x) canvas_dodsp(x,1,0);
//gettimeofday(&v1,0); printf("canvas_start_dsp took %ld us\n",(v1.tv_sec-v0.tv_sec)*1000000+(v1.tv_usec-v0.tv_usec));
canvas_dspstate = 1;
--- 931,935 ----
//timeval v0,v1; gettimeofday(&v0,0);
! foreach(x,windowed_canvases) canvas_dodsp(x->first,1,0);
//gettimeofday(&v1,0); printf("canvas_start_dsp took %ld us\n",(v1.tv_sec-v0.tv_sec)*1000000+(v1.tv_usec-v0.tv_usec));
canvas_dspstate = 1;
*** 1094,1098 ****
void canvas_reload(t_symbol *name, t_symbol *dir, t_gobj *except) {
! canvases_each(x) canvas_doreload(x, name, dir, except);
--- 1087,1091 ----
void canvas_reload(t_symbol *name, t_symbol *dir, t_gobj *except) {
! foreach(x,windowed_canvases) canvas_doreload(x->first, name, dir, except);
*** 1178,1182 ****
void canvas_finderror(void *error_object) {
! canvases_each(x) if (canvas_dofinderror(x, error_object)) return;
post("... sorry, I couldn't find the source of that error.");
--- 1171,1175 ----
void canvas_finderror(void *error_object) {
! foreach(x,windowed_canvases) if (canvas_dofinderror(x->first, error_object)) return;
post("... sorry, I couldn't find the source of that error.");
*** 3657,3661 ****
post("conforming template '%s' to new structure", tfrom->sym->name);
for (int i=0; i<nto; i++) post("... %d", conformaction[i]);
! canvases_each(gl) template_conformcanvas(tfrom, tto, conformaction, gl);
--- 3650,3654 ----
post("conforming template '%s' to new structure", tfrom->sym->name);
for (int i=0; i<nto; i++) post("... %d", conformaction[i]);
! foreach(gl,windowed_canvases) template_conformcanvas(tfrom, tto, conformaction, gl->first);
*** 7325,7333 ****
/* properly close all open root canvases */
extern "C" void glob_closeall(void *dummy, t_floatarg fforce) {
! t_canvas *y;
! for (t_canvas *x = canvas_list; x; x=y) {
! y = x->gl_next;
! canvas_close(x); /* forced closing of this root canvas */
! }
--- 7318,7322 ----
/* properly close all open root canvases */
extern "C" void glob_closeall(void *dummy, t_floatarg fforce) {
! foreach(x,windowed_canvases) canvas_close(x->first);