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interleaved code of ctlout,midiout,pgmout
Index: builtins.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/builtins.c,v
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retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.48 -r1.1.2.49
*** builtins.c 24 Jul 2007 21:17:13 -0000
--- builtins.c 24 Jul 2007 23:09:40 -0000
*** 2112,2145 ****
- static t_class *midiout_class;
void outmidi_byte(int portno, int byte);
! struct t_midiout : t_object {
! t_float portno;
! };
! static void *midiout_new(t_floatarg portno) {
! t_midiout *x = (t_midiout *)pd_new(midiout_class);
! if (portno <= 0) portno = 1;
! x->portno = portno;
! floatinlet_new(x, &x->portno);
! #ifdef __irix__
! post("midiout: unimplemented in IRIX");
! #endif
! return x;
! }
! static void midiout_float(t_midiout *x, t_floatarg f){
! outmidi_byte((int)x->portno-1, (int)f);
! }
! static void midiout_setup() {
! midiout_class = class_new2("midiout",midiout_new,0,sizeof(t_midiout),0,"FF");
! class_addfloat(midiout_class, midiout_float);
! class_sethelpsymbol(midiout_class, gensym("midi"));
! }
- static t_class *noteout_class;
- /* v=velocity */
- struct t_noteout : t_object {
- t_float v;
- t_float ch;
- };
static void *noteout_new(t_floatarg channel) {
t_noteout *x = (t_noteout *)pd_new(noteout_class);
--- 2112,2120 ----
void outmidi_byte(int portno, int byte);
! static t_class *midiout_class; struct t_midiout : t_object {t_float portno;};
! static t_class *noteout_class; struct t_noteout : t_object {t_float v; t_float ch;};
! static t_class *ctlout_class; struct t_ctlout : t_object {t_float v; t_float ch;};
static void *noteout_new(t_floatarg channel) {
t_noteout *x = (t_noteout *)pd_new(noteout_class);
*** 2150,2168 ****
return x;
- static void noteout_float(t_noteout *x, t_float f) {
- int binchan = max(0,(int)x->ch-1);
- outmidi_noteon((binchan >> 4), (binchan & 15), (int)f, (int)x->v);
- }
- static void noteout_setup() {
- noteout_class = class_new2("noteout",noteout_new,0,sizeof(t_noteout),0,"F");
- class_addfloat(noteout_class, noteout_float);
- class_sethelpsymbol(noteout_class, gensym("midi"));
- }
- static t_class *ctlout_class;
- struct t_ctlout : t_object {
- t_float v; /*ctl*/
- t_float ch;
- };
static void *ctlout_new(t_floatarg v, t_floatarg channel) {
t_ctlout *x = (t_ctlout *)pd_new(ctlout_class);
--- 2125,2128 ----
*** 2173,2176 ****
--- 2133,2154 ----
return x;
+ static void *midiout_new(t_floatarg portno) {
+ t_midiout *x = (t_midiout *)pd_new(midiout_class);
+ if (portno <= 0) portno = 1;
+ x->portno = portno;
+ floatinlet_new(x, &x->portno);
+ #ifdef __irix__
+ post("midiout: unimplemented in IRIX");
+ #endif
+ return x;
+ }
+ static void midiout_float(t_midiout *x, t_floatarg f){
+ outmidi_byte((int)x->portno-1, (int)f);
+ }
+ static void noteout_float(t_noteout *x, t_float f) {
+ int binchan = max(0,(int)x->ch-1);
+ outmidi_noteon((binchan >> 4), (binchan & 15), (int)f, (int)x->v);
+ }
static void ctlout_float(t_ctlout *x, t_float f) {
int binchan = (int)x->ch - 1;
*** 2178,2186 ****
outmidi_controlchange((binchan >> 4), (binchan & 15), (int)x->v, (int)f);
- static void ctlout_setup() {
- ctlout_class = class_new2("ctlout",ctlout_new,0,sizeof(t_ctlout),0,"FF");
- class_addfloat(ctlout_class, ctlout_float);
- class_sethelpsymbol(ctlout_class, gensym("midi"));
- }
static t_class *pgmout_class, *bendout_class, *touchout_class;
--- 2156,2159 ----
*** 2208,2219 ****
outmidi_aftertouch(binchan>>4, binchan&15, (int)f);
- static void mido2_setup() {
- pgmout_class = class_new2("pgmout", pgmout_new, 0, sizeof(t_pgmout), 0,"F");
- bendout_class = class_new2("bendout", bendout_new, 0, sizeof(t_bendout), 0,"F");
- touchout_class = class_new2("touchout", touchout_new, 0, sizeof(t_touchout), 0,"F");
- class_addfloat(pgmout_class, pgmout_float); class_sethelpsymbol(pgmout_class, gensym("midi"));
- class_addfloat(bendout_class, bendout_float); class_sethelpsymbol(bendout_class, gensym("midi"));
- class_addfloat(touchout_class, touchout_float); class_sethelpsymbol(touchout_class, gensym("midi"));
- }
static t_class *polytouchout_class;
--- 2181,2184 ----
*** 2498,2506 ****
midiin_setup(); notein_setup(); ctlin_setup(); midi2_setup(); /*pgmin,bendin,touchin*/
polytouchin_setup(); midirealtimein_setup(); midiclkin_setup();
! midiout_setup(); noteout_setup(); ctlout_setup(); mido2_setup(); /*pgmout,bendout,touchout*/
! polytouchout_setup();
! makenote_setup(); stripnote_setup();
! poly_setup();
! bag_setup();
--- 2463,2479 ----
midiin_setup(); notein_setup(); ctlin_setup(); midi2_setup(); /*pgmin,bendin,touchin*/
polytouchin_setup(); midirealtimein_setup(); midiclkin_setup();
! midiout_class = class_new2("midiout", midiout_new, 0, sizeof(t_midiout), 0,"FF");
! ctlout_class = class_new2("ctlout", ctlout_new, 0, sizeof(t_ctlout), 0,"FF");
! noteout_class = class_new2("noteout", noteout_new, 0, sizeof(t_noteout), 0,"F");
! pgmout_class = class_new2("pgmout", pgmout_new, 0, sizeof(t_pgmout), 0,"F");
! bendout_class = class_new2("bendout", bendout_new, 0, sizeof(t_bendout), 0,"F");
! touchout_class = class_new2("touchout", touchout_new, 0, sizeof(t_touchout), 0,"F");
! class_addfloat( midiout_class, midiout_float); class_sethelpsymbol( midiout_class, gensym("midi"));
! class_addfloat( ctlout_class, ctlout_float); class_sethelpsymbol( ctlout_class, gensym("midi"));
! class_addfloat( noteout_class, noteout_float); class_sethelpsymbol( noteout_class, gensym("midi"));
! class_addfloat( pgmout_class, pgmout_float); class_sethelpsymbol( pgmout_class, gensym("midi"));
! class_addfloat( bendout_class, bendout_float); class_sethelpsymbol( bendout_class, gensym("midi"));
! class_addfloat(touchout_class, touchout_float); class_sethelpsymbol(touchout_class, gensym("midi"));
! polytouchout_setup(); makenote_setup(); stripnote_setup(); poly_setup(); bag_setup();