Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv16288
Modified Files:
Tag: desiredata
Log Message:
adding time info in tracedef output
Index: poe.tcl
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/poe.tcl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1.
*** poe.tcl 29 Aug 2007 22:06:26 -0000
--- poe.tcl 12 Oct 2007 11:33:14 -0000
*** 37,41 ****
set _(Class:_super) {Thing}
set have_expand [expr ![catch {set a {foo bar}; list {expand}$a}]]
proc proc* {name args body} {
set argl {}
--- 37,40 ----
*** 44,48 ****
proc $name $args "upvar 1 selector ___; puts \"\[VTgreen\]CALL TO PROC $name selector=\$___ [join $argl " "]\[VTgrey\]\"; $body"
} else {
! proc $name $args "puts \"\[VTgreen\]CALL TO PROC $name [join $argl " "]\[VTgrey\]\"; $body"
--- 43,52 ----
proc $name $args "upvar 1 selector ___; puts \"\[VTgreen\]CALL TO PROC $name selector=\$___ [join $argl " "]\[VTgrey\]\"; $body"
} else {
! if {![catch {time {}}]} {
! set body "set t \[time {$body}\]"
! proc $name $args "$body; puts \"\[VTgreen\]CALL TO PROC $name [join $argl " "], \[VTred\]\[lrange \[split \$t \] 0 1\] \[VTgrey\]\""
! } {
! proc $name $args "puts \"\[VTgreen\]CALL TO PROC $name [join $argl " "]\[VTgrey\]\"; $body"
! }
*** 62,65 ****
--- 66,70 ----
if {![info exists _($self:_class)]} {error "unknown class '$self'"}
set name ${self}_$selector
+ #if {$name == "Canvas_motion_wrap"} {set body "puts \[time {$body}\]"}
set argnames [concat [list self] $argnames]
if {([info exists __trace($self:$selector)] || [info exists __trace(*:$selector)]