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Tag: devel_0_39
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Index: desire.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.178 -r1.1.2.179
*** desire.c 11 Sep 2006 08:18:36 -0000
--- desire.c 15 Sep 2006 07:39:07 -0000
*** 406,410 ****
static void canvas_rename(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *dir) {
t_symbol *bs = canvas_makebindsym(x->name);
- t_symbol *Pd = gensym("Pd");
if (x->name!=Pd) pd_unbind((t_pd *)x, bs);
x->name = s;
--- 406,409 ----
*** 544,549 ****
else {
canvas_setgraph(x, atom_getintarg(6, argc, argv), 0);
! x->xmargin = atom_getintarg(7, argc, argv);
! x->ymargin = atom_getintarg(8, argc, argv);
--- 543,548 ----
else {
canvas_setgraph(x, atom_getintarg(6, argc, argv), 0);
! x->xmargin = atom_getintarg(7, argc, argv);
! x->ymargin = atom_getintarg(8, argc, argv);
*** 4212,4221 ****
for (i = 0; i < scalartemplate->n; i++) {
t_dataslot *ds = scalartemplate->vec + i;
! if (ds->type == DT_LIST) {
! t_canvas *gl2 = x->sc_vec[i].w_list;
! template_conformcanvas(tfrom, tto, gl2, conformaction);
! } else if (ds->type == DT_ARRAY) {
! template_conformarray(tfrom, tto, conformaction, x->sc_vec[i].w_array);
! }
return x;
--- 4211,4216 ----
for (i = 0; i < scalartemplate->n; i++) {
t_dataslot *ds = scalartemplate->vec + i;
! if (ds->type == DT_LIST) template_conformcanvas(tfrom, tto, x->sc_vec[i].w_list, conformaction);
! if (ds->type == DT_ARRAY) template_conformarray(tfrom, tto, conformaction, x->sc_vec[i].w_array);
return x;
*** 4228,4233 ****
if (a->templatesym == tfrom->sym) {
/* the array elements must all be conformed */
! int oldelemsize = sizeof(t_word) * tfrom->n,
! newelemsize = sizeof(t_word) * tto->n;
char *newarray = (char *)getbytes(newelemsize * a->n);
char *oldarray = a->vec;
--- 4223,4228 ----
if (a->templatesym == tfrom->sym) {
/* the array elements must all be conformed */
! int oldelemsize = sizeof(t_word) * tfrom->n;
! int newelemsize = sizeof(t_word) * tto->n;
char *newarray = (char *)getbytes(newelemsize * a->n);
char *oldarray = a->vec;
*** 4242,4258 ****
a->vec = newarray;
freebytes(oldarray, oldelemsize * a->n);
! }
! else scalartemplate = template_findbyname(a->templatesym);
! /* convert all arrays and sublist fields in each element of the array */
for (i = 0; i < a->n; i++) {
t_word *wp = (t_word *)(a->vec + sizeof(t_word) * a->n * i);
for (j = 0; j < scalartemplate->n; j++) {
t_dataslot *ds = scalartemplate->vec + j;
! if (ds->type == DT_LIST) {
! t_canvas *gl2 = wp[j].w_list;
! template_conformcanvas(tfrom, tto, gl2, conformaction);
! } else if (ds->type == DT_ARRAY) {
! template_conformarray(tfrom, tto, conformaction, wp[j].w_array);
! }
--- 4237,4248 ----
a->vec = newarray;
freebytes(oldarray, oldelemsize * a->n);
! } else scalartemplate = template_findbyname(a->templatesym);
! /* convert all arrays and sublist fields in each element of the array */
for (i = 0; i < a->n; i++) {
t_word *wp = (t_word *)(a->vec + sizeof(t_word) * a->n * i);
for (j = 0; j < scalartemplate->n; j++) {
t_dataslot *ds = scalartemplate->vec + j;
! if (ds->type == DT_LIST) template_conformcanvas(tfrom, tto, wp[j].w_list, conformaction);
! if (ds->type == DT_ARRAY) template_conformarray(tfrom, tto, conformaction, wp[j].w_array);
*** 4262,4278 ****
to the "from" template and makes it belong to the "to" template. Descend canvases recursively.
We don't handle redrawing here; this is to be filled in LATER... */
t_array *garray_getarray(t_garray *x);
static void template_conformcanvas(t_template *tfrom, t_template *tto, t_canvas *canvas, int *conformaction) {
t_gobj *g;
- /* post("conform canvas %s", canvas->name->s_name); */
canvas_each(g,canvas) {
! if (pd_class(&g->g_pd) == scalar_class)
! g = &template_conformscalar(tfrom, tto, conformaction, canvas, (t_scalar *)g)->sc_gobj;
! else if (pd_class(&g->g_pd) == canvas_class)
template_conformcanvas(tfrom, tto, (t_canvas *)g, conformaction);
! else if (pd_class(&g->g_pd) == garray_class)
! template_conformarray(tfrom, tto, conformaction,
! garray_getarray((t_garray *)g));
--- 4252,4266 ----
to the "from" template and makes it belong to the "to" template. Descend canvases recursively.
We don't handle redrawing here; this is to be filled in LATER... */
t_array *garray_getarray(t_garray *x);
static void template_conformcanvas(t_template *tfrom, t_template *tto, t_canvas *canvas, int *conformaction) {
t_gobj *g;
canvas_each(g,canvas) {
! t_class *c = pd_class(&g->g_pd);
! if (c==scalar_class)
! g = (t_gobj *)template_conformscalar(tfrom, tto, conformaction, canvas, (t_scalar *)g);
! else if (c==canvas_class)
template_conformcanvas(tfrom, tto, (t_canvas *)g, conformaction);
! else if (c==garray_class)
! template_conformarray(tfrom, tto, conformaction, garray_getarray((t_garray *)g));
*** 4439,4443 ****
! /* old version (0.34) -- delete 2003 or so */
static void *gtemplate_new_old(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
t_symbol *sym = canvas_makebindsym(canvas_getcurrent()->name);
--- 4427,4431 ----
! /* old version (0.34) -- delete 2003 or so */
static void *gtemplate_new_old(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
t_symbol *sym = canvas_makebindsym(canvas_getcurrent()->name);
*** 4471,4480 ****
} else {
t_gtemplate *x2, *x3;
! for (x2 = t->t_list; (x3 = x2->x_next); x2 = x3) {
! if (x == x3) {
! x2->x_next = x3->x_next;
! break;
! }
! }
freebytes(x->argv, sizeof(t_atom) * x->argc);
--- 4459,4463 ----
} else {
t_gtemplate *x2, *x3;
! for (x2=t->t_list; (x3=x2->x_next); x2=x3) if (x==x3) {x2->x_next=x3->x_next; break;}
freebytes(x->argv, sizeof(t_atom) * x->argc);
*** 4636,4643 ****
t_object o;
int flags; /* CLOSED and/or BEZ */
! t_slot fillcolor;
! t_slot outlinecolor;
! t_slot width;
! t_slot vis;
int npoints;
t_slot *vec;
--- 4619,4623 ----
t_object o;
int flags; /* CLOSED and/or BEZ */
! t_slot fillcolor, outlinecolor, width, vis;
int npoints;
t_slot *vec;
*** 4666,4673 ****
} else break;
if (flags&CLOSED&&argc) slot_setfloatarg( &x->fillcolor, argc--,argv++);
else slot_setfloat_const(&x->fillcolor, 0);
--- 4646,4651 ----
*** 4687,4692 ****
! viswas = (x->vis.u.f != 0);
! if ((f != 0 && viswas) || (f == 0 && !viswas)) return;
canvas_redrawallfortemplatecanvas(x->canvas, 2);
slot_setfloat_const(&x->vis, f!=0);
--- 4665,4670 ----
! viswas = x->vis.u.f!=0;
! if ((f!=0 && viswas) || (f==0 && !viswas)) return;
canvas_redrawallfortemplatecanvas(x->canvas, 2);
slot_setfloat_const(&x->vis, f!=0);
*** 4694,4699 ****
- /* -------------------- widget behavior for curve ------------ */
static void curve_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_canvas *canvas, t_word *data, t_template *template,
float basex, float basey, int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2) {
--- 4672,4675 ----
*** 4789,4792 ****
--- 4765,4770 ----
+ int iabs(int a) {return a<0?-a:a;}
static int curve_click(t_gobj *z, t_canvas *canvas, t_word *data, t_template *template, t_scalar *sc,
t_array *ap, float basex, float basey, int xpix, int ypix, int shift, int alt, int dbl, int doit) {
*** 4800,4807 ****
int xval = slot_getcoord(f , template, data, 0), xloc = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + xval);
int yval = slot_getcoord(f+1, template, data, 0), yloc = canvas_ytopixels(canvas, basey + yval);
! int xerr = xloc - xpix, yerr = yloc - ypix;
if (!f->var && !(f+1)->var) continue;
- if (xerr < 0) xerr = -xerr;
- if (yerr < 0) yerr = -yerr;
if (yerr > xerr) xerr = yerr;
if (xerr < besterror) {
--- 4778,4784 ----
int xval = slot_getcoord(f , template, data, 0), xloc = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + xval);
int yval = slot_getcoord(f+1, template, data, 0), yloc = canvas_ytopixels(canvas, basey + yval);
! int xerr = iabs(xloc-xpix);
! int yerr = iabs(yloc-ypix);
if (!f->var && !(f+1)->var) continue;
if (yerr > xerr) xerr = yerr;
if (xerr < besterror) {
*** 4816,4821 ****
cm.xper = canvas_pixelstox(canvas, 1) - canvas_pixelstox(canvas, 0);
cm.yper = canvas_pixelstoy(canvas, 1) - canvas_pixelstoy(canvas, 0);
! cm.xcumulative = 0;
! cm.ycumulative = 0;
cm.canvas = canvas;
cm.scalar = sc;
--- 4793,4797 ----
cm.xper = canvas_pixelstox(canvas, 1) - canvas_pixelstox(canvas, 0);
cm.yper = canvas_pixelstoy(canvas, 1) - canvas_pixelstoy(canvas, 0);
! cm.xcumulative = cm.ycumulative = 0;
cm.canvas = canvas;
cm.scalar = sc;
*** 4843,4847 ****
t_slot data, xpoints, ypoints, wpoints;
t_slot vis;
! t_slot scalarvis; /* true if drawing the scalar at each point */
} t_plot;
--- 4819,4823 ----
t_slot data, xpoints, ypoints, wpoints;
t_slot vis;
! t_slot scalarvis; /* true if drawing the scalar at each point */
} t_plot;
*** 4858,4865 ****
t_symbol *firstarg = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
const char *f = firstarg->s_name;
! if (!strcmp(f, "curve") || !strcmp(f, "-c")) {
! defstyle = PLOTSTYLE_BEZ;
! argc--, argv++;
! }
else if (!strcmp(f,"-v") &&argc>1) {slot_setfloatarg(&x->vis, 1,argv+1);argc-=2;argv+=2;}
else if (!strcmp(f,"-vs")&&argc>1) {slot_setfloatarg(&x->scalarvis,1,argv+1);argc-=2;argv+=2;}
--- 4834,4838 ----
t_symbol *firstarg = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
const char *f = firstarg->s_name;
! if (!strcmp(f, "curve") || !strcmp(f, "-c")) {defstyle = PLOTSTYLE_BEZ; argc--; argv++; }
else if (!strcmp(f,"-v") &&argc>1) {slot_setfloatarg(&x->vis, 1,argv+1);argc-=2;argv+=2;}
else if (!strcmp(f,"-vs")&&argc>1) {slot_setfloatarg(&x->scalarvis,1,argv+1);argc-=2;argv+=2;}
*** 4885,4890 ****
! viswas = x->vis.u.f != 0;
! if ((f != 0 && viswas) || (f == 0 && !viswas)) return;
canvas_redrawallfortemplatecanvas(x->canvas, 2);
slot_setfloat_const(&x->vis, f!=0);
--- 4858,4863 ----
! viswas = x->vis.u.f!=0;
! if ((f!=0 && viswas) || (f==0 && !viswas)) return;
canvas_redrawallfortemplatecanvas(x->canvas, 2);
slot_setfloat_const(&x->vis, f!=0);
*** 4892,4907 ****
- /* -------------------- widget behavior for plot ------------ */
/* get everything we'll need from the owner template of the array being
plotted. Not used for garrays, but see below */
static int plot_readownertemplate(t_plot *x, t_word *data, t_template *ownertemplate,
t_symbol **elemtemplatesymp, t_array **arrayp, float *linewidthp, float *xlocp, float *xincp, float *ylocp,
! float *stylep, float *visp, float *scalarvisp, t_slot **xfield, t_slot **yfield, t_slot **wfield) {
int arrayonset, type;
t_symbol *elemtemplatesym;
t_array *array;
- /* find the data and verify it's an array */
if (x->data.type != A_ARRAY || !x->data.var) {
pd_error(x,"needs an array field");
--- 4865,4876 ----
/* get everything we'll need from the owner template of the array being
plotted. Not used for garrays, but see below */
static int plot_readownertemplate(t_plot *x, t_word *data, t_template *ownertemplate,
t_symbol **elemtemplatesymp, t_array **arrayp, float *linewidthp, float *xlocp, float *xincp, float *ylocp,
! float *stylep, float *visp, float *scalarvisp) {
int arrayonset, type;
t_symbol *elemtemplatesym;
t_array *array;
if (x->data.type != A_ARRAY || !x->data.var) {
pd_error(x,"needs an array field");
*** 4926,4932 ****
*elemtemplatesymp = elemtemplatesym;
*arrayp = array;
- *xfield = &x->xpoints;
- *yfield = &x->ypoints;
- *wfield = &x->wpoints;
return 0;
--- 4895,4898 ----
*** 4941,4945 ****
t_symbol *dummy, *varname;
t_canvas *elemtemplatecanvas = 0;
/* the "float" template is special in not having to have a canvas;
template_findbyname is hardwired to return a predefined template. */
--- 4907,4910 ----
*** 4955,4959 ****
*elemtemplatep = elemtemplate;
*elemsizep = elemtemplate->n * sizeof(t_word);
#define FOO(f,name,onset) \
varname = f && f->var ? f->u.varsym : gensym(name); \
--- 4920,4923 ----
*** 4980,4984 ****
t_slot *xslot, *yslot, *wslot;
if (plot_readownertemplate(x, data, template, &elemtemplatesym, &array, &linewidth, &xloc,
! &xinc, &yloc, &style, &vis, &scalarvis, &xslot, &yslot, &wslot)) goto end;
if (!vis) goto end;
if (array_getfields(elemtemplatesym, &elemtemplatecanvas,
--- 4944,4952 ----
t_slot *xslot, *yslot, *wslot;
if (plot_readownertemplate(x, data, template, &elemtemplatesym, &array, &linewidth, &xloc,
! &xinc, &yloc, &style, &vis, &scalarvis)) goto end;
! xslot = &x->xpoints;
! yslot = &x->ypoints;
! wslot = &x->wpoints;
if (!vis) goto end;
if (array_getfields(elemtemplatesym, &elemtemplatecanvas,
*** 5032,5036 ****
t_slot *xslot, *yslot, *wslot;
if (plot_readownertemplate(x, data, template, &elemtemplatesym, &array, &linewidth, &xloc, &xinc,
! &yloc, &style, &vis, &scalarvis, &xslot, &yslot, &wslot)) return;
if (!vis) return;
if (array_getfields(elemtemplatesym, &elemtemplatecanvas, &elemtemplate, &elemsize,
--- 5000,5007 ----
t_slot *xslot, *yslot, *wslot;
if (plot_readownertemplate(x, data, template, &elemtemplatesym, &array, &linewidth, &xloc, &xinc,
! &yloc, &style, &vis, &scalarvis)) return;
! xslot = &x->xpoints;
! yslot = &x->ypoints;
! wslot = &x->wpoints;
if (!vis) return;
if (array_getfields(elemtemplatesym, &elemtemplatecanvas, &elemtemplate, &elemsize,
*** 5080,5092 ****
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create polygon \\\n", (long)canvas_getcanvas(canvas));
for (i = 0, xsum = xloc; i < nelem; i++) {
! if (xonset >= 0) usexloc = xloc + *(float *)((elem + elemsize*i) + xonset);
else usexloc = xsum, xsum += xinc;
! if (yonset >= 0) yval = *(float *)((elem + elemsize*i) + yonset); else yval = 0;
! wval = *(float *)((elem + elemsize*i) + wonset);
xpix = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + slot_cvttocoord(xslot, usexloc));
ixpix = xpix + 0.5;
if (xonset >= 0 || ixpix != lastpixel) {
sys_vgui("%d %f \\\n", ixpix, canvas_ytopixels(canvas,
! basey + slot_cvttocoord(yslot, yloc + yval)
- slot_cvttocoord(wslot,wval)));
--- 5051,5063 ----
sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create polygon \\\n", (long)canvas_getcanvas(canvas));
for (i = 0, xsum = xloc; i < nelem; i++) {
! if (xonset >= 0) usexloc = xloc + *(float *)(elem+elemsize*i+xonset);
else usexloc = xsum, xsum += xinc;
! yval = yonset>=0 ? *(float *)(elem+elemsize*i+yonset) : 0;
! wval = *(float *)(elem+elemsize*i+wonset);
xpix = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + slot_cvttocoord(xslot, usexloc));
ixpix = xpix + 0.5;
if (xonset >= 0 || ixpix != lastpixel) {
sys_vgui("%d %f \\\n", ixpix, canvas_ytopixels(canvas,
! basey + slot_cvttocoord(yslot,yval+yloc)
- slot_cvttocoord(wslot,wval)));
*** 5098,5104 ****
for (i = nelem-1; i >= 0; i--) {
float usexloc;
! if (xonset >= 0) usexloc = xloc + *(float *)((elem + elemsize*i) + xonset);
else xsum -= xinc, usexloc = xsum;
! if (yonset >= 0) yval = *(float *)((elem + elemsize*i) + yonset); else yval = 0;
wval = *(float *)((elem + elemsize*i) + wonset);
xpix = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + slot_cvttocoord(xslot, usexloc));
--- 5069,5075 ----
for (i = nelem-1; i >= 0; i--) {
float usexloc;
! if (xonset >= 0) usexloc = xloc + *(float *)(elem+elemsize*i+xonset);
else xsum -= xinc, usexloc = xsum;
! if (yonset >= 0) yval = *(float *)(elem+elemsize*i+yonset); else yval = 0;
wval = *(float *)((elem + elemsize*i) + wonset);
xpix = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + slot_cvttocoord(xslot, usexloc));
*** 5106,5110 ****
if (xonset >= 0 || ixpix != lastpixel) {
sys_vgui("%d %f \\\n", ixpix, canvas_ytopixels(canvas,
! basey + yloc + slot_cvttocoord(yslot, yval) + slot_cvttocoord(wslot, wval)));
--- 5077,5081 ----
if (xonset >= 0 || ixpix != lastpixel) {
sys_vgui("%d %f \\\n", ixpix, canvas_ytopixels(canvas,
! basey + yloc + slot_cvttocoord(yslot, yval) + slot_cvttocoord(wslot, wval)));
*** 5130,5139 ****
for (xsum = xloc, i = 0; i < nelem; i++) {
float usexloc;
! if (xonset >= 0) usexloc = xloc + *(float *)((elem + elemsize*i) + xonset); else usexloc = xsum, xsum += xinc;
! if (yonset >= 0) yval = *(float *)((elem + elemsize*i) + yonset); else yval = 0;
xpix = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + slot_cvttocoord(xslot, usexloc));
ixpix = xpix + 0.5;
if (xonset >= 0 || ixpix != lastpixel) {
! sys_vgui("%d %f \\\n", ixpix, canvas_ytopixels(canvas, basey + yloc + slot_cvttocoord(yslot, yval)));
--- 5101,5111 ----
for (xsum = xloc, i = 0; i < nelem; i++) {
float usexloc;
! if (xonset >= 0) usexloc = xloc + *(float *)(elem+elemsize*i+xonset); else usexloc = xsum, xsum += xinc;
! if (yonset >= 0) yval = *(float *)(elem+elemsize*i+yonset); else yval = 0;
xpix = canvas_xtopixels(canvas, basex + slot_cvttocoord(xslot, usexloc));
ixpix = xpix + 0.5;
if (xonset >= 0 || ixpix != lastpixel) {
! sys_vgui("%d %f \\\n", ixpix,
! canvas_ytopixels(canvas, basey + yloc + slot_cvttocoord(yslot, yval)));
*** 5141,5145 ****
if (ndrawn >= 1000) break;
! /* TK will complain if there aren't at least 2 points... */
if (ndrawn == 0) sys_vgui("0 0 0 0 \\\n");
else if (ndrawn == 1) sys_vgui("%d %f \\\n", ixpix + 10,
--- 5113,5117 ----
if (ndrawn >= 1000) break;
! /* TK will complain if there aren't at least 2 points... */
if (ndrawn == 0) sys_vgui("0 0 0 0 \\\n");
else if (ndrawn == 1) sys_vgui("%d %f \\\n", ixpix + 10,
*** 5159,5168 ****
t_gobj *y;
if (xonset >= 0)
! usexloc = basex + xloc + *(float *)((elem + elemsize*i) + xonset); else usexloc = basex + xsum, xsum += xinc;
! if (yonset >= 0) yval = *(float *)((elem + elemsize*i) + yonset); else yval = 0;
useyloc = basey + yloc + slot_cvttocoord(yslot, yval);
canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) {
t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(&y->g_pd);
! if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)(elem + elemsize*i),
elemtemplate, usexloc, useyloc, tovis);
--- 5131,5140 ----
t_gobj *y;
if (xonset >= 0)
! usexloc = basex + xloc + *(float *)(elem+elemsize*i+xonset); else usexloc = basex + xsum, xsum += xinc;
! yval = yonset>=0 ? *(float *)(elem+elemsize*i+yonset) : 0;
useyloc = basey + yloc + slot_cvttocoord(yslot, yval);
canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) {
t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(&y->g_pd);
! if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)(elem+elemsize*i),
elemtemplate, usexloc, useyloc, tovis);
*** 5177,5181 ****
canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) {
t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(&y->g_pd);
! if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)(elem + elemsize*i), elemtemplate,0,0,0);
--- 5149,5153 ----
canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) {
t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(&y->g_pd);
! if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)(elem+elemsize*i), elemtemplate,0,0,0);
*** 5192,5201 ****
float linewidth, xloc, xinc, yloc, style, vis, scalarvis;
t_array *array;
! t_slot *xslot, *yslot, *wslot;
! if (plot_readownertemplate(x, data, template, &elemtemplatesym, &array, &linewidth,
! &xloc, &xinc, &yloc, &style, &vis, &scalarvis, &xslot, &yslot, &wslot)) return 0;
if (!vis) return 0;
return array_doclick(array, canvas, sc, ap, elemtemplatesym, linewidth, basex + xloc, xinc,
! basey + yloc, scalarvis, xslot, yslot, wslot, xpix, ypix, shift, alt, dbl, doit);
--- 5164,5172 ----
float linewidth, xloc, xinc, yloc, style, vis, scalarvis;
t_array *array;
! if (plot_readownertemplate(x, data, template, &elemtemplatesym, &array, &linewidth, &xloc, &xinc,
! &yloc, &style, &vis, &scalarvis)) return 0;
if (!vis) return 0;
return array_doclick(array, canvas, sc, ap, elemtemplatesym, linewidth, basex + xloc, xinc,
! basey + yloc, scalarvis, &x->xpoints, &x->ypoints, &x->wpoints, xpix, ypix, shift, alt, dbl, doit);
*** 5257,5262 ****
- /* -------------------- widget behavior for drawnumber ------------ */
static void drawnumber_sprintf(t_drawnumber *x, char *buf, t_atom *ap) {
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