Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv6221
Modified Files:
Tag: desiredata
Log Message:
added macros select_each, a_float, a_symbol
Index: builtins.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/builtins.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.15 -r1.1.2.16
*** builtins.c 9 Jan 2007 22:13:01 -0000
--- builtins.c 11 Jan 2007 20:32:06 -0000
*** 5,10 ****
see the file "LICENSE.txt" in this distribution. */
- /* misc. */
#include "desire.h"
--- 5,8 ----
*** 49,52 ****
--- 47,53 ----
+ #define a_float a_w.w_float
+ #define a_symbol a_w.w_symbol
#define LIST_NGETBYTE 100 /* bigger that this we use alloc, not alloca */
*** 332,338 ****
if (at[msg].a_type == A_FLOAT) {
if (emsg > msg + 1) outlet_list(x->msgout, 0, emsg-msg, at + msg);
! else outlet_float(x->msgout, at[msg].a_w.w_float);
} else if (at[msg].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
! outlet_anything(x->msgout, at[msg].a_w.w_symbol, emsg-msg-1, at + msg + 1);
--- 333,339 ----
if (at[msg].a_type == A_FLOAT) {
if (emsg > msg + 1) outlet_list(x->msgout, 0, emsg-msg, at + msg);
! else outlet_float(x->msgout, at[msg].a_float);
} else if (at[msg].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
! outlet_anything(x->msgout, at[msg].a_symbol, emsg-msg-1, at + msg + 1);
*** 477,481 ****
x->onset = onset2;
if (automatic) {
! clock_delay(x->clock, x->clockdelay = ap->a_w.w_float * x->tempo);
x->whenclockset = clock_getsystime();
} else outlet_list(x->outlet, 0, onset2-onset, ap);
--- 478,482 ----
x->onset = onset2;
if (automatic) {
! clock_delay(x->clock, x->clockdelay = ap->a_float * x->tempo);
x->whenclockset = clock_getsystime();
} else outlet_list(x->outlet, 0, onset2-onset, ap);
*** 489,494 ****
if (!target) {
if (ap->a_type != A_SYMBOL) continue;
! else if (!(target = ap->a_w.w_symbol->thing)) {
! error("qlist: %s: no such object", ap->a_w.w_symbol->name);
--- 490,495 ----
if (!target) {
if (ap->a_type != A_SYMBOL) continue;
! else if (!(target = ap->a_symbol->thing)) {
! error("qlist: %s: no such object", ap->a_symbol->name);
*** 505,509 ****
if (!drop) {
if (ap->a_type == A_FLOAT) typedmess(target, &s_list, count, ap);
! else if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL) typedmess(target, ap->a_w.w_symbol, count-1, ap+1);
if (x->reentered) return;
--- 506,510 ----
if (!drop) {
if (ap->a_type == A_FLOAT) typedmess(target, &s_list, count, ap);
! else if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL) typedmess(target, ap->a_symbol, count-1, ap+1);
if (x->reentered) return;
*** 603,607 ****
x->onset = onset2;
if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL)
! outlet_anything(x->outlet, ap->a_w.w_symbol, onset2-onset-1, ap+1);
else outlet_list(x->outlet, 0, onset2-onset, ap);
} else {
--- 604,608 ----
x->onset = onset2;
if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL)
! outlet_anything(x->outlet, ap->a_symbol, onset2-onset-1, ap+1);
else outlet_list(x->outlet, 0, onset2-onset, ap);
} else {
*** 795,799 ****
static void list_trim_list(t_list_trim *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
if (argc < 1 || argv[0].a_type != A_SYMBOL) outlet_list(x->outlet, &s_list, argc, argv);
! else outlet_anything(x->outlet, argv[0].a_w.w_symbol, argc-1, argv+1);
static void list_trim_anything(t_list_trim *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
--- 796,800 ----
static void list_trim_list(t_list_trim *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
if (argc < 1 || argv[0].a_type != A_SYMBOL) outlet_list(x->outlet, &s_list, argc, argv);
! else outlet_anything(x->outlet, argv[0].a_symbol, argc-1, argv+1);
static void list_trim_anything(t_list_trim *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
*** 831,835 ****
if (!argc || argv[0].a_type != A_SYMBOL) newest = list_append_new(s, argc, argv);
else {
! t_symbol *s2 = argv[0].a_w.w_symbol;
if (s2 == gensym("append")) newest = list_append_new(s, argc-1, argv+1);
else if (s2 == gensym("prepend")) newest = list_prepend_new(s, argc-1, argv+1);
--- 832,836 ----
if (!argc || argv[0].a_type != A_SYMBOL) newest = list_append_new(s, argc, argv);
else {
! t_symbol *s2 = argv[0].a_symbol;
if (s2 == gensym("append")) newest = list_append_new(s, argc-1, argv+1);
else if (s2 == gensym("prepend")) newest = list_prepend_new(s, argc-1, argv+1);
*** 1280,1284 ****
static void pdsymbol_list(t_pdsymbol *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) {
if (!ac) pdsymbol_bang(x);
! else if (av->a_type == A_SYMBOL) pdsymbol_symbol(x, av->a_w.w_symbol);
else pdsymbol_anything(x, s, ac, av);
--- 1281,1285 ----
static void pdsymbol_list(t_pdsymbol *x, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) {
if (!ac) pdsymbol_bang(x);
! else if (av->a_type == A_SYMBOL) pdsymbol_symbol(x, av->a_symbol);
else pdsymbol_anything(x, s, ac, av);
*** 1388,1400 ****
static void sel1_float(t_sel1 *x, t_float f) {
! if (x->atom.a_type==A_FLOAT && f == x->atom.a_w.w_float) outlet_bang(x->out(0)); else outlet_float(x->out(1),f);
static void sel1_symbol(t_sel1 *x, t_symbol *s) {
! if (x->atom.a_type==A_SYMBOL && s == x->atom.a_w.w_symbol) outlet_bang(x->out(0)); else outlet_symbol(x->out(1),s);
static t_class *sel2_class;
struct t_selectelement {
t_word e_w;
! t_outlet *e_outlet;
struct t_sel2 : t_object {
--- 1389,1401 ----
static void sel1_float(t_sel1 *x, t_float f) {
! if (x->atom.a_type==A_FLOAT && f == x->atom.a_float) outlet_bang(x->out(0)); else outlet_float(x->out(1),f);
static void sel1_symbol(t_sel1 *x, t_symbol *s) {
! if (x->atom.a_type==A_SYMBOL && s == x->atom.a_symbol) outlet_bang(x->out(0)); else outlet_symbol(x->out(1),s);
static t_class *sel2_class;
struct t_selectelement {
t_word e_w;
! t_outlet *out;
struct t_sel2 : t_object {
*** 1404,1425 ****
t_outlet *rejectout;
static void sel2_float(t_sel2 *x, t_float f) {
! if (x->type == A_FLOAT) {
! t_selectelement *e = x->vec;
! for (int nelement = x->nelement; nelement--; e++) if (e->e_w.w_float == f) {
! outlet_bang(e->e_outlet);
! return;
! }
! }
outlet_float(x->rejectout, f);
static void sel2_symbol(t_sel2 *x, t_symbol *s) {
! if (x->type == A_SYMBOL) {
! t_selectelement *e = x->vec;
! for (int nelement = x->nelement; nelement--; e++) if (e->e_w.w_symbol == s) {
! outlet_bang(e->e_outlet);
! return;
! }
! }
outlet_symbol(x->rejectout, s);
--- 1405,1416 ----
t_outlet *rejectout;
+ #define select_each(e,x) for (t_selectelement *e = x->vec;e;e=0) for (int nelement = x->nelement; nelement--; e++)
static void sel2_float(t_sel2 *x, t_float f) {
! if (x->type == A_FLOAT) {select_each(e,x) if (e->e_w.w_float==f) {outlet_bang(e->out); return;}}
outlet_float(x->rejectout, f);
static void sel2_symbol(t_sel2 *x, t_symbol *s) {
! if (x->type == A_SYMBOL) {select_each(e,x) if (e->e_w.w_symbol==s) {outlet_bang(e->out); return;}}
outlet_symbol(x->rejectout, s);
*** 1437,1443 ****
outlet_new(x, &s_bang);
if (argv->a_type == A_FLOAT) {
! floatinlet_new(x, &x->atom.a_w.w_float); outlet_new(x, &s_float);
} else {
! symbolinlet_new(x, &x->atom.a_w.w_symbol); outlet_new(x, &s_symbol);
return x;
--- 1428,1434 ----
outlet_new(x, &s_bang);
if (argv->a_type == A_FLOAT) {
! floatinlet_new(x, &x->atom.a_float); outlet_new(x, &s_float);
} else {
! symbolinlet_new(x, &x->atom.a_symbol); outlet_new(x, &s_symbol);
return x;
*** 1449,1453 ****
t_selectelement *e = x->vec;
for (int n = 0; n < argc; n++, e++) {
! e->e_outlet = outlet_new(x, &s_bang);
if ((x->type = argv->a_type) == A_FLOAT)
e->e_w.w_float = atom_getfloatarg(n, argc, argv);
--- 1440,1444 ----
t_selectelement *e = x->vec;
for (int n = 0; n < argc; n++, e++) {
! e->out = outlet_new(x, &s_bang);
if ((x->type = argv->a_type) == A_FLOAT)
e->e_w.w_float = atom_getfloatarg(n, argc, argv);
*** 1474,1478 ****
struct t_routeelement {
t_word e_w;
! t_outlet *e_outlet;
struct t_route : t_object {
--- 1465,1469 ----
struct t_routeelement {
t_word e_w;
! t_outlet *out;
struct t_route : t_object {
*** 1487,1497 ****
for (int n = x->n; n--; e++) if (e->e_w.w_symbol == sel) {
if (argc > 0 && argv[0].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
! outlet_anything(e->e_outlet, argv[0].a_w.w_symbol, argc-1, argv+1);
else { /* tb {: avoid 1 element lists */
! if (argc > 1) outlet_list(e->e_outlet, 0, argc, argv);
! else if (argc == 0) outlet_bang(e->e_outlet);
! else if (argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT) outlet_float( e->e_outlet, argv[0].a_w.w_float);
! else if (argv[0].a_type == A_SYMBOL) outlet_symbol( e->e_outlet, argv[0].a_w.w_symbol);
! else if (argv[0].a_type == A_POINTER) outlet_pointer(e->e_outlet, argv[0].a_w.w_gpointer);
} /* tb } */
--- 1478,1488 ----
for (int n = x->n; n--; e++) if (e->e_w.w_symbol == sel) {
if (argc > 0 && argv[0].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
! outlet_anything(e->out, argv[0].a_symbol, argc-1, argv+1);
else { /* tb {: avoid 1 element lists */
! if (argc > 1) outlet_list(e->out, 0, argc, argv);
! else if (argc == 0) outlet_bang(e->out);
! else if (argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT) outlet_float( e->out, argv[0].a_float);
! else if (argv[0].a_type == A_SYMBOL) outlet_symbol( e->out, argv[0].a_symbol);
! else if (argv[0].a_type == A_POINTER) outlet_pointer(e->out, argv[0].a_w.w_gpointer);
} /* tb } */
*** 1509,1520 ****
for (int n = x->n; n--; e++) if (e->e_w.w_float == f) {
if (argc > 1 && argv[1].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
! outlet_anything(e->e_outlet, argv[1].a_w.w_symbol, argc-2, argv+2);
! else /* outlet_list(e->e_outlet, 0, argc-1, argv+1); */ { /* tb {: avoid 1 element lists */
argc -= 1, argv+=1;
! if (argc > 1) outlet_list(e->e_outlet, 0, argc, argv);
! else if (argc == 0) outlet_bang(e->e_outlet);
! else if (argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT) outlet_float( e->e_outlet, argv[0].a_w.w_float);
! else if (argv[0].a_type == A_SYMBOL) outlet_symbol( e->e_outlet, argv[0].a_w.w_symbol);
! else if (argv[0].a_type == A_POINTER) outlet_pointer(e->e_outlet, argv[0].a_w.w_gpointer);
} /* tb } */
--- 1500,1511 ----
for (int n = x->n; n--; e++) if (e->e_w.w_float == f) {
if (argc > 1 && argv[1].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
! outlet_anything(e->out, argv[1].a_symbol, argc-2, argv+2);
! else /* outlet_list(e->out, 0, argc-1, argv+1); */ { /* tb {: avoid 1 element lists */
argc -= 1, argv+=1;
! if (argc > 1) outlet_list(e->out, 0, argc, argv);
! else if (argc == 0) outlet_bang(e->out);
! else if (argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT) outlet_float( e->out, argv[0].a_float);
! else if (argv[0].a_type == A_SYMBOL) outlet_symbol( e->out, argv[0].a_symbol);
! else if (argv[0].a_type == A_POINTER) outlet_pointer(e->out, argv[0].a_w.w_gpointer);
} /* tb } */
*** 1524,1529 ****
route_eachr(e,x) {
if (e->e_w.w_symbol == &s_list) {
! if (argv[0].a_type==A_SYMBOL) outlet_anything(e->e_outlet, argv[0].a_w.w_symbol, argc-1, argv+1);
! else outlet_list(e->e_outlet, 0, argc, argv);
--- 1515,1520 ----
route_eachr(e,x) {
if (e->e_w.w_symbol == &s_list) {
! if (argv[0].a_type==A_SYMBOL) outlet_anything(e->out, argv[0].a_symbol, argc-1, argv+1);
! else outlet_list(e->out, 0, argc, argv);
*** 1531,1543 ****
} else if (argc == 0) {
route_eachr(e,x) {
! if (e->e_w.w_symbol == &s_bang) {outlet_bang(e->e_outlet); return;}
} else if (argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT) {
route_eachr(e,x) {
! if (e->e_w.w_symbol == &s_float) {outlet_float(e->e_outlet, argv[0].a_w.w_float); return;}
} else {
route_eachr(e,x) {
! if (e->e_w.w_symbol == &s_symbol) {outlet_symbol(e->e_outlet, argv[0].a_w.w_symbol); return;}
--- 1522,1534 ----
} else if (argc == 0) {
route_eachr(e,x) {
! if (e->e_w.w_symbol == &s_bang) {outlet_bang(e->out); return;}
} else if (argv[0].a_type == A_FLOAT) {
route_eachr(e,x) {
! if (e->e_w.w_symbol == &s_float) {outlet_float(e->out, argv[0].a_float); return;}
} else {
route_eachr(e,x) {
! if (e->e_w.w_symbol == &s_symbol) {outlet_symbol(e->out, argv[0].a_symbol); return;}
*** 1560,1564 ****
t_routeelement *e = x->vec;
for (int n = 0; n < argc; n++, e++) {
! e->e_outlet = outlet_new(x, &s_list);
if (x->type == A_FLOAT) e->e_w.w_float = atom_getfloatarg( n, argc, argv);
else e->e_w.w_symbol = atom_getsymbolarg(n, argc, argv);
--- 1551,1555 ----
t_routeelement *e = x->vec;
for (int n = 0; n < argc; n++, e++) {
! e->out = outlet_new(x, &s_list);
if (x->type == A_FLOAT) e->e_w.w_float = atom_getfloatarg( n, argc, argv);
else e->e_w.w_symbol = atom_getsymbolarg(n, argc, argv);
*** 1596,1600 ****
int i;
for (i = argc, ap = argv; i--; ap++)
! if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL && *ap->a_w.w_symbol->name == 'p')
t_gpointer *gp = x->gpointer = (t_gpointer *)t_getbytes(nptr * sizeof (*gp));
--- 1587,1591 ----
int i;
for (i = argc, ap = argv; i--; ap++)
! if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL && *ap->a_symbol->name == 'p')
t_gpointer *gp = x->gpointer = (t_gpointer *)t_getbytes(nptr * sizeof (*gp));
*** 1603,1612 ****
if (ap->a_type == A_FLOAT) {
*vp = *ap;
! if (i) floatinlet_new(x, &vp->a_w.w_float);
} else if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL) {
! char c = *ap->a_w.w_symbol->name;
if (c == 's') {
SETSYMBOL(vp, &s_symbol);
! if (i) symbolinlet_new(x, &vp->a_w.w_symbol);
} else if (c == 'p') {
vp->a_type = A_POINTER;
--- 1594,1603 ----
if (ap->a_type == A_FLOAT) {
*vp = *ap;
! if (i) floatinlet_new(x, &vp->a_float);
} else if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL) {
! char c = *ap->a_symbol->name;
if (c == 's') {
SETSYMBOL(vp, &s_symbol);
! if (i) symbolinlet_new(x, &vp->a_symbol);
} else if (c == 'p') {
vp->a_type = A_POINTER;
*** 1616,1622 ****
} else {
! if (c != 'f') pd_error(x, "pack: %s: bad type", ap->a_w.w_symbol->name);
SETFLOAT(vp, 0);
! if (i) floatinlet_new(x, &vp->a_w.w_float);
--- 1607,1613 ----
} else {
! if (c != 'f') pd_error(x, "pack: %s: bad type", ap->a_symbol->name);
SETFLOAT(vp, 0);
! if (i) floatinlet_new(x, &vp->a_float);
*** 1660,1664 ****
static void pack_float(t_pack *x, t_float f) {
if (x->vec->a_type == A_FLOAT) {
! x->vec->a_w.w_float = f;
} else pd_error(x, "pack_float: wrong type");
--- 1651,1655 ----
static void pack_float(t_pack *x, t_float f) {
if (x->vec->a_type == A_FLOAT) {
! x->vec->a_float = f;
} else pd_error(x, "pack_float: wrong type");
*** 1666,1670 ****
static void pack_symbol(t_pack *x, t_symbol *s) {
if (x->vec->a_type == A_SYMBOL) {
! x->vec->a_w.w_symbol = s;
} else pd_error(x, "pack_symbol: wrong type");
--- 1657,1661 ----
static void pack_symbol(t_pack *x, t_symbol *s) {
if (x->vec->a_type == A_SYMBOL) {
! x->vec->a_symbol = s;
} else pd_error(x, "pack_symbol: wrong type");
*** 1721,1725 ****
t_atomtype type = ap->a_type;
if (type == A_SYMBOL) {
! char c = *ap->a_w.w_symbol->name;
if (c == 's') {
u->type = A_SYMBOL;
--- 1712,1716 ----
t_atomtype type = ap->a_type;
if (type == A_SYMBOL) {
! char c = *ap->a_symbol->name;
if (c == 's') {
u->type = A_SYMBOL;
*** 1729,1733 ****
u->outlet = outlet_new(x, &s_pointer);
} else {
! if (c != 'f') pd_error(x, "unpack: %s: bad type", ap->a_w.w_symbol->name);
u->type = A_FLOAT;
u->outlet = outlet_new(x, &s_float);
--- 1720,1724 ----
u->outlet = outlet_new(x, &s_pointer);
} else {
! if (c != 'f') pd_error(x, "unpack: %s: bad type", ap->a_symbol->name);
u->type = A_FLOAT;
u->outlet = outlet_new(x, &s_float);
*** 1747,1752 ****
t_atomtype type = u->type;
if (type != ap->a_type) pd_error(x, "unpack: type mismatch");
! else if (type == A_FLOAT) outlet_float( u->outlet, ap->a_w.w_float);
! else if (type == A_SYMBOL)outlet_symbol( u->outlet, ap->a_w.w_symbol);
else outlet_pointer(u->outlet, ap->a_w.w_gpointer);
--- 1738,1743 ----
t_atomtype type = u->type;
if (type != ap->a_type) pd_error(x, "unpack: type mismatch");
! else if (type == A_FLOAT) outlet_float( u->outlet, ap->a_float);
! else if (type == A_SYMBOL)outlet_symbol( u->outlet, ap->a_symbol);
else outlet_pointer(u->outlet, ap->a_w.w_gpointer);
*** 1797,1801 ****
t_atomtype thistype = ap->a_type;
char c;
! if (thistype == TR_SYMBOL) c = ap->a_w.w_symbol->name[0];
else if (thistype == TR_FLOAT) c = 'f';
else c = 0;
--- 1788,1792 ----
t_atomtype thistype = ap->a_type;
char c;
! if (thistype == TR_SYMBOL) c = ap->a_symbol->name[0];
else if (thistype == TR_FLOAT) c = 'f';
else c = 0;
*** 1807,1811 ****
else if (c == 'a') u->type = TR_ANYTHING, u->outlet = outlet_new(x, &s_symbol);
else {
! pd_error(x, "trigger: %s: bad type", ap->a_w.w_symbol->name);
u->type = TR_FLOAT, u->outlet = outlet_new(x, &s_float);
--- 1798,1802 ----
else if (c == 'a') u->type = TR_ANYTHING, u->outlet = outlet_new(x, &s_symbol);
else {
! pd_error(x, "trigger: %s: bad type", ap->a_symbol->name);
u->type = TR_FLOAT, u->outlet = outlet_new(x, &s_float);
*** 2989,2993 ****
post("pipe: %s: bad time delay value", stupid);
deltime = 0;
! } else deltime = argv[argc-1].a_w.w_float;
--- 2980,2984 ----
post("pipe: %s: bad time delay value", stupid);
deltime = 0;
! } else deltime = argv[argc-1].a_float;
*** 3001,3005 ****
vec = x->vec = (t_pipeout *)getbytes(argc * sizeof(*x->vec));
for (i = argc, ap = argv; i--; ap++)
! if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL && *ap->a_w.w_symbol->name == 'p')
gp = x->gp = (t_gpointer *)t_getbytes(nptr * sizeof (*gp));
--- 2992,2996 ----
vec = x->vec = (t_pipeout *)getbytes(argc * sizeof(*x->vec));
for (i = argc, ap = argv; i--; ap++)
! if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL && *ap->a_symbol->name == 'p')
gp = x->gp = (t_gpointer *)t_getbytes(nptr * sizeof (*gp));
*** 3009,3019 ****
vp->a = *ap;
outlet_new(x, &s_float);
! if (i) floatinlet_new(x, &vp->a.a_w.w_float);
} else if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL) {
! char c = *ap->a_w.w_symbol->name;
if (c == 's') {
SETSYMBOL(&vp->a, &s_symbol);
outlet_new(x, &s_symbol);
! if (i) symbolinlet_new(x, &vp->a.a_w.w_symbol);
} else if (c == 'p') {
vp->a.a_type = A_POINTER;
--- 3000,3010 ----
vp->a = *ap;
outlet_new(x, &s_float);
! if (i) floatinlet_new(x, &vp->a.a_float);
} else if (ap->a_type == A_SYMBOL) {
! char c = *ap->a_symbol->name;
if (c == 's') {
SETSYMBOL(&vp->a, &s_symbol);
outlet_new(x, &s_symbol);
! if (i) symbolinlet_new(x, &vp->a.a_symbol);
} else if (c == 'p') {
vp->a.a_type = A_POINTER;
*** 3024,3031 ****
} else {
! if (c != 'f') error("pack: %s: bad type", ap->a_w.w_symbol->name);
SETFLOAT(&vp->a, 0);
outlet_new(x, &s_float);
! if (i) floatinlet_new(x, &vp->a.a_w.w_float);
--- 3015,3022 ----
} else {
! if (c != 'f') error("pack: %s: bad type", ap->a_symbol->name);
SETFLOAT(&vp->a, 0);
outlet_new(x, &s_float);
! if (i) floatinlet_new(x, &vp->a.a_float);
*** 3081,3086 ****
for (i = 0, gp = x->gp, p = x->vec, ap = av; i < ac; i++, p++, ap++) {
switch (p->a.a_type) {
! case A_FLOAT: p->a.a_w.w_float = atom_getfloat(ap); break;
! case A_SYMBOL: p->a.a_w.w_symbol = atom_getsymbol(ap); break;
--- 3072,3077 ----
for (i = 0, gp = x->gp, p = x->vec, ap = av; i < ac; i++, p++, ap++) {
switch (p->a.a_type) {
! case A_FLOAT: p->a.a_float = atom_getfloat(ap); break;
! case A_SYMBOL: p->a.a_symbol = atom_getsymbol(ap); break;