Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv1662
Modified Files:
Tag: desiredata
desire.tk TODO
Log Message:
small fixes to AtomBox
Index: desire.tk
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.155 -r1.1.2.600.2.156
*** desire.tk 7 Jan 2007 13:39:06 -0000
--- desire.tk 8 Jan 2007 11:48:30 -0000
*** 4139,4143 ****
if {![llength $@keynav_iosel_i] && ![llength $@keynav_iosel_o]} {
if {[llength $@selection] == 1} {
! if {[$@selection class] == "ObjectBox"} {
$@selection edit
$self dehilite_io
--- 4139,4143 ----
if {![llength $@keynav_iosel_i] && ![llength $@keynav_iosel_o]} {
if {[llength $@selection] == 1} {
! if {[[$@selection class] <= TextBox]} {
$@selection edit
$self dehilite_io
*** 5170,5174 ****
! def AtomBox setto {text} {if { [string is double $text]} {netsend [list .$self float $text]}}
def SymbolBox setto {text} {if {![string is double $text]} {netsend [list .$self symbol $text]}}
--- 5170,5180 ----
! def AtomBox setto {text} {
! if { [string is double $text]} {
! set @text $text; #so that the text gets updated immediately
! netsend [list .$self float $text]
! [$self get_canvas] selection-= $self
! }
! }
def SymbolBox setto {text} {if {![string is double $text]} {netsend [list .$self symbol $text]}}
Index: TODO
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/TODO,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1.
*** TODO 7 Jan 2007 13:39:09 -0000
--- TODO 8 Jan 2007 11:48:33 -0000
*** 18,22 ****
[x] drawn from inlet
[x] can't connect from outlet other than the hot outlet
! [ ] FloatBox remains hilited after hit Return
[ ] gobj_changed3: no appendix in 0x807b620 (don't know how to reproduce yet)
[ ] fix deleteing/closing Canvas
--- 18,22 ----
[x] drawn from inlet
[x] can't connect from outlet other than the hot outlet
! [x] FloatBox remains hilited after hit Return
[ ] gobj_changed3: no appendix in 0x807b620 (don't know how to reproduce yet)
[ ] fix deleteing/closing Canvas
*** 29,33 ****
[x] fix client editor key not showing up
[x] the original wire don't delete after object insertion
! [ ] "click off" should also work with object insertion
[x] after ctrl+1 focus gets lost if click on the ObjectBox
[x] ctrl+c brok for GUI objects
--- 29,33 ----
[x] fix client editor key not showing up
[x] the original wire don't delete after object insertion
! [x] "click off" should also work with object insertion
[x] after ctrl+1 focus gets lost if click on the ObjectBox
[x] ctrl+c brok for GUI objects