Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv16717
Modified Files:
Tag: desiredata
desire.c s_path.c s_stuff.h
Log Message:
changed sys_open_absolute and sys_trytoopenone so that they allocate their own dirresult
Index: desire.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1.
*** desire.c 18 Jul 2007 19:07:23 -0000
--- desire.c 18 Jul 2007 23:55:24 -0000
*** 6922,6930 ****
open is attempted, otherwise ASCII (this only matters on Microsoft.) If "x" is zero, the file is
sought in the directory "." or in the global path.*/
! int canvas_open(t_canvas *x, const char *name, const char *ext,
! char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin) {
int fd = -1;
/* first check if "name" is absolute (and if so, try to open) */
! if (sys_open_absolute(name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, size, bin, &fd)) return fd;
/* otherwise "name" is relative; start trying in directories named in this and parent environments */
for (t_canvas *y=x; y; y = y->owner) if (y->env) {
--- 6922,6929 ----
open is attempted, otherwise ASCII (this only matters on Microsoft.) If "x" is zero, the file is
sought in the directory "." or in the global path.*/
! static int canvas_open_2(t_canvas *x, const char *name, const char *ext, char **dirresult, char **nameresult, int bin) {
int fd = -1;
/* first check if "name" is absolute (and if so, try to open) */
! if (sys_open_absolute(name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin, &fd)) return fd;
/* otherwise "name" is relative; start trying in directories named in this and parent environments */
for (t_canvas *y=x; y; y = y->owner) if (y->env) {
*** 6935,6945 ****
char *realname;
asprintf(&realname, "%s/%s", dir, nl->nl_string);
! if ((fd = sys_trytoopenone(realname, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, size, bin)) >= 0) return fd;
! return open_via_path((x ? canvas_getdir(x)->name : "."), name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, size, bin);
/* end miller 0.40 */
static void canvas_with_reply (t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
if (!( argc>=2 && IS_A_FLOAT(argv,0) && IS_A_SYMBOL(argv,1) )) return;
--- 6934,6954 ----
char *realname;
asprintf(&realname, "%s/%s", dir, nl->nl_string);
! if ((fd = sys_trytoopenone(realname, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin)) >= 0) return fd;
! *dirresult = (char *)malloc(MAXPDSTRING);
! int r = open_via_path((x ? canvas_getdir(x)->name : "."), name, ext, *dirresult, nameresult, MAXPDSTRING, bin);
! if (r<0) {free(*dirresult); *dirresult = 0;}
! return r;
/* end miller 0.40 */
+ int canvas_open(t_canvas *x, const char *name, const char *ext, char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin) {
+ char *dirr;
+ int r = canvas_open_2(x,name,ext,&dirr,nameresult,bin);
+ if (dirr) {strncpy(dirresult,dirr,size); dirresult[size-1]=0; free(dirr);}
+ return r;
+ }
static void canvas_with_reply (t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
if (!( argc>=2 && IS_A_FLOAT(argv,0) && IS_A_SYMBOL(argv,1) )) return;
*** 7517,7521 ****
- /* this isn't worked out yet. */
static const char *errobject;
static const char *errstring;
--- 7526,7529 ----
Index: s_path.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_path.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1.
*** s_path.c 28 Jun 2007 04:29:16 -0000
--- s_path.c 18 Jul 2007 23:55:27 -0000
*** 140,195 ****
! /* try to open a file in the directory "dir", named "name""ext",
! for reading. "Name" may have slashes. The directory is copied to
! "dirresult" which must be at least "size" bytes. "nameresult" is set
! to point to the filename (copied elsewhere into the same buffer).
! The "bin" flag requests opening for binary (which only makes a difference
! on Windows). */
! int sys_trytoopenone(const char *dir, const char *name, const char* ext,
! char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin)
! {
! int fd;
! if (strlen(dir) + strlen(name) + strlen(ext) + 4 > size) return -1;
! strcpy(dirresult, dir);
! if (*dirresult && dirresult[strlen(dirresult)-1] != '/') strcat(dirresult, "/");
! strcat(dirresult, name);
! strcat(dirresult, ext);
! sys_bashfilename(dirresult, dirresult);
! DEBUG(post("looking for %s",dirresult));
/* see if we can open the file for reading */
! if ((fd=open(dirresult,O_RDONLY | MSWOPENFLAG(bin))) >= 0) {
! /* in unix, further check that it's not a directory */
! #ifdef UNISTD
! struct stat statbuf;
! int ok = (fstat(fd, &statbuf) >= 0) && !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode);
! if (!ok) {
! if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s; stat failed or directory", dirresult);
! close (fd);
! fd = -1;
! } else
! #endif
! {
! if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s and succeeded", dirresult);
! sys_unbashfilename(dirresult, dirresult);
! char *slash = strrchr(dirresult, '/');
! if (slash) {
! *slash = 0;
! *nameresult = slash + 1;
! } else *nameresult = dirresult;
! return fd;
! }
! } else {
! if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s and failed", dirresult);
! return -1;
! /* check if we were given an absolute pathname, if so try to open it
! and return 1 to signal the caller to cancel any path searches */
! int sys_open_absolute(const char *name, const char* ext,
! char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin, int *fdp)
! {
! if (name[0] == '/'
#ifdef MSW
|| (name[1] == ':' && name[2] == '/')
--- 140,180 ----
! /* try to open a file in the directory "dir", named "name""ext", for reading. "Name" may have slashes.
! The directory is copied to "dirresult" which must be at least "size" bytes. "nameresult" is set
! to point to the filename (copied elsewhere into the same buffer). The "bin" flag requests opening
! for binary (which only makes a difference on Windows). */
! int sys_trytoopenone(const char *dir, const char *name, const char* ext, char **dirresult, char **nameresult, int bin) {
! bool needslash = (*dir && dir[strlen(dir)-1] != '/');
! asprintf(dirresult,"%s%s%s%s", dir, needslash ? "/" : "", name, ext);
! sys_bashfilename(*dirresult, *dirresult);
! DEBUG(post("looking for %s",*dirresult));
/* see if we can open the file for reading */
! int fd = open(*dirresult,O_RDONLY | MSWOPENFLAG(bin));
! if (fd<0) {
! if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s and failed", *dirresult);
! return -1;
! #ifdef UNISTD /* in unix, further check that it's not a directory */
! struct stat statbuf;
! int ok = (fstat(fd, &statbuf) >= 0) && !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode);
! if (!ok) {
! if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s; stat failed or directory", *dirresult);
! close (fd);
! return -1;
! }
! #endif
! if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s and succeeded", *dirresult);
! sys_unbashfilename(*dirresult, *dirresult);
! char *slash = strrchr(*dirresult, '/');
! if (slash) {
! *slash = 0;
! *nameresult = slash + 1;
! } else *nameresult = *dirresult;
! return fd;
! /* check if we were given an absolute pathname, if so try to open it and return 1 to signal the caller to cancel any path searches */
! int sys_open_absolute(const char *name, const char* ext, char **dirresult, char **nameresult, int bin, int *fdp) {
! if (name[0] == '/'
#ifdef MSW
|| (name[1] == ':' && name[2] == '/')
*** 197,205 ****
) {
int dirlen = strrchr(name, '/') - name;
- if (dirlen > MAXPDSTRING-1) dirlen = MAXPDSTRING-1;
char *dirbuf = new char[dirlen+1];
! strncpy(dirbuf, name, dirlen);
! dirbuf[dirlen] = 0;
! *fdp = sys_trytoopenone(dirbuf, name+(dirlen+1), ext, dirresult, nameresult, size, bin);
delete[] dirbuf;
return 1;
--- 182,187 ----
) {
int dirlen = strrchr(name, '/') - name;
char *dirbuf = new char[dirlen+1];
! *fdp = sys_trytoopenone(name, name+dirlen+1, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin);
delete[] dirbuf;
return 1;
*** 219,240 ****
static int do_open_via_path(const char *dir, const char *name,
! const char *ext, char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size,
! int bin, t_namelist *searchpath)
t_namelist *nl;
int fd = -1;
/* first check if "name" is absolute (and if so, try to open) */
! if (sys_open_absolute(name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, size, bin, &fd)) return fd;
/* otherwise "name" is relative; try the directory "dir" first. */
! if ((fd = sys_trytoopenone(dir, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, size, bin)) >= 0) return fd;
/* next go through the search path */
for (nl = searchpath; nl; nl = nl->nl_next)
! if ((fd = sys_trytoopenone(nl->nl_string, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, size, bin)) >= 0) return fd;
/* next look in "extra" */
! if (sys_usestdpath &&
! (fd = sys_trytoopenone(pd_extrapath->nl_string, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, size, bin)) >= 0)
return fd;
*dirresult = 0;
! *nameresult = dirresult;
return -1;
--- 201,220 ----
static int do_open_via_path(const char *dir, const char *name,
! const char *ext, char **dirresult, char **nameresult, int bin, t_namelist *searchpath)
t_namelist *nl;
int fd = -1;
/* first check if "name" is absolute (and if so, try to open) */
! if (sys_open_absolute(name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin, &fd)) return fd;
/* otherwise "name" is relative; try the directory "dir" first. */
! if ((fd = sys_trytoopenone(dir, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin)) >= 0) return fd;
/* next go through the search path */
for (nl = searchpath; nl; nl = nl->nl_next)
! if ((fd = sys_trytoopenone(nl->nl_string, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin)) >= 0) return fd;
/* next look in "extra" */
! if (sys_usestdpath && (fd = sys_trytoopenone(pd_extrapath->nl_string, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin)) >= 0)
return fd;
*dirresult = 0;
! *nameresult = *dirresult;
return -1;
*** 243,254 ****
extern "C" int open_via_path(const char *dir, const char *name, const char *ext,
char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin) {
! return do_open_via_path(dir, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, size, bin, sys_searchpath);
! /* Open a help file using the help search path. We expect the ".pd"
! suffix here, even though we have to tear it back off for one of the
! search attempts. */
extern "C" void open_via_helppath(const char *name, const char *dir) {
! char realname[MAXPDSTRING], dirbuf[MAXPDSTRING], *basename;
/* make up a silly "dir" if none is supplied */
int fd;
--- 223,236 ----
extern "C" int open_via_path(const char *dir, const char *name, const char *ext,
char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin) {
! char *dirr;
! int r = do_open_via_path(dir, name, ext, &dirr, nameresult, bin, sys_searchpath);
! if (dirr) {strncpy(dirresult,dirr,size); dirresult[size-1]=0; free(dirr);}
! return r;
! /* Open a help file using the help search path. We expect the ".pd" suffix here,
! even though we have to tear it back off for one of the search attempts. */
extern "C" void open_via_helppath(const char *name, const char *dir) {
! char realname[MAXPDSTRING], *dirbuf, *basename;
/* make up a silly "dir" if none is supplied */
int fd;
*** 258,268 ****
if (strlen(realname) > 3 && !strcmp(realname+strlen(realname)-3, ".pd")) realname[strlen(realname)-3] = 0;
strcat(realname, "-help.pd");
! if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir,realname,"",dirbuf,&basename,MAXPDSTRING,0,sys_helppath))>=0) goto gotone;
/* 2. "help-objectname.pd" */
realname[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0;
! if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir,realname,"",dirbuf,&basename,MAXPDSTRING,0,sys_helppath))>=0) goto gotone;
/* 3. "objectname.pd" */
! if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir, name,"",dirbuf,&basename,MAXPDSTRING,0,sys_helppath))>=0) goto gotone;
post("sorry, couldn't find help patch for \"%s\"", name);
--- 240,250 ----
if (strlen(realname) > 3 && !strcmp(realname+strlen(realname)-3, ".pd")) realname[strlen(realname)-3] = 0;
strcat(realname, "-help.pd");
! if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir,realname,"",&dirbuf,&basename,0,sys_helppath))>=0) goto gotone;
/* 2. "help-objectname.pd" */
realname[MAXPDSTRING-1] = 0;
! if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir,realname,"",&dirbuf,&basename,0,sys_helppath))>=0) goto gotone;
/* 3. "objectname.pd" */
! if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir, name,"",&dirbuf,&basename,0,sys_helppath))>=0) goto gotone;
post("sorry, couldn't find help patch for \"%s\"", name);
Index: s_stuff.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_stuff.h,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1.
*** s_stuff.h 11 Jul 2007 20:57:10 -0000
--- s_stuff.h 18 Jul 2007 23:55:27 -0000
*** 38,45 ****
! int sys_open_absolute(const char *name, const char* ext,
! char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin, int *fdp);
! int sys_trytoopenone(const char *dir, const char *name, const char* ext,
! char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin);
/* s_main.c */
--- 38,43 ----
! int sys_open_absolute( const char *name, const char* ext, char **dirresult, char **nameresult, int bin, int *fdp);
! int sys_trytoopenone(const char *dir, const char *name, const char* ext, char **dirresult, char **nameresult, int bin);
/* s_main.c */