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Tag: desiredata
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Index: desire.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1.
*** desire.c 10 Jul 2007 20:32:36 -0000
--- desire.c 10 Jul 2007 23:35:00 -0000
*** 2370,2379 ****
! /* get the window location in pixels of a "text" object. The
! object's x and y positions are in pixels when the canvas they're
! in is toplevel. Otherwise, if it's a new-style graph-on-parent
! (so goprect is set) we use the offset into the framing subrectangle
! as an offset into the parent rectangle. Finally, it might be an old,
! proportional-style GOP. In this case we do a coordinate transformation. */
static int text_xpix(t_text *x, t_canvas *canvas) {
float width = canvas->x2-canvas->x1;
--- 2370,2377 ----
! /* get the window location in pixels of a "text" object. The object's x and y positions are in pixels
! when the canvas they're in is toplevel. Otherwise, if it's a new-style graph-on-parent (so goprect
! is set) we use the offset into the framing subrectangle as an offset into the parent rectangle.
! Finally, it might be an old, proportional-style GOP. In this case we do a coordinate transformation. */
static int text_xpix(t_text *x, t_canvas *canvas) {
float width = canvas->x2-canvas->x1;
*** 2390,2397 ****
/* --------------------------- widget behavior ------------------- */
- #define FONT "-*-courier-bold--normal--%d-*"
/* don't remove this code yet: has to be rewritten in tcl */
static void graph_vis(t_gobj *gr, int vis) {
t_canvas *x = (t_canvas *)gr;
--- 2388,2393 ----
/* --------------------------- widget behavior ------------------- */
/* don't remove this code yet: has to be rewritten in tcl */
+ #if 0
static void graph_vis(t_gobj *gr, int vis) {
t_canvas *x = (t_canvas *)gr;
*** 2443,2447 ****
/* draw ticks in vertical borders*/
if (x->ytick.lperb) {
--- 2439,2442 ----
*** 2466,2469 ****
--- 2461,2465 ----
for (int i=0; i < x->nylabels; i++) {char *s = x->ylabel[i]->name; DRAWLABEL(x->ylabelx,atof(s));}
+ #endif
/* get the graph's rectangle, not counting extra swelling for controls
*** 2538,2543 ****
! /* fill in the contents of the scalar into the vector w. */
static void canvas_readatoms(t_canvas *x, int natoms, t_atom *vec,
int *p_nextmsg, t_symbol *templatesym, t_word *w, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
--- 2534,2538 ----
! /* fill in the contents of the scalar into the vector w. */
static void canvas_readatoms(t_canvas *x, int natoms, t_atom *vec,
int *p_nextmsg, t_symbol *templatesym, t_word *w, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
*** 2586,2598 ****
*p_nextmsg = nextmsg + 1;
t_template *t = template_findbyname(ts);
! if (!t) {
! pd_error(x,"canvas_read: %s: no such template", ts->name);
! *p_nextmsg = natoms; return 0;
! }
t_scalar *sc = scalar_new(x, ts);
! if (!sc) {
! pd_error(x,"couldn't create scalar \"%s\"", ts->name);
! *p_nextmsg = natoms; return 0;
! }
if (wasvis) canvas_getcanvas(x)->mapped = 0;
--- 2581,2587 ----
*p_nextmsg = nextmsg + 1;
t_template *t = template_findbyname(ts);
! if (!t) {pd_error(x,"canvas_read: %s: no such template", ts->name); *p_nextmsg = natoms; return 0;}
t_scalar *sc = scalar_new(x, ts);
! if (!sc) {pd_error(x,"couldn't create scalar \"%s\"", ts->name); *p_nextmsg = natoms; return 0;}
if (wasvis) canvas_getcanvas(x)->mapped = 0;
*** 2663,2667 ****
int cr = strcmp(format->name, "cr")==0;
if (!cr && *format->name) pd_error(x,"canvas_read: unknown flag: %s", format->name);
/* flag 2 means eval continuously. this is required to autodetect the syntax */
if (binbuf_read_via_path(b, filename->name, canvas_getdir(canvas)->name, cr|2)) {
--- 2652,2655 ----
*** 2707,2732 ****
! if (!newone) pd_error(x,"couldn't update properties (perhaps a format problem?)");
! else if (!oldone) bug("data_properties: couldn't find old element");
! else {
! canvas_delete(x, oldone);
! if (scindex > 0) {
! int nnew = 1;
! canvas_each(y,x) {
! if (nnew == scindex || !y->g_next) {
! newone->g_next = y->g_next;
! y->g_next = newone;
! goto didit;
! }
! nnew++;
! }
! bug("data_properties: can't reinsert");
! } else {
! newone->g_next = x->list;
! x->list = newone;
! didit:
! ;
--- 2695,2717 ----
! if (!newone) {pd_error(x,"couldn't update properties (perhaps a format problem?)"); return;}
! if (!oldone) {bug("data_properties: couldn't find old element"); return;}
! canvas_delete(x, oldone);
! if (scindex > 0) {
! int nnew = 1;
! canvas_each(y,x) {
! if (nnew == scindex || !y->g_next) {
! newone->g_next = y->g_next;
! y->g_next = newone;
! goto didit;
! }
! nnew++;
+ bug("data_properties: can't reinsert");
+ } else {
+ newone->g_next = x->list;
+ x->list = newone;
! didit:;
*** 4795,4799 ****
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create text %d %d -anchor nw -fill %s -text {%s}",
(long)canvas_getcanvas(canvas), xloc, yloc, colorstring, buf);
! sys_vgui(" -font "FONT, 42 /*sys_hostfontsize(canvas_getfont(canvas))*/);
sys_vgui(" -tags drawnumber%lx\n", (long)data);
} else sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete drawnumber%lx\n", (long)canvas_getcanvas(canvas), (long)data);
--- 4780,4784 ----
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create text %d %d -anchor nw -fill %s -text {%s}",
(long)canvas_getcanvas(canvas), xloc, yloc, colorstring, buf);
! sys_vgui(" -font {Courier 42}"/*sys_hostfontsize(canvas_getfont(canvas))*/);
sys_vgui(" -tags drawnumber%lx\n", (long)data);
} else sys_vgui(".x%lx.c delete drawnumber%lx\n", (long)canvas_getcanvas(canvas), (long)data);
*** 4855,4859 ****
} else {
/* key entry for a numeric field. This is just a stopgap. */
- float newf;
if (dn.firstkey) sbuf[0] = 0;
else sprintf(sbuf, "%g", template_getfloat(dn.t, f->varsym, dn.wp, 1));
--- 4840,4843 ----
*** 4865,4868 ****
--- 4849,4853 ----
sbuf[strlen(sbuf)] = key;
+ float newf;
if (sscanf(sbuf, "%g", &newf) < 1) newf = 0;
template_setfloat(dn.t, f->varsym, dn.wp, newf, 1);
*** 5024,5028 ****
static void ptrobj_vnext(t_ptrobj *x, float f) {
- t_gobj *gobj;
t_gpointer *gp = &x->gp;
int wantselected = f!=0;
--- 5009,5012 ----
*** 5031,5037 ****
t_canvas *canvas = gp->canvas;
if (wantselected) {pd_error(x, "next: next-selected unsupported in desiredata"); return;}
! /* if (wantselected && !canvas_isvisible(canvas))
! {pd_error(x, "next: next-selected only works for a visible window"); return;} */
! gobj = gp->scalar;
if (!gobj) gobj = canvas->list;
else gobj = gobj->g_next;
--- 5015,5020 ----
t_canvas *canvas = gp->canvas;
if (wantselected) {pd_error(x, "next: next-selected unsupported in desiredata"); return;}
! /* if (wantselected && !canvas_isvisible(canvas)) {pd_error(x, "next: next-selected only works for a visible window"); return;} */
! t_gobj *gobj = gp->scalar;
if (!gobj) gobj = canvas->list;
else gobj = gobj->g_next;